Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 88 A new inheritance, the evil spirit banner!

Chu Xiu only focused on these three options. Suddenly, with a "boom", the surrounding scenery changed rapidly. In just a trance, he was no longer in Xingyun Village, but suspended in the sky!

Suddenly, with a deafening roar, a huge dragon head suddenly rushed out from the clouds beside him!

This is a black dragon. The orange-yellow pupils are as huge as mountains. In front of it, Chu Xiu felt a pressure from the superior. Not to mention resistance, it took all his strength to kneel down without being crushed by the pressure!

At this time, the perspective quickly widened, and Chu Xiu realized that there was not only one dragon, but a full 108! It's just that the black dragon's body is too big, and the dragon head alone blocked Chu Xiu's entire vision.

The 108 black dragons pulled a huge chariot together. On the chariot, countless dancers with extremely charming figures and only a few pieces of clothing were dancing in the square. Each of them would be a stunning beauty in the world outside, but here, they were just an inconspicuous one among thousands of dancers.

At the highest point of the chariot, there stood a throne that reached straight into the sky, and on it sat a figure shrouded in black mist.

The moment he saw it, Chu Xiu realized who this person was.

The Supreme Demon Lord!

As he waved his hand, countless piercing screams sounded in the field, and billions of demons rushed out from a small banner!

The dancers squatted down with their ears covered in pain, and the black dragons also roared in fear. Chu Xiu could not describe how many evil spirits there were. The whole world was filled with their screaming and wandering figures.

The perspective continued to expand. It turned out that there were also a large number of troops marching on the ground. The gods and demons tied by huge iron chains and the flying zombies that had evolved to the extreme were spreading on the surface like a torrent. Some cultivators wanted to organize defenses, but no matter how powerful the defense formations and magic weapons were, they were vulnerable in front of this endless army.

Not long after, this world was swallowed up, and all living things turned into nutrients for this undead army.

"Too scary!" Chu Xiu was shocked.

Before he could come back to his senses, the surrounding scenery changed again.

This time, what appeared in his sight was a giant suspended in the universe. His body was extremely huge, comparable to the sun that never extinguished. At the same time, countless mysterious laws surged around him. He strolled among the stars, and any step could cross hundreds of light years.

Occasionally, he found the traces of a planet with life, reached out and picked it, and the entire planet was refined as a nutrient to supplement his body.

At this time, a powerful cultivator tore through space and came to fight with the giant. The giant's body was cut off by the immortal sword, but a terrible thing happened. Every drop of blood that flowed out turned into a new giant.

"Pick the stars with your hands, immortal, reborn with blood, this is the innate god and devil!"

The last Wanbao Demon Lord was equally amazing. This was a young man with an evil look. There were countless secret treasures around him. He casually opened a scroll and connected to another space. He took out a blood bottle and poured it into one of them. Suddenly, the endless sea of ​​blood engulfed and refined that world.

When an enemy attacked, he just lightly stroked it, and he was completely isolated and escaped into an autonomous small world. Then he casually threw a small seal, and the space outside began to collapse. The raging space turbulence immediately tore all the attacking enemies apart.

The performance of Wanbao Demon Lord is not as amazing as the other two, but he is much calmer when facing the enemy. It seems that no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he always has a means of restraint to deal with it. After watching it, Chu Xiu only has the impression of "free and invincible" in his heart!

"This is the inheritance of the magic way that has been cultivated to the extreme!"

The picture shown to him by Wanshishu made Chu Xiu fascinated.

Compared with those magic giants who can easily destroy a world, he is now just an ant that is not even cannon fodder.

As for these three extremely powerful inheritances, Chu Xiu's choice is naturally.

I want them all!

He felt that the cultivators in the past did not have the energy and time, let alone the resources to cultivate three paths at the same time, but now with the treasure house of the abyss, Chu Xiu may be able to do what the predecessors of the magic cultivators could not accomplish!

Of course, at present, it is still necessary to make a choice and choose the one with higher priority.

