Lin Ji was not blinded by gambling.

At least he didn't think he was.

He calculated very clearly that even if he lost the bet, he could exchange the 600 chips he lost into tokens and exchange them for a large number of equipment and props. Then he could use these items to exchange for 40 chips with Song Linchuan.

He believed that Song Linchuan would not take advantage of others' danger.

Therefore, this is almost a gamble with a guaranteed profit, the only difference is that you make more or less.

Of course, he also knew subconsciously that this was just an excuse, an excuse for him to make risky decisions.

It's just that Lin Ji, who has become red-eyed from gambling, once he finds a suitable excuse, he will immediately believe it with all his heart, no longer thinking or questioning, but will put everything he has on those two exquisite pieces. on playing cards.

"Come on, let me see my gambling luck!"

"Open the cards!"

Lin Ji's eyes widened, and he shouted and pushed out the cards in front of him.

However, corresponding to his hoarse voice, there was a motionless and calm-looking Baron.

He just calmly placed the cards on the card table and chuckled: "You have three jacks, right?"

The moment he finished speaking, Lin Ji was stunned.

Immediately he shouted out loud: "You cheated?"

"Do you still need to cheat?" The Baron chuckled disdainfully, "You started with a strong momentum, either with a single KA or a pair, but after the cards were dealt, your confidence was obviously weaker, but you are still strong on the outside and good on the inside. Land raise, according to my observation, your card is most likely a pair rather than a single high card. Finally, when the fourth card is dealt, you have enough confidence, so it is a set of three jacks. "

The Baron's explanation sounded far-fetched at first, and seemed to be just an unreliable guess, but only he knew directly that he had seen through and mastered every subtle reaction of Lin Ji in the previous gambling game.

In the eyes of others, it may be an illusory probability, but for someone like him who has been immersed in gambling skills for hundreds of years, this is the exact fact.

As he said that, he directly spread his cards.

An eight of clubs and a nine of diamonds.



Lin Ji sat down on the back of the chair, his face pale and his lips twitching, unable to accept this result.

It took him a long time before he yelled out unhappily: "You, you must have cheated! Such a small probability, how, how is it possible!"

However, facing Lin Ji's questioning, the baron just looked at him with disdain.

He seemed to have finally taken off his disguise, and the gentle smile that he had always maintained on his face was no longer there, replaced by the cunning and deceitfulness that belongs exclusively to gamblers.

"I just found the one in repeated games that you would take the bait."

The baron tapped the gaming table with a smile on his face.

"Besides, you don't really think you have good luck in gambling, do you?"

"Your mind is as immature as a child's. As early as the fifth game, I mastered your behavior pattern and deliberately lost to you just to eliminate your psychological defenses step by step and set a trap leading to the final outcome."

"I have to say, you are stupider than I thought."

The baron's words made Lin Ji's face turn red instantly. He stared at the baron, his hands clenching loudly, like an enraged beast that seemed about to explode at any time.

But at this time, the bet chain in his hand flickered. Lin Ji glanced at the bet chain with fear, and finally regained some sense, and said fiercely: "Okay, I will admit defeat in this game!"

He stood up immediately and said, "Exchange all my chips into tokens."

"Hmph, so what if your gambling skills are great? Why don't you still give me so much equipment?"

He had already thought about which pieces of equipment he wanted to choose. Although he was very unwilling to lose the bet and felt like he was holding back a ball of fire in his heart, when he thought about it, it was an unexpected surprise that he could get so many pieces of equipment during this trip. Why need to be greedy for more?

However, Song Linchuan next to Lin Ji frowned because he realized that there was a fatal flaw in the baron's words!

If the Baron's gambling skills were so high that he could directly see through every psychological activity of Lin Ji, then couldn't he just rely on this skill to win all the money from Lin Ji? Why bother to set up a trap and win all Lin Ji's net worth in one game?

