"Blood Moon Ritual!"

Chu Xiu's heart trembled. His intuition was right. When the blood moon is full, unexpected changes will happen!

He concentrated on perceiving the information in his mind.

[Blood Moon Ritual]

[Time: One hour]

[Rule 1: During the ritual, the positions of all creatures will be marked by the blood moon, and the holders of the mark can perceive each other within a certain range. ]

[Rule 2: Killing any creature will earn points. The number of points is determined by the strength of the killed creature, and all creatures within the ritual range are ranked by points. ]

[Environment: Abyssal creatures illuminated by the blood moon will have strength +50%, life recovery speed +300%, fighting desire +300%, pain perception -70%, experience +100% for killing, and experience can also be gained by killing abyssal creatures. ]

[Reward: The creatures in the top 1,000 of the points ranking will be rewarded with an endless blood pool]

As the prompt panel appeared, the blood moon hanging high in the dome suddenly extended a charming red light around itself, like countless blood-red tentacles.

The skin of the corpse ghosts stimulated by the blood light turned a strange red. They roared to the sky, and their already ferocious eyes became even crazier!

Suddenly, a corpse ghost turned its head and bit the neck of another corpse ghost next to it!

Then, as if it had caused a chaotic war, the corpse ghosts below began to attack each other indiscriminately!

But these were only the lowest-level corpse ghosts. Those high-level corpse ghosts seemed to still retain their sanity. They left the center of the melee at the first time, hunting low-level fellows in their own way, accumulating points.

At the same time, Chu Xiu could feel that his body was also illuminated by the blood light. Although he was not given the violent buff like those corpse ghosts, he also felt a heat rising in his heart, as if the instinctive desire to kill from the human body was aroused, and he couldn't wait to step into the arena to fight!

At the same time, he gained a strange perception ability-he could vaguely sense the life near him.

Chu Xiu's heart moved slightly: "Is this the influence of the blood moon ritual?"

He knew that this induction was two-way. In other words, while he was hunting other creatures, he was also the object of hunting!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the restlessness in his body, he began to observe the situation quickly.

At present, it is still in the stage of a big melee.

But Chu Xiu noticed that as the number of corpse ghosts decreased and the number of evolved high-level corpse ghosts increased, more and more corpse ghosts began to retain some rationality under the influence of the blood moon.

They began to hide their bodies and choose more favorable battle locations. Like experienced hunters, they completed hunting in this chaotic bloody world.

Even, many corpse ghosts have begun to enter the apartment building and move towards the location where everyone is!

This dynamic was quickly discovered by others.

Everyone in the base ran out and looked at the horrific scene below with pale faces!

The trial will end tomorrow and they will go home. No one wants to die here!

Especially those auxiliary professions, they have no ability to fight, and they are so scared that they can't even stand steadily.

"I will never enter the abyss again after I go back. I don't want to die at this time." Xu Hang was about to cry.

For them, relying on the awakened skills, even if they never enter the abyss in their lifetime, they can be a senior technician with a monthly salary of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, and they may even be able to enter the inner city! In other words, they are only one night away from a good life!

"Stop arguing, everyone, go back to the base!" Shen Zhuo shouted in a low voice, stopping the frightened people, "Don't worry, no one will die tonight!"

His voice was also trembling, but everyone seemed to have found the backbone and retreated to the room of the base one after another.

That room is quite exquisite. The space itself is large enough. During this period of time, it has been continuously reinforced by everyone. It has become a kind of safe house. Defending it can gain great terrain advantages.

After giving the order, Shen Zhuo looked at Chu Xiu: "It's already this time, why don't you join us? You have been attacked by a ghoul before, you should know the horror of a high-level ghoul! That is definitely not a force that one person can defeat!"

Chu Xiu chuckled: "How can you know if you don't try it? But you, with such good equipment, don't you want to try to get the reward of the ceremony?"

