Abyss of Silent Heroes

138 Together as Soldier and Guerrilla

The day has come and the mission remain to the most awaited travel the soldiers and guerillas wanted to fulfill. With this, as George sought for an appeal outright he was assigned to watch over Kabang place when his comrades would leave. The family understood him from preempting Magee to rush for an attack. The Captain just scratched his head; smiled and spoke, "At least you know her that much."

" Dad..." George smiled while looking at him.

" Don't take it seriously, just enjoy the process, her anger with this war won't be forever. Guide and understand her with all of your might, remember, you're not also a soldier forever."

" Thank you Dad." Then George had his hats off to the rest but of course Mayumi and Magee stood right beside him.

" Why should they leave for rice as priority, we can still eat with just the crops we presently have. Huh..." Mayumi whispered.

" The problem is, they have estimated that our root crops would last next month, they've got rotten harvest last week caused by rats. It was unexpected so this move has made the Captain worked for good, so by December, during Christmas, we still can survive. On January of 1943, our farm will get back to its sound and safe operation." Magee smiled and held Mayumi's hand and they returned inside the wooden house.

" Mag, how long shall it take for them to be here again?" Mayumi asked while settling on her seat beside the kitchen table.

" Hmm...around a week I guess. Its estimated 10-15 kilometers away from here. Hey girl, Baldur is a very strong man. Trust him we'll keep praying to send along with them all the angels in heaven."

" Ngee...you give me goosebumps with that. So we're left empty around with 28 civilians to take care with. You said we only have less supply of root crops and Albrecht didn't tell us the division process for the ration." Mayumi sighed.

" Haha! its not a problem, we'll make Dr. Lucia busy in rationing." Magee laughed and gave her reassurance to Mayumi while George was listening at them behind the door, smiling then he left to get out and didn't hear the last lines of his wife.

"...we'll help our family. I'll show you for the first time our headquarter next to the Japs', its just almost within their vicinity. The place was empty right now but its one of the safest, aside from here. Its beautiful! its door is a huge flowing water where no one can think there's a cave inside." Magee whispered to Mayumi.

" Wow...so how can we get inside that place?" Mayumi asked.

" Simple. I'll ask permission from my husband but if not I'll make him sleep and we'll escape. I want you to see that place since you're already part of this family so if in case time gets bad, you know where to hide. This place is not so safe, though there's still a nook here I may tell you soon." Magee uttered.

" No, not yet. We need to ask permission from my husband first. Suppose he would disapprove, let's escape."

" Haha! why can't we just escape without asking permission from him.

" Those are two different things. Asking permission then anyway, escape is more acceptable than escaping without asking any permission. Hmm...get it? We'll probably depart tomorrow at twilight, just be ready." Magee winked an eye to Mayumi who remained eager to see that cave in station one.

" But hey, I don't usually see you around, do you have another room in the tunnel?"

" Shh...its a huge secret. Just don't ask and keep the smiling Buccaneer cave your hideout when Baldur isn't around. Keep safe and trust no one."

" Its the coolest place and yes, its a real secret." Mayumi replied then she shared Dr. Lucia's interest of the wooden house and its owners.

" Really? when have you learned it, since then?" Magee sat beside Mayumi and looked so worried while pressing her head.

" If you meet situations like this again, just tell us immediately." Then Magee shared the previous people they have rescued and adopted inside that caused so much harm and even killed so many war survivors.

" My...it was indeed horrendous! Yes, whenever next time, I can relay to our family any spotless information I can get." Mayumi empathized.

" Its how we live in here, otherwise, we'll be used by outsiders to harm our own family members and race. It shouldn't be the case, we must be protectors of one another. So women like us, even young, must help and work hand-in-hand with our husbands. So we have to fight too and act as guerillas since you marry a German-Filipino soldier with an American citizenship, so never, ever trust."

" Hmm...I am starting to get nervous Mag. But I'm beginning to like engaging in silent war fights." Mayumi said with a pale face.

" Not just a silent fight, sometimes we can go to physical engagement. Our country is at risk, I'll show you the landmines, the safe path going station one and one last thing, do you know how to physically fight?" Magee asked while George got back eavesdropping.

" Ha? ah, a little. But I'm afraid of looking at sharpened weapons, much more when I have witnessed a Jap stabbing the bayonet in my mother's back. It...it was really painful." Mayumi looked so nervous.

" Yeah, yeah, I understand. But it could become more painful if you won't protect the attack with movement or any use of weapon too. Right?"

" Ah...sure, sure, yes. But I lacked the courage sometimes. Remember when George saved me. I was running that time and chased by the Jap, sometimes I chill with fear that fight and protect my self." Mayumi had a dry throat for just telling her feelings.

" So you don't love your self, your family, the people, and your country. Here, our instinct must be more of getting bolder whenever we are hit badly within this war. The more we need to rise!" Magee looked up while George smiled and joined them.

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