Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 158 One Hundred Thousand Souls

Crow's words stunned everyone.

The Dark Night King?

The super genius who fought against the Corpse King?

"That's right! And, he also has a flying mount!" Crow was excited.

His words instantly ignited the flame of hope in everyone's hearts.

Before they entered this world, they naturally knew about the information of the lord of this place, the Dark Night King. In fact, this person has become popular on the Internet during this period.

In the world mission, he fought against the final boss alone. Such a terrifying talent would be a genius that everyone would pay attention to no matter where he was placed. It is difficult not to attract attention.

The only uncertainty is whether he was a soldier or a fierce class when fighting against the Corpse King.

At present, the mainstream believes that he quickly upgraded in the early stage and completed the fierce class trial before fighting against the Corpse King. Although this is amazing, it is barely within the scope of everyone's understanding.

In this way, it is impossible for him to be promoted to the general class in a short period of time, so his strength will not have a qualitative leap compared to the battle against the Corpse King. At most, he has added a few [Legendary] equipment to improve his level.

But even so, the Dark Night King is guaranteed to be a high-level general! With his help from outside, he might be able to break the cage!

And the flying mount represents the hope of life. As long as he can rush into the sky, no matter how many underground humans there are, he will not be afraid.

Thinking of this, the captain of the Fang Squad grabbed the last straw and shouted to the sky: "Student Chen, please help us, my Fang Squad will definitely reward you!"

As a bodyguard of the institute, a middle-aged man named Liu Feng also shouted: "Student Chen, please let your flying mount come down to pick us up, and I am willing to pay 100 million Chinese yuan afterwards!"

However, as the two of them finished speaking, there was no reaction in the sky. The Dark Night King just sat quietly on the flying mount, calmly watching the battle below.

This scene made everyone feel cold in their hearts.

Although they were thousands of meters away from the Dark Night King, as an awakened person, the Dark Night King had such a keen sense that how could he not hear their shouts?

The Fang Captain did not give up and shouted again with a louder voice. This time he even used a special technique to urge it, so that even an ordinary person should have heard it.

But the Dark Night King still did not move!

Now, everyone's faces suddenly became ugly, and there was no more fluke in their hearts. They were sure that the Dark Night King was deliberately not taking action! Watching them being besieged!

Everyone realized one thing belatedly, that is, if the Dark Night King wanted to save people, he should have taken action long ago. Why did he keep watching silently in the sky?

Did he want to wait until everyone died and take away their belongings?

As soon as this thought arose, everyone's backs went cold.

Killing with a borrowed knife is not uncommon for the Fang Team, who have been fighting in the abyss for many years. There are several similar incidents that they have witnessed with their own eyes.

This is normal in the Abyss, a place without any legal constraints, full of killing, and involving huge interests.

It's all killing anyway, what's the difference between killing Abyss creatures and awakened ones? The latter often has higher rewards!

Of course, it is also possible that the Dark Night King is unwilling to take risks alone, so as not to put himself in danger.

But no matter what, the result will not change, that is, the Dark Night King wants to watch them die!

"Fuck!" The captain cursed.

And as if in response to his voice, a gunshot sounded at the same time!


A sniper bullet rubbed Su Jinyu's cheek, leaving a bright blood mark, but it was the corrupted soldiers guarding the periphery who fired through the gaps between the tentacles.

She was still able to stay calm, quickly adjusting her posture while turning her cat-like amber pupils to search for a better hiding position.

Xue Li, who was not hit by the bullet, was frightened. The bullet was just a fuse. What really frightened him was the bloody remains and the thousands of abyss monsters rushing over with malice in their eyes, wanting to tear him into pieces!

Before, whether it was the awakening trial or the upgrade trial, he easily passed it with the powerful equipment given by his parents. This was his first time facing life and death.

So at this moment, although he was protected by the Fang Squad, he still shouted in panic: "Uncle Huang! Uncle Huang!"

"Mr. Xue, stop shouting, come and help! Didn't your parents prepare life-saving props for you?"

The captain of the Fang Squad roared, swung his knife forward suddenly, and a dark wave emerged, instantly chopping hundreds of underground humans in front of him, but his breath also obviously weakened. Obviously, this high-intensity attack consumes a lot of energy! It can't last long!

