Chu Xiu adhered to the attitude of asking questions when he didn't understand, and asked the question directly to the Blood Warrior.

[Jietian Blood Vine] was awarded to him by the boundless blood pool, so the other party would naturally know the answer.

And Xu was the reason why Chu Xiu helped him win the bet, Xuechi answered readily.

"Jietian Blood Vine is a [mythical] level prop. After using the original blood, it can not only increase its real level to [General Level], but also increase the basic growth rate of Jietian Blood Vine, so that it can be used on the field. Has a guaranteed one-third growth rate.”

"Furthermore, by continuously feeding the original blood, its level can be further improved, even reaching [Heroic Spirit]! Even [Demigod]!"

This answer made Chu Xiu's eyes light up.

"It turns out that the next level after [Heroic Spirit] is [Demigod]! So if my guess is correct, the so-called [God Ascension Sequence] should be an important prop to help the awakened Heroic Spirit advance to demigod!"

"As long as the original blood is continuously provided, the Tianxue Vine can continue to advance. The most important thing is that it can directly appear at one-third of its growth state!"

This was too tempting for Chu Xiu. You must know that even when fighting Baron Blood Angel, his Heaven-Receiving Blood Vine had only grown by half, and that was at the expense of the entire population of the casino!

Now that he can have such a terrifying almost immortal recovery speed when he comes out, how can this make Chu Xiu not be tempted?

And as an autonomous prop, the biggest feature of Jietian Blood Vine is that it can be used in advance. In other words, even if Chu Xiu directly strengthens Jietian Blood Vine to the [demigod] level, he can still use it now!

Of course, the power will be attenuated to a certain extent, but even so it is precious enough!

"Not to mention that the Heavenly Blood Vine is a group buffing item. Even my army of ghosts can enjoy its benefits!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu suddenly realized the best way to use this drop of raw blood.

Compared to taking risks and trading with others, turning it into your own life-saving trump card is undoubtedly a better choice.

But just as Chu Xiu was about to fuse the two, the Blood Warrior's voice sounded again: "But God does not recommend that you adopt such a wasteful method."

"[Primary Blood] is the treasure that all creatures born from the gods dream of. It can even be used as the key to unlock the [God's Legacy]. It is too wasteful to just use it to upgrade the level of a mythical item."

The Blood Warrior's words made Chu Xiu a little stunned.

After thinking for a while, he put this special reward into the storage space.

The Blood Warrior was right. As long as he was still exploring the world of zombies, he would inevitably have to deal with the creations of the blood pool. This drop of raw blood might be exchanged for something more suitable for him.

Furthermore, he can fuse the two at any time and is very flexible.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu stopped worrying and began to digest the remaining gains.

The first thing is naturally to integrate the characteristics of [Bloodline Sharing (S)].

This trait can share 5% of his basic attributes with up to two hundred summons, and these summons have a small probability of inheriting some skills, and will also be continuously healed by Chu Xiu's own vitality!

Of course, this basic attribute does not include equipment attribute bonuses, but even so, Chu Xiu's basic physical fitness has reached an astonishing 1287 points at this time, which means that he can increase the physical fitness of two hundred summons by 64 points!

This is already very amazing. It can be said to be an extremely powerful summoner trait, which can greatly increase the overall strength of the ghost army in his hands!

With the completion of the fusion, his ghost general and the two hundred ghosts under him have been strengthened at the same time. Whether it is the strength of the soul body, the combat power after materialization, or the overall power of the hundred ghost exercises, they have all been strengthened. A substantial increase, which made Chu Xiu couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction.

However, at the moment of fusion, he also felt an irritable and resentful emotion pouring into his mind, which made him have the urge to destroy everything in front of him, and the world in front of him began to distort. Like eating toadstools, the colors that greeted his eyes became brighter, and various spliced ​​fantasy creatures passed before his eyes.

He saw little people jumping out of the cracks in the rocks, and the blood spurted from the blood pool turned into beautiful women one after another, whispering seductive whispers in his ears.

"Is this [pollution]? That girl Su Jinyu has been enduring this?"

Chu Xiu frowned, rubbed his head that was already starting to hurt, and quickly spent 5,000 points to exchange for a blessing of [Eliminating Pollution].

In an instant, as a white light swept across, he felt his head light up, and all the hallucinations in front of him disappeared.

Chu Xiu took a breath and looked at his remaining points.

There are still 53710 points left, which can be exchanged for a good blessing.

However, Chu Xiu decided to save it first and use it to exchange for powerful S-level blessings or special A-level blessings suitable for him in the future.

As for the ancient blood obtained, it was naturally used to exchange for the horn according to the established plan.

Soon, he had prepared all the horns he needed. As the horns merged together, a brand new item appeared in front of him.