"You" Shen Zhuo widened his eyes, "You are still thinking about the reward?"

But he quickly reacted: "Chu Xiu, you should have misunderstood. The so-called first thousand in the ceremony is not the first thousand awakeners, but the first thousand of all creatures in this city!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiu just responded indifferently: "Oh, so what?"

"So. what?" Shen Zhuo was stuck.

He took a deep breath and said, "I don't know if you have ever estimated how big this city is. I once stood on the roof and looked out. At the height of 33 floors, I couldn't even see the other side of the city."

"And within a radius of one kilometer around us, we found at least six soldier-level creatures! Not to mention how many are hidden underground!"

"According to this estimate, there are probably more than a thousand soldier-level monsters alone! Isn't it a pipe dream for you to think of a thousand?"

"Chu Xiu, I don't want you to die hastily outside because of a momentary impulse. Come and join us. We will come to this world again after the trial. At that time, we will be more fully prepared to explore!"

Shen Zhuo stretched out his hand, his face full of sincerity.

Chu Xiu was silent for a moment.

After a long while, he said: "Shen Zhuo, you are a good person."

"But I still say that, I have my own strategy."

"You" Shen Zhuo smiled bitterly and shook his head, sighing: "Okay, if you change your mind, come to me, as long as you don't attract the monster here."

After that, he stopped persuading and returned to the stronghold.

With a "bang" sound, the heavy iron door slammed shut.

Chu Xiu stood outside the house, took a deep breath, and showed a faint smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that Shen Zhuo is quite a virgin, but he looks a bit like Qingshan. I thought he was a hypocrite before."

"Hello Holy Mother, I like Holy Mother the most. She is harmless and easy to control."

Only in critical moments can one see a person's true face.

At this time, Shen Zhuo did not forget to pull him in again. Although it may be because of the idea that there is strength in numbers, it also reflects part of his nature.

"What a pity. I really want to see what this so-called blood moon reward is."

He has now completed all the inheritances and is in his strongest state in a short period of time, with strength far exceeding that of the same level.

It would be such a waste to hide in this situation!

"And the rewards are not without a chance."

He naturally had a rough estimate of this place. Even because of his high attributes and larger exploration range, Chu Xiu's estimate was more accurate and detailed than Shen Zhuo's.

"The number of scholar-level creatures here is not probably more than a thousand, but definitely more than a thousand!"

"However, since the knights will also kill each other, the number of surviving creatures will be greatly reduced. My chances are not low."

Of course, Chu Xiu's adventure was definitely not driven by greed and unprepared like a gambler, but was the result of careful observation and analysis.

The most important reason that prompted him to make this choice was——

"This Blood Moon Ceremony is simply a killing field tailor-made for me!"

During this period of time, he was not just watching the scene of the corpses fighting below in a daze, but was carefully summarizing the performance of the corpses.

He found that as long as the corpses got rid of the frenzied state, they would prefer to choose "non-kind" for hunting, and among the same kind, there would be a tendency of "cooperative hunting".

These awakened ones are the best hunting targets. He can clearly feel that a large number of corpses are rushing towards the top floor!

At the same time, affected by the experience attenuation mechanism in the abyss, these ghouls rarely waste time killing creatures that are more than three levels lower than themselves.

This is easy to understand. When Chu Xiu was at level 1, a black-haired ghoul could bring him 60 experience points. At level 5, the experience dropped sharply to 10 points.

Combining the above two points, the human stronghold on the top floor of the apartment building becomes a perfect bait for gathering monsters!

It can attract a large number of ghouls without provoking high-level creatures.

This is simply the perfect killing field given by God!

In this case, even if there is no reward from the Blood Moon Ceremony, just for the extra 100% experience, he has enough reasons to take risks!

"Not to mention - positional warfare is what I'm best at!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Xiu's lips, and with a wave of his hand, the Bone-Devouring Formation was deployed on the spot!

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