In the central tower, dozens of teams explored the flesh and blood maze in an orderly manner.

In the past ten minutes, they killed a large number of corpse ghosts controlled by the corpse king and destroyed many key flesh and blood walls. Everyone got a lot of contribution points.

But unfortunately, the exploration of the core location of the corpse king has not made much progress.

Because although more than a dozen teams will communicate with each other using intercoms and ask each other for help when encountering strong enemies, in this competitive situation where each team fights for itself, key intelligence will never be shared.

Even if it is shared, it will be suspected that it is a smoke bomb or fake news that is deliberately misleading!

In this case, even if the flesh and blood maze itself is not particularly huge for the extraordinary, its complex internal structure still prevents a group of awakened people from finding its core.

"We can't drag it on like this!"

When Lin Wanyue smashed a flesh and blood wall and found that the back was an old road that she had marked and explored, her mentality exploded a little.

Her face was very ugly. In addition to not being able to find the location of the Corpse King, Lin Wanyue also received a piece of news just now, that is, Ye Junlin's team has been divided into three groups, which greatly accelerated the speed of exploration and contribution.

"Mu Qing, divide the team into three, no, five to explore! We must not fall behind!"

"Miss." Mu Qing glanced at Lin Wanyue and said tactfully: "Ye Junlin and the others did that because the overall eliteness and number of people are relatively high."

"Each team has at least one leader of the Seven Knights level, which allows enough reaction time when encountering danger."

"Based on our current team size, it is too risky to divide into five groups, or how about two groups?"

"What danger can there be?" Lin Wanyue said nonchalantly, "The strength of these corpse ghosts is not strong, which means that the corpse king is already extremely weak. If we don't strike while the iron is hot at this time, then wait for the core anchor point to be snatched away by others!"

Hearing this, Mu Qing immediately said anxiously: "Miss, there are also Jidao."

He looked around, as if he didn't want to cause panic among the other team members, and whispered: "The strength of each of those Jidao is not weaker than the Seven Knights. This flesh and blood maze is perfect. Hunting environment! The risk of dispersion is too great! "

"Tsk," Lin Wanyue snorted disdainfully, "These people who hide their heads and show their tails only dare to pick on those who are alone. They are just bullies who are afraid of the strong and bully the weak. How could they dare to provoke us? Has anyone from our forces been attacked by the extreme before?"

"If they really dare to come, I will take action."

"Besides, how can we gain anything without taking risks? Like before, we entered the central city a day in advance, and in the end, we were safe and sound, and we gained a considerable advantage! "

"But Miss, if you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet. We..."

Mu Qing wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Lin Wanyue's impatient wave: "Just listen to me and do it. When did I make a mistake?"

Mu Qing sighed and had no choice but to discuss arrangements with other ranks. Naturally, many of them were unwilling to take risks, especially those awakened ones with weaker strength. For them, they couldn't grab the anchor point in the first place, so why bother to fight foolishly?

But Lin Wanyue threatened: "You took the money from my Lin's consortium, and when you need to contribute, you start to shirk your responsibilities. How can such a good thing happen?"

"I'll put it here. Those who follow my instructions will be rewarded even if they don't contribute. If you successfully find the location of the corpse king, you will be rewarded with 100 million Chinese yuan!"

"But if you don't want to contribute... Hehe, my Lin family doesn't need cowards, nor are we philanthropists who pay salaries for nothing!"

"You all know that Chen Ce, right? He took the money from our consortium, but he disappeared in the last few days. Do you think I can't find him with a mask? If he's dead, it's okay. If he's not dead, then I will make him live a life worse than death!"

Lin Wanyue's tone was grim, and everyone looked at each other and was silent.

Mu Qing looked at Lin Wanyue with a complicated expression. He was Lin Wanyue's classmate. He remembered that when she first entered school, Lin Wanyue was still a very shy girl, but since she measured her super high energy level and attracted the attention of the Lin family, she gradually changed.

She started to go to school in a luxury car, played with the rich kids in the school, wore expensive jewelry, and her personality became more and more self-centered.

Mu Qing didn't know whether she finally didn't have to hide her true nature, or whether money and power really had such a huge magic that could change a person so thoroughly.

"But in school, you can go smoothly because everyone has always given in to you, and you can explore without mistakes in the early stage because the foundation prepared by the Lin family for you is enough to cope with all changes."

"But now"

Mu Qing sighed and buried all these words in his stomach.