He checked and found that there are nine inheritances of the soldier level, and each path has three, which will be unlocked at level 1, level 4 and level 7 respectively.

For the path chosen by Chu Xiu, all three inheritances are unlocked for free, while the other two paths require causal points, and cannot be unlocked in a skipped manner, which means that you must first unlock the level 1 inheritance before you can learn the level 4 inheritance.

The three inheritances that can be chosen at present are [Bone Horror Fierce Soul Banner (Supreme Demon Lord)], [Green Poison Corpse Fire (Innate God and Demon)], and [Blood Curse Bone Penetrating Nail (Ten Thousand Treasures Demon Lord)]. These three are all [Superior] level inheritances, and unlocking requires a thousand causal points.

It is not particularly much, but it is definitely not a small amount, especially in relation to the development in the early stage, and it is necessary to make a careful choice.

Chu Xiu took a quick look. The Fierce Soul Banner is an advanced version of the Yin Soul Banner, which can further upgrade the Yin ghost in the banner into a fierce ghost. Of course, it also requires a large number of living souls and corpses as upgrade materials.

The Green Poison Corpse Fire is a melee skill that can manipulate corpse fire to cover the weapon. As long as it touches, it can cause additional burning damage and accumulate a large amount of toxins.

As for the last Blood Curse Bone Piercing Nail, it is a long-range attack magic weapon that can make up for Chu Xiu's lack of long-range attack means. However, just like the Yin Feng Banner, one needs to spend money to buy materials for refining.

Without much hesitation, Chu Xiu made his choice.

Choose [Supreme Demon Lord]!

His idea was simple. The living souls and corpses on the ground in this Xingyun Village must not be wasted!

As his mind fell, a large amount of knowledge and inheritance entered his mind.

Without any hesitation, Chu Xiu waved his hand and [Perfect Refining] was activated!

Instantly, the body of the incarnation of pain on the ground began to merge into the white bone ghost banner. At the same time, the dead and injured villagers and guards in this huge village began to turn into blood and flowed to the ghost banner continuously!

Under the nourishment of these pure energies, the white bone ghost banner seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation. Its flagpole became rough and covered with protruding sharp corners, and hideous beast patterns appeared on the soul banner!

As the dead in the entire Xingyun Village turned into nutrients, a fierce breath came out from the new soul banner, and the name of the item became [Skeleton Fierce Soul Banner +6].

Chu Xiu scanned it, and the +6 evil spirit banner was enough to hold a full forty ghosts! It was four times more than before!

The most important thing is that it already has the ability to upgrade ghosts to evil ghosts!

Chu Xiu waved the banner again, and suddenly all the living souls in the entire Xingyun Village rushed towards the evil spirit banner!

The villagers in Xingyun Village, because of serving the evil god with pain for many years, their souls are much stronger than ordinary people, and those guards are three or four times stronger!

As soon as these souls entered the soul banner, the ghosts in the soul banner rushed up to hunt and devour these living souls like people who had been hungry for three days saw a full banquet!

This made the strength of the ghosts in the soul banner begin to soar rapidly!

Unfortunately, among these ghosts, only the elite ghosts have the potential to continue to advance.

Chu Xiu was not in a hurry. He concentrated his mind and pointed, and three more powerful souls floated out. They were the souls of the three fire elders!

With a large number of living souls as food, under Chu Xiu's urging, in less than half a minute, they all evolved into elite Yin ghosts of level 9, and all of them have the potential to advance to evil ghosts!

With the addition of these three powerful creatures, the evil soul banner became even more chaotic, with countless souls fighting and killing in it, like purgatory.

Finally, when everything calmed down, four terrifying creatures appeared.

[Evil Ghost]

[Level] Level 4 of the Soldier

[Attributes] Constitution 0, Spirit 20.1, Energy Level 35.5

[Skills] Yin Wind Blade (Perfect), Life Drain (Great), Earth Binding (Minor)

[Traits] Level 2 Soul Body (Greatly reduces physical damage, and casts spells to gain an additional 30% power bonus.)

