Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 179 King-level Legend Props

One king-level, ten general-level, and the massive experience provided by 300,000 abyssal creatures directly allowed Chu Xiu to reach the maximum level in one go!

In addition, a large number of equipment and props were also revealed!

40,000 karma points, five [perfect] items, 28 [treasure] items, and 91 [excellent] items, and all of them are general-level!

There is even a [legend] item! ! !

[Corrupted Micro Nuclear Power Furnace]

[Current level: fierce]

[Real level: king]

[Grade: legend]

[Effect 1: After fusion, it can be used as a power source, strength +600, energy level +1150. ]

[Effect 2: A close-fitting protective shield can be generated on the surface, with protection +85, greatly improving the impact absorption capacity]

[Effect 3: After fusion, multiple power levels can be opened to provide additional strength and energy recovery speed bonus. The higher the number of levels, the greater the bonus provided, but the greater the pressure on the body. Up to the fourth level, the maximum strength +1200, protection +135, and energy recovery speed +8/s bonus]

[Alienation deviation rate: 8.95% (will increase partially with the increase of level)]

[Evaluation: The exclusive power source created by the god "Titan Giant Machine" for its "Titan" series of war machines can provide powerful power, but it will also bring great burdens. Only Titans with amazing structural strength can bear it]

[After being corrupted, it can be equipped on non-mechanical creations, but it will bring a lot of "alienation". ]

[Note 1: Different creatures have different alienation deviation rates for it. The more "mechanical" and "corrupted" characteristics they have, the lower the alienation deviation rate. 】

【Note 2: The greater the deviation rate, the lower the attribute bonus obtained by fusion. 】

It turned out to be a legendary item with a real level reaching the king level!

Looking at the attributes of this legendary item in front of him, even Chu Xiu, who already had several legendary items in his hands, couldn't help but open his eyes in shock.

As long as it is equipped, it provides 600 strength, 85 points of protection and 1150 energy level! It can also open higher levels to provide more attribute bonuses!

The highest combined, it can increase 1800 points of strength! It is equivalent to directly adding a high-level general-level strength attribute!

Not to mention that it can also generate shield protection and increase a lot of energy, the values ​​are ridiculously high.

Is this a fierce-level equipment?

"Sure enough, the same [Legend] grade, the attributes are also very different." Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh.

He found that generally speaking, [Legends] with high real levels, even at low levels, perform better than [Legends] with low real levels.

The [Corrupted Micro-Nuclear Furnace] in front of him has reached the King level, and its attributes are obviously better than Chu Xiu's other [Legendary] equipment.

"Of course, such amazing attributes are not without cost."

Chu Xiu turned his eyes to the back of the panel and frowned slightly.

First of all, it is natural to turn on the high level. The pressure on the body increases, and it must bear additional negative buffs.

However, for Chu Xiu, whose physique is close to 2500 points, he thinks that this pressure should not be a big deal.

The trouble is the [Alienation Deviation Rate].

The 8.95% alienation deviation rate is already extremely terrifying. This thing is similar to the genetic similarity. Humans and apes are only a few tenths of a percentage point apart, but in reality they are very different.

Moreover, too high an alienation degree will also reduce the effect of the props.

"If I guess correctly, the colonel has such amazing physique and defense ability because of the fusion of this corrupted item."

"His original body should be just an ordinary low-level king."

It can be seen that after the colonel fused with this item, he had a physique of more than 5,000 and extremely abnormal defense attributes. Chu Xiu couldn't even break his defense before using the Judgment Demon Sword, and even the True Demon Sword that consumed all the Golden Embryo's origin could not seriously injure him. In the end, he absorbed a lot of life energy to kill him.

This strength is far beyond the average king.

"However, the negative effects are also obvious."

"The colonel's reaction speed and body flexibility have declined, and his mental state seems to be even worse than that of ordinary corrupted awakeners."

"And, I have never seen him turn on other gears, this powerful effect disappeared directly, and the basic attribute bonus seems to have decreased."

The fierce level can have a 600-point power increase, and when it reaches the king level, it will be guaranteed to be ten times to 6,000 points.

However, the Colonel's performance was far from the effect of this item. Chu Xiu estimated that it should have only increased by 2,000 to 3,000 points.

"And the Colonel is still a corrupted creature, and the corruption deviation is lower than mine, but the fusion effect is still so poor."

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu couldn't help but grind his teeth.

Although alienation is not necessarily all negative, in general, the greater the deviation, the higher the probability of negative. Chu Xiu never believed in his own character, and he never won anything related to gambling.

If this item is forcibly integrated, it is likely that the gains will not outweigh the losses, and it is even possible to die violently.

This made Chu Xiu very uncomfortable.

He now felt like there was a treasure mountain in front of him, but he couldn't take a single bit.

After a while, Chu Xiu sighed and was relieved.

It is very common to find unsuitable equipment and props in the abyss. It is not strange. Otherwise, there would be no trading institutions. One of the advantages of awakened people is that they can trade with awakened people from other worlds and get what they need.

