He paused for a moment as he said this, as if he felt that he was too harsh, so he added,"Everyone has some pursuits. This is your beginning. You have to be like me. Every time you do a project, you have someone to protect the handle."

Other laboratories When the experimenters heard this, they just felt like crying.

Dean, do you think everyone is you?

Make something and that thing can change the world?!

You who comfort me are better off not comforting me at all!

However, after this incident, their moods were indeed very different, and they all looked to Chen Fan as their example and pursuit.

Even if you can't become the second Chen Fan, you still have to have his state of mind and spirit.

That is to do one thing without any distractions and not to be disturbed by anything.

From that day on, they who were already working hard became even more desperate. They would eat only two mouthfuls of food and stop drinking more after two sips of water. I only sleep for two or three hours before getting up and continuing to work.

They are more desperate than Saburo.

Finally, three days later, the results of the second phase came out.

Report. test!

Test again

"Test success!"

Chen Fan announced the completion of the project. In an instant, the entire laboratory became a sea of joy.

"marvelous! marvelous!"

"God, I'm such a powerful character"

"Finally finished, I can have a solid sleep. So tired, so exhausted"

"Hahaha, ten days! Ten days! We have completed such a great project, we are really amazing."

A few laboratory workers excitedly picked up the people next to them and kissed them hard on the face.

Some others wanted to hug Chen Fan, but were struck by Chen Fan's eyes and instantly fainted. After a while, they wanted to hug Chen Fan. When everyone calmed down, they thanked Chen Fan with gratitude.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dean"

"Thank you, Dean"

"The dean is great"

"Thank you, Dean, for allowing me to participate in such a project. I will never forget you as long as I live."

"Dean, if you have such hard work in the future, you can still come to me. I am not afraid of hard work at all."

Look, as soon as this project was completed, I was thinking of booking the next project with Chen Fan.

Of course, there are many people who have the same idea as this experimenter. After all, they will follow Chen Fan to achieve results!

Do research , what is important?

The process?


It is the results, even if the process is exhausting, everything is in vain.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest. Awards and signatures have been reported."Chen Fan said.

As soon as they heard the award and signature, everyone's eyes shone brightly.

Isn't this what you want after being so tired and working so hard?

"Thank you, Dean"

"Then let's go"

"Bye, I can take a good bath when I go back. Now I feel sour all over my body."

"Yes, stay away from me"

"Aren't you the same, and you still dislike me. cut."

National Genetic Inquiry.

The name sounds quite simple and confusing.

But in fact it is not single. Genetic inquiry is only a small part of the entire optimization system.

The more important purpose is to protect the entire country. Although the Internet is now monitored everywhere, there is also the so-called Skynet system, but the monitoring can only be checked after an incident, but the"National Gene Query System" is an upgraded form of Sky Eye and has a certain degree of intelligence. , can bear the security of the entire country, and can automatically identify whether a crime has occurred.

Once identified, no manual operation is required, and the behavior can be directly edited into text and transferred to the local police, who will review and monitor and then take action quickly. And it can quickly check for fugitive suspects, find missing persons, etc.

Not only that, it can also identify even if it has undergone plastic surgery or even changes in bones.

In addition, it has other auxiliary functions, such as monitoring the entire body. Once illegal and criminal information will screen and transmit it and even quickly close the criminal account.

"The emergence of the"National Genetic Query System" is, to a certain extent, enough to change the entire country.

Especially in terms of apprehending criminals and preventing crime, it will make a very big contribution.

It is also because of this that this project came out After that, it took less than half an hour to report the reason why the above funds were in place.

"Thanks a lot."On the phone, a leader who can only be seen on TV expressed his heartfelt thanks to Chen Fan.

If it weren't for Chen Fan, the country would not have developed so fast in the past few years.

The country has suffered a lot of humiliation in the past, but fortunately it has all In the past, after generations of construction, everything is developing for the better.

However, in the eyes of some people, scientific research is still not as good as other countries, and many talents leave for various reasons.

As a leader, he felt the pain in his heart, so he made a lot of efforts to create good conditions for scientific researchers , and Chen Fan was obviously one of the many. The leader among scientific researchers, some marshals from other countries said this

"I would trade an army of 200,000 for Chen Fan. He alone can defeat an army of 200,000 people."

In his eyes, Chen Fan is one million people, a talent he would not replace in either city.


Nuwa Intelligent System.

Dabai Robot.

Panda Intelligent Robot.

And the current National Genetic Query System.

Which one , is not an invention that can change the country? Which one is not an invention that changes the world?

He is extremely lucky that Chen Fan was born in this land, and even the top leader is extremely lucky to be born in this country.

"nothing."Chen Fan said,"With a little effort,"

"The work of your hands may be difficult to accomplish in our eyes. The leader smiled,"Scientific research is so hard, tell me, what do you want?""

As long as it's not out of line, he's satisfied.

"I removed all the people who were protecting me."Chen Fan said

"That won't work, you're forcing yourself to do something difficult, change it."The leader immediately refused.

What a joke. Even if he can agree to withdrawing the bodyguards, can the top leader agree? Can 1.4 billion Chinese people agree?!

You know, the word"destroy it if you don't get it", in some In the hearts of the country’s leaders, there has always been

"Forget it."Chen Fan said

"Is there nothing else you want? Such as money and fame."The leader asked

"No."Chen Fan said

"…..All right."The leader is a little discouraged.

Also, the patents in his hands are enough for him to become the richest man in the world. What more fame and profit do you need?

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