Under Lin Wanyue's threat, the sporadic voices of resistance soon disappeared. There was no way. The scale of the Lin consortium was too large, far from being something that ordinary people like them could offend.

Everyone dispersed, and the exploration efficiency was indeed much faster. After a while, several new paths were discovered, and great progress was made.

This made Lin Wanyue's eyes shine with satisfaction.

"Team 2, report intelligence." Lin Wanyue asked while holding the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, we are now"

"Good, Team 3, report the situation."

"We killed two ghouls, followed the blood vessels behind them, and found a tumor."

"Very good!"

"Team 4, how about you?"


"Team 4?"

"Team 4, reply!"

However, the intercom was still dead silent, and Lin Wanyue had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Team 5, Team 4 has lost contact, you go to their location immediately to investigate!"


"Team 5?"

Lin Wanyue's face finally changed, she raised the intercom and shouted: "Everyone, stop exploring immediately and gather here!"

However, I don't know what happened, the other two teams didn't reply!

A panicked look appeared on Lin Wanyue's face: "Mu Qing, contact other teams and let them..."

However, before she finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion, and the flesh and blood wall on her side suddenly exploded, and a pair of big hands stretched out from it, strangling her throat!


The arm was extremely decisive, and the moment it grabbed Lin Wanyue, the five fingers sent a huge force, almost crushing her throat!

The huge pain and suffocation rushed to Lin Wanyue's mind, making her faint!

At the critical moment, a ball of spiritual light rose from her body, bounced the big hands away, and Lin Wanyue fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The awakened person has strong vitality, and the slight injury to the larynx actually has little effect, but this is the first time she has encountered such a situation since she was a child. The huge pain made her whole person stunned and completely at a loss! She just crawled back with both feet and instinctively left the mysterious attacker.

This sudden attack also made the awakened people around panic. Mu Qing yelled and organized everyone to resist the enemy, but at this time, the flesh and blood wall above everyone's head suddenly exploded, and three figures fell directly into the crowd!

These three people were all wearing masks, with burly figures, and the aura on their bodies was incredibly powerful! What's more terrifying is that each of them has a strong murderous aura, and the black robe has long been stained with blood, as if it had been soaked in a pile of dead bodies!

Needless to say, everyone instantly understood the identities of these three people.

Extreme! ! !

The three extremes rushed into the awakened team, like tigers and wolves entering a flock of sheep, and almost no one could withstand their attack! Even if Lin Wanyue had several soldier-level awakened people under her command at this time, there was no room for her to fight back!

She was too confident and dispersed several strong men. Those who stayed were all those who had just broken through to the soldier level and were more auxiliary professions. Their individual combat power was no match for the attackers at all!

In the face of such one-sided killing, Lin Wanyue's team collapsed directly, and everyone fled in all directions. Only Lin Wanyue was left on the spot, covering the wound on her throat with horror on her face!


With a loud bang, the long knife of one of the attackers slashed heavily on Lin Wanyue's body shield, causing a crack in the shield that wrapped her.

This made Lin Wanyue even more terrified. At this moment, she felt the breath of death for the first time!

She was going to die! ! !

Lin Wanyue instinctively resisted this idea. How could she die?

Her life should have been smooth sailing, like an ugly duckling, making a gorgeous comeback after going through the initial silence. She should have danced with the heirs of the consortium in suits at luxurious parties, and run the Lin Consortium in the envious eyes of others. She still had a great life to enjoy, how could it end like this?

But the loud noise of the swords hitting the shield, the cracks in the surrounding barriers gradually expanding, and the severe pain in her throat all reminded her that she was really going to die, today!

Great fear and regret surged in her heart, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

She could let others take risks for her without hesitation, and when others raised objections, she righteously rebuked their cowardice and despised their fear of death, but when it was her turn, she was so scared that she burst into tears.

Obviously, she still had the strength to fight, but now she had no idea of ​​resisting. The fear of facing death made her at a loss, and she had only one thought in her heart.

Who can come and save me!

Anyone can do it!


Just when she was about to despair, suddenly with a slight sound, a naked figure strangely appeared near the four people and fell heavily to the ground.

This was a well-proportioned teenager, with full and tight muscles without a trace of excess fat. The most eye-catching thing was his chest, with a strange tattoo that seemed to be like a fountain.

After appearing without any signs, he first looked at his naked body, then looked at Lin Wanyue and the three extremes around him, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"The transmission ability of this badge is really much worse than that of the abyss."

The boy seemed to mutter such a sentence.

