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A whole street was stained with blood, apart from this, surrounded by stumps and wailing zombies. After a long fight, zombies that could stand were scarce. They were 10000 zombies. The winner deserves some awards.



Several arrows were shot, and they were nailed unbiasedly to their heads. The next second, the soul of within the body was also sucked into the sky, together with countless soul fusion.

At this time, these souls have condensed into a sphere, the color is gray, which is full of terrifying soul fluctuation!

Very terrifying soul pressure … “Erwin’s face appeared pale, and she found that under the oppression of the soul, her Soul Perception had been oppressed by the inside of the body, and there was no way to overflow.

I don’t know how many zombie’s original powers are condensed in this soul ball. As undead, these souls have already become chaotic, but it does not matter, as long as they can be used for summon, this is enough!

This is no longer an ordinary Blood Sacrifice, but a soul offering. If Saruman is not there to help, Chen Feng is simply impossible to consolidate such Soul Power.

Even though these zombies are no longer humans, they witnessed the kind of fighting just now, which made Chen Feng feel a little uncomfortable, not pity, but an inexplicable feeling.

Among these zombies, there are no less than 10000000 million millionaires or graduates of prestigious universities, but in the hands of Naraku, they have all become cruel zombies. No one can imagine what kind of fear they experienced before they died.

Countless souls gathered in it, and the negative emotions generated even the sky was dyed black, and no sunlight could refract in.

Chen Feng looked at these souls and muttered to himself: “Every injustice has its perpetrator, even if you really have resentment, you should find Naraku!”

But these souls have long lost their consciousness, rammed in the soul ball, and they seem to want to charge ahead from inside to kill all the creatures they see. These souls have only the most primitive slaughter instinct. And with the successive swallowing, some of the souls have become clear. This scene is similar to the previous Naraku.

If left unattended, those who devour enough souls can become ghosts. If they really escape, for ordinary people, it is a disaster.

However, all this is still under the control of Chen Feng, and he will not give them the opportunity to become ghosts, because now, he will sacrifice each other and turn it into a channel to communicate with the powerhouse!

The black eyes stared violently at the looting soul, a strange eye bloomed in the right eye, and then the 5 fingers spread hard against the ground, the mysterious summon Formation lighted up, and those souls were like It was a huge suction, and it was swallowed by the magic array at once!

At the same time, a pair of pitch black coffins appeared out of thin air, and all those souls disappeared into the sarcophagus. On the surface of the coffin, there was a very evil atmosphere, accompanied by a decaying smell, even Chen Feng felt very stressed. , This feeling is not wrong, this is the coercion from Legendary!

This is a breath of disaster!

Chen Feng bet on the right. With 10000 zombie souls, it finally summon out a Legendary Rank powerhouse. Even if the other party is not their own Summoned Beast, but as long as they offer Offering, it will be effective. For now, This is enough!

Chen Feng’s eyes were fixed on the sarcophagus. In his curious eyes, the cover of the sarcophagus fell off, and a silhouetted bandage appeared.

At the same time, a pungent smell spread into the nasal cavity like this, as if something was left for more than ten years or even longer, with a slight movement, countless dust floated.


Chen Feng’s pupils contracted, the other party was completely wrapped in bandages, and his height was similar to his own, but the hidden energy in it was like the Dead Sea, and it was impossible to estimate.

This is not a simple mummy, but a Demi-God mummy!

Demi-God mummies look dry and withered. They are covered in old shrouds all over their bodies. To protect their last territory, their actions are incredibly fast and efficient. Most Demi-God mummies wear the emblems or idols that are important to Demi-God.

Demi-God mummy is the mummy after Demi-God’s death, these gods not at all completely leave their Eternal kingdom.

At this time, the Demi-God mummy was marked with a bloody dagger on the chest, which may be the holy symbol that created sect during his lifetime!

Every deity has Divine Spark. A deity Divine Spark determines how much power it has.

If Divine Spark is equal to 0.

Then this creature is often called the quasi-god or hero god. Heirs of mortals and deities also fall into this category. These existences cannot be awarded to spell, but they are still immortal, and usually have one or more attributes that are much higher than ordinary individuals of the same species. They may have some believers. The average mortal has no Divine Spark of 0. They have no Divine Spark at all.

Divine Spark 1-5

These existences are called Demi-God. They are the weakest deities. Demi-God can grant spell and accomplish something beyond the limits of mortals. Apart from this may also gain more respect or respect. Demi-God controls a small Divine Kingdom (usually in an outer plane) and has slight control over one or more aspects of the priesthood of the existence of the world. Demi-God may be very good at a single skill or a group of related skills, can gain combat advantages in some special situations, or can bring some minor changes to the priest-related reality.

For a long time, even True God may fall, not to mention Demi-God? Chen Feng has no impression of this holy symbol. It is very likely that this is an ancient existence in the abyss.

In the long history of history, this Demi-God mummy was originally strong, and founded his own church, thinking of being able to become True God, but it was contrary to wish, maybe the enemy ’s sneak attack, or the lifespan was exhausted, and its life fell. Not only was the church disbanded, but he also became a boarder in the sarcophagus.

The Demi-God mummy has the following traits: Cleave, Combat Reflex, Evasion, Expert, Power Cleave, Strengthen Strengthen, Improve Deadly (Swing), Master Disarm, Master Attack, Lightning Reflex, Mobility, Power Attack, strong, weapon specialization (swing)

Compared to Bone-Dragon, the Demi-God mummy is much quieter, and until now it hasn’t made any noise, but Chen Feng can feel it, hiding the unusual terrifying power under the shroud!

It is good at death hugs. When wrapped in a Demi-God mummy shroud, even the Legendary powerhouse is rarely able to escape alive.

Compared with the Demi-God of the previous life, the Demi-God mummies today have obtained their eternal life as they wished. As undy creatures, their character has long become distorted and surly. No one knows what they are thinking, precisely because of this, in the abyss In the tomb, almost no one would disturb the sleep of these guys.

Chen Feng not at all tried to communicate with the other party. As a representative of the silence, Demi-God’s mummy’s mission is to try not to be BB when you can do it.

In short, it is to work for money and sleep.

As for talking about feelings with the undead?

Still save it!


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