Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 134 Chapter 133 The Abyss and the Past

"Proof of the past."

Ye Junlin muttered this unfamiliar term silently.

Qin Xiang asked: "Have you ever thought about this question, that is, what exactly is the abyss? And why does it help the awakened ones grow? By killing monsters, you can upgrade explosive equipment and causal points, and you will be given a gift when you go through the awakening trial. A complete world, and various mission rewards. Is Abyss some kind of good person? "

Qin Xiang's words made Ye Junlin not know how to answer for a while. Of course he had thought about this question. In fact, everyone who came into contact with the abyss for the first time should have such doubts.

But the abyss is too mysterious to everyone. Even the top awakened people don't know enough about it, and no one can give the answer at all.

Ye Junlin shook his head, and Qin Xiang continued: "This is because only if we go deep enough into the abyss, the abyss can swallow us. When we rely on the power of the abyss to strengthen ourselves, we are constantly going deeper into the abyss."

With that said, Qin Xiang took out a document and threw it over: "You should have been exposed to the concept of deep diving when you were undergoing the knighthood trial, right?"

"This is the statistics of the deep dive depth of the knight-level trials by the relevant departments in the past twenty years."

Ye Junlin took it and took a look and was shocked to find that the number was constantly increasing. The average diving depth twenty years ago was only 412, but this year it has become 917!

"Not only that, but also this," Qin Xiang took out another document, "This is the probability of completing world missions in the past thirty years."

Ye Junlin looked at it and found that it was generally in a convex arc shape. It reached its peak thirteen years ago and then gradually declined.

“When we first entered the abyss, people were unprepared, so the pass rate was very low. Later, as the government established unified management measures, centralized intelligence analysis agencies, and improved overall training and equipment levels, the pass rate increased rapidly. "

“But 13 years ago, as if it reached a tipping point, it began to slowly decline.”

"I can tell you with certainty that the overall eliteness of our students is rising every year and has never dropped. So there is only one explanation for this, and that is that the difficulty of world tasks is also increasing! And the growth rate is faster than our progress. Be faster!"

Qin Xiang's words made Ye Junlin finally realize the seriousness of the matter.

In the abyss, the deeper the depth, the higher the difficulty and the greater the danger. In other words, for more than ten years, Blue Star has been sinking in the abyss!

At this time, Ye Junlin thought of something: "Those alien demons"

"Yes," Qin Xiang nodded, "This may mean that Blue Star has penetrated into a brand new area."

"In the future, we may also become completely swallowed by the abyss like those doomsday worlds that are swallowed up in the abyss and have no vitality at all."

Now, Ye Junlin finally understood why Qin Xiang, an A-level operator, and his parents looked so solemn.

If Blue Star cannot be stopped from continuing to fall, one day Blue Star will become the same as the end of mankind in the world of zombies!

"But, what does this have to do with the Dark Night King?" Ye Junlin was still a little confused, "Can he still prevent Blue Star from entering the abyss?"

"Jun Lin, let me ask you again," Qin Xiang did not answer directly, but asked another question: "What do you think of a world that is swallowed by the abyss?"

Ye Junlin was stunned for a moment, recalling the information about various worlds he had read, and was really confused for a moment.

Annihilation of life? No, there is life in many worlds, but there are no humans.

Is that occupied by abyssal creatures? It doesn't seem right. For example, in the world of ultra-limited evolution, there aren't many abyssal creatures. Most of them are native animals and plants that are constantly evolving.

In the end, it was Qin Xiang who gave him the answer: "It's the disappearance of 'civilization'."


"Yes, let me give you an example."

As he spoke, Qin Xiang casually pinched a piece of paper into a small ball and threw it forward. The ball drew a precise parabola and landed on the ground.

"I throw the same ball in the same direction and with the same force. Assuming it is not subject to other external forces, if I throw it a hundred times, will its landing point be any different?"

Ye Junlin shook his head.

"What about ten thousand times?"

Ye Junlin still shook his head.

Qin Xiang nodded and said: "Yes, in the world of classical physics, everything is a calculable fixed number. This is the 'clock theory' that was very popular among physicists in the 19th century. It means that everything is like a clock, with The exact development pattern is difficult for us humans to predict, it’s just that our computing power is not strong enough.”

"Of course, we now know that this world is full of uncertainties. Quantum mechanics tells us that randomness may be the underlying logic of this world."

"But from a macroscopic perspective, the development of everything is still dominated by classical physics. However, the real world is too complex and full of countless variables. Any small change may cause huge changes in the results. With human beings Ability, even basic weather prediction, can only be simulated and estimated, but cannot be calculated accurately. "

"But the abyss is different. The abyss is powerful enough to accurately calculate the real world! In other words, the abyss can completely predict every change in the world for thousands of years without any errors!"