And to be honest, the effect of this equipment is really too abnormal. It can have attribute bonus comparable to that of high-level generals at the fierce level. If there is no negative effect, it can be ranked at the top among [Legendary] props, let alone [Legend].

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu calmed down.

But just as he was about to pack up and leave, he suddenly had an idea and looked at the colonel's body lying quietly in the big pit he had split.


Can the colonel's body be refined into a refined corpse and then fused with this prop?

This idea seems a bit outrageous at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to be feasible!

First of all, the items in the abyss are all extra, and the main body will not disappear, just like when he fought the Silver Knight before, the Silver Knight's armor exploded, but the armor on the Silver Knight still exists.

Chu Xiu didn't understand what the principle was, probably the charm of the abyss after [digitization].

That is to say, the colonel at this time has already fused [Corrupted Micro Nuclear Power Furnace] once, so the alienation deviation rate will definitely be much smaller if it is fused again. Even if Chu Xiu guessed wrong, the colonel has a lot of [Corrupted] traits as a corrupted creature, and the alienation deviation rate must be much lower than him.


Chu Xiu thought of the record about the iron-clad corpse in the corpse refining book.

The essence of the [mechanical] trait is actually [metal], which is the biggest difference from ordinary creatures.

And the iron-clad corpse relies on the fusion of a large amount of high-level [metal] to improve the physical strength of the corpse!

If Chu Xiu can refine the colonel into an iron-clad corpse, the alienation deviation rate will definitely be further reduced!

There is also a more important point, that is, Chu Xiu can use [Fusion Plasma Extract].

This item was originally used to fuse creatures and equipment. Chu Xiu now has two left. If he uses it, it will definitely increase the completeness of the fusion!

Just imagine how terrifying the colonel, who is already terrifying, will be after being refined into a king-level iron corpse and then fused with the complete power of this [Legend] equipment.

Chu Xiu simply couldn't imagine it!

"Isn't this fucking invincible?"

"Even an S-level king-level 9th-level awakener may not be an opponent!"

Of course, in the process of refining into an iron corpse, the colonel's original structure and characteristics will definitely be changed. It is hard to say how much can be retained in the end. It is impossible for Chu Xiu to achieve the ideal situation.

But even if only 50% of the power is fused, as long as the negative buff is not too serious, it is enough for Chu Xiu to walk sideways in the king level.

"It is not impossible for the basic attributes to exceed 10,000 by then!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu couldn't help but get a little excited.

However, although this method is feasible, there are also many difficulties.

The first thing is to refine the colonel into a king-level iron corpse. You should know that the power of the corpse must be greatly reduced compared to when it was alive. The resurrected corpses of the baron and the blood angel have the potential to become general-level corpses, but if they are directly refined, the best they can do is the level of the 9th level of the fierce level. Chu Xiu has invested a lot of blood and flesh in refining, but he has not reached the general level yet.

He dare not imagine how much blood and flesh are needed to refine a king-level corpse!

Secondly, [Fusion Plasma Extract] is not enough. Although he still has two of this thing, the level is only the soldier level, and the effect is too poor.

In order to reduce the deviation in the fusion process, he has to go back and see if the artificial intelligence in the shelter has made a higher-level [Fusion Plasma Extract] or put more than a dozen at a time.

Of course, it can also be solved directly from the source, such as going to the bloody arena to ask for help from the boundless blood pool. Anyway, the power of [Fusion Plasma Extract] originally comes from the pollution of the boundless blood pool, and the owner must have a solution.

Compared with the possible huge gains, Chu Xiu thinks this effort is worth it.

Of course, it would be better if he could find and control a war titan directly, but Chu Xiu didn't think he would be so lucky.

With his mind set, he raised his hand to put away all the equipment and props, and then planned to return to slowly refine the souls and flesh he had harvested this time, and at the same time check the newly unlocked inheritance.

But at this moment, there was another "rumbling" vibration from the ground, obviously a new batch of corrupted creatures were rushing here.

Although he had thought a lot just now, with Chu Xiu's nerve reaction speed, it was actually only a few seconds.

"You really don't give up."

However, at this time, Chu Xiu's mana was almost exhausted, and he didn't plan to continue fighting. If he continued to fight, he could only rely on the ghost army to fight hard. Not only was the killing efficiency low, but the risk was also high.

If the disaster still had a colonel-level cutting-edge combat force, he might really turn over and be forced to hand over the life-saving trump card of [First Born Source Blood], then he would be picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu returned along the same route he came. The disaster had left behind many elite corrupted soldiers to block the road, but since their high-level combat power was all chopped off by Chu Xiu with one sword, they were quickly cleared out by the ghost army. Not only did they not block the road for long, but they also provided Chu Xiu with a considerable amount of resources.

Roars sounded behind him, and the whole cave was shaking. With Chu Xiu's super perception, he could clearly feel that it was not just the passage he was in, but more than a dozen passages near him were rioting. A large number of corrupted creatures were running wildly. The number was definitely more than 100,000, and there were many elite fierce creatures among them! They surrounded and killed Chu Xiu from all directions!

Obviously, the disaster under the ground had completely turned red and warm.

It was like a gambler who lost his eyes and was making a final struggle.