Does he have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Is it just to attack Lin Ji and appreciate his madness in losing completely even after he gambled everything? Does this give him a sense of accomplishment?

Wait, bet everything?

Song Linchuan suddenly realized something and opened his eyes suddenly!

Almost at the same time, the baron's joking voice sounded: "Tokens? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"I forgot to tell you one thing. Under the rules of the God of Gamblers, everything can be used as a bargaining chip."

"In other words, All-in is not just betting on the chips in your hand, but all the items on your body, and even your life and soul!"

As his words fell, under Lin Ji's horrified eyes, countless blood-red threads suddenly emerged from the bet chain on his wrist! These threads climbed up his body, and the skin in contact with the threads dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, his face became distorted, as if something illusory was being stripped away from his body!

Lin Ji's face showed an expression of extreme fear. Like a beast in desperate situation, he suddenly jumped up and ran away, but the baron-level bet chain burst out with crushing power and locked it in an instant. All his equipment and props! And held him firmly in place!

Lin Ji could only helplessly sense that his body was gradually decomposing, with extreme despair and fear in his eyes!

"Lin Ji!"

Amid Song Linchuan's shout, Lin Ji's soul was extracted and turned into a small special chip with his desperate and painful face printed on it, which fell into the baron's hand. There was a phantom floating on the chip, making intermittent sounds: "Save me. Save me."

And his body maintained a look of fear, like a dying mummy, and after being drained, it "smashed" heavily on the gambling table.

This horrific scene made Bian Guanyue pale, covering his mouth and almost vomiting. Song Linchuan's heart was also beating "bang bang". He could feel the huge restraint of the gambling chain wrapped around his wrist on himself. The power directly from the gods was completely beyond his ability to resist!

Before this, it seemed to be just a tool to maintain the rules, but now, it has become a sword of Damocles hanging over his head!

"We have to end the gambling!" Song Linchuan gritted his teeth and said, "You said before that we can quit the gambling at any time, right?"

He has now fully realized the Baron's plan. He doesn't need to cheat at all. He can easily win the gambling by forcing the three people to go all-in by putting up large chips infinitely!

This is the overwhelming advantage brought by having a large number of chips. Even if you have a 99% winning rate, as long as you are forced to go all-in every time, and keep gambling, there will always be a game where you lose all the chips you won before!

Of course, the Baron's chips are not infinite, but the winning rate of everyone is far from 99%. In front of this monster who has been immersed in gambling for hundreds of years, even if they are the geniuses of their peers, they will still be easily seen through like children!

Even because of holding a large number of chips, even the luck is on his side! If you continue to gamble, you will definitely lose!

"How ruthless," the baron said with a smile, "Don't you want to win back your companions?"

As he said that, he shook the chips of Lin Ji in his hand, and a struggling and painful shadow appeared.

"Brother Song, save me, please, please, it's so dark and cold here. Ah!!!"

The baron pinched lightly, and Lin Ji's soul screamed in pain.

He smiled and looked at Song Linchuan and the other two with ugly faces: "I can give you a discount, fifty chips for the body and one hundred for the soul, how about it?"

Bian Guanyue hesitated a little, and Song Linchuan sneered decisively: "Lord Baron, you may have misjudged the relationship between us. It's just the first day that he and I met. It's too naive to threaten us with this."

"I said, I want to end the bet now!"

He knew very well that it was impossible for the two of them to save Lin Ji alone. If they continued to gamble, they would only sacrifice themselves. Even if they wanted to save him, they had to do it in other ways!

However, in the face of his request, the baron's playful smile became even stronger: "Your feelings really disappoint me."

"But even so, you can't withdraw from the gambling now."

Song Linchuan's face sank: "You promised us before that you can withdraw at any time."

"Oh?" The rocks on the baron's face piled up a playful smile, "Is the sentence I said in the [rules]?"

Hearing this, Song Linchuan's face became extremely ugly.