[The Roar of O'Bryth (Officer)]

[Current level: Fierce]

[Real level: Fierce]

[Quality: Legend]

[Attribute 1: Can link up to 300 creatures. 】

[Attribute 2: All linked creatures that hear the horn sound will have all attributes +10, extra constitution +15, protection +10, offensive desire and life recovery ability will be greatly improved, and a field-wide "healing" will be performed at the same time. 】

[Attribute three: All unlinked creatures that hear the horn will suffer a "trembling" and "fear" blow. The closer the distance, the fewer people are hit, and the greater the power. 】

[Attribute 4: The connected creature is blessed by Oblais, randomly obtains a weapon of Oblais, and obtains corresponding combat skills]

[Evaluation: A reward that can only be obtained by the most loyal and outstanding officers under Oblais. It has a strong group amplification ability and can greatly improve the legion's combat capabilities. 】

This legendary equipment is equivalent to strengthening the power of three horns at the same time and then integrating them together.

The total bonus of basic attributes alone is close to half of the effect of [Bloodline Sharing (S)].

It seems less, but actually it’s because Chu Xiu’s basic attributes are too high, which makes the effect of [Bloodline Sharing (S)] extra powerful. If he were to switch to an ordinary summoning profession, his physique might not even be a quarter of Chu Xiu’s. ! The effect of this horn is undoubtedly better than the shared trait.

Moreover, it also has a special attribute, which is to obtain the blessing of Oblais, allowing Chu Xiu's summons to possess Oblais' weapons and obtain corresponding combat skills!

Although Chu Xiu doesn't know the specific power, there is no doubt that the combat effectiveness of his ghost army will be even higher.

"Now my army of ghosts, I'm afraid, even if they face hundreds of thousands of corrupted creatures, they won't be afraid at all, and they can even kill them quickly without any damage!"

"And if I can cultivate another level of "Golden Muscle and Bones", I will be able to fight even those who are awakened by the king level!"

There was a look of anticipation in Chu Xiu's eyes. He couldn't wait to test the strength of his ghost army through a battle!

Raising his hand to put away the horn, Chu Xiu activated the gladiator badge and returned to the world of zombies.

As the eyes flashed, the tall and quaint arena disappeared, replaced by a damp, gravel-filled cave.

When Chu Xiu walked out, the first thing he saw was Su Jinyu who was guarding the entrance of the cave.

Her condition seemed a little worse than a few days ago. Her eyes were looking at the slowly rising sun in the distance with some confusion. There were faint black threads in her eyes, as if a nematode had parasitized her brain. It looks quite weird.

However, after seeing Chu Xiu, the thin black lines in her eyes quickly faded and she quickly returned to normal.

"You don't look good." Chu Xiu used his consciousness and looked at the girl carefully.

He could feel that there was a chaotic and unknown force in the other person's mind. It was difficult for Chu Xiu to describe what kind of force it was. He only knew that at the moment when his consciousness came into contact, he felt a force The ultimate malice was like an evil ghost lurking in the dark, wanting to drink his blood and eat his flesh.

"It's not good. I don't know how long I can hold on." Su Jinyu supported her head. "I have seen more hallucinations these days. Sometimes I am not even sure whether they are hallucinations. Yesterday I saw You wanted to give me the wine of resurrection, but you disappeared as soon as I took it, haha.”

She laughed twice.

Chu Xiu glanced at her: "There's no need to test. Since I promised you, I won't break my promise."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of red light was thrown towards Su Jinyu.

Su Jinyu took it subconsciously. After seeing what was in her hand, her eyes widened suddenly. She rubbed the object in her palm back and forth in disbelief. After confirming that it was not an illusion but a real thing, she turned her head suddenly with excitement on her face. He looked at Chu Xiu and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Chen! I will never forget this great kindness."

Seeing her cautious look, Chu Xiu waved his hand: "Use it quickly, this is what was promised."

Su Jinyu said no more and hurriedly swallowed the wine of resurrection in one gulp, as if she was afraid that if she was too late, Chu Xiu would have to go back.

Instantly, a surging life force rose from her body. Chu Xiu could clearly feel that all the small hidden wounds and strains on her body were being repaired at an alarming speed, and most of the resurrection wine All the effects of it came to her mind, and her eyes became visibly clear.

However, under the observation of Chu Xiu's spiritual consciousness, the chaotic and unknown power has not diminished. It is just that Su Jinyu's originally cannibalized soul has been replenished, allowing her to compete for a while longer.

"I didn't expect that this so-called wine of resurrection can even repair the soul. It's really magical. No wonder Rasputin wanted it so much before." Chu Xiu thought to himself.

A quarter of an hour later, after fully digesting the effects of the resurrection wine, Su Jinyu opened her eyes.

At this time, the aura on her body had changed a lot compared to before. It was a little less decadent and timid, and a little more decisive and confident. Chu Xiu seemed to vaguely sense the genius researcher Su Jinyu had before he was contaminated. A little flair.

"How do you feel?" Chu Xiu asked.

