Chu Xiu's words made everyone involuntarily look at the corpse again.

Soon they discovered that the lower body of the corpse did not disappear, but merged into the strange dark substance, just like the person who attacked Chu Xiu could blend into the shadows!

Chu Xiu also looked a little solemn. When he made his first transaction, there was someone lurking around him. That person had a strange way of blending into the shadows. If he hadn't been accidentally recognized by the gods while approaching Chu Xiu, After catching it, Chu Xiu really couldn't find him.

And after being exposed, he was still able to retreat calmly under Chu Xiu's attack. Although Chu Xiu at that time only relied on the brute force of the crazy devil's hands, it also showed the strength of that man.

At that time, everyone initially concluded that this person came from the extreme realm.

But why is the Jida here? Who killed him?

The atmosphere in the field was a little heavy for a while. Su Jinyu and Guan Ke, who didn't know the specific situation, were fine, but Zhang Qingshan, who had seen the Jida's ability to blend into shadows, looked quite ugly.

That kind of ability is very special, and it is extremely difficult to kill him, let alone that person has the strength of a general.

"The cause of death seems to be a penetrating injury to the back of the head. Someone penetrated the back of his head with a pointed object, and his brain was turned into a paste in a very short period of time."

"The person who did it obviously knew him very well, and he killed him with one blow with an injury that even the awakened person could not bear."

"The blood of an awakened person is usually more active. If this person's blood is similar to that of an ordinary awakened person, judging from the degree of coagulation of the blood, the time of death should be between one hour and two hours."

“We hadn’t even come down to explore during that time period.”

"In other words, there are people who are outside the current action system, and their strength is still above the general level!"

Su Jinyu analyzed it carefully.

This discovery made everyone look more solemn.

At the same time, Zhang Qingshan and Guan Ke looked at Su Jinyu with strange expressions.

"The coagulation time of the awakened person's blood? Why do you know this kind of thing?"

"In our research institute, we have a dedicated team to study the bodies of awakened people of different professions and explore the differences between them and ordinary humans."

"However, there are far fewer such studies now, and they basically remain on the surface. Most of the current research data comes from the dark ages thirty years ago. At that time, there were only records of awakened kings who were dissected and imprisoned for long periods of time. There are at least three. It is impossible to have such good experimental conditions now." Su Jinyu looked regretful.

Her words made Zhang Qingshan and Guan Ke look at each other, as if they didn't expect such research to exist.

As for Chu Xiu, he didn't have the time to worry about these small issues. Su Jinyu had copied a lot of knowledge in his mind and knew nothing was surprising.

What he is focusing on now is what the sudden appearance of the Yakuza means and what changes it will have on his actions.

"Behind the Yakuza is the Outer Demon. If this person is really the Yakuza, does that mean the Outer Demon is also involved in this matter?"

If this is the case, it would be a bit complicated. There are too many issues to consider. What is the relationship between the Yakuza and the Calamity? Are they the same as the Awakened ones, aiming to kill disasters, or are they collaborators or other relationships?

Chu Xiu then thought about the news he had received from a Ji Dao when he was on a world mission. At that time, the core purpose of the Ji Dao's fight for the anchor point was to send stronger Ji Dao in to fight for a mysterious thing.

Could it be that this underground disaster is related to the items the Jida wants?

"Captain, what should we do now?" Zhang Qingshan's voice rang in his ears.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes: "Report the news immediately, as for us."

"keep going."

Chu Xiu's words made Zhang Qingshan and Guan Ke suddenly change their expressions. Zhang Qingshan said bluntly: "Captain, something unexpected has happened right now. I think it's better to reunite with Senior Qin first."

Chu Xiu said: "This trip is indeed risky. You and Su Jinyu can evacuate first, while Guan Ke and I continue to go deeper."

Chu Xiu didn't need much of the combat power of these two people, but he still needed Guan Ke's reconnaissance methods.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Jinyu said, "I'll go down with you. My rune array will definitely come in handy."

She answered quickly, obviously afraid that Chu Xiu would not give her the wine of resurrection if she left halfway.

