Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 177 Minced Meat Battlefield


Under the terrifying power of the magic knife, Chu Xiu just chopped upwards, and countless air-tearing slashes appeared out of thin air. However, dense metal tearing sounds were heard, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the shield machine instantly!

Even if it was hundreds of meters away, the destructive energy condensed to the extreme could still dismember this huge mechanical creation. The steel plates tens of centimeters thick were as fragile as paper in front of it!

At the same time, a large amount of blood overflowed from the shield machine. Those high-level corrupted creatures that merged with the shield machine, as well as a large number of corrupted residents that fell from the sky, were all chopped into splattered limbs and blood before this blow.

But in this bloody rain, a figure fell straight down from the sky without slowing down!


With a deafening roar, the colonel's fist slammed heavily on the magic knife of judgment. The terrifying power made the magic knife vibrate like ripples, and the huge impact force directly made Chu Xiu fly backwards!


He smashed heavily into the rock wall several meters deep, and countless rubble fell, completely burying him.

At the same time, another road opened from the side, and another shield machine came to crush a large hole on the side of the cave. Countless corrupt residents rushed out, rushing towards Chu Xiu like ants, and surrounded the place where he collapsed layer by layer!

But the next moment, the slash that announced death appeared again. In the teeth-grinding explosion, the rock covering Chu Xiu and the vast amount of corrupt creatures were blown outward, and then they were chopped into countless pieces in the air and fell!

Chu Xiu stood up from the cave entrance and stared coldly at the colonel not far away. At this time, he had completely turned into a bloody man, and the blood of the corrupt creatures was constantly corroding his armor.

But there was no fear on his face. Whether it was the colonel's heavy blow or the corrosion of the blood, it only made him look embarrassed, but he was not actually hurt at all.

With Chu Xiu's abnormal physique of nearly 2,500, the rock that is extremely hard for ordinary people and can even withstand heavy machine gun fire is as fragile as tofu to him. Even if he smashes it several meters into it, it will only relax his muscles and bones.


Chu Xiu looked up at the center of the battlefield. As two new holes were opened, tens of thousands of corrupted creatures poured in, including many elite corrupted soldiers!

The two ghost generals roared at the first time and rushed to a hole respectively!

The warhammer ghost general raised the weapon in his hand and roared and smashed it heavily on the ground. The shock wave shattered the rock wall, and countless broken stones shot out like bullets, smashing the corrupted creatures that rushed in. The power of the shock wave directly shattered their internal organs.

With just one blow, hundreds of corrupted creatures were destroyed!

The corrupted warriors were not to be outdone. Their bodies changed continuously in the air. Every time they slashed, they were accompanied by a dazzling blade light, cutting a large number of corrupted creatures in two.

At the same time, many ghosts also redistributed their firepower and aimed at the two newly appeared cave entrances.

But even so, they still couldn't completely block the cave entrances. A large number of corrupt residents rushed into the trenches and fought with the ghosts.

Although the average level of these corrupt residents was much lower than that of the elite ghost army, they were almost endless in number. As the cave entrance was corroded by the blood of corrupt creatures, the speed of the corrupt creatures pouring in was getting faster and faster!

At this time, there was another loud noise, and the third cave entrance appeared!

A huge shield machine fell from the sky and hit the center of the cave heavily. Behind this behemoth, countless corrupt residents fell from the sky like a rainstorm!

Even if some low-level ones fell to death directly, it didn't matter. The splashing blood would gradually fill the cave and begin to corrode every creature in it!

"So that's how it is. Do you want to fill the entire cave with corpses in this way?"

"The blood that gathers into a river will continue to corrode my ghosts, and the piled up corpses can also serve as cover, greatly reducing the offensive efficiency of the ghost army and covering more corrupted creatures to rush in."

"By then, even if my ghost army is strong, it will gradually be damaged. Do you intend to rely on the ten-to-one, one-hundred-to-one, or even one-thousand-to-one losses to wear me out?"

"After delaying the ghost army, it should be the turn of the 'decapitation operation'."

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look at the colonel. After giving him a blow, this powerful creature did not rush to launch an attack, but steadily guarded the retreat passage, not letting Chu Xiu get close, and waited for support to continue to enter the cave.

This is because he is worried that after Chu Xiu realizes that he is no match for the enemy, he will rely on the cover of the ghost army to rush back before the corrupted creatures gather in large numbers.

If Chu Xiu's guess is correct, there should be a fourth shield machine in his evacuation passage, digging a road from somewhere else, and now it is constantly accumulating corrupted creatures in the cave, completely blocking his retreat!

Obviously, the underground disaster had made a perfect plan before coming.

