
A huge figure passed by rapidly in the sky, and the passing air was pushed away, forming an obvious wake.

Chu Xiu sat on the four-winged strange bird, and felt that the airflow blowing in front of him was like a flowing wall, blowing his robe rustling.

The four-winged strange bird was cruising at a speed close to the speed of sound. At this speed, the airflow in the sky had become violent and chaotic, and ordinary people would be blown away in a moment.

But this was naturally not worth mentioning to Chu Xiu. He was calmly looking through the information about the military region that Qin Xiang gave him.

In the corpse ghost city, many places have records about this place, such as radio stations, government buildings, underground shelters, etc., and the government analysts provided a highly accurate report after integrating all information sources.

"According to what was said above, this is a refuge built with the army as the core and fully managed by militarization. It has the strongest ability to resist abyssal creatures nearby, and has attracted a large number of refugees and technical talents."

"And there are awakeners in the military district! And there are quite a few! There is even a high probability that there are general-level awakeners!"

The work of government analysts is not only to summarize some scattered clues in the city, but they will also conduct a comprehensive analysis of the world of corpse ghosts from humanities to technology based on a large amount of fragmentary information.

The final conclusion is that the technology in this world is inferior to that of Blue Star, and the extraordinary level is far behind.

But even so, the best among them are likely to reach the general level, or even higher!

And the military district is obviously the gathering point of these top awakeners.

"However, since this world has been used as a trial world for awakeners, it means that it has been swallowed by the abyss, which means that civilization has dissipated."

"With high-tech weapons and a group of powerful awakeners, it was finally destroyed? I just don't know whether it was caused by external forces or the pollution of the abyss."

Because this world is very similar to Blue Star, its destruction process is also of high reference value. The government has offered a reward. Awakeners who collect relevant information can get a large number of cause and effect points as rewards, and has sent special scientific research specialists.

Chu Xiu is also very interested in this task. If he can figure out the process of the destruction of the military region, he can get at least tens of thousands of cause and effect points!


Chu Xiu looked at another piece of information in his hand.

It was about [Boundless Blood Pool].

"The ancient god in the abyss has found traces of this existence in as many as nine worlds, including the code-named Blood Jungle, Wild Hunt Mutation, and Alienated Mother Nest."

"The corpse ghost world has a strong connection with it, and it is suspected to be its birthplace, which has great scientific research value."

Perhaps this will be related to the items that Jidao wants to find.

At the back of the information, there are also a lot of first-hand documents found in the city of corpse ghosts, including the worship and sacrifice of the boundless blood pool by some extreme organizations and religious forces.

However, these materials are quite obscure and have little reference value.

Further investigation of the relevant information of the boundless blood pool is also one of the high-value tasks assigned by the government.

"Boundless blood pool?"

Chu Xiu whispered to himself. He thought of the bloody arena. If he kept improving his ranking, he might get the attention of this god and even contact him directly in the end.

Of course, these things are still far away from him.

While he was thinking, the four-winged monster bird had already flown to the approximate area.

Due to the accuracy of the map, Chu Xiu had to rely on himself to slowly search if he wanted to find the specific location of the military zone.

He narrowed his eyes, let the four-winged monster bird lower its altitude and speed, and looked down carefully.

Below, there is a large area of ​​dense forest. At first glance, it looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that the roots of the seemingly green leaves are faintly crimson, and the density of these forests is extremely high, so dense that almost no sunlight can penetrate.

From time to time, a large number of deer pass through the forest. These deer are different from the deer in Chu Xiu's impression. Their antlers are more twisted and bent, and their movements are more manic. Although they are not as crazy as corpse ghosts, their aggressiveness is obviously much stronger than ordinary wild deer.

"This may be the rule of this world. Unlike the [evolution] of the super-evolution world, this world is caused by [overproduction] and [deformation of corpse ghosts] caused by the sea of ​​blood."

Chu Xiu guessed secretly in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it, but searched carefully nearby.

However, he turned in the sky for a long time, but still didn't find the location of the military area, and even didn't find a trace of human technological creation.

This made him a little strange.

Although the search area was very large due to map errors, the area occupied by the military district itself should not be small. With Chu Xiu's current super perception ability, he could easily find it even if it was hidden in the dense forest. There was no reason why he had searched for so long but didn't even see a shadow.

"Is the intelligence wrong? Or did something happen later? Or is the location of the military district extremely hidden?"

Chu Xiu fell into thought.

After a while, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something. Then he looked down and soon set his sights on a stream.

He jumped down from the four-winged monster bird, and the wings of the vampire earl spread in the air, gliding down at a very fast speed, and then fell heavily on the edge of the stream.

The mud splashed everywhere, and the nearby creatures ran away in fear. Chu Xiu walked to the stream and observed carefully.

The clear stream meanders down from above, and you can see many animals drinking water in the distance.

It seems to be just an ordinary stream, but Chu Xiu found something fishy after careful observation.