Lin Wanyue had never seen this boy before, and she didn't know why he suddenly appeared naked, but at this time she had no time to think, but as if grasping the last straw, she shouted with a throat that had just healed a little: "Run! Go find Ye Junlin to save me!"

And before the boy could do anything, a disdainful laugh sounded in the field.

"Do you think you can escape?"

The three Jidao rushed out at the same time, approaching the boy quickly from three directions!

Lin Wanyue's eyes showed despair again. The three Jidao were very fast, and it was obvious that they had accumulated a lot of experience points in the killing. Each of them was at least level 6! And the boy didn't seem to understand the situation yet, just standing there stupidly.

However, just when the blades of the three were about to chop the boy's body, he suddenly looked up, and a flash of impatience flashed in his eyes like looking at an ant.

Without seeing any movement from him, two demonic arms suddenly appeared from behind him and grabbed the two Ji Dao who were rushing forward!

Before Lin Wanyue could react, she saw two huge balls of blood bursting out of the air!


The crushed and broken bodies of the two Ji Dao fell to the ground, and a large number of items exploded, leaving Lin Wanyue completely stunned.

Another Ji Dao had a look of disbelief in his eyes, and before he could escape, he saw the naked young man stepping out.

His speed was so fast, far faster than any awakened person Lin Wanyue had ever seen. Ji Dao had no time to react before he was grabbed by the neck and picked up! The previously arrogant Ji Dao was helpless in front of him! The gap in strength between the two is like a chasm!

"Where are your superior relatives?"

The young man's calm voice sounded.

"Uh uh, I, I can't."


The Jidao's neck was broken, and his completely lifeless body fell to the ground.

Lin Wanyue stared blankly at the corpse with wide eyes, her mind going blank.

Just die like this?

Those three terrifying Yakuza died like this?

Even Ye Junlin may not be able to achieve the three extremes in an instant, right? No, it definitely can’t be done!

Who is this young man, and how could he be such a powerful awakener? !

But without thinking too much, the great joy of surviving the disaster came to my heart, and the doubts were eliminated!

It doesn't matter who the boy is, what matters is that she survived!

Lin Wanyue looked at the young man, her eyes full of savior-like worship, and said excitedly: "Thank you classmate for saving me. When I return to Blue Star, I will definitely..."

But suddenly, Lin Wanyue's voice stopped abruptly. She looked at the arms behind the boy, as if she had thought of something, and fear appeared on her face again.

"Wait, you, you are"

Before she finished speaking, there was a "pop" sound, and a spike shot through her shield, along with her body.

Lin Wanyue lowered her head in disbelief, the look in her eyes gradually disappeared, and then she slowly fell to the ground, completely losing her breath. "Bang."

A large number of items exploded, and Chu Xiu calmly stepped forward and put them all away.

The moment Lin Wanyue saw his true appearance, his fate was doomed.

He didn't have a good impression of this woman either, she was just a "why not eat minced meat" upper class, and only when the butcher's knife was placed on their necks would all kinds of remorse and virtue suddenly emerge.

Furthermore, there were no other witnesses at the scene.

Then it was all done by the extremely evil people. What does it have to do with me, Chu Xiu?

With a wave of his hand, the corpses of the three Ji Dao were refined and sucked into the spiritual flesh storage bag, while Lin Wanyue's corpse remained in place.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu closed his eyes slightly. A large number of monsters reestablished contact with him, and the situation of the entire tower was instantly under his control.

After a while, he opened his eyes. "The matter is more serious than I thought."

Lin Wanyue is no exception, the number of Ji Dao is far more than Chu Xiu expected! He sensed more than ten of them alone. They were taking advantage of the special terrain of the flesh and blood maze to frantically attack and kill the lone awakened ones to obtain their resources. "Strange, aren't these guys worried that the power of the Corpse King will be unsealed, causing the entire world mission to fail?" "The experience and items gained from killing these awakened ones are far less valuable than the anchor points."

"Also, the high-ranking family member seems to have never appeared. He is really well hidden."

But Chu Xiu didn't care.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has, now that he is here, he is destined to fail.

In the face of overwhelming power, no strategy is worth mentioning.

The devil's hands gathered behind Chu Xiu, and the majestic power surged in his body! "boom!"

As the mad devil punched out, the terrifying power directly penetrated the maze of flesh and blood!

He was like a human excavator, destroying obstacles along the way and heading towards the deepest part of the maze of flesh and blood.

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