"When it does this, although the creatures in the world are still moving and multiplying, everything has been determined. There will no longer be any variables in that world, and the abyss can completely digitize it and devour it as food! "

"Civilization can greatly increase the complexity of the world. A tiger's actions are very predictable. It is nothing more than hunting and resting. The behavior of a human being is not very complicated, but when a group of people get together When civilization is formed, when music, literature, and art are born, when the sparks of thinking collide, the difficulty of prediction will increase exponentially!”

"Human thinking is huge and complex. Countless thoughts arise at every moment, blending and influencing each other. Maybe a sentence you accidentally saw ten years ago, even if you have forgotten it, may be engraved in your subconscious. It is this small deviation that affects our actions ten years later, and it is this small deviation that makes it impossible for the abyss to be completely predictable, and as long as it is not completely predictable, it cannot swallow us.”

Qin Xiang's words made Ye Junlin seem to understand, and his head felt dizzy.

"For example, our world is a process of continuous evolution. As long as the abyss can master all the parameters and complete the evolution of the next tens of millions of years for us, it can engulf us, and the emergence of civilization will increase its engulfment. difficulty." Father Ye explained.

Now Ye Junlin understood a little bit: "In other words, civilization is the natural enemy of the abyss. We should develop civilization as much as possible?"

"Yes," Qin Xiang nodded, "and this must be proved by the old days."

"The Certificate of the Past can only be obtained by a single player whose contribution to the world reaches over 50%. It can guide the awakened to the past."

"The so-called old days are civilizations that have not been completely annihilated and are isolated in another dimension of time and space. When the fire of civilization is small enough but not completely extinguished, the abyss will isolate it to complete the engulfment of the world in advance. ”

"We call people who have evidence of the old days 'envoys of civilization'. As long as they rekindle the fire of civilization in the old days, they can save that civilization from the old days. The emergence of civilization will completely destroy the outside world." Out of the abyss and into our hands.”

"And only by collecting, strengthening, and gathering these scattered fires of civilization, and lighting up a torch that can illuminate the dark night, can we possibly fight against the abyss!"

Qin Xiang's words made Ye Junlin completely understand.

The number of awakened ones is too small. Even if they capture the world of zombies, they are just a bunch of passers-by and plunderers, and there is no way they can thrive and establish civilization in this world.

Therefore, the fire of local civilization must be ignited in order to truly occupy the world.

"Civilization is extremely important. In addition to restoring civilization, there is also a probability in the old days of finding information about the superior beings who destroyed the world."

"In the battle of high-level awakeners, intelligence is very crucial, so the eight heavenly kings have been cultivating disciples who have the potential to become civilized envoys."

"But until now, there are only five of them, and I have just inquired that the King of Dark Night is not a disciple of any of the top awakened ones we know of."

"So, we must try our best to contact him!"

After the words fell, Ye Junlin fully understood the seriousness of the situation and nodded seriously.

On the other side, Chu Xiu, who had no idea that he had attracted the attention of many big shots, returned to Blue Star.

As his body slowly solidified, he landed on the square.

Because he was delayed in the awakening space for a while, he returned late. When he returned to Blue Star, there were not many people left in the square.

Then he saw Zhang Qingshan running towards him with excitement on his face.

"Achu, you are still alive!"

He screamed in surprise and joy, rushed up and gave Chu Xiu a bear hug.

Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Are you so excited? How can I die so easily?"

Zhang Qingshan's eyes were slightly red: "I went to the stronghold before and didn't find you, so I thought you had an accident."

After hearing this, Chu Xiu also reacted immediately.

When Zhang Qingshan went back to rescue the auxiliary profession, he must have deliberately looked for him, but naturally it was impossible to find him.

Therefore, in his opinion, since his auxiliary profession was not in the stronghold, he might have died in the abyss, which was naturally extremely sad.

But maybe because he didn't give up, he waited in the square for a long time. The longer he waited, the more desperate he became. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he actually waited for Chu Xiu. How could he not be excited?

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu couldn't help but feel a little moved. He apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm still not willing to just be an auxiliary profession, so I ran out quietly."

Zhang Qingshan patted Chu Xiu on the shoulder: "As long as everything is fine, I will support you no matter what decision you make, A Chu."

Immediately, a proud and mysterious smile appeared on his honest face: "By the way, Ah Chu, where do you think I got this time?"

Chu Xiu was amused in his heart, but he still pretended not to know and said: "Looking at you smiling so happily, you must be ranked very high. Are you in the top three?"


Zhang Qingshan said excitedly: "We got lucky at the end and gained a lot of points at once."

"You don't know, when I was about to return, the monsters of the Dark Night King suddenly swarmed up, but I was shocked! Fortunately, I was calm enough and analyzed that it was the appearance of the corpse king's descendants that aroused their vigilance."

"Although there were the corpses of the Lord of the Night watching eagerly, I still attacked decisively and led my men to kill all those heirs. I successfully snatched the food from the tiger's mouth and grabbed a large amount of contribution points."

Chu Xiu looked at Zhang Qingshan who was talking enthusiastically and couldn't help laughing for a moment.