"Great, I can feel that I can use talents again. Although the effect is only half of the previous one, it can still at least double the power of my spells! And I can use the props and equipment I copied in advance! "

Su Jinyu said excitedly, one after another illusory equipment appeared in her hands, such as floating heavy artillery, armor-piercing rocket launchers, steel puppets, mysticism codes, etc., from the technological side to the extraordinary side to the mysterious side, the variety was so rich that Chu Xiu was speechless secretly.

He feels that this talent is really awesome. It turns out that it can not only copy knowledge and skills, but also physical props and equipment. It is indeed a talent of SS, and Chu Xiu estimates that this talent is considered to be the top batch even among SS. Yes, it should be very close to SSS! Like his [Perfect Refining], it touches the edge of the rules.

And if this girl can digest that [Ancient God Relic], then he will really witness the awakening of a genius.

"Classmate Chen, I'm really grateful to you this time, but that... is that."

While Chu Xiu was thinking secretly, Su Jinyu's somewhat twisted voice sounded in his ears. Chu Xiu immediately understood: "You want to ask me if I still have the wine of resurrection, right?"

Su Jinyu nodded quickly.

"It depends on your performance." Chu Xiu gave an ambiguous answer.

But this answer made Su Jinyu jump up excitedly, as if she had regained hope for life, and said quickly: "Don't worry, classmate Chen, I will do my best to help you get more resources!"

Chu Xiu nodded and said no more, "Tell me about the recent situation."


From Su Jinyu's mouth, Chu Xiu learned that the general attack would begin in two days at most, and he was now waiting for the return of several geniuses who had participated in the ferocious level trials.

It's not that the combat power of these guys is needed, but that these guys have power behind them, and they have to share this opportunity.

Then Chu Xiu took Su Jinyu to find Qin Xiang and learned the complete battle plan from him.

During this period, the three awakened kings who entered the world of zombies brought a large amount of strategic materials.

As king-level awakeners, their storage space has a huge capacity, and they also have additional storage items such as soul and flesh storage bags. This time, there are more than 300 heavy machine guns alone, which can almost satisfy everyone involved in the battle. The awakened ones raised their hands.

In addition, there are a large number of artillery, mortars, high-explosive grenades and other large-scale anti-personnel items. There are more than twenty artillery pieces that fire 155mm howitzers. .

Moreover, these modern weapons were not the ordinary thermal weapons in Chu Xiu's impression, but were forged by specialized professionals and digitized.

Only in this way can they be brought into the abyss.

Compared with conventional weapons, they are larger in terms of caliber, power, and durability. They can also consume the ability of the awakened person to perform [enchantment], and even directly generate special [energy bullets].

This makes these weapons extremely valuable in actual combat and can provide extremely powerful long-range fire support.

Currently, there are about 200 warrior-level awakeners gathered nearby, plus 300 mortal-level combat professions. They will use these special weapons as the main firepower output against corrupt creatures to clean up the mobs and cover the evil ones. Awakened ones of level 1 and above go deep into the cave.

The attack team will be divided into four groups, entering from the three main caves. The extra group will serve as a reserve support team, which will be filled with elite awakeners to deal with high-level monsters that may appear.

Each team is guarded by a king. The three roads are also the best routes selected during this period. Each road has been artificially expanded, and many defensive strongholds have been set up based on the mountain structure to best utilize heavy weapons. The power.

Their purpose is to go all the way deep into the pit, carry out the first large-scale attack on the corrupted creatures inside, and destroy all the corrupted engineering machinery to delay the disaster from destroying the mountain.

It can be said that with four kings guarding it and having so much firepower, if the opponent's top combat power is only the colonel, it can basically be easily won.

Now, just wait for Zhang Qingshan and others to finish the fierce level trial before they can start taking action.

Knowing what was going on, Chu Xiu said goodbye to Qin Xiang. He let Su Jinyu move freely, while he found a place where no one was around to remove his disguise.

Then, he came to Zhang Qingshan's team.

At this time, a large group of people had gathered waiting for him to strengthen their weapons. Chu Xiu strengthened the weapons for everyone one by one as agreed.

Of course, in order to make his talent not appear so abnormal, he deliberately delayed it ten times.

Of course, he would not waste this time, but would instead recover the consumed mana and prepare for the subsequent battle.

In the final battle in the bloody arena, all of his golden embryo essence was consumed in one go. The recovery of this thing was slower than his mana.

But even if he delayed it ten times, he still received a lot of shocks such as "awesome" and "big boss".

In the end, he gained a total of 9,000 points of causality income. Counting the previous gains from the arena, he basically met the training needs of the Golden Muscle and Nether Bone.

Without any further hesitation, with a thought, all the cause and effect points in Chu Xiu's body were invested in this technique!

He didn't want to order some soup from the hands of the four kings step by step. After his strength surged, he had the confidence to enter the deep pit first and make a fierce attack.

He wants to eat the resources of this wave of disaster!

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