Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 96: Corpse Demon Spider Mother

Shen Tuhu and Chu Qin would never have thought that Chu Xiu's real plan was like this!

In fact, even if Chu Xiu told them in person, Chu Qin would only laugh it off as a joke, and Shen Tuhu would probably laugh like he was watching a clown.

Because this is too crazy!

At night, the strength of the corpse ghosts will be greatly enhanced!

Even if they lead hundreds of people, they would never dare to risk hunting soldier-level creatures at night, let alone nests!

In a nest, there is at least one soldier-level elite! And the level is definitely not low! There are also a large number of high-level corpse ghosts with evolutionary mutations as "guards"!

As for the number of ordinary corpse ghosts, it can only be described as terrifying! There can be thousands of them at will!

In front of the ocean-like corpse tide, even the soldier-level awakeners can't hold on for long! If you fight hard, it may not be enough to fill up all the lives!

In fact, if you want to destroy a nest, you need to make a lot of preparations in advance.

There are many lethal weapons in the base that have been purchased at a high price.

For example, heavy machine guns, incendiary bombs, and fragmentation grenades exploded from the world of [Intelligent Doomsday], corrosive acid water, exploding fireflies, etc. exploded from the world of [Super Evolution], etc.

Some were funded by the government, and some were bought by major forces themselves.

These things are not cheap, because only items with panels can be sent to other worlds.

For example, a gun removed from a mecha cannot be brought back to Blue Star. Only if you are lucky enough to "explode" the gun as an item can you take it away as an item.

Therefore, for the use of each weapon, detailed arrangements must be made, who is responsible for fire support, who is responsible for blasting and cutting off the retreat, and only by making a detailed action plan can the losses be minimized.

As for destroying the nest by one person?

That's completely a fantasy!

Even Ye Junlin and Lin Wanyue didn't think they had a chance to do it!

Not to mention, it was late at night when the zombies were the strongest!

At this time, Chu Xiu was already standing in front of a nest.

This is an office building with a large area, but unlike the apartment building where Chu Xiu landed, there is a large amount of deformed flesh and blood on the first floor. These flesh and blood merge with the reinforced concrete buildings to form a flesh and blood nest visible to the naked eye.

Even though he is hundreds of meters away, Chu Xiu can smell the shocking stench emanating from it.

At this time, a large number of corpse ghosts are wandering around the nest. They crawl on the ground, sniffing with their noses like dogs, searching for traces of food.

A solemn look flashed across Chu Xiu's face.

Although he acted extremely boldly, he never took it lightly.

Soloing the nest at night is a big challenge even for him!

"I can't rush in like before this time."

"If I get caught in a siege, thousands of corpse ghosts can kill me even if they consume me!"

After observing carefully for a while outside, Chu Xiu quickly determined the plan.

He first arranged the bone-sucking blood-sucking formation in advance, and then ordered all the ghosts to spread out and surround the entire nest, and slowly began to hunt down the lone corpse ghosts from the outermost edge to reduce the number of corpse ghosts.

Although these ordinary corpse ghosts are just cannon fodder, they are also troublesome when there are too many of them.


A ghost condensed its body from the shadows and bit a corpse ghost on the neck. The corpse ghost didn't even scream before its neck was bitten off.

With the sound of "rustling", dozens of ghosts moved quickly in the shadows, hunting down the lone corpse ghosts.

The encirclement quickly narrowed, and in just one or two minutes, hundreds of corpse ghosts were hunted!

At this time, a corpse ghost finally noticed something was wrong. It was an elite of the mortal level. It smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, turned around suddenly, and let out a sharp hissing towards the sky!

This scream was like a warning alarm. As the sound spread far away in the field, the whole nest rioted, and a large number of corpse ghosts rushed out from the entrance of flesh and steel!

They pushed each other, squeezed together and ran out wildly, like countless angry beasts that lost their minds!

However, when Chu Xiu saw this scene, he was not afraid at all, but smiled confidently. When the group of corpse ghosts rushed out of the nest, five Yinfeng blades that had been fully charged in advance shot out!

The width of these five Yinfeng blades was nearly three meters! The power was far from comparable to the Yinfeng blades released by ordinary Yin ghosts. It was like five sickles of the god of death, instantly cutting a large number of corpse ghosts in half!

Blood splattered, and looking around, all the bodies were cut in half!

But Chu Xiu had already let five evil ghosts guard near the entrance, and as soon as the corpse ghost appeared, he would strangle it with the Yinfeng blade!

After upgrading to a fierce ghost, the Yin Feng Blade skill it uses has reached perfect proficiency, and in the soul body state, there is an additional 30% power bonus! The energy it contains is extremely terrifying!

The entrance to the nest is not wide, just enough to perfectly exert the power of the Yin Feng Blade!

Moreover, these fierce ghosts were divided into three groups by him, and with more than a dozen Yin ghosts, they formed a well-coordinated crossfire network to block the entrance and kill the corpse ghosts rushing out!

