Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 148 The Power of Civilization

The reason why Chu Xiu was sure that the person who added him was someone from the government was because the other person's name was very simple and crude, it was called "an unknown investigation bureau officer".

"As expected of the Investigation Bureau, the action is fast." Chu Xiu sighed. He thought he would have to wait at least two or three hours.

Without hesitation, he applied as a friend, and soon a tall man in a suit came to him.

"Hello, Your Majesty the King of Dark Night, I am Qin Xiang, an A-level operative of the China Investigation Bureau."

Perhaps because he wanted to express his sincerity, or because of official confidence, the visitor generously revealed his identity without any intention of concealing it.

This made Chu Xiu slightly surprised. When he was collecting information before, he had also heard about the Investigation Bureau. Each of its officers was a powerful awakened person who needed to go through many selections.

A-level operators are usually awakened kings, and they are also the best among kings! His status is extremely high and his power is so terrifying that even a consortium with a total assets of tens of billions would not dare to offend him.

For such a high-ranking operator to come to see him shows how much the Investigation Bureau attaches importance to him.

Being called "Your Majesty the King of the Dark Night" by such a strong man made Chu Xiu twitch his lips slightly, and he felt inexplicably ashamed: "Just call me Chen Ce."

"It turns out to be Student Chen," Qin Xiang stretched out his hand, "I have heard other students tell you about your battle with the Corpse King. You can have such fighting power at the rank of a soldier. Your talent is really extraordinary. , even if you look at the history of China, they are rare!”

"It is our great fortune to have such a talented person born!"

Qin Xiang came up and praised him fiercely, but Chu Xiu was completely unmoved. He just shook hands and said: "Operator Qin, let's get straight to the point."

"I don't know why the Investigation Bureau went to such trouble to find me?"

Qin Xiang saw that he didn't have the youthfulness and panic of young people, and he knew it well. He stopped being polite and said straight to the point: "Classmate Chen, you should have seen it on the post. I came here this time for the 'old days' matter." ”

"But before that, I want to confirm first, did Mr. Chen get an item called the 'Certificate of the Past' when he cleared the customs?"

Chu Xiu nodded, which made Qin Xiang let out a sigh of relief, and his joyful thoughts were transformed into data and sent out.

Next, he introduced Chu Xiu in detail about the relationship between civilization and the abyss, including the old days, civilization envoys, isolated civilizations, Blue Stars that gradually penetrated into the abyss, etc.

These secrets shocked Chu Xiu, completely beyond his expectations before coming.

After pondering for a while, he completed his digestion: "To put it simply, the abyss is devouring Blue Star, and if you want to fight against the abyss, you must rekindle some civilizations that have not been completely extinguished and connect them into a fire of civilization."

"And the only people who can do this are civilized envoys who have the 'proof of the old days'." Chu Xiu confirmed.

"That's right," Qin Xiang nodded, "and there are currently only six civilized envoys on Blue Star, which is why we are looking for you so urgently."

Chu Xiu didn't speak anymore, but touched his chin thoughtfully.

To be honest, he felt that Qin Xiang's explanation was a bit too far-fetched. In Chu Xiu's view, the battle with the abyss was obviously a physical matter, so what was the messy fire of civilization?

Could it be that when monsters from the abyss attack, instead of blasting them with heavy force, they dance to look at them and sing to them?

This was unconvincing to him.

Chu Xiu didn't hesitate and directly expressed his doubts.

And Qin Xiang also gave an answer: "We don't know everything about this matter at present. We just summarized some rules from the remnants of the world swallowed by the abyss during long-term exploration."

"In short, the devouring of the abyss can be roughly divided into three stages. First, it uses monsters or pollution from the abyss to physically exterminate most civilizations. Then, it isolates a small number of civilizations that are difficult to eradicate. Finally, it can eliminate all civilizations. Devour the world of existence.”

