Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 6: Acquiring Supernatural Powers for the First Time

Chef profession + food perception talent, from searching for ingredients to cooking food can be handled by one person.

He felt that this girl was really unlucky. Her energy level was obviously good, but her awakening talents and professions were all auxiliary.

It is difficult to survive in this dangerous apocalyptic world without the help of others.

Yunlu obviously knew this, so after sharing his information, he kept looking at Chu Xiu eagerly.

Seeing that Chu Xiu remained silent, he lowered his head and whispered: "You take me with you, and I can help you find food. Food should be hard to find in this world."

"And the judgment range of this food is very wide. The smell of people and the smell of monsters are particularly obvious in my nose. I can help you avoid them."

She racked her brains for reasons, as if she was afraid that Chu Xiu would dislike her.

However, Chu Xiu felt that Yunlu's talent would be particularly useful in the apocalyptic world, not to mention that this girl was quite kind and even took the risk to remind him before.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly: "I know, but you have to obey my command."

Hearing this, Yunlu breathed a long sigh of relief and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then he asked curiously: "I don't know your name yet. What are your talents and profession?"

"My name is Chu Xiu."

Chu Xiu responded, then ignored Yunlu's subsequent questions and said to himself: "You go ahead, let's explore this layer first."

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't mention his talent and profession, and even asked her to explore the way ahead, Yun Lu pursed his lips slightly, with a worried look in his eyes, as if he suspected that Chu Xiu also had rubbish talent.

But in the end, he didn't say anything. He held the iron pot in front of his chest with both hands, carefully opened the door and walked out.

As soon as he opened the door, Chu Xiu saw huge messy footprints on the ground. They looked very similar to human footprints with extended toes, but they were at least sixty yards or more.

Yunlu, who was walking in front, was obviously very nervous. He kept wagging his little nose and sniffing.

Chu Xiu also remained fully vigilant and did not take it lightly just because of Yunlu's talent.

The two of them were not slow in their movements and quickly searched all the open rooms on the floor.

Only four mummies were found, and Chu Xiu did not hide it from Yun Lu and absorbed it in front of him. This magical scene made the girl feel at ease.

In addition, the two of them also found barely wearable shoes and a dozen gray wrinkled mushrooms.

Yunlu's talent told her that these mushrooms were edible, which surprised Chu Xiu.

Mushrooms don’t provide much energy, but it’s important to hydrate.

He has noticed that water resources in this world are extremely scarce. If he wants to survive seven days safely, he must find enough water sources.

A person can survive seven days of hunger, but he really can't survive seven days of thirst.

Chu Xiu looked around while thinking.

More than half of the rooms are locked. The two of them had learned simple lock-picking skills in school, but they didn't have the right tools around them. Even if they had, using their skills to open the rusted door lock, they would definitely make a huge noise. sound.

"We have to go to other floors." Chu Xiu touched his chin.

"With Yunlu around, it will be much easier to avoid monsters. You can take this risk!"

They couldn't hide forever. Even if they didn't mention the reinforced bone spear, they still needed to search for food.

Chu Xiu told Yun Lu what he thought, and the girl was decisive. After nodding, she led the way with a look of fear on her face.

The floor the two were on was the twenty-first floor. When they came to the stairs, they could clearly see the footprints of the previous monster. At the same time, there was a strong smell of blood in the air, which seemed to be not far away from them.

Chu Xiu thought of something and whispered: "If allowed, go to the place where the smell of blood comes from."

Yun Lu's body trembled, and Chu Xiu could even hear the "click" sound of her teeth chattering.

But even so, Yunlu still carried out Chu Xiu's order.

Relying on her perception ability, the two of them found a corpse that had been chewed beyond recognition in the inner corridor of the 18th floor without much effort.

There was almost no intact piece of meat on the body, there were exposed tendons and bones everywhere, the belly had been cut open, and the internal organs and intestines had been eaten.

There were no traces of the monster nearby, leaving only messy footprints and blood that had not completely dried on the ground.

This was Xu's first time seeing such a tragic scene, and Yunlu was so frightened that he almost cried.

Chu Xiu looked calm, but wrinkled his nose slightly due to the stench.

He knelt down and squinted his eyes to carefully examine the surrounding area.

"The monster footprints scattered nearby are similar but not exactly the same. At least three monsters have been here. From this, we can roughly estimate the density of monsters in the building."

"There are extremely deep carvings on the forearm bones of the corpse. It is speculated that the monster has long sharp claws."

"The throat bone is broken. If this injury was caused before death, it means that the monster's attack is extremely accurate and can accurately hit the vital points of its prey."

"The lumbar spine is also broken. Was it broken by the monster with great force during the struggle?"

The more Chu Xiu looked at it, the more frightened he became.

I don’t know if it’s because my spawn point is too bad, or if the difficulty of this dungeon is so high. With the strength of this monster, ordinary people will die if they encounter it.

"We must be absolutely sure. When we meet these guys again, it's best to find a few more trialists and let them stand in front and serve as cannon fodder."

Chu Xiu thought to himself.

Shaking his head, he didn't think any more, squatted down and activated the bone refining.

Although most of the flesh and blood had been eaten, the bones were still basically intact, and the soul of the deceased had not completely dissipated, which could improve the quality of the material.

As Chu Xiu's skills were activated, the bones around him were collected and smelted by an invisible force, and finally gathered into a silver-white liquid, which flowed into the bone spear.

Suddenly, his bone spear seemed to have received a great tonic, making a "crackling" sound. Chu Xiu could clearly feel that the bone spear in his hand became stronger!

A piece of information flowed into his mind.

[Ordinary bone spear +4]

[Enhancement progress: 0/10]

[Level: Ordinary]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Attributes: Solid (1.3), Sharp (1.5), Weight 2.4kg]

[Evaluation: After absorbing fresh flesh and blood, it finally gave birth to extraordinary power.

[Well done, buddy. You have finally taken this step and become a qualified person in the magic world. This fresh corpse should be from your hands, right?

[In short, now you can choose one of the three basic restrictions as its extraordinary characteristics

[The restrictions will be strengthened along with the reinforcement, and the second layer will be unlocked after reaching +7, and the third layer will be unlocked after +10.

[Now, make your choice! ]

With a flash of inspiration, three complex patterns appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

[Precision: Your bone spear will cause wind pressure when stabbing, attracting the enemy to the position of the spear tip (Strength: 0.4)]

[Optimization: Re-optimize the material arrangement structure of the bone spear to make it lighter and stronger (Strong +0.3, Sharp +0.4, Weight -30%)]

[Bleeding: The wound caused by your bone spear will be extremely difficult to heal. Even a tiny scratch may cause heavy bleeding if it is not bandaged in time (Bleeding +0.6)]

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