This guy thinks he's not around and just brags about it, right?

He was calm and courageous, but he was so scared by his monster that he ran all over the tower, forcing Chu Xiu to order the evil ghost to drive the corpse prince heir and forcefully feed it to his mouth, and then let his friend eat it.

However, Chu Xiu didn't expose it, but gave it full emotional value: "Awesome! It's good not to run away in that situation, but you actually dare to take the initiative? Amazing!"

Zhang Qingshan was embarrassed by this compliment and giggled on the spot.

But suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and said: "It's funny, I actually have a feeling that this wave of opportunities was specially given to me by the King of Dark Night."

Chu Xiu laughed twice: "How is that possible?"

"That's right," Zhang Qingshan murmured, then without thinking any more, he turned around and said excitedly: "By the way, I got such a high ranking this time, which is enough to help our team gain a foothold in the early stages of future exploration. And one of my team members was lucky enough to find a well-preserved map in a basement with detailed information on several nearby cities!”

"How about, do you want to join my team, let us two brothers explore together! There must be a lot of corpses and hidden opportunities in other cities!"

Facing Zhang Qingshan's invitation, Chu Xiu smiled lightly and said: "Let's talk about it later. Anyway, there will be a two-week cooling-off period before we can re-enter. I will also carefully consider the future development."


Zhang Qingshan didn't say much, but chatted with him about future plans. This guy had obviously thought about it for a long time and was very well prepared, including where to choose the initial base, how to start development, how to travel to other cities, etc. plan of.

Chu Xiu listened quietly. This plan was very thoughtful and could not be made by Zhang Qingshan alone. Although he was upright enough, he did not have such a good mind.

"It seems that there are a lot of powerful people in the Qingshan team." Chu Xiu thought to himself, and was also happy for his friend.

After the two walked to the exit of the playground, they were separated by the staff and each took them to report the news.

Chu Xiu knew that the fact that the Dark Night King was an awakened one should not be difficult for the country to guess, so before his return, he spent 6,000 Karma Points to upgrade the Qi Condensation Technique by two levels and perfected it.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached the designated room, he saw a burly man at the door, scanning the students passing by.

This was an awakened person of at least a ferocious level. Chu Xiu calmly activated his Qi Condensation Technique and walked past him expressionlessly.

The big man lowered his head and glanced at Chu Xiu, then continued to focus on the others without any suspicion.

The subsequent process was also smooth. Chu Xiu was just an ordinary one among the hundreds of awakened people who survived. After taking regular notes, he was quickly let go.

Back home, his parents had prepared a sumptuous meal to celebrate his safe return from the world of zombies.

The two elders were very happy, because it meant that Chu Xiu would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. As an auxiliary profession, he could easily earn hundreds of thousands or even millions a year as long as he stayed safely in the stronghold and worked part-time!

Of course, what the two elders didn't know was that Chu Xiu didn't like these little money at all.

Now Chu Xiu's spirit and flesh storage bag is filled to the brim with hundreds of pieces of equipment!

Especially from those Ji Dao and Lin Wanyue, a large number of high-quality equipment and props were obtained.

Guang Lin Wanyue alone has three pieces of [perfect] equipment!

The only pity is that there are not many causal points. After all, any normal person will spend the causal points before the decisive battle with the Corpse King.

But even so, if all these things are sold, the minimum guarantee is 500 million!

It is worth mentioning that Chu Xiu also discovered that the Lin family had prepared a trump card for Lin Wanyue, which was a [Premium] quality prop called [Charging Hand Cannon]. This item seemed to have been specially hired by the Lin family to have a powerful mechanic. Lin Wanyue's tailor-made equipment gained ultimate power at the cost of being able to only be used three times.

Chu Xiu estimated that the power of a single shot was even greater than Ye Junlin's floating heavy artillery!

Such a good thing is now cheaper for Chu Xiu, and it can be regarded as making up for his lack of long-range attack methods.

"All the Lin family's investment was wasted, I think they will be heartbroken to death." Chu Xiu thought to himself.

The initial preparation investment alone is calculated in hundreds of millions. The value of the cards and causal points prepared for Lin Wanyue is only close to one billion. Even with the wealth of Lin's consortium, this is not a negligible loss!

"I wonder if they will send someone to investigate."

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu went to the website dedicated to the world of zombies and found out that the Lin family had just issued a wanted notice for a reward for clues about the "Ji Dao". The reward was only a pitiful three hundred. Ten thousand.

I don’t know if they are investigating in secret, or if they don’t want to invest any more in this matter.

Perhaps to the businessmen of the Lin family, Lin Wanyue was just an investment, and investment failure was common.

Chu Xiu gave a light "tsk", but didn't think much about it.

Just when he was about to close the website, a post suddenly appeared, and the moment it appeared, it was directly [pinned]!

【shock! Could the King of Dark Night be the Awakened One? ! The National Bureau of Investigation invests 500 million to solicit clues about the King of the Night! ! ! 】

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