It must be said that this method of consuming Chu Xiu in large numbers by relying on the sea of ​​people, and then beheading him by relying on high-level combat power, is indeed the most reliable strategy if it is against the combat power he has shown before.

But for Chu Xiu now, it is exactly what he wants!

Chu Xiu had long anticipated the opponent's various combat methods and made corresponding plans in advance!

"I'm afraid that you don't have enough people and can't provide enough flesh and blood."

"But now is not the time to use the trump card."

Chu Xiu raised his hand and swung the Judgment Demonic Knife, chopping up the corrupted creatures that rushed towards him.

As the corrupted creatures continued to pour in, the entire cave was almost filled with these creatures. The ground was covered with layers of corpses. With any step, you could step on soft flesh and broken limbs.

At this time, as Chu Xiu expected, a large number of corrupted creatures suddenly poured out of the passage he had originally planned to use for retreat!

Now, there were a full six holes bursting with soldiers non-stop. The firepower of the ghosts could no longer stop them. After filling every corner of the cave, these corrupted creatures began to climb along the stone wall and look for opportunities to jump down, besieging the lone ghosts with dozens of times their number!

Even if the ghost army was strong, it gradually lost its strength in this situation. Some low-level ghosts were already being bitten by the souls, and the two ghost generals were also wrapped by layers of corrupted creatures, and the energy level in their bodies was decreasing at a very fast rate!

But Chu Xiu was still waiting patiently.

When the number of corrupted creatures in the cave of only 5,000 square meters exceeded 30,000, he finally showed a sneer on his face.

"It's time."

As Chu Xiu's mind moved, the [Eight Desolate Dark Fire Formation] flags inserted around the cave suddenly lit up!

In an instant, red flames rose in the entire cave!

Before those corrupted creatures could react, they were engulfed by the surging flames, carbonized in the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, and screamed miserably!

Compared to the bloody arena, Chu Xiu expanded the range of the [Eight Desolate Dark Fire Formation] by fifty times!

At the cost of reduced power, it gained a super large attack range!

As eight fire dragons rose in the cave, the terrifying dragon breath instantly turned the entire cave into a sea of ​​fire!

And just as they had been rehearsed long ago, all the ghosts were suspended in the air, and under the gathering of the two ghost generals, two huge "dark clouds" were formed.

In the center of the cave, there is a space specially arranged by Chu Xiu. The average height of the cave is about ten meters, but the height here is thirty meters! The ghost army gathered here to minimize the damage of the flames.

Moreover, the ghosts gathered together can transfer and digest the heat inside, so that the weakened [Eight Desolate Nether Fire Formation] can be resistant.

But these flames are fatal to corrupted creatures!

The raging sea of ​​fire covered the entire cave and began to climb along the rock wall, leaving the corrupted creatures attached to the rock wall with nowhere to escape!

The unpleasant smell of burning came to the face, and the eyes were full of screaming corrupted creatures running in the flames.

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of corrupted creatures were burned alive!

This tragic scene made even the colonel guarding the cave entrance change his face.

Obviously, he never thought that Chu Xiu would have such a terrifying mass killing equipment!

Chu Xiu showed an expectant look.

He noticed that the colonel's face had a few more changes than before. He didn't know whether his intelligence was enhanced by the help of [pollutants], or whether this place was close to the deep pit and he could directly contact the disaster under the deep pit.

But either way, it can be said that the other party is also making real-time adjustments according to Chu Xiu's methods.

"So next, is it to evacuate in such a mess and swallow the loss, or continue to invest troops to fight a war of attrition with me?"

And the result is also very obvious.

After paying such a huge price, the disaster under the ground can't stop!

With a sharp whistle, the speed of the corrupted creatures pouring into the cave not only did not decrease, but continued to increase!

They are going to use the sea of ​​people to extinguish Chu Xiu's flames!

The surface of the corrupted creatures is covered with heavy stone armor, which is not a suitable combustible material, so Chu Xiu needs to consume a certain amount of mana every time he burns a corrupted creature to death.

The other party should have seen this, so he chose to continue to fight a war of attrition with him.


"You don't think that I only have this one trump card, do you?"

"You don't think that I am a [Summoner] type profession that mainly relies on the ghost army to fight, do you?"

Chu Xiu's smile on his face was almost unbearable.

This is the charm of information asymmetry, which can make the enemy mistakenly believe that they are only one step away from success, and continue to increase their investment driven by [sunk costs], and finally lose everything.

He looked up and saw that under the continuous impact of the corrupt residents, the original six-meter-wide and four-meter-high hole had been forcibly expanded three or four times, which greatly increased the speed of their influx!

Countless corrupt creatures rushed in and used their bodies to fight against the flames!

Chu Xiu remained calm and just silently activated the [Eight Desolate Hell Fire Formation].