[Talents] Reveal (Transformed into a physical form, lost the trait [Soul Body], gained the trait [Ferocious Madness], lost the skill [Life Drain], gained the skill [Life-Sacrificing Claw Attack], Constitution +38.2), Fierce Evil (The attached evil spirit makes any damage caused by the evil ghost an additional evil attack, reducing vitality and physical strength, and the soul is slightly attacked)

Compared to the Yin Ghost, the evil ghost is larger in size. After materialization, it is covered with thick and long spikes. A pair of scarlet eyes are violent and wanton, as if it is a murderer who does not know fear.

At the same time, the basic attributes have been greatly improved, which is much stronger than the elite Yin Ghost! All skill proficiency levels have also increased by several levels!

The soul body has also been upgraded, no longer afraid of the scorching sun, and has an additional magic power bonus!

After materialization, there is an additional [Ferocious] trait and [Life-Sacrificing Claw Attack] skill! The former increases the fighting desire and injury resistance of the evil ghost, and the latter allows the evil ghost to consume part of its vitality to launch a powerful attack!

At the same time, there is another evil talent that increases both states!

And although it is not written on the panel, the Yin ghost's [Claw] trait and [Powerful Attack] skill have not disappeared.

"Too strong."

"And I have four such powerful summons!"

Although only one is level 4 and the other three are only level 1, Chu Xiu can feel that as long as he continues to feed them with living souls, the levels of these evil ghosts can be raised.

"If it takes a hundred souls to give birth to a Yin ghost, then it takes a thousand evil ghosts!"

"I still killed too few."

Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh, not noticing that almost all the people in Xingyun Village had died.

But to be honest, killing these crazy believers didn't even increase their sins, which meant that even the Heavenly Dao didn't regard them as human beings.

Shaking his head, Chu Xiu stopped thinking about it and began to wander around Xingyun Village, collecting the equipment dropped by the dead trialists.

These are definitely far inferior to Jiang Xue's two [perfect] quality equipment, but they are more in number.

And after being promoted to the rank of soldier, the storage space has also expanded to eight cubic meters, which can hold a lot more things.

He shuttled through the village, and some villagers who had retained some sanity and survived the massacre hid in the ruins, looking at him in fear.

Many relatives and friends of these people died in this battle. Although the faith of the evil cult was destroyed, it is hard to say whether they can return to normal life in the future.

It is possible that after Chu Xiu leaves, they will re-establish their cult beliefs and return to their previous lives.

Of course, Chu Xiu naturally doesn't care.

The fragments in this world are average. Compared with the world of corpse ghosts, there are not many valuable things. On the contrary, it is easy to overturn because of the weird rules. Therefore, Chu Xiu does not intend to waste time on it. After this wave of fragments, he will not enter again.

Finally, Chu Xiu received 6 pieces of [collection] equipment, 25 pieces of [excellent] equipment, and a bunch of strange healing and buffing items.

He was too lazy to take the worse ones because they couldn't fit.

The only pity was that he only received less than 200 causal points, which was not as much as Ye Junlin gave.

After all, most people would use up their causal points early to improve their strength before entering the trial.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, Chu Xiu began to leave.

His body gradually became illusory, and the surrounding scenery began to change like a stirred lake.

Soon, with an invisible gravitational force, he completely left this world and returned to a chaotic and empty awakening space.

[Current trial evaluation in progress]

[Evaluation completed, your mission contribution for this trial is: 2889]

[Overall evaluation: World-shaking (+700%)]

[Special achievement rewards: Elite Killer (+140%), Bloody Butcher (+180), Cross-level Kill (+250%), Single Kill Leader (+350%)]

[Rewards settled]

[Rewards settled! ]

[Items obtained: Causal Points*3440]

[Equipment obtained: Pain Elder Robe (Perfect)]

[Trait obtained: Pain Numbness (E)]

[Additional reward obtained: Directed Deep Dive Scroll (Perfect)]

[Additional reward obtained: Perfect-level Deprivation Hand (Perfect)]

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