Even if they rush out by chance, they will be torn to pieces by other Yin ghosts guarding nearby!

As time goes by, the power of the White Bone Blood Devouring Formation becomes stronger and stronger, and these corpse ghosts have even less chance. Even elite corpse ghosts will die as soon as they appear under the coordinated attack of groups of ghosts!

Not to mention, Chu Xiu was still standing by with a fierce look, occasionally using the Crazy Demon Hand to clear out the difficult guys.

A few minutes later, there was no movement at the entrance of the nest.

Chu Xiu took a look, and he killed at least 500 corpse ghosts in this wave!

The corpses on the ground were piled at the entrance, and the dark blood almost formed a small river.

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the vast number of corpses began to be refined, the flesh bodies merged into the evil soul flag, and the living souls turned into nutrients for the Yin ghosts.

Chu Xiu seemed to be able to hear the residual souls screaming and screaming in the sky. So many corpses and dead souls have already given birth to Yin Qi here, and ordinary people will get sick after staying here for one night.

In the constant fighting and devouring, one after another hideous Yin ghosts were born in the soul flag, and some Yin ghosts with high potential advanced to evil ghosts.

There were a total of 600 corpse ghosts, many of which were elites, so he gave birth to another evil ghost and a full 14 Yin ghosts!

The overall level has also been improved.

This made Chu Xiu look satisfied.

"This is the horror of the Supreme Demon Lord, fighting to support fighting! Fighting is not a loss for me, but an enhancement!"

"But the next step is the real challenge." Chu Xiu touched his chin and looked at the nest.

The truly powerful corpse ghosts did not come out.

The ruler of this nest, as well as the soldiers under his command, and the exclusive guard corpse ghosts with enhanced mutations.

I don't know if they are sleeping deeper in the nest, or they have a high level of intelligence and are unwilling to leave their home field to fight.

Chu Xiu will naturally not let go of this piece of fat meat, so the next step is a hard battle to go deep into the nest.

He let out a long breath, and two demon hands appeared behind him, like two shields protecting Chu Xiu in the middle.

He then took a step and led the ghost army into the nest.


The speed boots stepped on the mixture of flesh and blood, and the soles of his feet suddenly felt sticky, which made Chu Xiu feel sick.

After entering the nest, the stench became stronger, as if hundreds of corpses were locked in the house and then heated and fermented at a high temperature of 50 degrees.

Chu Xiu resisted the nausea and pointed forward, and immediately a large number of ghosts rushed to the depths of the nest.

Under Chu Xiu's command, the ghosts searched downward in the form of three-person combat teams, and maintained a reasonable distance between each other, so that even if they were attacked, different ghosts could provide timely support.

With such a reasonable combination, the scattered corpse ghosts in the nest passage were quickly cleared.

However, as they continued to go deeper, accidents still happened.

When they went down to the third floor parking lot, a black shadow hanging upside down on the ceiling suddenly fell down. Before Chu Xiu could react, one of his ghosts was torn to pieces!

This is a soldier-level corpse ghost! It has four slender limbs on its back, like a swift poisonous spider. After killing the ghost, it jumped up to the ceiling again, crawled on all fours, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the nest.

"Finally, there are casualties?"

Looking at the ghosts that were torn apart in the blink of an eye, Chu Xiu's heart did not fluctuate too much. Losses in such a tough battle were inevitable. It was easy for him to replenish the ghosts now, as long as the evil ghosts were not dead.

Thinking of this, he simply turned all the evil ghosts into soul bodies, and was only responsible for supporting with spells such as Yin Feng Blade Earth Binding, and leaving the melee to the ghosts!

After making full preparations, Chu Xiu led the ghost army down to the last floor!

As soon as the ghosts responsible for exploring the way walked out of the rotating lane, several black shadows pounced on them and fought directly with the ghosts!

And, it was as if they had a plan long ago. Some were responsible for opening the way, and others directly bypassed other ghosts from different directions and pounced on Chu Xiu at the same time!


Chu Xiu snorted coldly, and the crazy demon hand that had been ready for a long time exploded!


With a loud bang, the attacking black shadow was directly crushed, with broken bones all over the body, and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string!

At the same time, the panel data appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

[013 type corpse ghost (mutated type)]

[Level] Ordinary level 9

[Attributes] Constitution 19.4, Spirit?, Energy level?

[Skills] Poisonous stab

[Features] Venomous fangs, lightweight structure

[Talent] Exoskeleton limbs (with four additional exopods on the back, greatly improving mobility and can be ejected to attack, with poisonous tips)

"These mutant corpse ghosts should be the guards of the boss of this nest."

Just as Chu Xiu was thinking, one figure after another in the dark began to move, making a numbing "click click" sound of limbs falling on the concrete wall, as if countless huge spiders were crawling in this underground parking lot!