And Xue Li's eyes flashed with hesitation.

The leader of the Fang Squad ignored him and continued to shout: "Crow! Have you found an escape route?"

Crow's pupils had completely turned white at this time. Dense crows were floating above him, looking for the weak points of the tentacles, but his face became paler and paler. He murmured: "No, there is no way out. Any passage is blocked. Those tentacles are still growing! There is no way out at all!"


Crow seemed to have seen something that frightened him so much that his voice stopped abruptly! He suddenly looked up at the sky.

Everyone followed his line of sight and showed despair.

A figure floated in the sky, with countless tentacles waving behind him, and his dark green pupils were full of playfulness like a cat's claws on a mouse.

But after the tentacle cage was set up, only one corrupt awakener was needed to maintain it, and the other was enough to deal with them.

At this time, even the two generals felt desperate. Although they were both generals, they knew the gap between themselves and the creatures in front of them!

The other party did not take action now, but was just afraid of the two's dying counterattack, but when their physical strength was further consumed and the flaws were exposed, the corrupt awakeners in front of them would launch a fatal attack without hesitation like the top hunters!

They were completely trapped in despair.

And now the only hope is.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng could no longer hold back, like a drowning man holding the last straw, he shouted to the sky: "Student Chen! As long as you save me out, I will give you 300 million Chinese yuan!"

"No, 500 million!"

Chu Xiu still did not respond.

"Isn't that enough?" Liu Feng gritted his teeth, as if he had suddenly made up his mind.

"Legendary equipment! I'll give you a piece of legendary equipment!!!"

His shouts passed through the clouds and reached Chu Xiu's ears from afar.

Not only him, but others also promised a lot of rewards, but the value was far from comparable to the [Legendary] equipment.

This made him a little amused.

"I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain."

He would naturally not watch these people die. Whether they were asked to help him explore the way or kill monsters, they were much more valuable alive than dead.

Not to mention, there were a lot of souls and corpses of abyssal creatures below, which was a big piece of fat meat, and Chu Xiu would not let it go.

So, even if they hadn't found Chu Xiu, he would eventually take action.

But since they wanted to give Chu Xiu money, he would naturally not refuse. If he could get a [Legendary] equipment for free, his face would be full of smiles.

The reason why he didn't take action for a long time was mainly due to two considerations.

First, he was on guard against the colonel mentioned by the other party when he killed the Corrupted Awakener before.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a very strong Corrupted Awakener. It is possible that he is hiding below and will attack me when I come down!"

Although this is just an unfounded guess, Chu Xiu never underestimates his opponent. Only by maintaining sufficient caution at all times can he survive in this environment of the abyss.

So he has been conducting aerial reconnaissance and formulating specific action plans.

As for another reason, he also wants this group of people to consume the enemy's strength as much as possible, so that when they fight later, his ghost army will also suffer less losses.

Whether it is a corrupt soldier or a corrupt awakener, they are far from being comparable to the corrupt residents, and they are a great threat to his ghost army.

There were 3,000 corrupted soldiers under them, divided into six groups, each with a fusion mecha guarding it, and many fierce-level strongmen. Even if Chu Xiu wanted to eat them all alone, it was not very realistic. If he fought hard, it would not be surprising to kill the entire monster army. Naturally, he would not do this loss-making business.

As a group that had been fighting in the abyss for many years, the Fang Squad must have some skills, and it was far from being so easy to collapse. It was impossible for the young master of the Xue family to have no life-saving trump card.

It was not needed now, but the pressure was not great enough.

And as Chu Xiu expected, after the two members of the Fang Squad responsible for close combat were drowned by the underground residents, a large number of underground residents rushed into the inner defense circle. Although these low-level creatures could not kill a group of high-level awakeners for a while, the abyss creatures that surged like a tide and roared and roared were undoubtedly extremely powerful for the young master who had been pampered since childhood.

It's like when you are sleeping, the ceiling above your head suddenly cracks and thousands of cockroaches fall down. Even if these cockroaches can't bite people to death, it's enough to scare people half to death. It's not surprising that some psychologically fragile people are directly scared to mental illness!