Zhang Qingshan frowned and said: "Reporting information can be done through communication tools. Since we are a team, even if I don't agree with your decision, captain, there is no reason to split up on the spot."

Guan Ke on the side felt numb after hearing this. What's wrong with you two? If you don’t leave now, what are you waiting for? If you don't leave, let me go! Why am I the only one who doesn’t have a choice?

However, Chu Xiu still needs her reconnaissance ability, so naturally he will not let her leave.

"In that case, let's set off now." Chu Xiu said no more.

Guan Ke sighed and summoned a large number of spirit sparrows as if resigned to his fate, exploring the depths of the road ahead.

She was secretly cursing her mother in her heart. She originally thought that the King of Dark Night would be a player with all the talents, intelligence and means, so that he could level up as fast as a rocket. Who knew he was a paranoid and crazy gambler.

There was a general, and the general who was good at hiding died miserably in front of his eyes. He didn't even have any fear, and just wanted to rush in.

Even those who are awakened at the king level are not so reckless!

This is no longer an adventure, it is seeking death! Even if you are lucky enough to survive this time, sooner or later you will be overturned!

Although Guan Ke kept her complaints deep in her heart, judging from the slightly twitching expression on her face, Chu Xiu had basically guessed what she was thinking.

But he certainly wouldn't care.

In fact, when Chu Xiu did this, he was certainly not blindly arrogant. With his character, he always made decisions after considering all aspects, including comprehensive benefits and risks.

What prompted him to make the decision to continue exploring was the information he obtained from Rasputin before setting off.

This blood demon possesses a large amount of information. Of course, Chu Xiu will not be fooled by him in a few words. Before, he only prioritized other matters and was not manipulated by him.

After learning a lot of new information from Qin Xiang, he felt that it was necessary to carefully interrogate this slippery blood demon before setting off.

There are four main issues.

"How powerful is the underground disaster?"

"What special abilities does it have?"

"What kind of weaknesses does it have?"

and “What does it do by collecting [pollutants], and why is it so desirable to you?”

At the beginning, this guy was as humble as ever, but he refused to reveal any useful information. He looked like a smooth businessman and wanted to use this information to maximize his own interests. .

But this time Chu Xiu didn't tolerate him anymore, he grabbed him directly from the soul and flesh storage bag, and immediately ordered Su Jinyu to whip him up with a thunder whip.

Amidst Rasputin's screams, a black mark appeared on his back, and the nearby flesh and blood rolled outward and cracked, exuding an unpleasant burnt smell.

This guy was smart, but he didn't have much backbone. He didn't even hit him a few times, and he was so busy crying that he said everything.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! Your Majesty, I say it, I say it all!"

In the end, under Rasputin's aggrieved eyes, Chu Xiu also successfully mastered a lot of useful information.

First of all, it is natural to have a more accurate estimate of the power of the disaster.

"The blood demon is a special species born from the blood of powerful creatures, but its level is not high. Even the blood demons born from the blood of gods usually do not exceed the king level."

"But because the boundless blood pool itself is related to 'blood', the blood demon born from its blood is far more powerful than ordinary blood demons. It is the [original blood demon] born directly from [rule fragments]."

"There are seventy-two [Original Blood Demons] in total, divided into thirty-six upper-level ones and thirty-six lower-level ones."

"The lower blood demons are all [heroic spirits], and the upper ones are [demigods]"

"I can sense that the core of the blood demon in the ground comes from the lower blood demon. The disaster in the ground occupies it. It should have an energy level of [heroic spirit], but it will definitely not be able to exert its full power."

"Furthermore, after the death of the Blood Demon, a large amount of its power will be lost. Combined with the fact that it cannot move freely, it basically shows that it has very low control over the core of the Blood Demon. I estimate that it can at most exert the combat power of a high-level king, which is definitely not the case. Honor your opponent!"

Rasputin said with a flattering look.

This guy's analysis is close to Qin Xiang's, but it is more accurate.

Obviously he also knew that if Chu Xiu realized that he had given false information, the first thing he would do before suffering a loss would be to kill him. With his level of cunning, he would definitely not be stupid enough to deceive Chu Xiu.

And Chu Xiu is enough to handle this level of strength!