"To use a more realistic metaphor, if a nuclear war breaks out, then the nuclear bombs of various countries can wipe out more than 90% of the human race. The remaining humans will not be able to survive the nuclear winter. Only some people can hide in advance. The people in the shelter can survive, and this is the first part of the abyss."

"After that, civilization was almost extinct, but it was easy to drop a nuclear bomb and just press a button, but it would be much more troublesome to eradicate all the shelters that don't know their specific locations and go deep underground." "So what Abyss does is, Directly lock those shelters to ensure that the humans inside can only develop in the shelters and cannot transfer civilization to the outside. In this way, no matter how far the civilization in the shelters develops again, it will not affect the development of the shelters. To the outside world."

"After that, the world without civilization will be easily swallowed up."

Speaking of this, Qin Xiang paused and said with a smile: "Of course, this is just a rule summarized from the current level. As Blue Star goes deeper into the abyss, it is unknown whether it will encounter any unexpected situations. ”

"However, it is still obvious that we must resist the abyss in the first stage of devouring. If we wait until the devouring enters the second stage, we will basically be unable to recover."

Facing Qin Xiang's explanation, Chu Xiu nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, if 99.99% of human beings are exterminated, even if there are some big bosses left alive, they can only drift in the abyss as individuals. Think about it. Recreating civilization is next to impossible.

Qin Xiang continued: "So our battle with the abyss is indeed, as you said, classmate Chen, mainly focused on the physical level, but this does not mean that civilization is useless."

“First, the enhancement of civilization can increase the ability to resist ‘pollution’.”

"Take the world of zombies that you have experienced, Mr. Chen, as an example. In the beginning, humans were able to resist pollution and were even able to build refuge cities. But as civilization gradually dissipates, the remaining people will become more and more vulnerable to pollution. pollution, and then form an irreversible vicious cycle.”

Qin Xiang's words made Chu Xiu understand a little bit.

The human spirit is both strong and fragile. It is so strong that even a weak woman would risk her life to fight with a beast in order to protect her children. It is so fragile that once it is in a high-pressure environment for a long time, all kinds of strange things will happen. Mental illness, depression, mania, schizophrenia, hallucinations.

Speaking of this, Chu Xiu suddenly realized that recently, we often see news about mentally ill people killing people and causing trouble, and the crime rate is also increasing year by year.

He originally thought this was due to the accumulation of social pressure, but now it seems that perhaps the pollution of the abyss has begun.

"Even if we don't talk about pollution, the ignition of the fire of civilization will enhance the overall strength of mankind." Qin Xiang continued.

"Let me give you an example. Do you know the world of 'Ultimate Evolution'?"

Chu Xiu nodded.

Although he has not understood this world in detail, he can feel that it has penetrated into every aspect of the Blue Star world.

For example, TV reports from time to time about how many life-extending liquids have been discovered in this world. For example, when they completed the mission in the zombie world, other awakened people brought a large number of props from the beyond limit world, including various vines that grow when thrown. , plants that attack automatically, etc. Some of them caused Chu Xiu a lot of trouble.

"First of all, you have to understand one thing, that is, the development of civilization will be limited by resources." Qin Xiang began to explain.

"Many people have the illusion that technology can develop indefinitely, but this is actually wrong. The underlying physical laws will lock technology into a lock, and once it develops to a certain level, it will no longer be able to break through."

"Before the arrival of the Abyss, human science and technology advanced by leaps and bounds, and various fantasies of colonizing the Milky Way had appeared in science fiction novels. But looking back from the current perspective, you will find that without the Abyss, even if human beings develop for another 10,000 years, they may not be able to continue to develop. You can’t even break out of the solar system!”

"It's not just technology, it's also true for population. There are only so many resources on the earth. Although more people can be accommodated through the development of agricultural technology and optimization of resource allocation, there is an upper limit on the number of people who can ultimately survive."