However, Chu Xiu could understand that anyone who paid such a high price but got nothing would be furious.

And although Chu Xiu actually had a lot of trump cards, in the eyes of the underground disaster at this time, he should have been at the end of his strength after swinging that earth-shaking knife, and it was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity!

But unfortunately, Chu Xiu, who had made sufficient preparations, would naturally not give it any chance to take advantage of.

After passing through a hole, dozens of rune pillars suddenly rose from the ground, and the rune pillars flashed with lightning, forming a dense electric grid!

As the thunder shot out, the corrupted creatures in the entire passage immediately turned into charred corpses!

Chu Xiu had expected it, and asked Su Jinyu to set up a formation in the back to cover his evacuation.

After recovering half of her talent, this woman's combat power increased greatly, and she arranged it for a long time in advance. Although she was still unable to face the endless tide of corrupted creatures, she killed nearly 10,000 corrupted creatures before the rune pillars were washed away.

This moment of delay was enough for Chu Xiu to calmly get rid of the encirclement of the corrupted creatures and retreat to the defensive stronghold in the back.

The movement of the corrupted creatures naturally quickly attracted the attention of the awakened people in the defensive stronghold, and the final decisive battle was detonated in advance.

Shells fell at the entrance of the cave, and each shell could completely crush hundreds of corrupted creatures. Although they were attacked by surprise, the awakened ones who had been fully prepared easily blocked all the corrupted creatures outside the stronghold. The terrifying firepower made no matter how many creatures attacked, they all became cannon fodder for death without suspense.

This made Chu Xiu smile faintly.

It can be said that everything is under his control at present.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu moved his body and planned to evacuate first and leave the subsequent battle to others.

However, just as he was about to leave the stronghold, his eyes suddenly moved and looked at a woman near the artillery behind him, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The woman wore a gray vest, had a neat short hair, and her exposed arms were healthy wheat-colored. Her facial features were superior, but a narrow scar on her face destroyed this beauty, which made her less fragile and more rough and fierce.

At this moment, six mechanical arms extended from behind him, operating a rapid-fire howitzer as flexibly as human hands, attacking the corrupted creatures rushing over.

"It's her."

Guan Ke.

This woman is also an old acquaintance. She was one of the first group of awakened people that Chu Xiu met when he entered the abyss. At that time, Chu Xiu paid special attention to her because of her advanced [Mechanic (A)] profession.

Chu Xiu was not surprised that Guan Ke appeared here. Mechanic is a profession suitable for legionary combat. There are a large number of modern weapons here, which can maximize the power of this profession.

If a fully equipped King-level Mechanic came, I'm afraid that one person would be able to suppress the disaster. The higher-level Heroic Spirit-level [Mechanic Lord (S)] is even more terrifying. There are not many people in the world who can destroy a country by themselves. In terms of large-scale combat, SS or even SSS professions of the same level are not opponents!

If this girl is not stupid, she will definitely take the initiative to participate in the battle.

What surprised Chu Xiu was that she actually passed the fierce level trial and reached the fierce level, catching up with the progress of geniuses such as Zhang Qingshan.

You should know that when she last met, she was several levels behind the geniuses in the first echelon. Although she also advanced to the soldier level, her performance was not outstanding. Unexpectedly, she caught up in just a few days.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly remembered that when he first met Guan Ke, he had used the ghost demon pupil to scan the other party. In addition to having an A-level mechanic profession, this woman also has an S-level mysterious unknown talent, which made Chu Xiu pay special attention to her at the time.

A-level profession plus S-level talent, at least a genius of the Seven Knights level.

But this woman has been hiding her strength like an old bitch, hiding in Shen Zhuo's small group, and then disappeared, no longer showing any performance, and it seems that she has not joined other organizations, which made Chu Xiu stop paying attention to her.

"Then there is only one reason left, that is, her S-level talent is extremely precious. She is afraid of being exposed like me, so she hides her strength."

"It's not surprising that she has a super fast upgrade speed with a powerful talent."

Talents are not necessarily better with higher levels. It also depends on the degree of compatibility with the profession and its specific effects. There are also differences between the same S-level talents.

For example, the summoner's [Damage Sharing] talent, even if it is only C-level, is more valuable than many A-level talents, and the S-level [Damage Sharing] is even more priceless. Every time it appears, it will attract countless people to scramble!

The most sold thing in Yuancheng is the "goods" with the [Damage Sharing] talent. It can be said that professions with this talent usually choose to conceal it.

"It seems that this woman is not as simple as I thought."

"I just don't know what kind of talent it is that makes her keep it secret." Chu Xiu touched his chin with some curiosity.

But Chu Xiu didn't think about it any more. What if she had a higher talent? Could she be higher than him?

Chu Xiu had never taken this girl seriously before when he was weaker, and he certainly wouldn't pay attention to her now. He just paused for a moment, then moved and continued to rush out.

A few minutes later, he completely left the mountain.

Next, Chu Xiu found a safe place, spread out his spiritual sense and alert, and then began to slowly refine the soul and flesh.

While refining, he looked at the newly unlocked inheritance with anticipation.

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