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, one hundred thousand!

A large number of corrupt creatures were burned to ashes in the flames, and prompt sounds kept ringing in Chu Xiu's ears.

[Professional Experience +3]

[Obtained Item: Causal Points*6]

[Obtained Equipment: Granite Heavy Armor (Collection)]

[Obtained Item:]

[Level Up!]

[Current Level: Fierce Level 6]

[Level Up!]

[Current Level: Fierce Level 7]

A quarter of an hour later, there was no trace of oxygen in the cave, and it was replaced by toxic substances generated by carbonized flesh and blood. The suffocating stench filled every corner of the cave.

At the bottom of the cave, there was a half-meter-thick layer of rock that had melted into a semi-solidified magma! On top was a lot of dust, ashes, and carbonized flesh and blood. On top were layers of charred corpses, piled up to three meters high!

In this short quarter of an hour, Chu Xiu burned to death 230,000 corrupted creatures!

You should know that the Battle of Verdun, known as the meat grinder of World War I, only killed 250,000 people after ten months of fighting!

Chu Xiu felt that his merits had skyrocketed to the point of overflowing.

The Hundred Souls Banner was filled with living souls, and the rich demonic energy could not be controlled and dissipated.

Of course, the opponent's strategy was also effective. After burning so many creatures alive, even if Chu Xiu had been using recovery items continuously, only one-third of the energy in his body was left.

He stopped supplying mana, and the flag of the Eight Desolate Nether Fire Array immediately dimmed, and the shadow of the fire dragon no longer swallowed and spit out flames, shrinking back into the flag.

This scene finally brightened the eyes of the colonel who had been waiting, and he let out a sharp howl as if he saw the dawn of victory.

Under his drive, a large number of corrupted creatures continued to rush into the five holes. They stepped on the carbonized corpses of their companions and rushed towards Chu Xiu and the ghost army in the air!

However, the next moment, something happened that made them despair.

As Chu Xiu's mind moved, a huge plant soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye it grew to more than ten meters!

At the same time, the surging life force escaped from it and poured into the ghost army in the center!

In an instant, the injuries of these ghosts recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and as if they had taken stimulants, they rushed towards the corrupted creatures in the five holes!

Compared with before, the rate of the influx of corrupted creatures increased by many times, and there were thousands of corrupted creatures rushing in almost every second.

However, in this case, the corrupted creatures were suppressed by the ghost army!

With the blessing of [Heavenly Blood Vine], no matter how much damage the ghost is inflicted, it can recover quickly!

This is the second trump card prepared by Chu Xiu!

[Eight Desolate Nether Fire Formation] is not only an attack-type magic weapon, but also can extract life energy from flesh and blood, and all of this life energy is used by Chu Xiu to cultivate [Heavenly Blood Vine]!

Two hundred thousand flesh and blood make this [Myth] item burst out with extremely terrifying power! Forming a group healing buff covering thousands of ghosts!

And this is far from over!

Without any hesitation, Chu Xiu's mana poured into the Hundred Souls Banner and activated the skill.

[Command Charge]!

At the same time, he took out [Oswell's Roar] with his other hand and put it to his mouth!

With a thunderous roar, the horn of counterattack officially sounded!

The ghost army with multiple buffs instantly soared several levels in combat power. They completely suppressed the corrupted creatures that rushed in crazily, turning the cave into a thorough meat grinder!

No matter how many corrupted creatures poured in, no matter whether they were ordinary corrupted residents or elite corrupted soldiers, they would be torn to pieces in less than ten seconds!

This scene made the colonel on the side look extremely ugly!

At this moment, he completely realized that Chu Xiu had been hiding his strength! His true combat power was much more terrifying than what he had shown before!

It was a complete pipe dream to rely on low-level creatures to wear Chu Xiu to death!

But now, with the loss of nearly 300,000 corrupted creatures, including elite ones, and three shield machines, it was impossible to stop like this!

The colonel roared, and finally stopped waiting, rushing towards Chu Xiu. At the same time, in the three passages near Chu Xiu, a full ten hidden corrupted awakeners suddenly rushed out!

But after realizing that the war of attrition had failed, the other party directly launched the decapitation tactic! To use the law that the [Summoner] generally has weak body strength, forcibly kill Chu Xiu!

"One king and ten corrupt awakeners, you really think highly of me."

"However, I showed a little weakness before, you don't really think I am just a [Summoner] with a weak body, right?"

Chu Xiu smiled faintly, mobilized the golden embryo essence in his body, and the real magic knife condensed in his hand.

The next moment, the green magic knife was raised and fell suddenly towards the colonel and the corrupt awakener who were rushing forward!

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