"But by exploring other worlds, we can break this limitation. For example, the special crops discovered in the world of ultra-limited evolution have ten to twenty times the yield per unit area of ​​ordinary crops!" "This kind of crops can only be found in the ultra-limited evolution world." It is only possible to be born in the special environment of the world. Without the world of ultra-limited evolution, Blue Star’s agricultural scientists would not be able to achieve this kind of yield no matter how long they cultivate it.”

Qin Xiang's words made Chu Xiu touch his chin with understanding. It seems to be the truth. The resources of various worlds in the abyss can complement each other. Perhaps the ordinary resources that can be found everywhere in a certain world can be transported back Blue Star will come in handy.

Qin Xiang continued: "But exploring the world is not that easy. If you want to support the development of Blue Star, you must form a certain scale."

"Think about it, in a trial world, even if we have a thousand awakened people who survive, and all of these people are willing to stay, then there will be fifty more people at various anchor points, and the number will increase by six people every year, and so on. In one hundred years, there are less than 2,000 people! Even if more anchors are exploded in other places, the total number will hardly exceed 3,000!"

"And this is still the best estimate of the theoretical situation. In fact, at most half of the initial awakened people will choose to continue taking risks. The annual mortality rate is still frighteningly high. The people who are replenished cannot catch up with the people who died! And there are almost no opportunities to be explored. In the end, the awakened ones will leave on their own, and most of the world will become uncared for in more than ten years.”

"We have also tried various methods such as in vitro fertilization, cloning, and intelligent robots, but they have all failed."

"In this case, the awakened ones are just passers-by. They can only use the world's resources to strengthen themselves. They are unable to develop civilization at all, let alone feed Blue Star back."

"In the world of ultra-limited evolution, a civilization envoy rescued a life race of 100,000 people from the old days. After they came to an environment with sufficient resources, they began to multiply rapidly, and as civilization progressed As the fire grows, the world gradually escapes from the abyss."

"When we are completely separated, we can build a large teleportation device to transport people and materials between the two worlds."

"Today, the population in the ultra-evolutionary world has exceeded 100 million! And it is still growing rapidly! There are exotic animal breeding farms, spiritual plantations, large scientific research bases, etc. all over the world. Millions of tons of food are produced every day. Countless supplies are transported between the two worlds, and this world can be said to have become mankind’s second home.”

"Only in this way can the foundation of the entire human race be enhanced!"

Qin Xiang's words gave Chu Xiu a huge shock. He really didn't understand this period of history.

Thinking about it this way, civilization is indeed very important!

After thinking for a moment, Chu Xiu asked two key questions without beating around the bush: "What should I do? What benefits can you give me?"

"It's very simple. You only need to activate the Evidence of the Old Days during the next promotion trial, so that your trial will be automatically anchored to the Old Days."

"Compared with ordinary upgrade trials, the explosion rate of old trials will be greatly increased, and they are filled with various rare resources. [Perfect] equipment and props can be found almost everywhere, including many [Legends]! It is even possible to obtain [Myth]! In addition, every monster will explode a large number of causal points! It can be said to be a huge opportunity that far exceeds any secret realm!"


Qin Xiang's expression became serious and he changed the topic: "But the difficulty has naturally increased significantly."

"You should have noticed that one of the great characteristics of the abyss is the 'balance of yin and yang'. Just as it is devouring you, it also helps you develop. This is all part of the 'balance'."

"So in exchange for the super high explosion rate and no penalty for failure, it's so abnormal that it's almost impossible to complete!"

"If you want to pass the old trial of the Fierce Level, you must at least have the strength of the King Level! You must also be a high-level King Level!"

"Does it mean that you have to cross two whole steps?" Chu Xiu's expression condensed slightly.

"Yes, and this is just a minimum requirement!" Qin Xiang seemed to have thought of something, and shook his head regretfully, "From the invasion of the abyss to the present, the eight kings of the world have cultivated a total of twenty-seven civilized envoys, but Now there are only six left.”