Next, Rasputin provided two more crucial pieces of information.

First, there is a high probability that underground disasters will not have particularly difficult abilities.

"The special abilities of the blood demon usually depend on the body from which it is born. For example, the blood demon born from the mountain titan basically has its own defensive talent. The blood demon born from the three-headed banshee is born with the ability to master Certain high-level spells.”

"The disaster in the ground can sense other parts, either it has occupied the core of the blood demon and transformed into a blood demon, or it is a life reborn from the core of the blood demon. Either way, it belongs to the category of blood demon, and Must abide by the characteristics of the Blood Demon."

"And [Corruption] should be the special ability of this blood demon, so Your Majesty, you only need to consider how to deal with those corrupted creatures. The body of the disaster should not be difficult to deal with."

As for another piece of information, after collecting other Blood Demon parts, as long as the power in them is refined, you can increase your control over the Blood Demon core.

A blood demon only has the brain, heart and core. Even if it dies, there will still be consciousness remaining, and there is even a chance that a new blood demon will be born thousands of years later.

The consciousness of other parts will gradually dissipate within a few years, and finally become an ownerless power.

However, even if it is the power of an owner, not everyone can use it. Usually only fellow blood demons can absorb it. Even if other races use special means to forcibly absorb it, there will be a lot of losses.

"In other words, the current disaster should be refining those [pollutants] underground."

"It is not conserving its strength to fight us decisively, but is continuously sending out small groups of troops to delay and buy itself time to refine [pollutants]." Chu Xiu quickly made a judgment.

It can be said that Qin Xiang's steady advancement strategy is actually exactly what the disaster meant.

If it just rushes in like a reckless man, it will be difficult to deal with it. It can only rely on a large number of corrupted creatures to block the door and resist, which will quickly consume the remaining vitality in its hands.

So for Chu Xiu, after combining the above information, the action plan has already been decided, that is, to rush directly to eliminate the disaster!

The only thing to consider is whether to synchronize the intelligence to Qin Xiang and pool the power, or to conceal it and take the resources for himself.

After calculating his own strength, Chu Xiu felt that he had the qualifications to try to take it for himself!

Besides, it is hard to say whether it is safer or more risky to attract other kings who have ill intentions towards him. After all, he still doesn't know who was following him with special props before.

When competing for resources, if someone takes the opportunity to attack him, Chu Xiu, who knows nothing about these kings, will be very passive.

Although he is strong, he is far from invincible. In the battle of the king level, there are a lot of special means that can make him suffer a great loss, so Chu Xiu has to be cautious.

At present, the tragic death of Jidao has certainly added variables to the action, but he was killed by a sneak attack on the back of the head, and the real strength of the murderer may not be how strong. Chu Xiu feels that the situation is not out of control, not to mention that he still has enough life-saving trump cards.

Therefore, he still firmly implements the original action plan.

Next, Chu Xiu and Guan Ke released the mechanical sparrow and the ghost army respectively, just like the cooperation on the ground before.

They were divided into dozens of teams, and like the mycelium spreading around, they quickly explored the entire underground structure.

This seemed to be a large shelter that could resist nuclear bombs. The criss-crossing passages connected one area after another. There were warehouses for storing military weapons and living areas for residents. Judging from the scale, it was roughly estimated that it could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

However, those military weapons also disappeared, and the residents probably all turned into corrupted creatures.


A mechanical sparrow flew through a passage of hundreds of meters at a very fast speed, but just after turning a fork in the road, a corrupted soldier holding a rotary machine gun suddenly appeared in front of it!

The barrel began to rotate, and the next moment, amid the fierce roar of artillery fire, hundreds of bullets woven into a dense metal storm, instantly destroying the mechanical sparrow.

Although the corrupted soldier was quickly destroyed by the ghost that followed closely, the mechanical sparrow was completely scrapped.

And this scene happened in several places at the same time!

There were constantly corrupted soldiers sniping Guan Ke's mechanical creations in single-soldier form!


After another mechanical sparrow was shot down, Guan Ke covered her head with her left hand, her face full of heartache.

In just a few minutes, her mechanical sparrows were directly lost by one-third!

