Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 167: Warrior Ghost General

In the huge valley, one hundred thousand souls were bound by the Hundred Soul Flag and could not leave. They could only be hunted and devoured by ghosts. And just when the souls in the field were about to be consumed, the hundredth new ghost was born.

As a hundred fierce ghosts gathered around the ghost transformed by the corrupted warrior, some mysterious connection seemed to be formed between them. Under this connection, the power of the fierce ghost was injected into the ghost transformed by the corrupted warrior. Its soul body has undergone an astonishing transformation!

A few minutes later, a new ghost general was born.

Its stature is slightly shorter than the previous ghost general, but it is still three and a half meters tall. It wears heavy samurai armor, has a two-meter-long two-handed sword on its waist, and has a pair of black eyes that are missing a bit. Violent, a little more cold-blooded, like a top killer who can remain calm at all times.

Chu Xiu looked at the creature in front of him. With a thought in his mind, the warrior ghost general rushed out. In just a blink of an eye, he appeared on the other side of the mountain. At the same time, in less than 0.01 seconds, he wrapped his body around his waist. He drew out his long sword and slashed forward!

The gorgeous sword light reflected in the valley. When the sword light fell, a section of the entire mountaintop was cut off, leaving an incision of hundreds of square meters!

This scene made Chu Xiu’s eyes brighten!

"Compared to the previous Heavy Hammer Ghost General, the newly born Samurai Ghost General is slightly less powerful and defensive, but its flexibility and attack are superior!"

"Especially when combined with the special weapons for warriors, the power is doubled!"

The power of that knife made even Chu Xiu feel troublesome. If it was hit, not to mention splitting it into two pieces, at least a few bones would be broken.

There is no way, he is too short of armor now, the defense power of the skeleton armor is almost non-existent, and he has not exploded a useful evil-level armor.

This was also the reason why he didn't dare to rely on the Demonic Sword to fight the colonel. Without the armor, the error tolerance rate was too low! Even if he could win, Chu Xiu didn't want to take any risks.

This made Chu Xiu a little funny. In the past, his defense and healing and survivability were his strongest points, but he didn't expect that it would become his shortcomings now.

"It seems that I need to step up my practice of the fifth level of golden muscle and ghost bone, or find a way to get a useful armor."

"But then again, as long as the ghost army is strong enough, there is no need for me to go forward and fight for my life."

This time not only was a new ghost general born, but the previous ghost general's level was also raised to level three, his physique was raised to 2,400 points, and the overall level of the ghosts under his hands was also raised from level three to five. class.

This means that the Hundred Ghost Technique can absorb more energy, and the overall battle formation is more powerful!

"When there are a few more ghost generals, I don't need to take action myself. I just need to add buffs in the sky. The ghost army under my hands is enough to kill the colonel!"

Chu Xiu couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. Now there were two ghost generals, two hundred fierce ghosts, and countless fierce and dark ghosts in his soul flag! And he was only at level 5 of the fierce level, which made other summoning professions want to die after hearing this.

An ordinary [Summoner (B)] can have three summons of the same level, which is considered outstanding! And Chu Xiu has two hundred! There are two more general ranks! This does not include low-level and resurrected zombies!

However, Chu Xiu was not satisfied yet!

"There's still flesh and blood all over the ground."

Because the physique of corrupted creatures is much stronger than their spirit, soul flags do not actually need so much blood evil to help ghosts advance. One-tenth is almost enough, and one-third is completely considered an oversupply.

Before this, the remaining flesh and blood had been used to make up for the integrity of the resurrected corpse, but now, he had a better choice.

That is naturally the newly unlocked Corpse Refining Technique.

He stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, and immediately the mountains of corpses burned, and their flesh and blood were refined, turning into a unique flame containing special life energy!

It is one of the top secret skills of the Demon Sect's weapon refining, Corpse Fire Tempering!

Chu Xiu thought again, and all the resurrected corpses stepped forward and entered the corpse fire.

Under the burning of corpse fire, the shape and structure of their bodies began to change. The unnecessary places melted and burned to ashes in the fire, while the needed places condensed and became stronger! And under the strange power of corpse fire, different resurrected corpses were fused together, and new parts and organs were even born!

For example, the complete structure of the Blood Angel has been preserved and continuously strengthened under the sacrifice of corpse fire, while the Baron's corpse has been directly integrated into its body, causing its muscle strength and bone density to skyrocket! And a brand new skin was born to make its surface defense stronger!

In the powerful talent of [Perfect Refining], more than a dozen resurrected corpses were fused together with master-level refining techniques, taking their essence and discarding their dross, until only two remained.

The first one has wings and long claws, slender limbs, and purple skin, like the legendary Yaksha evil ghost. The other body is tall and burly, with gnarled muscles, and its body exudes a silvery metallic luster, as if the skin is covered with a layer of iron. Clothes.