Suddenly, a large number of black shadows fell from the ceiling. There were too many of these corpse ghosts, like a spider rain!

At the same time, many ordinary corpse ghosts also launched attacks from all directions!

"Come on!"

Chu Xiu shouted, took the lead, waving the crazy demon hand and rushed into the corpse tide. The two huge arms wreaked havoc in the corpse group, swinging or smashing, and any corpse ghost that was touched would have its internal organs and bones broken together!

At the same time, he held a bone spear in his right hand and a Yinfeng banner in his left hand. Every move he made would take a life!

Dozens of Yin ghosts also began to fight back under the cover of the evil ghosts. Although these mutant corpse ghosts were strong, there were not many of them. After resisting the first wave, the pressure was much less.

At this time, Chu Xiu also killed his way to the deepest part. With a piercing scream, a huge black shadow flashed from the ceiling. This was an even bigger "spider" with more than twenty limbs extending from the back! The huge belly was painted with strange purple patterns.

This is a level 8 elite soldier! The attributes, characteristics and talents are similar to the mutant corpse ghost in front, but much stronger!

Chu Xiu knew that in front of such a strong creature, Yin ghosts and evil ghosts would suffer heavy losses as long as they faced each other, and he needed to deal with it personally!

Without any hesitation, Chu Xiu jumped up and directly broke away from the protection of the ghost army and killed the spider mother corpse ghost!

The two crazy demon hands were like trucks that opened the road, constantly crushing the corpse ghosts that blocked the road!

However, the demon hand was not invincible.

A soldier-level corpse ghost that had been lurking for a long time suddenly rose from the shadows. While other corpse ghosts were cannon fodder to attract the attention of the demon hand, it quickly approached Chu Xiu from behind, and the limbs behind it suddenly stabbed out!


With a loud metal collision sound, Chu Xiu felt a pain in his side waist. He looked down and saw cracks on the bone armor on his waist and abdomen!

After entering the abyss, he was injured for the first time!

If his status is displayed by health value, it will drop from 100% to 99.8%!

"I'm still not strong enough."

With a sigh, Chu Xiu backhanded a spear and accurately pierced the head of the sneak attacking corpse ghost.

This injury did not make Chu Xiu retreat, but instead made him more motivated!

With the protection of the Heavenly Demon Hand, no monster could hurt him for a long time, which made his perfect bone armor and the robe of the elder of pain completely useless.

But in fact, compared with attack, Chu Xiu's defense is stronger!

Before, because he wanted to stay uninjured, he had been a little restrained, but now it doesn't matter.

With a roar, Chu Xiu completely ignored the attacks below the soldier level and rushed towards the spider mother corpse ghost!

Ten minutes later, the underground parking lot was full of broken exoskeleton limbs, and the walls were covered with bloody corpses that were blown away by the strange force and stuck to the concrete walls.

The huge body of the corpse ghost spider mother kept fleeing in the parking lot. Its body was covered with small holes pierced by bone-penetrating nails. At this time, dark green blood mixed with toxins was constantly flowing out. Half of its limbs had been broken, and most of its carapace was shattered, leaving a terrifying fist mark on it.

A figure was chasing it silently from behind.

It was a figure wearing a long robe and pale bone armor. His whole body was stained with the blood of the corpse ghosts, and he had completely turned into a bloody man. There were many cracks on the bone armor on his body, and even several armor plates were directly shattered, leaving wounds behind.

The two had a big difference in size, and the figure was not in perfect condition, but the corpse ghost spider mother was like encountering a natural enemy. She had no idea of ​​resistance at all, and only cared about fleeing for her life, while screaming for other guards to protect her.

But unfortunately, no one could respond.

The corpses were scattered all over the ground, and the huge parking lot had completely turned into purgatory, with basically no living creatures.

Finally, the corpse spider mother was forced into a corner. In its horrified eyes, Chu Xiu walked forward, and the crazy demon hand appeared behind him, like the wings behind the devil covering the sky.

The blood like magma surged in the demon hand. In the horror cry of the corpse spider mother, Chu Xiu raised his hand expressionlessly and punched out!


The belly of the corpse spider mother was blown up, like a burst watermelon, and the dark green blood and minced meat covered the ten-meter-circle wall.

Then, a pleasant prompt sound rang in Chu Xiu's ears.

[The nest has been cleaned up. Congratulations on completing the challenge task and obtaining the prop: cause and effect points * 2500! 】

[Professional Experience +487]

[Obtained Items: Causal Points*267]

[Obtained Equipment: Mutated Poisonous Longbow (Perfect)]

[Obtained Equipment:

[Obtained Items:

[Level Upgrade! ]

[Current Level: Level 3]

Sorry, I forgot to write the attributes of the equipment items that were dropped after killing the Blood Devil's servants. Now I have added them. One can slightly improve flexibility, and the other can turn people into low-level Blood Devil. Neither of them is very useful.

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