Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 34 Challenge Mission Completed

Chu Xiu shuttled quickly between residential buildings. His powerful physique allowed him to search for prey at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary awakened people.

Not to mention how comfortable he felt after having two ghosts.

After finding the prey, you only need to raise your finger, and two ghosts will quickly float out and tear the target into pieces.

It doesn't matter if you accidentally mess with a group of corpses. Just cancel the physical state and hide again.

This made his actions much bolder and his efficiency also improved.

There is no need to do it yourself, just directing in the dark. This method of fighting without any risk has won Chu Xiu's heart.

But unfortunately, meeting the elite corpse dog seemed to have exhausted all his luck, and he did not encounter any more elite monsters for the rest of the afternoon.

There are only ordinary ghouls who are as cunning as rats. Chu Xiu often works hard to find them for an hour, but in the end all he gains is career experience +6.

"8 points of cause and effect, 44 points of professional experience, this is all I have gained."

"Tsk, as expected, character is conserved."

Chu Xiu shook his head.

However, it is worth mentioning that after the great harvest during the day, Chu Xiu finally completed the task of killing a hundred ghouls.

【Challenge mission completed! Reward: 150 Karma Points! 】

Counting the previous gains, his total number of causal points came to 267!

Chu Xiu glanced out the window at the sun that was about to completely set.

"That's it for today."

He was also very tired and needed a good rest. The bulk of his upgrades were at night.

And he also needs to carefully consider how to spend all the Karma Points gained from his sudden wealth.

After returning to the apartment building, Chu Xiu moved towards the stronghold upstairs and returned successfully before it got completely dark. He also found and killed a black-haired ghoul on the way.

This made Chu Xiu feel good.

Humming a little tune, he happily walked to the 32nd floor. As soon as he came out of the stairs, he heard a burst of happy laughter.

Chu Xiu glanced at the source of the sound. Shen Zhuo and others had all returned and were talking and laughing around a table.

Chu Xiu took a closer look and saw that what was on the table was a pair of mahjong!

At the table, Yun Lu's little face was tense, while Shen Zhuo and Wu Xinyi were calm and composed. There was also one person, Li Shan, who was glancing back and forth with a pair of small eyes, seemingly hesitating between the two cards.

"Hurry up." Shen Zhuo urged with a smile.

Li Shan gritted his teeth and slapped one of the cards on the table.

"Six cakes!"

"Ha!" Wu Xinyi pushed away the cards excitedly, "What a fool!"

"Fuck, I should have made four cakes!" Li Shan looked annoyed and threw out a few pieces of dried meat with reluctance.

This dried meat seems to be made from venison. It seems that everyone in the camp has figured out a way to extract edible salt from the expired table salt.

It has to be said that although these auxiliary professions cannot fight, they can indeed improve the quality of life.

Wu Xinyi happily accepted it, and everyone in the audience burst into laughter. Yunlu let out a long sigh of relief, as if he was glad that it didn't happen to him. There was a cheerful atmosphere in the room.

At this time, Li Shan's eyes suddenly moved and he spotted Chu Xiu passing by.

Others followed his gaze, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Fortunately, Chu Xiu never stopped, he just took a look when passing by, and his figure quickly disappeared at the door.

"Ah," Yun Lu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say hello, but before the words came out, Chu Xiu had already left.

Wu Xinyi said unhappily: "What are you pretending to be? If you ask me, he must be regretting it to death now. He just can't save his face. How can it be so easy for a person to survive in this apocalyptic world?"

Everyone else echoed, especially the two auxiliary professions.

However, everyone's voices were not loud, and they obviously did not want Chu Xiu to hear them.

This made Guan Ke shake his head in amusement.

"Okay, everyone has their own choice," Shen Zhuo interrupted his condemnation of Chu Xiu and stood up, "I'll go talk to him about equipment upgrades."

After hearing what he said, everyone in the combat team filed out. Although they didn't like Chu Xiu's unique behavior, they still needed his help in upgrading their equipment.

"Dong dong dong."

A minute later, Shen Zhuo knocked on the door where Chu Xiu was.

Chu Xiu opened the door, glanced at it, and immediately understood the purpose of everyone's visit: "Want to upgrade equipment?"

"Not bad." Shen Zhuo nodded, "The price is still the same, right?"


"follow me."

Shen Zhuo brought Chu Xiu to the room where they stored the corpses. Chu Xiu was surprised to find that there were no less than twenty corpses of corpses placed here!

"You guys have a good harvest today." Chu Xiu said.

"Are you envious?" Wu Xinyi said proudly, "I tell you, what is displayed here is only half of our victory today. We are too lazy to move those corpses that are too mutilated."

Chu Xiu glanced at Shen Zhuo and said casually: "Are you going to challenge the zombies?"

After the words fell, Wu Xinyi was stunned, and then said: "You are smart, yes, today we found a small group of corpses in the mall, and with everyone's cooperation, we killed them all, and even killed an elite!"

"This is the power of teamwork. The teacher has emphasized it many times in school, right?"

Chu Xiu smiled and was noncommittal. He had never denied the role of the team. It was already the fourth day in the abyss. Everyone's level had risen. With Shen Zhuo, a rich second generation, in the lead, it was not impossible to kill the elites. Things.

After gaining this large wave of experience, the level of the combat group should have been raised to level 3 or above, and Shen Zhuo, the leader, has a high probability of reaching level 4.

The strength has improved by leaps and bounds, no wonder everyone is so interested today.

"Congratulations." Chu Xiu said sincerely.

The improvement of the strength of the stronghold can also improve his own safety factor to a certain extent.

He is always ready to lead an enemy into a stronghold and let other cannon fodder distract him once he encounters an enemy he cannot defeat.

"Chu Xiu, why don't you join us? Not only is it dangerous for you to be out there alone, but you can only hunt lone corpses, and the efficiency is very low." Yunlu advised.

Chu Xiu could tell that this girl was really doing her best. Although he didn't understand why, he responded by saying, "Thank you for your kindness, but I have my own plans."

Then he turned to Shen Zhuo and knocked on the table: "The elite corpse will cost more."

Shen Zhuo rolled his eyes: "There is such a beautiful girl who cares about you, but you are thinking about this?"

Yunlu's face suddenly turned red, but Chu Xiu just said calmly: "If you talk about these useless things, I will pay more."

Shen Zhuo immediately changed his mind: "15 causal points."

"30, even if it's one point less, we won't discuss it."


Shen Zhuo glanced at Chu Xiu depressedly, wondering if this guy had the ability to read minds, how could he accurately calculate his psychological price every time.

He refused to give up and said, "Since Yunlu cares about you so much, can you make it cheaper? I'll give you more venison."

"No." Chu Xiu refused without even thinking.

Seeing him manipulating everyone, several people were so angry that their teeth itched, but there was nothing they could do.

Who allowed Chu Xiu to monopolize it alone?

In the end, Shen Zhuo sighed helplessly: "Okay, it's a deal."

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