The three kinds of refined corpses have different characteristics, and they are also refined according to the characteristics of the corpse. For example, if a corpse is good at defense, it will be more effective to refine it into an iron-clad corpse. On the contrary, if it is used to refine a flexible flying corpse, then It requires additional resources.

These two corpses are the flying corpse and the iron-clothed corpse that Chu Xiu made using blood angels and royal elite corpses as the main bodies, a dozen resurrected corpses above the vicious level, and the flesh and blood of a hundred thousand corrupt creatures as nutrients. !

Chu Xiu was very much looking forward to the power of the corpses that were refined at such a great cost.

However, after carefully sensing them, Chu Xiu was a little disappointed.

At this time, the two corpses were only at the 9th level of the evil rank. The most important thing was that their appearance was different from that recorded in the corpse refining manual. This reflected not only the difference in appearance, but also the proof that the refining was not yet completed.

"It should be that the time for sacrifice was too short." Chu Xiu thought to himself.

Corpse refining cannot be completed in a short time. The magic cultivators of the Holy Sect usually need several months to complete it. Even if Chu Xiu has the help of [Perfect Refining], it will take at least several days.

At this time, they only have a preliminary appearance, and they still need to be slowly refined to enhance the strength of the body.

"Fortunately, there are still 40,000 to 50,000 corpses of corrupted creatures left. If they are all turned into corpse fire and slowly sacrificed, they should be able to burn for two or three days. I wonder if they can meet the needs of refining these two corpses."

Just as Chu Xiu was thinking, he suddenly felt that the top of the four-winged strange bird in the distance was hit hard three times.

This was the distress signal he and Su Jinyu had agreed on. Sending this signal meant that she was about to give up.

Chu Xiu didn't think about it anymore. With a wave of his hand, he put all the corpses and resurrected corpses into the soul and flesh storage bag and slowly sacrificed them.

In addition to storage, this equipment can also be used as a place to refine and warm the corpses. Otherwise, it would not be a powerful inheritance of the magic sect alone.

After doing all this, he spread his wings and rushed towards Su Jinyu's location.

At the same time, forty kilometers away from Chu Xiu, Su Jinyu was lying tightly on the four-winged monster bird, allowing the monster under her to carry her in the air at a speed of up to 1.5 times the speed of sound.

At this speed, the airflow blowing in her face was like a sharp knife across her cheek, causing a faint pain, and it was even difficult to open her eyes.

Although these air currents could not hurt the awakener with her strong physique, they still caused some interference to her. Su Jinyu chanted a strange spell, and a rune rose up, forming a spherical protective shield on the spot to isolate the blowing air.

After doing all this, Su Jinyu closed her eyes, sat cross-legged on the back of the strange bird, and continued to chant strange spells. In the ancient whispers, four rune pillars appeared beside her, suspended in the air. There were three eyes on each pillar, which turned up and down, flexibly observing the surroundings, like automatic scanning radars.

In an instant, all the visions within the 360-degree range around the four-winged strange bird were clearly reflected in Su Jinyu's mind.


Suddenly, a fierce sound of breaking through the air came, and Su Jinyu reacted quickly. She pulled the shoulder of the right side of the four-winged strange bird, and the strange bird immediately dodged to the right!

A pitch-black spear almost brushed past the body of the four-winged monster bird. If she had reacted a little slower, the entire body of the monster bird would have been pierced!

This made Su Jinyu reveal a lingering fear!

Looking back, three figures were looming in the mist, which made her feel cold.

One more!

Although Su Jinyu had anticipated the danger of this trip when she took on this mission, she did not expect that the disaster under the ground would actually send three corrupt awakeners to intercept her!

These three corrupt awakeners all have the ability to fly at high speeds. Although they cannot catch up with the four-winged monster bird, they are also extremely close to the speed of sound.

What's more troublesome is that in order not to be too far away from Chu Xiu, so as not to lose control of the four-winged monster bird, Su Jinyu had to run around in circles, which gave the three corrupt awakeners the opportunity to surround and kill her.

Moreover, Chu Xiu's judgment of the environment near the four-winged monster bird comes from the perception of the four-winged monster bird itself, which has great limitations. After all, although the four-winged monster bird flies fast, its other attributes are very ordinary, especially as a resurrected corpse, its perception ability is extremely poor.

So many times, Su Jinyu needs to control the action.

Just now, one of the corrupt awakeners hid in the clouds and launched a sneak attack in the dark. If it had not been discovered in time by Su Jinyu's Rune Eye and Chu Xiu controlled the turn with the signal agreed in advance, the four-winged monster bird would have died miserably on the spot!

