Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 69 With a big boss, it’s safe!

"A copy for sixteen people?"

Looking at the information on the panel in front of him, Chu Xiu couldn't help but frown.

During this period of time, when he was resting and recovering his physical strength, he collected and summarized a lot of information about the upgrade trial on the Internet.

There are most single-player and four-player copies. He has never heard of a large copy with sixteen people.

Chu Xiu touched his chin thoughtfully: "Generally speaking, the more people there are, the more difficult the trial is. Whether you can work together and unite everyone's strength will become a key point."

But four people are still okay, sixteen people

With the increase in the number of people, the difficulty of coordinated cooperation increases exponentially. In many cases, more people will not only fail to help, but will also be dragged down.

But there are also benefits. There are rewards for upgrading trials. The larger and more difficult the trial is, the better the reward.

"Forget it, there is no point thinking about these. Let's talk about it after entering the copy."

Chu Xiu didn't think much about it and just lay down on the bed and slept late.

On this last day, he didn't go to the copy again, but prepared to adjust all the conditions to the best before entering the trial.

One day later

[The upgrade trial is about to begin, please dive deep]

Following the prompt sound, Chu Xiu put on the mask and black robe, and then entered the awakening space.

At this time, he found that his soul had an additional guide leading to the depths of the abyss. He followed this guide to dive deep, and the strange sense of space crossing emerged again, and the space around him seemed to be shrinking rapidly.

[The deep dive ends, current depth: 1134]

Following the prompt sound, Chu Xiu suddenly felt a gravitational force pulling his body, and with a light "bang", he fell to the ground.

Chu Xiu found that he was now on a broken dirt road, surrounded by mountains, like a beast that chose people to eat in the dark night. Looking at the end of the path, he could vaguely see the rising fire, and it seemed that there was a village not far ahead.

Around him were other awakeners, who were looking around nervously and curiously at this time.

Most of them looked to be over 25 years old, with only one girl wearing black-framed glasses, petite but wearing a loose wizard robe who looked the same age as Chu Xiu.

At the same time, the task panel rose in front of him.

[Trial name: The gaze of Az Ilitua Mugos]

[Trial task: Destroy the sacrificial ceremony and prevent the evil god from coming. ]

[Trial description: In an isolated village, the power of an evil god is spreading, and you need to work together to prevent his coming. ]

[Trial time limit: three hours]

[Trial basic reward: 200 causal points + random special props]

[Current ritual progress: 0%]

"Tasks related to the evil god?" Chu Xiu looked at the text in front of him, thinking.

"Everyone. You should all be here to participate in the upgrade trial, right?"

At this time, a voice sounded, and the speaker was a middle-aged man who looked much calmer than others.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Chu Xiu.

The eyes of others were also focused on Chu Xiu, because among the people present, he was the only one wearing a mask and a black robe, which looked quite special.

"I am a trialist."

A distorted voice came from under the mask, which sounded in this dark mountain road, with a strange atmosphere.

The middle-aged man looked at him strangely, then stopped paying attention and turned to others and said: "Everyone, are your trial tasks all destroying rituals?"

After getting a positive answer, he said: "Does anyone have any ideas? Or where have you heard the information about this evil god?"

No one answered.

The middle-aged man was a little disappointed, but soon calmed down and said, "This upgrade trial is very special. I have never heard of a trial with so many people."

"I don't know if you have played a multi-player dungeon. I am the captain of a gold-farming group. According to my experience, the more people there are in a dungeon, the more we need to work together to pass it."

"So we must not fight among ourselves. Since no one has a clue now, why don't we spend some time introducing ourselves and then discuss an action plan that everyone agrees on?"

This person seems to have played a lot of dungeons, and he gives people a very reliable feeling. As soon as he finished speaking, several younger-looking trial participants nodded in agreement.

However, just when he wanted to continue speaking, the petite girl who was about the same age as Chu Xiu directly denied it: "No, there is not so much time."

The middle-aged man who was refuted was slightly stunned, but he was not angry, but said: "It doesn't matter if it takes ten minutes?"

The girl did not answer, but glanced at everyone and asked: "Has anyone here ever conducted a 'simulated trial'?"

The others looked at each other and shook their heads. Most of them had never heard of this term. The few who had heard of it also smiled bitterly and said: "That thing can only be used by young masters and young ladies. How can we have this qualification?"

"It's not that exaggerated. It is quite common in many colleges in the inner city," the girl adjusted the frame of her glasses, "In short, this is a method of simulating and reproducing the experience of past trialists with special technology, so that trialists can be familiar with the trial process in advance."

"I have conducted simulations of rituals involving higher beings five times, and each time I wrote an analysis report of no less than 4,000 words. The biggest lesson learned is that you must seize the time. The earlier the ceremony is, the easier it will be to destroy it! If If it is delayed until the mission time limit is approaching, it will basically result in 100% destruction of the group!"

The girl asked everyone to look at me, and I looked at you, and everyone saw a look of surprise on each other's faces.

There is a boss!

This is sure.

The middle-aged man quickly turned around: "Then let's just listen to this little girl's command first, shall we?"

The rest of the group echoed, and almost no one had a different opinion.

It seems that she did not expect that things would go so smoothly. The girl was also quite surprised. Even though she was a little embarrassed, she calmed down and continued: "Generally, except for pure killing dungeons, there will be some tips about the [rules] of the dungeon. It’s an important [rule], the more obvious the prompt will be.”

"For example, I once simulated a trial. The monster in that trial had strong hearing but extremely weak eyesight. At the beginning of the trial, there was a wall with the four words 'Don't speak' painted in blood. , This is the core [rule] of that copy.”

"For ritual sacrifice dungeons, [Rules] are particularly important. Whether you are performing a ritual or cracking a ritual, there must be a core [Rule]. For example, for evil gods who like [Killing], rituals will often It’s related to [Killing]. The more monsters you kill, the easier it is to fail the mission.”

"Different rules have different ways to clear the level. My suggestion is that we set off to the village immediately, and pay attention to whether there are any clues nearby. Don't act rashly before we find the core rules."

The girl's words made everyone nod. Very few people knew this knowledge, which made the girl's image look taller.

But just as everyone was preparing to go to the village to investigate the information as the girl said, Chu Xiu suddenly spoke:

"Everyone, have you discovered a problem?"

"There seem to be seventeen of us here."

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