In the stream, there is a very shallow dark red that is almost completely imperceptible to the naked eye.

Chu Xiu's eyes showed a look of "as expected".

He had previously guessed that the changes in the creatures here are likely related to the [pollution] of the boundless blood pool.

So, how does [pollution] spread?

From the name of the boundless blood pool, it can be basically determined that it has a great connection with [blood]. The image of the blood-spraying pool that Chu Xiu saw in the bloody arena and the endless sea of ​​blood next to the corpse ghost city can confirm this.

So he speculated that the spread of [pollution] should also be related to liquids, so the changes in the animals and plants here are naturally affected by the water source.

"There is a trace of [pollution] in this stream. It is likely that the animals and plants that absorbed this water have undergone a certain degree of distortion. It's just that there is very little [pollution] in the water, so there is no large-scale transformation of the corpse ghosts like the corpse ghost city."

"This [pollution] must not appear out of thin air. As long as I follow the search, I may find the source of [pollution]!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu flapped his wings and rushed into the sky again.

After entering the fierce level, the power of his various legendary equipment increased greatly, and the wings of the vampire earl were no exception. The flying speed at this time was close to the speed of sound.

He flew all the way and soon found the mainstream of the stream. Then he followed it all the way up. Not long after, his eyes lit up and made a discovery!

In a valley, there is a large lake covering thousands of square meters, and the blood color in this lake is obviously much richer than other places.

"It seems to be this."

Chu Xiu flapped his wings and slowly landed. Just as he was about to walk towards the lake, his expression suddenly moved and he looked at a bush on the side.

The next moment, accompanied by a shriek, a blood-colored afterimage rushed out of the bushes at a very fast speed and pounced on him!

Chu Xiu did not show any panic on his face. When the blood-colored figure rushed in front of him, the Heavenly Demon Hand instantly appeared in the air and grabbed it in his hand!

"Chiji, Zhi——!"

The figure made a sharp cry. Chu Xiu looked closely and found that it was a child-sized creature. There was no hair on its body. Instead, there were a lot of fish-like red scales. The claws were extremely slender, flashing with metallic cold light, like ten sharp daggers.

[Deformed Water Ghost]

[Level] Level 2 of the Soldier Rank

[Attributes] Constitution 35.4, Spirit 19.5, Energy Level 32.8

[Skills] Claw Attack

[Features] Breathing in Water, Strange Strength

As Chu Xiu activated the Ghost Demon Eye, the data panel appeared in front of him.

A creature of the soldier class, but with extremely high flexibility, ordinary awakeners can easily suffer a great loss if they are not careful, and it is not impossible to be directly disemboweled.

But for Chu Xiu, it is not worth mentioning.

Without thinking too much, the demon gently pinched the water ghost with his hand, and the water ghost burst into countless pieces of meat in a scream.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly noticed something and looked at the lake in the distance.

But the densely packed water ghosts seemed to sense the tragic death of their companions and quickly crawled out of the lake. At the same time, a large number of water ghosts who were hunting appeared in the dense forest.

At a glance, the number was at least over a thousand!

And there were many elites whose bodies were a whole circle larger than ordinary water ghosts, and even fierce-class water ghosts whose bodies reached two meters!

They stared at Chu Xiu with greedy eyes, and the cruel and bloodthirsty light flashed in their scarlet pupils.

The next moment, they screamed and rushed towards Chu Xiu!

But Chu Xiu naturally had no fear of this, but showed a happy expression.

"These are all top-quality food!"

Looking at the water ghosts surging like a tide, Chu Xiu flicked his wrist, and the [Da Ri Guardian Shield] appeared in his hand. The moment it appeared, it began to release a blazing white light, as if a huge amount of energy was accumulating in it!

And just as he was accumulating power, the densely packed water ghosts also pounced on Chu Xiu, biting his body frantically. There were so many of them that they completely swallowed Chu Xiu in an instant! From a distance, it seemed that a meat ball with more than ten layers of water ghosts was formed, and more water ghosts were constantly rushing over!

But Chu Xiu didn't care at all, letting them bite, but the white light of the shield in his hand became more and more intense! Until it reached a certain limit!

The next moment, the majestic energy was instantly transformed into extreme destructive energy, surging out!


It was like tons of explosives detonated with Chu Xiu as the center! The huge shock wave instantly shattered the water ghost closest to Chu Xiu! Their hard bodies didn't even last for a moment, and they were shattered as if they were hit head-on by a high-speed truck. Broken flesh and blood splattered everywhere, and before they flew far, they were engulfed by the raging flames!

The blood instantly vaporized in the extreme high temperature, and the meat pieces first carbonized and then decomposed into the tiniest dust!

In the face of this terrifying flame explosion, no water ghost could resist, even those fierce water ghosts were killed instantly!

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Countless burning body parts of water ghosts were thrown thousands of meters away, and then fell to the ground like raindrops.

