Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 25: Spying on intelligence, unexpected discovery

Humans are not good at fighting at night.

The bright moonlight tonight offsets this disadvantage to a certain extent.

The people in the stronghold did not realize that these wandering black-haired corpse ghosts are no longer a threat to their lives, but a resource that needs to be fought for!

Therefore, Chu Xiu must swallow this piece of fat meat as soon as possible before everyone's strength has not yet reached a threshold that is enough to drive them to take risks.

Retracting his gaze, Chu Xiu stood up, walked to the "safe house" where everyone was, and knocked on the door.

"Guan Ke," he looked at the girl with a scar on her face, "Can you talk when you have time?"

Under the curious eyes of others, Guan Ke stood up and frowned, "What's the matter?"

Chu Xiu gave her a gesture to talk outside.

"Tsk," Guan Ke came out, "What's the matter, so mysterious."

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and roars could be heard from time to time downstairs.

Chu Xiu took Guan Ke to the end of the corridor and lowered his voice: "Hasn't your puppet been placed downstairs for surveillance? I want to find you to learn about the situation of the ghosts at night."

"Why are you asking this? Are you still planning to hunt them at night?" Guan Ke asked in surprise.

Chu Xiu took out 5 causal points and handed them over: "Don't worry about it."

"Tsk," Guan Ke glanced at Chu Xiu, seeming to be quite displeased with his style of doing things.

But he still accepted the causal points and said: "Their number has increased a lot at night, almost three times that of the day, and both their perception and body movement abilities have been enhanced. I advise you not to have such a whimsical idea."

"Can you be more specific? Did you monitor their hunting scenes?" Chu Xiu asked further.

Seeing that he was not giving up, Guan Ke said, "Of course I have seen it. At night, this city will become a huge hunting ground. Do you remember the deer that Shen Zhuo and his team hunted today?"

"What happened?"

"If you look far away in the middle of the night, if you are lucky, you can see a large number of deer running madly towards the center of the city as if attracted by something."

"I have a strange feeling that this city is like a living thing, constantly devouring nearby lives to feed itself."

Guan Ke's words made Chu Xiu look surprised. So that's the case. No wonder there is so little food here, but so many corpse ghosts can be raised.

He thought of the description in the bone necklace. I'm afraid there are some amazing secrets hidden in the center of this city.

However, these are not what he needs to consider now.

"Since you have seen deer being hunted, how much do the abilities of those corpse ghosts increase at night? Can you give a quantitative number? Have higher-level creatures appeared?" Chu Xiu asked continuously.

"Tsk, what do you think I am, a humanoid camera?" Guan Ke glanced at him unhappily, "I can only tell you that at night, those beasts will go crazy like they were on stimulants, and their strength will increase by at least 30%!"

"As for higher-level creatures, although I haven't seen them, it doesn't mean there are none. After all, I only have four monitoring dolls, and the range that can be monitored is very limited."

"But even if it's just ordinary ghouls, it's not something that one person can deal with. Imagine five or even ten of those powerful guys rushing at you at the same time. Can your armor still protect you?"

Faced with Guan Ke's persuasion, Chu Xiu did not answer, but thought quickly in his mind.

"If it's just a certain increase in athletic ability, I can handle it! Thirty percent is not outrageous!"

"There should be about fifteen black-haired ghouls in this apartment building during the day, at most twenty! If it's three times, it's sixty, an average of two per floor!"

"Considering that we have killed a lot in the past few days, this number will be further reduced, and the ghouls should be more concentrated on the ground floor."

"At this level, as long as we are fully prepared, it will work!"

"But the premise is that what Guan Ke said is true!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu looked at Guan Ke's face thoughtfully. Beside the hideous scar, there was a pair of beautiful cat-like amber pupils.

"Tsk, is there anything else? I'll leave if nothing happens."

Perhaps because he was a little unhappy with being stared at by Chu Xiu, Guan Ke said something, and seeing that Chu Xiu did not respond, he turned and left after another "tsk".

Chu Xiu did not speak, but looked at her leaving back with a strange expression, and the panel that appeared on the side.

[Name] Guan Ke

[Level] Mortal Level 3 (466/600)

[Constitution] 4.37

[Spirit] 3.98

[Energy Level] 21.99

[Equipment] Close-fitting clothing (normal), self-made folding short blade (normal)

[Skills] ? ? ? , ? ? ? , ? ? ?

[Profession] Mechanic (A)

[Talent] ? ? ? (S)

In order to ensure that Guan Ke provides accurate information, he activated the Ghost Eye when the two were talking to capture the other party's micro-expressions.

Who would have thought that there would be additional discoveries.

"This girl has quietly reached Mortal Level 3? The experience value is even higher than Shen Zhuo!"

"Moreover, Mortal Level 3 has an energy level of 21.99!"

This shows that her initial energy level is extremely high!

"Even her constitution and spirit are not low!"

Looking down, the skills are all question marks! The profession is.

Mechanic (A)

No, where is the puppet master (D)?

What's more terrifying is that even the Phantom Eye can't detect what it is even though his talent has reached S level!

Chu Xiu thought of the extra hunting traces he found in the apartment building before.

"It's you."

The corner of Chu Xiu's mouth twitched.

He didn't expect that besides him, there was actually an old bastard hiding in this small base.

He decided to use the Phantom Eye to scan everyone in the base one by one when he had time.

"But now, it's more important to upgrade."

Chu Xiu thought about all the plans in his mind while walking to the room where corpses were stored.

Here, the stench of rotting corpses was still filled.

He stretched out his hand and pulled, and a huge black-haired corpse of a corpse fell out of the cabinet.

He opened two more cabinets in succession, and two more corpses of ordinary corpses appeared.

Shen Zhuo seriously underestimated the horror of Chu Xiu's talent.

This led to Chu Xiu still withholding two corpses after successfully completing the requirements of refining.

Then, he handed over the bone-chopping knife equipment that he had dropped from the monsters before as if he had made it himself, and in this way, he seized another black-haired corpse ghost.

This black-haired corpse ghost was carefully selected by Chu Xiu. It was the best preserved and freshest among the twelve corpses.

With a wave of his hand, the three corpses began to melt and finally merged into the white bone blood-sucking formation.

As the three corpses were completely refined, the eight formation flags simultaneously emitted an unsettling yin aura.

"The level of this formation has been successfully raised to +1."

"The range has been raised from a radius of five meters to seven meters, and the blood-sucking and slowing effects have also been enhanced by 10% to 30%!"

Checking the attributes of the formation flag, Chu Xiu showed a satisfied smile.

He put the formation flag into the storage space, then flipped out of the broken window, and with a light grab, the whole person was hanging on the outer edge of the wall.

There are many edge protrusions on the outside of the apartment building. When he first entered this world, Chu Xiu thought about moving outside the window.

However, he gave up because of his poor physical condition at that time. Now, he has undergone earth-shaking changes in strength, flexibility and reaction speed, so it is natural for him to do this.

He kept falling along the outer wall like a clever black cat, and soon slid to the position of about the 21st floor.

During this period, some sounds were made, but because he moved very quickly, he immediately left the source of the sound and was fortunately not discovered.

After entering the 21st floor, he quickly opened the door and walked straight to another room more than ten meters away. After entering, he raised his hand and waved, and the bone-eating blood array was set up!

This is the best hunting position selected by Chu Xiu.

The last three chapters are all foreshadowing chapters. The author himself thinks it is still necessary, but this may be a bit unfriendly to the book friends who follow the reading, so if there are more foreshadowing chapters in the future, there will be three updates a day. Please read and support more! Thank you!

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