But after finishing speaking, Xu was worried that Chu Xiu wanted to quit, so Qin Xiang immediately added: "But you don't have to be afraid. Even if you fail the trial, there will be no punishment. You can even die in the trial." There will be no damage to the resurrection, but the evidence of the past will be shattered."

"Moreover, you can recruit three helpers of the same level to enter the trial with you. There is no need to fight alone."

These words made Chu Xiu know something: Do the four of them combined have the strength of a high-level king? Not too outrageous.

He should be able to barely touch the creatures who have just entered the king level now. By the time the vicious level 9 is reached, one person may be able to have the strength of an advanced king level.

Anyway, even if he failed, it would only be that the evidence of the past was shattered, so he would definitely give this trial of the past a try.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu asked directly: "What are the benefits?"

"The good thing is that the government will help you grow as much as possible so that your strength reaches the limit of your current stage before the trial."

Qin Xiang held out three fingers: "First, our people are already summarizing various information and intelligence in the world of zombies. You can directly obtain the highest-rated opportunities. Of course, if you are willing, we can also provide information from other worlds. Opportunity.”

When Chu Xiu heard this, he said calmly: "The opportunity in the world of zombies is good."

Naturally, he would not risk entering other worlds. He might be kidnapped by a high-level awakener who covets his talent as soon as he lands.

Various information in Yuan City raised his vigilance to another level.

Qin Xiang seemed to have expected his answer, and just continued: "Second, you can enter the core power system within China without joining the three major forces."

"You should also have discovered that the most important thing for the growth of us awakened people is the causal points. However, the output of causal points is only so much every year. How to distribute them is a big problem."

"Finally, under the leadership of the government, the three major forces reached an agreement to divide the rights level into levels one to eleven. The stronger the power and the higher the contribution of the awakened person, the higher the rights level will be! The more karma can be exchanged point!"

Qin Xiang's words made Chu Xiu's eyes light up. This is what he really wants!

The three major forces are the military, the consortium alliance, and the labor union alliance. Behind each force is a king! It can be said that this is the real pillar of China! Only they are qualified to intervene in the distribution of causal points!

Chu Xiu now has a large amount of equipment that needs to be sold, but there is no point in exchanging it for Huaxia coins. No matter how many Huaxia coins he has, he has no way to exchange them for causal points or high-end equipment. Even if he takes the risk of going to the black market, the amount is far from enough for Chu Xiu. Hugh's needs.

But it's not okay to join the three major forces and still want to hide your identity. Therefore, among the conditions that Chu Xiu planned to negotiate before coming, he had a channel to exchange causal points.

But now it seems that the importance of civilized envoys to human beings is far higher than he imagined, and this treatment is beyond expectations.

He was secretly happy in his heart, but Chu Xiu didn't show it. He just said: "What about the third item?"

"The third item is the treatment that every civilized envoy has," Qin Xiang said. "You can enjoy the benefits of the three major unions at the same time, which is three times the exchange rights, and directly have the initial level of level 4."

"Don't be too little. The power level of level 4 is basically something that only king-level awakeners can achieve."

"And to be honest, even if you pass the Old Trial of the Fierce Level, it won't bring much benefit to civilization. Generally, you can only rescue a few hundred people. This can only be said to be a test of your potential."

"But as long as you pass the old trial once, you will immediately receive a huge contribution, which will skyrocket your power levels in the three major forces at the same time! Even the King of Heaven will invest in you personally!"

Qin Xiang's words made Chu Xiu know something.

In fact, up to now, all the demands he wanted to achieve have been basically achieved, and even far exceeded.

But he wanted to be a little greedier.

"I have one last condition." Chu Xiu said.

"What conditions?"

"I want the government to act as a middleman and auction some high-level items for me. I want the auction process to be public and my identity information to be kept completely confidential. After the auction is completed, the middleman will send the auction proceeds to the world of corpse ghosts for me."

The treasures Chu Xiu obtained after passing the test are too valuable. Before he has enough strength, he must rely on trustworthy forces to make safe moves.

And the government is undoubtedly the best candidate.

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