A huge pit appeared under Chu Xiu's feet. The valley, which was originally covered with dense jungle, had become a tragic explosion site, with dark red blood spots and scattered remains everywhere.

[Professional Experience +204]

[Obtained Items: Causal Points*2456]

[Obtained Equipment: Diving Scale Armor (Collection)]

[Obtained Items:]

[Obtained Traits:]

[Level Up! ]

[Current Level: Fierce Level 2]

In just a moment, thousands of water ghosts were killed instantly!

The massive amount of experience allowed Chu Xiu to level up directly, and a large number of equipment items were exploded!


Although the things that exploded were useless, and because of the loss of the additional bonus of the awakening trial, the experience and causal point drop rates were much worse than those during the awakening trial.

But Chu Xiu couldn't help but let out a hearty shout. Putting aside the dropped items, just clearing these ugly creatures in an instant made him feel very relieved.

Chu Xiu actually lacked large-scale group attack skills.

In the past, when facing these low-level creatures, even if Chu Xiu was much stronger than them, he had to use the Heavenly Demon Hand to smash them one by one, which was laborious and thankless, and the smelly blood was disgusting.

More importantly, if these guys were scared and fled in all directions, it would be troublesome for Chu Xiu to catch up and kill them one by one, at least half of them would run away! The efficiency of killing monsters was greatly reduced!

But it was different with the Great Sun Guard Shield. The powerful attack skills attached to this equipment perfectly made up for this, and it cleared the field with one shot!

This extremely violent energy output made Chu Xiu feel physically and mentally happy.

After being promoted to the fierce level, the output power of the Great Sun Guard Shield has exceeded that of the full-state crazy Heavenly Demon Hand.

Of course, this certainly does not mean that the Great Sun Guard Shield is stronger than the Heavenly Demon Hand. After all, it withers after one use, and the Heavenly Demon Hand can hit more than ten punches in one second. The long-term combat ability of attacking and defending is the real strength of the Heavenly Demon Hand!

A [Legendary] piece of equipment, even if the quality of the main body is very high, is definitely not as good as Chu Xiu's magic inheritance.

However, even so, the Great Sun Guardian Shield has become a very reliable output skill.

Looking at the remains on the ground, Chu Xiu couldn't help but smile.

"I'm in urgent need of a lot of souls to feed my ghost army, but I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door."

Without any hesitation, he waved the fierce soul flag, and a large number of ghosts suddenly poured out!

They wandered in the valley, frantically hunting the souls of the deformed water ghosts! Turning them into their own nutrients!

This scene made Chu Xiu smile even more.

As the basic inheritance of the Supreme Demon Lord, the fierce soul flag is naturally very powerful.

It's just that he lost a lot of ghosts in the successive battles, which made it seem that it can only bully small monsters and is useless.

But in fact, the strength of this inheritance can even threaten the king level!

Imagine if Chu Xiu had hundreds of evil ghosts. After they turned into soul bodies, as long as there was no skill to specifically attack the soul, the high amount of soul body damage reduction would make their survivability extremely terrifying! Even the awakened generals would find it difficult to kill them in a short time!

And if they were left alone, there would be hundreds of evil-level magician monsters attacking with magic together!

Not to mention the generals, even the kings might not be able to handle it!

Not to mention, if Chu Xiu could cultivate a ghost general, he could also upgrade the evil soul banner to the hundred soul banner, further enhancing its strength!

So Chu Xiu had high hopes for this inheritance!

There is no weak one in the inheritance of the magic way! It's just that compared to the direct addition of points to the innate gods and demons, the evil soul banner requires Chu Xiu to spend time to cultivate it slowly.

In Chu Xiu's expectant eyes, soon the souls of the water ghosts in the entire valley were devoured completely.

A large number of powerful souls made Chu Xiu's ghost army soar in both quantity and quality!

The number of evil ghosts increased by eleven, reaching a total of thirty-two, and the number of fierce ghosts increased directly by more than three hundred! And among these fierce ghosts, there are still many that have the potential to advance to evil ghosts!

"The abyss is indeed a treasure land!"

Chu Xiu showed a smile from the heart.

He felt that if he continued to kill, it would not take long for him to refine the Hundred Souls Banner.

With this in mind, he waved the Fierce Soul Banner again, commanding the ghosts to continue to kill the remaining water ghosts in the lake.

At the same time, he also released the resurrected corpses of the Baron and the Blood Angel, absorbing the incomplete bodies around them to replenish his own integrity.

And he himself walked towards the bloody lake.

Chu Xiu carefully looked at this strange lake, and soon as if he had discovered something, he cast his eyes to the deepest part of the lake, and then frowned slightly.

He could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something extremely evil there, which made him feel a wave of nausea from the depths of his soul just by staring at it. "Is that the source of the pollution?"

But just as Chu Xiu was about to send a ghost to take a look, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"King of the Dark Night?"

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