In this situation, Xue Li finally couldn't help it. He took out a strange stone dagger from his arms and then suddenly inserted it into the ground under his feet!

Circles of bright runes lit up from the bottom of his feet and quickly spread around. The next moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the ground and slapped the ground!

The arm was more than ten stories high, and the palm was like a heavy truck. It slapped hundreds of underground humans into meat paste like ants!

Then, another hand stretched out, and with a push of his arms, a rock giant like a mountain broke out of the ground.

It roared, swept its right arm, and with just a slight swing, the terrifying force threw hundreds of underground humans far away. Even though it had only crawled out half of its body, it was like a god of war who could block countless underground humans.

This sudden appearance of the behemoth made Chu Xiu's eyes light up.

[Young Titan (Phantom)]

[Level] King Level 2 (Elite)

[Attributes] Constitution 8749, Spirit? ? ? , Energy Level? ? ?

[Skills]? ? ?

[Traits]? ? ?

[Talents]? ? ?


The panel scanned by the Ghost Demon Eye made Chu Xiu gasp and secretly gasp.

Although most of them were question marks, the level of King Level 2 and the terrifying physique of nearly 9,000 were enough to be amazing.

"Who is this Xue Li? He has such a rich family background." Chu Xiu was a little shocked.

The props that can directly summon king-level creatures are priceless!

More importantly.

"With this behemoth attracting firepower, my monster army can output with confidence!"

Without hesitation, he pointed downward, and a large number of ghosts rushed out of the Lihun Banner, turning into a dark hurricane and sweeping downward. Huge resurrected corpses were also taken out of the soul storage bag and fell like meteorites!

At the same time, as Xue Li took out his trump card, the people below were also refreshed, and the hope of life was rekindled in their eyes. They began to concentrate their firepower to attack the tentacle cage and attack outward.

Under the joint attack of everyone, the tentacles were destroyed one by one, and a gap was about to be blasted out!

But at this time, a dull whine suddenly came from behind.

Everyone looked back and their faces changed drastically.

They were shocked to find that in just a few breaths, the rock giant had shrunk a lot!

It turned out that it was not a real king-level creature! It was just a replica of a phantom!

The energy of a phantom is limited. Every time it launches an attack or suffers damage, it consumes a lot of energy!

At this time, the corrupted soldiers who realized that everyone had to break through desperately also entered the scene.

They moved around the Titan at high speed, constantly pouring firepower on it. The artillery behind the six mechas fired crazily, and shells exploded on the young Titan. Each shot could smash a lot of stones, causing its energy to drop rapidly! It was only two-thirds of its original size before long!

Although it can still be blocked for a short time, anyone who is not stupid can see that this is just to help them survive for a while.

In the direction where they were preparing to break through, there were already a large number of corrupted soldiers waiting for a long time, blocking their retreat in advance.

The hope that had just been ignited was extinguished soon.

But just when everyone fell into despair again, suddenly there was a violent sound of breaking through the air in the sky!

The next moment, with loud noises, more than a dozen huge bodies slammed into the ground!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The resurrected corpse weighing hundreds of tons fell to the ground without any buffer. The huge impact instantly created huge holes, and the corrupt residents below were smashed into a pool of meat paste!

At the same time, a large number of ghosts also rushed into the battlefield with screams. They huddled behind the young Titan, using it as a meat shield, and released magic without reservation. One after another, the Yinfeng blades gathered together to form a dark storm that swept the entire cage, cutting any objects it touched into pieces. Wherever they passed, there were only underground residents with severed limbs on the ground!

They were both in the state of soul bodies and hiding behind the Titans, making the counterattack of the corrupt soldiers almost completely incapable of hurting them.

In this way, the standard combination of meat shields and back rows harvested the lives of underground residents in large numbers in an almost undamaged state!

The addition of the monster army instantly reversed the situation!

This made everyone overjoyed. They originally only planned to ask Chu Xiu to help break a gap so that they could escape. They didn't expect Chu Xiu's summoned creatures to be so terrifying!

While they were shocked, the morale of the crowd soared. They took out the recovery items at the bottom of the box and used them. Then they used the strongest attack methods without hesitation to launch a counterattack against the corrupted soldiers.