Obviously, the disaster underground began to play micro-manipulation.

The stronger the corrupted creatures, the easier it is to be manipulated by the disaster. For those lowest-level corrupt residents, they can only issue some simple commands, so many of them were left on top to delay the progress of the awakened coalition's attack.

But deep underground, there are a large number of elites.

"Captain, these monsters obviously know our location, they are ambush us in a planned way!"

"Should we retreat first?" Guan Ke's uneasy voice sounded.

Chu Xiu remained calm: "Keep going. All the modern weapons you get on the road this time belong to you. They are definitely worth more than your birds."

Although Chu Xiu did not have a good way to deal with the opponent's means, after all, he was on the opponent's home ground, but this further verified that his guess was correct, so what he needed to do now was to keep going forward, just like the cavalry team went straight to the center of the army when the two armies were facing each other, and went straight to the disaster!

And soon, after paying the price of several mechanical sparrows, the four finally found the passage to the second floor.

After entering the second floor, the enemy's ambush strength and frequency increased significantly, and even Chu Xiu's ghosts began to suffer losses.

Guan Ke's mechanical sparrows were lost soon, and he could only continue to rely on mechanical dogs for reconnaissance, but this efficiency dropped a lot.

Chu Xiu was also decisive and no longer relied on Guan Ke, but instead sent a large number of ghosts to explore the way.

Although this caused the number of his ghost losses to surge, fortunately, the dead were all low-level ghosts that could be quickly replenished, and the speed of opening the map directly increased.

In just ten minutes, Chu Xiu went down three floors and came to the fifth floor.

And it seemed that he realized that Chu Xiu was coming for him, and the disaster was obviously anxious. He began to send a large number of elite snipers to snipe the four people. It was no longer a single-soldier sniper like before, but a small-team positional battle to block Chu Xiu's exploration, and even a vicious corrupted soldier appeared!

These corrupted creatures were well-equipped, and various powerful modern weapons made Chu Xiu's ghosts suffer a lot, and the exploration speed slowed down.

And, perhaps because they were not far from the disaster, everyone began to hear strange mumblings, and black and white phantoms flashed in front of them from time to time.

"This is the [pollution] of the disaster."

Su Jinyu made a quick judgment, stepped forward and recited an ancient spell. As the spell fell, a suspended rune column rose in the center of the four people, and the noise and illusions disappeared immediately.

"This is a rune I have mastered to resist [pollution], but my mana cannot sustain it for long, and as [pollution] increases, the consumption will accelerate!"

After these words came out, everyone's brows became more worried, and they all looked at Chu Xiu, who had already lost more than 300 evil ghosts and thousands of Yin ghosts in the current battle.

Even if they were all low-level ghosts, Chu Xiu felt very distressed.

Just at this time, Qin Xiang also sent a message: "Chen Ce! Why are you still going deep? I know you are afraid that the resources will be taken away by others, but do you want to face the disaster alone? Return immediately! The resources to eliminate the disaster will not be less for you!"

This is the fifth time Qin Xiang has contacted him.

However, Chu Xiu still chose to ignore it.

"Keep moving forward." He said.

Raising his hand and waving it, a large number of ghosts poured out from the Hundred Souls Banner and explored forward again.

Su Jinyu followed, but Zhang Qingshan and Guan Ke, who did not know the inside story, had more doubts on their faces.

But in the end, Zhang Qingshan still breathed a sigh of relief, and the dragon soul on his left arm transformed into a layer of shield covering the surface of his skin, and then strode forward and rushed to the front of the team.

He did not know Chu Xiu's specific strength, but he knew his responsibilities in the team.

And Guan Ke followed reluctantly after hesitating for a while.

She had no choice at this time. Instead of being left alone on the fifth floor, it would be better to take the risk with Chu Xiu.

Just like that, after paying the price of hundreds of ghosts and Guan Ke's mechanical dog being killed, the four finally advanced to the sixth floor.

In front of them was a large artificial planting area, where dead wheat grew.

Suddenly, Chu Xiu's consciousness caught something.

He looked into the distance, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Can't you hold it back anymore?"

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