Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 92: Entering the Abyss Again

The next day, before entering the abyss for the second time.

Chu Xiu was called by the school into a spacious lobby, where dozens of people had gathered, including men and women, all of whom were awakened by this trial.

During this period, people came in one after another. After waiting for a few more minutes, when the number of people in the room reached almost one hundred, a middle-aged man in a suit closed the door and walked onto the podium.

"Hello everyone, I am Wu Long, a C-level operator from the Awakened Administration."

"You will soon enter the abyss again. My superiors sent me to explain to you some arrangements for this operation."

"But before that, I would like to observe a minute of silence for those students who lost their lives in the trial."

As he spoke, Wu Long lowered his head solemnly.

Many students in the audience seemed to have thought of something and looked heavy.

After a minute, Wu Long raised his head and said with a smile: "Let the past stay in the past."

"Next, the only thing you need to consider is how to complete the world mission."

"Relevant information has been sent to everyone in the past few days. It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it. My mission is to ensure that all of you have a detailed understanding of this operation before entering the abyss."

Without any more nonsense, Wu Long went straight to the topic.

"The strategy period for world missions is divided into three stages of nine days. The first three days are the stage for improving your strength. I suggest that you go to the nearest stronghold as soon as you enter the abyss. There will be specialized personnel who will integrate the information and help you make a reasonable decision. Team up to complete three challenging tasks and get causal points to improve yourself.”

"The third day in the middle is the stage of gathering intelligence and reducing the density of monsters. At this stage, we will officially move towards the central city."

"Students who have obtained contracts can just follow the instructions of the forces they belong to. Students who do not have contracts can go to gathering points set up by the government and complete tasks under the government's dispatch. Don't worry, the country will not embarrass you. All tasks are It’s built on safety and it pays well.”

"Of course, you can also explore freely and find opportunities hidden in the world of zombies. I won't go into details about this."

"In short, we must destroy all the easy-to-kill monsters in the city within these three days and increase our combat power to the maximum!"

"The last three days are the official stage of conquering the world mission."

"I think before coming here, you must have heard about how generous the rewards of world missions are, right?"

"But what I want to tell you is that compared to the generous rewards, completing world tasks is more difficult!"

"The abyss is not for charity. It throws the world out as bait so that we can leave more lives in it!"

Wu Long said, opening a report: "In the past three years, the completion rate of world tasks is 29.67%, while the completion rate of outer cities is only 16.88%!"

"Even though we have produced many talented students this year, considering the difficulty of the world of zombies, the probability of completion given by professional forecasting agencies does not exceed 30%!"

"The purpose of what I am saying is to tell you that now is not the time for you to fight over me. All of us have only one common goal, which is to work together to complete the [World Mission]!"

"If you don't even complete the [World Quest], then no matter how generous the reward is, it will be all in vain, and it has no meaning!"

Wu Long's words made the students below look much more serious, and Chu Xiu also suddenly realized that they were here to mobilize before the war.

At the same time, there was a bit more solemnity in his eyes.

Chu Xiu has never underestimated the difficulty of world tasks. Even though Lin Wanyue and Ye Junlin are competing fiercely now, there is a high probability that they will eventually find that even if they work together, it will be difficult to complete the world tasks.

There is no other reason. The regional level of the zombie world is three!

This means that in the trial area, there are creatures with the highest level of ferocity.

As the boss of the world mission, he is at least a fierce elite. Even if he can spawn a fierce leader, it is not impossible!

It was precisely because of the high difficulty of the world mission that Chu Xiu spent a lot of money to refine three blood-cursed bone-penetrating nails. If he was just dealing with other people, there was no need for such a powerful weapon.

Of course, with such a high difficulty of completion, the rewards are naturally unimaginably rich, especially the first-place [Core Positioning Anchor Point], which is worth more than all the other [Positioning Anchor Points] combined! Chu Xiu is bound to win this!

And it is said that if your contribution to completing world tasks is particularly high, you may get extremely rare additional rewards.

After that, Wu Long made some specific arrangements, and everyone was taken to the playground, ready to enter the abyss together.

As soon as Chu Xiu entered the playground, Zhang Qingshan ran over. He seemed to have been searching for Chu Xiu.

"You will enter the abyss later, stay away from Ye Junlin, Lin Wanyue and those high-level awakeners," Zhang Qingshan seemed to have received some news and hurried over to warn Chu Xiu.

"These guys are going crazy trying to grab the [anchor point]. It's easy to be used as cannon fodder with them."

"After you meet Chu Qin, you should listen to the government's arrangements. This way at least your life is not in danger. Don't think about rewards. Survival is the most important thing!"

Chu Xiu nodded in agreement, and Zhang Qingshan said no more, but finally gave Chu Xiu a bear hug.

Soon, as the cooling period ended, the awakened people in the field began to [deep dive] one after another, and Chu Xiu also entered the awakening space. After downloading countless copies, he was already familiar with the road, and the surrounding scenes changed. When his feet stepped on it again, When the earth fell, a dry hot wind blew in the face.

What you see is an abandoned and desolate street. The yellow sand and gravel are carried by the strong wind and hit the car with only the frame left, making a "clang" sound.

"It's back again."

The place where Chu Xiu landed this time was exactly the same as the place he left before, with tall apartment buildings next to him.

Just as he was surveying his surroundings, a roar suddenly sounded in his ears. Chu Xiu turned his head, and a corpse rushed towards him with its bloody mouth open!


The devil's hand struck out from behind Chu Xiu, directly beating the corpse into a puddle of flesh.