The awakened ones already had a level advantage. At this time, they had no worries. As high-level skills fell one after another, a large number of corrupted soldiers were blown into pieces, and there were heavy casualties!

At this time, the tentacle cage in the distance also exploded. It was the corrupt awakened who was defeated by Huang Guohua, who was at the 9th level of the general rank. He was broken into half of his body and escaped.

After this top combat power was released, the situation became even more one-sided. He seemed to be full of anger and rushed into the corrupted soldiers and began to kill crazily. He was just like a human tank running rampant. Every punch he threw would take away a lot of lives.

This made Chu Xiu, who witnessed all this, secretly happy. These people were working for him, and every enemy killed could be turned into food for his ghosts to advance.

Unfortunately, the enemy was not a fool, and would not let them kill monsters and upgrade in vain.

The two corrupt awakeners in the sky who were still in good condition looked at each other and dropped a large number of tentacles again.

But this time, it was not imprisonment, but blocking.

At the same time, the team of corrupt soldiers began to retreat in an orderly manner.

They didn't care how many ordinary underground residents died, after all, there were too many of them and they couldn't die at all.

But the corrupt soldiers were different, they were all elites. Compared with killing Chu Xiu and others, they had more important things to do and needed to conserve their strength.

Although the crowd had the upper hand, they were unable to stop the other party from leaving, so they could only slaughter the remaining underground residents to vent their emotions.

After the high-level combat power left, these mortal level 1 and 2 creatures, no matter how many there were, could not pose any threat. Soon, with the cooperation of everyone, this wave of underground residents who came were killed cleanly.

At this time, Chu Xiu slowly floated down.

In fact, if he took action with his original body, he would definitely leave more corpses, and it would not be surprising to kill a corrupt awakener, but for the sake of safety, he chose to guard against the mysterious colonel and only let the monster army enter.

Although this reduced the benefits a little, Chu Xiu did not regret it at all.

Even if you worry a hundred times, don't take it lightly once, because you only have one chance in the abyss.

"Thank you, classmate Chen, for your help."

As he landed, everyone came forward to thank him.

Chu Xiu just waved his hand casually, and began to concentrate on collecting the living souls in the field.

Chu Xiu played an indispensable role in helping everyone escape, so naturally no one would care.

Soon, all the living souls were collected by him into the Lihun Banner. After checking it out, Chu Xiu randomly showed a look of surprise.

These living souls, roughly estimated, are at least 100,000!

Among them, there are hundreds of corrupted soldiers and thousands of soldiers! Much more than the previous wave he harvested!

And the flesh and blood of the corpses on the ground can also be refined into a large amount of blood evil to help the ghosts advance!

"A big harvest!"

Chu Xiu's mouth curled up a satisfied smile.

It is impossible for him to swallow so many resources alone. This wave is equivalent to a group of awakened people working for him with their lives.

After collecting the living souls, Chu Xiu also flew back into the sky and evacuated with everyone.

After reaching the safe area, he could not wait to start refining!


As the 100,000 living souls were burned to ashes one by one and turned into the purest spiritual energy, the ghosts in the soul banner began to advance in large numbers! The number of evil ghosts also skyrocketed!

One evil ghost, two evil ghosts

After only half a quarter of an hour, the number of evil ghosts directly skyrocketed to the limit! That is, a full 100!

At the same time, the number of evil ghosts and Yin ghosts also began to increase, and finally settled at about 1,200 and 2,500 respectively.

Chu Xiu knew that this was the upper limit of the evil soul banner. If he wanted to increase the limit, he had to let it transform into a hundred soul banner!

Now, he already has 100 evil souls, and he only needs to give birth to one more ghost general!

At this time, there are still about 10,000 living souls in the soul banner that have not been consumed.

Without hesitation, he directly provided all the remaining living souls to the soul of the blood angel to devour!

This is the soul in his soul banner that currently has the highest probability of becoming a ghost general!

Under Chu Xiu's expectant gaze, the evil spirit aura transformed from the Blood Angel's soul began to soar, and soon reached the 9th level of evil, and began to transform towards a higher level.

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