The baron chuckled and said, "In the world of the God of Gamblers, only the [rules] cannot lie. As for other promises, I am surprised that you would actually believe a gambler."

The expressions of Song Linchuan and the others became more and more ugly, and the baron continued, "In the [rules], I said that 'the game can end after the current game is finished', but this game does not mean a single deal. In the game I set, only when one party loses all the chips, the game is considered over!"

"You didn't ask clearly, so you can't blame me."

"By the way, because there are rules for the conversion of items and chips, so-"

The baron completely stopped pretending and grinned to reveal his dangerous fangs.

"The gambling will not end until you lose all the items on you, including your soul and body, to me."

After the words fell, without giving the two more time to think, in their slightly desperate eyes, the notary started the 25th gambling game!

Dealing cards, raising bets, opening cards, next round.

This time, the Baron did not deliberately let the game go, and fully demonstrated his terrifying strength!

Although Texas Hold'em is a gambling game, it is actually a competitive sport involving many aspects, including probability, behavior patterns, psychological games, etc.

In the previous 24 games, the Baron had already completely figured out the three of them without making a sound, and that was why he announced the beginning of the attack with a gorgeous All-in!

In the following gambling game, even if Song Linchuan and the other two concentrated their minds to the extreme, they still lost more than they won.

They were still too naive in front of the Baron!

Not to mention, with the blessing of a large number of destiny chips, even luck was on the side of the Baron.

The gambling game was full of variables at all times, but the two felt that they were like ants trapped in an ant lion trap. Sometimes they might be able to climb up three or five centimeters with their lives, but they would soon be dragged down more. No matter how hard they struggled, they could only slide into the abyss bit by bit.

As the two looked at each other in despair, their chips were getting fewer and fewer.

"Two pairs, I win this round again."

As the baron's calm voice fell, all the chips on the two of them were lost.

If they wanted to continue, they had to exchange their equipment and props for chips, but both of them knew that this was just a meaningless struggle to delay time.

Looking at each other, Song Linchuan and Bian Guanyue saw the determination in each other's eyes!

Almost at the same time, the weapons of the two appeared in their hands without warning, and chopped at the gambling chain that bound them!

The two of them used their strongest attack skills without hesitation. Under the huge energy fluctuations, the entire gambling table and the poker on it were smashed, and the gambling chain that bound the two of them also broke!

But at the moment of breaking, as a punishment for violating the rules, an extremely powerful mental attack directly hit the souls of the two! Even though they had prepared a trump card to deal with mental attacks before setting off, they still vomited blood and their faces were pale!

If there were any professions that could see souls, they would find that their souls were like being hit hard, with several terrifying holes, and only a few broken threads were left.

The soul was severely damaged, and Song Linchuan felt a sharp pain in his head, as if someone had pierced a nail into his temple and stirred it wildly. He felt dizzy and nauseous, and even his walking became unstable.

But he still relied on his strong will to stabilize his mind, gritted his teeth and threw a prop at the notary behind him.

[Void Soul Lasso (Legend)] The body of the person hit will be locked in the void and cannot move for a short time. The specific effective time depends on the strength of the user.

At the same time, Bian Guanyue also used a blocking prop on the baron, and then the two fled out without stopping!

However, behind them, the baron didn't even have the intention to struggle, but just looked at the two people who fled like mice with a playful smile.

Just as the two were about to rush out of the golden hall, two blood-stained spears suddenly shot out from the door and pierced their bodies directly!

The huge kinetic energy contained in the spears made their bodies fly backwards like rag dolls, and they were nailed to the ground with the spears!


Song Linchuan spat out a mouthful of blood, staring blankly at the exquisite glass dome of the golden hall, his eyes gradually blurred.

In the blurred vision, a terrifying creature he had never seen appeared in front of him.

On the hideous face like a corpse ghost, four blood-red pupils were filled with violent murderous intent. The body was five meters tall, wearing blood-stained iron armor, and a pair of broken dark wings behind him were flapping up and down.

