"Heh, there's something."

Chu Xiu sneered, and used the Phantom Step again. The huge energy burst forcibly broke free from the restraints of the earthbound spirit, and waved the Yinhun Banner again!

The elite Yin ghost was suppressed for a short time, and taking advantage of this time, Chu Xiu lightly touched, and the nearby corpses began to melt, turning into silver-white liquids that merged into the Yinhun Banner.

With the nourishment of energy, the cracks on the long pole of the Yinhun Banner began to repair immediately, and the Yin ghost who had just broken free from the control of the restriction was immediately pressed to the ground by a more powerful force! Howling in pain!

If it weren't for sufficient preparation, how could Chu Xiu let this guy grow?

Under the activation of his [Perfect Talent], the flashing spiritual light on the Yinhun Banner became more and more dazzling, and after the corpse of the soldier-level corpse ghost was also integrated into it, it seemed to have undergone a metamorphosis, and the entire long pole had undergone earth-shaking changes!

The pole has become as white as jade, and the banner is covered with complex restrictions, and a mysterious breath is blowing in the face.

The corpses of a soldier-level elite plus several high-level corpse ghosts directly strengthened this magic weapon to +10 perfection!

Chu Xiu waved lightly, and this time the elite ghost no longer had any ability to resist, and he took it back into the soul flag obediently.

To be honest, the irritability of this ghost was beyond Chu Xiu's expectations. He originally planned to keep these corpses to upgrade the bone armor.

"Forget it, the bone armor can be upgraded slowly later. Such potential ghosts are not easy to find."

Overall, this wave is definitely a big profit!

Sure enough, risks and benefits are always balanced. Chu Xiu can be said to have made a lot of money before the end of the trial.

He happily sorted out all the harvests. At this time, there were only five minutes left before the end of the blood moon ceremony, and he didn't plan to continue hunting.

All the nearby corpse ghosts were killed. Going to an unfamiliar area has too many variables. Who knows what kind of horrible things are hunting outside now?

He didn't want to overturn at the last moment.

After collecting all the equipment, Chu Xiu returned to the base with satisfaction.

The others were hiding in the room. When they saw him coming back, they immediately surrounded him with great joy and asked him with concern.

Some people fetched water to wash his dirt, some cut venison for him to replenish his energy, and Xu Hang even thoughtfully prepared a set of suitable underwear for him to change.

It can't provide any help in combat, but it can make him more comfortable.

The attentive actions of the people in the stronghold made Chu Xiu a little uncomfortable, but he accepted it with peace of mind.

This is what it's like to be conscienceless.

Chu Xiu didn't have any psychological burden for deceiving everyone, and even put on a hypocritical social mask and began to take the opportunity to improve the friendliness of the people in the stronghold.

No matter whether he might use it in the future, now there is no conflict of interest, just improve it first.

In just a few minutes, everyone's favorability towards Chu Xiu increased further.

Just when Chu Xiu was brushing his favorability vigorously, a crisp reminder sound suddenly rang in his ears.

[The blood moon ceremony is over. 】

[Your points ranking is: 754]

"Oh?" He was delighted. With the points of the elite soldier class, he successfully squeezed into the top 1,000!

This made him secretly sigh that his previous decision was correct. If he only killed an elite corpse ghost of the ordinary class, he would probably not be able to enter the top 1,000.

Others also received the prompt.

Shen Zhuo shook his head with some regret: "I am only ranked more than 3,000. It seems that there are many powerful monsters here."

Then he looked at Chu Xiu: "What about you, have you entered the top 1,000?"

Chu Xiu naturally would not tell the truth to everyone in the base. Just as he was about to lie, a huge buzzing sound suddenly came from outside the apartment building!

This sound was extremely strange, like a low air defense alarm, one after another, and at the same time, a strange red light flashed outside the apartment building, and darkness and red light intertwined back and forth

Wu Xinyi suddenly covered her mouth and pointed outside the door in horror. Everyone looked in the direction, but found that there were countless blood flowing down the windows of the corridor, and bright red blood rain began to fall from the sky!

"What's going on?" Everyone looked around in horror. Chu Xiu also jumped up, his eyes solemn, not knowing what had happened.

The buzzing sound outside the building became louder and louder, and the whole apartment building was shaking. At the same time, Chu Xiu felt someone whispering in his ear, muttering an ancient language that he couldn't understand.

These whispers made him dizzy and he couldn't help but feel nauseous.

He looked at the others and found that they were in worse condition. The two low-level auxiliary professions had begun to lose consciousness and blood was flowing from their nostrils.

At this moment, a huge bloody hand suddenly grabbed the corridor!

The next moment, almost like a dead tree, the wall of the entire corridor was forcibly lifted up!

In the huge cracking sound, the outer wall of the entire corridor was destroyed, and a large hole that spread across three floors was torn out!

A huge bloody giant appeared in front of everyone.

It was about 40 stories high. Chu Xiu and the others were right on its chest. The blood-red face had only blurred features, just like a person who had been stripped of skin alive, with fat and fascia removed, leaving only blood-red muscles.

The weirdest thing was that these flesh and blood were wriggling all the time, like countless bright red worms twisting their bodies.

As soon as this weird blood-colored giant appeared, Chu Xiu felt a fear from deep in his genes. He wanted to use the Phantom Demon Eye to explore, but as soon as he activated his eyes, he felt a stinging pain, which made him scream and quickly look away.


As the low and long humming sound sounded again, the blood-colored giant swung again. This time, the blood-colored palm smashed the entire corridor. The reinforced concrete buildings that humans are proud of, which can withstand artillery shells, are as fragile as potato chips in front of it!

Everyone in the stronghold did not dare to breathe, and something even more terrifying happened. After clearing the obstacles, the blood-colored giant continued to swing his arms and hit the load-bearing wall, destroying all the obstacles between everyone and it step by step.

"Run, we must run." Guan Ke's face was pale, and she said it, but her legs could not move at all.

The terrifying pressure of the blood-colored giant made them unable to move at all!

After discovering this, everyone showed despair. In front of such a powerful life, they had no room for resistance!

But everyone was unwilling and puzzled! Unwilling to end the trial soon, why did something unexpected happen at this time, and also puzzled why such a terrifying creature appeared when the blood moon ceremony was over.

Is it simply because of their bad luck?

In the face of the unmatched huge gap in strength, everyone in the stronghold collapsed, even Shen Zhuo was no exception. He took off the outer garments of the rich second generation and the leader, revealing the inner nature of an ordinary person.

Only Chu Xiu stared at the giant in front of him, thinking about all the possibilities of escape.

He could barely move by willpower, but he didn't want to attract the attention of the giant.

"I will quietly retreat to the back, use other people as cannon fodder, and blow up all the ghosts, and jump out of the window in the chaos, maybe there is a chance to survive!"

Chu Xiu's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his muscles were tense, ready to make the last gamble at any time, but at this moment, the chest of the blood-colored giant suddenly cracked, and countless blood-colored filaments floated up with a black thing.

Almost at the moment of seeing the thing, an inexplicable message entered Chu Xiu's mind, and he understood everything as if he understood it.

This is the reward of the blood moon ceremony.

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