However, this sound attracted the attention of more ghouls. In Chu Xiu's powerful perception, at least a dozen ghouls were rushing towards him!

"It's interesting. Have the corpses been refreshed?"

Chu Xiu showed a smile, waved his hand, and several ghosts rushed out, easily tearing all the corpses into pieces.

Their souls were swallowed by the evil ghosts, and their bodies turned into nourishment for the evil spirit flags.

Unfortunately, for Chu Xiu now, the experience provided by these low-level corpses is pitiful.

He did not go to meet Shen Zhuo as planned, but went to the underground garage first.

Then I was disappointed to find that only low-level ghouls were refreshed.

"If my guess is correct, the Blood Moon Ceremony is for upgrading low-level ghouls to high-level ghouls. This is a large Gu breeding ground." Chu Xiu thought to himself.

He did remember that for ghouls, the reward for completing the blood moon ritual is level +1.

However, although there were no high-level ghouls, Chu Xiu did not dislike them. He swept away hundreds of ghouls in the underground parking lot and successfully refined two ghosts. Then he went all the way up and soon arrived at the stronghold.

Shen Zhuo and others were very happy to see him and extended another invitation to join their team, but of course they were ruthlessly rejected by Chu Xiu.

"Okay," Shen Zhuo said with regret on his face, "Then let's act according to the government's arrangements first."

As he spoke, he took out a map with the nearest meeting point marked on it.

In order to coordinate the conquest of the entire world mission, the government spent a lot of money to manufacture hundreds of walkie-talkies that could be sent into the abyss, and established thirteen strongholds.

The people in charge of these thirteen strongholds have more accurate maps, including a large number of discovered knight-level creatures and nest locations.

Of course, the person in charge of each stronghold only has information about the monsters in their immediate area, while the map published to ordinary awakeners only has the general terrain and the location of the stronghold.

This is to prevent powerful awakeners like Chu Xiu from taking advantage of the first-mover advantage and sweeping away all resources, leaving nothing for others.

After all, due to the attenuation mechanism of experience gained, theoretically allocating monsters to all Awakeners according to their levels is the best strategy to improve the overall strength. However, obviously, high-level Awakeners will not let go of low-level monsters, so Some insurance measures are still necessary.

"Compared to blindly exploring the city, it would be better to go to the stronghold first and get the map information."

The city is too big, no matter how strong he is, he can't search it by himself, and Chu Xiu doesn't think that he will be invincible after he reaches the rank of scholar. There must be creatures in this city that are stronger than him now.

"My next mission is to continuously search and hunt monsters in the city to level up, and at the same time find out about hidden missions." Chu Xiu quickly made a plan.

After memorizing the location of the stronghold, he ignored Shen Zhuo and others' attempts to stay and separated from them.

Arriving at a deserted place, equipped with the Elder Pain robe and mask, Chu Xiu stepped directly from the balcony and jumped down from the thirty-second floor!

The strong wind blew up his robe, revealing the ferocious bone armor underneath. Chu Xiu accumulated strength with a few lost steps, and offset most of the gravitational potential energy.


Chu Xiu landed in a handsome posture, the bricks and stones under his feet were smashed, and the smoke and dust dispersed.

Attracted by the huge sound, a large number of corpses gathered around. This was exactly what Chu Xiu wanted. With a wave of his hand, a large number of ghosts and evil ghosts rushed out!

It was like a dozen heavily armored knights rushed into the crowd of farmers, with pieces of meat flying everywhere, and waves of corpses were quickly hunted down!

[Professional experience +1]

[Professional experience +1]

[Professional experience +1]

Experiences are generated one after another, souls are constantly being absorbed into the evil soul flags, new ghosts are hatched, and from time to time, causal points and equipment are released!

In the distance, a group of corpses noticed Chu Xiu and, led by an elite corpse ghost, roared and surrounded him.

Chu Xiu glanced at it, and without saying a word, he launched the Lost Tracking Step. He jumped up out of the air, and then slammed into the group of corpses. The crazy devil's hand then blasted out. The elite corpse ghost didn't even have time to open its mouth. He punched her into a pulp like a whack-a-mole!

[Professional experience +3]

Other ghosts swarmed up and instantly dismembered and devoured the corpses.

[Professional experience +5]

[Items obtained: Cause and Effect Points*104]

【Get equipment.】

【Get equipment.】

"The real world is still fun. This is much more efficient than grinding dungeons."

Looking at the prompts that kept popping up in front of him, Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh.

He thought of the last time he came here. He didn't dare to provoke such a large group of corpses led by elite corpse ghosts. He didn't even dare to walk openly on the street, for fear of attracting the attention of the strange birds flying in the sky.

At that time, Chu Xiu had too many creatures that could kill him!

But now, he basically pushed all the way! Chu Xiu wished that there would be more monsters for him to kill!

That strange bird that he couldn't match before came, and it was just a punch from the crazy demon hand!

It was so domineering!

"Now as long as I don't encounter a fierce level, I basically have no opponent. Even if it is a fierce level, I can protect myself!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu simply released all the ghosts in the fierce soul flag and let them hunt nearby corpse ghosts freely.

Suddenly, countless ghosts rushed out like locusts, wantonly hunting nearby corpse ghosts!

In this way, Chu Xiu led the ghost group to sweep all the way and rushed to a residential building.

When exploring near the apartment building before, Chu Xiu marked several terrifying existences that must not be provoked.

And now, these "terrifying beings" will become his experience treasures one by one.

Chu Xiu hid for a while when he didn't have the strength before, but now that he has enough strength, he will attack boldly and grab all the resources without hesitation!

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