[Two-winged Fallen Blood Angel]

[Level: General Level 3 (Elite)]

"Cough cough!"

Song Linchuan lay on his back, blood gushing out of his mouth.

The baron's mocking laughter was beside his ears: "You don't think I'm so stupid that I didn't take any precautions except for the notary, right?"

He didn't answer, but tried hard to pull his body out of the spear nailed to the ground, but his physical weakness was so real, and the severe pain in his mind made it impossible for him to concentrate on completing anything.

After finally pulling his body out a little, the second spear was thrown over.


His body was completely nailed to the ground under the huge impact.

He stared blankly at the glass dome of the golden hall, his eyes that were originally as bright as stars gradually dimmed, and next to him, Bian Guanyue was also nailed to the ground.

Song Linchuan was completely desperate.

The hands holding the spear slowly fell down and hung on both sides.

"Pah, pah."

The crisp footsteps sounded beside his ears, and the baron walked slowly to the two of them with the notary.

He looked down at Song Linchuan and shook his head regretfully, saying, "Why did you break the rules? You could have served me as a servant, but now you have ended up like this."

"The God of Gamblers' [rules] are absolute, and anyone who violates them will be sentenced to death."

"What a pity, what a pity."

While talking to himself, the baron slowly drew out the long sword from his waist and raised it high.

The bright silver sword reflected a dazzling cold light, and Song Linchuan knew that today was the day he would die.

Before participating in the trial, he had also prepared himself for the possibility of death, but he never really thought that he would die in a small fierce trial.

But the reality is so cruel.

But for some reason, at this moment of death, he suddenly thought of Chen Ce.

To be honest, Song Linchuan has always been absolutely confident in himself. In his opinion, even if the other three people dragged their feet, he could still lead them through the level. In his subconscious mind, he thought that it was their luck to meet him.

So when Chen Ce rejected his invitation to cooperate, although he remained calm on the surface, he secretly mocked in his heart, thinking that Chen Ce was somewhat ungrateful and missed an opportunity to cling to someone powerful.

But who would have thought that he would end up in such an embarrassing situation.

And he also implicated others.

Lin Ji's soul was still screaming, repeating the wail of "Save me, save me".

If he was to blame for his own mistakes, then Bian Guanyue was completely blamed for his wrong decision. She chose to follow him because she trusted him.

Looking at Bian Guanyue, who was nailed beside him and also looked up at the sky in complete despair, regret and guilt filled Song Linchuan's heart.

The silver sword began to fall, and Song Linchuan's last thought was about Chen Ce.

"Fortunately, he rejected me at the beginning, otherwise I would have lost another life."

Now he only hopes that Chen Ce can safely win forty chips and pass the trial smoothly.

But at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly reflected in Song Linchuan's pupils.

Weird masks, protruding horn helmets, and robes trimmed with gold.

"Chen Ce?"

Through the glass dome of the golden hall, he could see Chen Ce's blurry figure, but now he had a pair of huge black wings.

"Is this what the elders often say about people having hallucinations before they die?"

Song Linchuan thought with some self-deprecation, the bitterness at the corner of his mouth became even stronger.

But suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

The silver sword struck by the Baron paused in mid-air, and the originally blurry figure became increasingly clear!

The next moment, with a deafening bang, the entire glass dome of the golden hall shattered!

In Song Linchuan's shocked eyes, Chen Ce jumped down, and the devil's arm appeared behind him, like a 10,000-ton hammer falling from the sky, hitting the baron!

In the flash of lightning, the Baron rolled to the side and barely managed to escape in an extremely embarrassed manner!


The demon's arm hit the ground, and the terrifying force caused the smooth tiles in the hall to shatter, leaving a big crater in place!

Amid the smoke and dust, Chu Xiu slowly stood up.