However, although she was lucky enough to avoid the attack, this method of indirect control through signals has a great lag. The battles between high-level awakeners change rapidly. In many cases, even if there is a difference of 0.01 seconds, there will be completely different outcomes.

In this case, Su Jinyu was already extremely reluctant to hide, and she might be shot down by the encircled corrupt awakeners at any time. She had no choice but to send a distress signal to Chu Xiu.

At the same time, she kept casting runes in her hands. The runes formed cone-shaped ripples and extended forward, dispersing the airflow in front of the four-winged monster bird, helping it to further speed up its flight. There were also a large number of runes scattered around her, turning into giant steel eagles.

These rune creations were like decoy bombs. Whenever they sensed the attack of the Corrupted Awakener, they would automatically fly out to block the attack for the monster bird, thereby deflecting the incoming attack.

But the energy required to maintain these giant steel eagles was extremely high, which made Su Jinyu's forehead sweat a little.

"Damn it, if my talent could still be used, I could perfectly replicate the rune technique inherited from [Sky Lord Iginel], and the power would be doubled, and the consumption would be greatly reduced. Why would I have to force it like this?"

"Chen Ce, if you don't hurry up, I can't save these [pollutants]!"

Su Jinyu was anxious, highly focused, and always paying attention to the movements around her.

However, at this moment, a dull humming sound suddenly sounded in her ears, and it quickly expanded, as if a high-speed moving object was approaching her!

Su Jinyu turned her head and looked, and a look of horror appeared on her face.

But at the other end of the sky, a huge fighter plane cut through the sky and was heading towards her!

Fighter plane? ? ?

Su Jinyu rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

The enemy has this thing? ? ?

Looking at the rapidly approaching behemoth in the distance, she was about to curse. Three corrupt awakeners were already difficult enough, why did a fighter plane come?

As the distance between the two quickly narrowed, the details of the fighter plane in front of her were fully revealed under the Rune Eye.

It is not simple and elegant like modern fighters in pursuit of stealth performance. Instead, it has a rough style like the fighters in World War II, but it is much larger in size and ammunition load!

The huge elliptical wing, with a large number of missiles mounted under it, and the tail sprays violent blue flames, forming two obvious wakes in the air.

There is also an eleven-barreled rotary machine gun hanging in the middle of the fuselage. A rough look at the caliber shows that it is definitely more than 30 mm. With the high speed of the aircraft, its power can easily penetrate tens of centimeters thick steel plates!

And the fuselage is covered with at least ten or more vicious corrupted soldiers! These weird creatures are completely integrated with this fighter, greatly improving all its performance!

In Su Jinyu's horrified eyes, the flames sprayed by the engine behind the fighter suddenly increased, and the speed broke through the speed of sound in an instant. At the same time, the mounted rotary machine gun started to rotate, and the next moment it spewed out a fierce metal storm!

"Boom boom boom!"

Amid the deafening sound of firing, countless shells formed a densely interwoven bullet net. Su Jinyu was horrified and quickly manipulated the four-winged monster bird to turn around and dodge, but it was too late. Countless bullets fell on the monster bird!

With the supersonic speed, the power of these bullets reached an extremely terrifying level, and hundreds of bullets could be released in one second! But after hearing the sound of "clang clang clang", in the dazzling firelight, the hard body of the monster bird was pierced with more than a dozen large holes!

It let out a wail and fell down. Su Jinyu was horrified and quickly mobilized the rune culture to treat the monster bird with pure life energy, but soon found that this guy was a dead creature and ordinary treatment methods were useless to it!


Su Jinyu cursed and frantically thought about the runes to treat undead creatures in her mind, but before she could find the answer, the fighter jet in the distance had turned around in the air and re-aimed the muzzle at the monster bird that was struggling to maintain its flying posture!

The fire control radar hanging below was aimed firmly at Su Jinyu, completely locking it!

Su Jinyu's heart immediately went cold.

Su Jinyu, who had copied a lot of books, also had some understanding of radar. He knew that once locked, the next step would be to ignite the missile. If there was still a chance of survival in the face of the machine gun, the missile loaded with a large amount of gunpowder would instantly destroy the body of the strange bird!

And in its current state, in front of the missile with a speed of several Mach, there was no chance of evasion at all!

Under her horrified eyes, the missile mounted under the wing began to ignite, and then a fierce flame broke out with a loud noise!

"It's over."

Su Jinyu's face turned pale.

However, just as the missile was about to be ejected from the slide rail, a vague figure suddenly rushed out from below!

Su Jinyu couldn't see the appearance of the figure clearly, but could only see the fierce demonic energy suddenly surge in the air, forming a five-meter-long long sword, slashing towards the rapidly approaching fighter!

The next moment, in the intense fire, the huge fighter plane was split in two!

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