Seeing Chu Xiu suddenly appearing, Song Linchuan was stunned.

That's not an illusion! It’s really Chen Ce!

But why did he come? Are you here to save yourself?

Song Linchuan couldn't believe it, but apart from this, there seemed to be no other explanation!

Not only him, Bian Guanyue also opened his eyes in shock, and even the trapped soul of Lin Ji began to cry out for help louder.

The baron, who had dodged the blow, looked angry, but quickly restrained himself and looked at Chu Xiu up and down.

"Are you here to save your companions?" he asked

However, Chu Xiu did not answer. He just looked around, seemingly analyzing the current situation.

Seeing this, the Baron seemed to have thought of something, and his signature kind smile appeared on his face: "You damaged my hall and even attacked me. According to the [Rules], I can let the notary directly execute you." ”

"However, I am not a person who advocates violence. I will give you a chance. If you can beat me in my bet, I will spare your life."

"Not only that, there will be additional rewards."

As he spoke, the Baron shifted his body, revealing the [Legendary] shield behind him.

He used this piece of equipment to attract countless gamblers. He was confident that no one could resist the temptation of [Legendary] equipment.

Sure enough, Chu Xiu looked along, and the black eyes under the strange mask showed a look of surprise.

However, at this time, a discordant sound suddenly sounded.

"Ahem, no, no!"

Song Linchuan struggled and said with a lot of blood spurting out of his mouth.

The baron frowned, as if he didn't expect that the relationship between the two people was so deep, that they were almost dying and still thinking about others.

But this is what he took advantage of.

The baron smiled at Chu Xiu and said: "Your companions violated the [rules] and should have been executed, but if you win the bet, I will let them live."


As the baron finished speaking, Lin Ji's soul suddenly screamed: "Promise him! Please! Help me!"

Song Linchuan's eyes suddenly widened, and his Adam's apple twitched violently, as if he was mobilizing the last bit of strength in his body to vomit what he wanted to say out of his throat.

Contrary to Lin Ji, there is only one thought in his mind now, that is, Chu Xiu must not be tempted by the baron and agree to the baron's bet.

I must remind him!

At least one of the four of them must survive!

No more people can die!

"No, don't agree!"

His eyes widened, and he tried his best to squeeze out the last three words: "You will lose!"

However, facing the advice he gave with the last of his strength, Chu Xiu just looked at him calmly, then reached out and grabbed the bet chain handed over by the baron.

This scene made Song Linchuan collapse to the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

Chu Xiu didn't listen to him and still agreed to the baron's bet, just like Lin Ji.

He didn't understand why Chu Xiu did this. What made him even more painful was that another person would fall into the baron's trap and be eaten away step by step like a bug accidentally caught in a spider's web, dying in front of his eyes.

However, just when Song Linchuan's face was ashen and the baron smiled as if he was sure of victory, something unexpected happened!

The extended chain of the bet had just wrapped around Chu Xiu's wrist, but before he could complete the contract, he grabbed it with his backhand! Then he suddenly pulled back!


Before he could react, he was connected by the bet chain and rushed towards Chu Xiu quickly!

At the same time, the crazy devil's hand formed behind Chu Xiu, and the blood rushing like magma was like diesel pumped into the engine, instantly releasing majestic power. After this power was compressed and accumulated in the devil's hand to the extreme——

Punch out!


Like high explosives detonating in the air, the Baron's solid stone body deformed and shattered in an instant. The damaged body flew out and hit the wall at the end of the hall!

The huge impact instantly made a big hole in the wall! The gravel fell "swissly".

This sudden change made Song Linchuan open his mouth in shock and his mind almost stopped.

What is going on?

In his dull eyes, Chu Xiu slowly turned around and looked at him calmly:

"Thank you for your advice."

"But is there really anyone stupid enough to accept the gamble designed in advance by the gambler?"

"For gamblers, of course, we have to strike hard!"

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