Shangjing City.

Someone was collecting water. The person watching the press conference didn’t even know that the water was full and spilled on the ground.

Cheng'an City. a certain family

"mom! mom! mom! Look, there is Superman, there is Superman!"

"How can there be a Superman? That’s all a lie to you kids."

When my mother saw Chen Fan's actions, the last word didn't fall to the ground, and was swallowed directly in her throat.

"I go! what's the situation!"

On a bus in Jiangdu City

"Hold! This guy is so handsome, right?"

"Can it still be like this?!"

"This is not scientific."


Otenando City

"This is so surprising!"

"This is Superman!"

"Wow, the Chinese people are so awesome!"

Disappear, appear.

Disappear, appear.

Disappear again, appear again.

Now here, now there. The distance in between is at least five or six meters.

Everyone is stunned.

Everyone is stunned.

Just Even Chen Keke, who knew the principle, was no exception,"This is so handsome."

Her dad is really handsome!!

No wonder her dad is liked by so many people, there is a reason!!

He is so handsome, so handsome.

If you have the chance, you should try it yourself


The lights flashed.

Chen Fan smiled slightly,"Do you think this is interesting?"

The main purpose of designing this is to attract everyone's attention to the hologram.

This seemingly super power of teleportation can actually be achieved through holograms.

From the eyes of others , he walked around the entire venue, in mid-air.

In fact, he didn't move.

This is the charm of holograms. This is why the military must get holograms.


Thunderous applause and screams erupted throughout the venue.

The sound was so loud that it seemed to be able to overturn the entire venue.

The reporters kept taking photos. Flashlights flashed one after another.

The screams continued.

The whole venue exploded.

Not only the venue, but also the audience watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

"So handsome, so cool, so awesome! This is simply the super teleportation in the Superman world."

"Nonsense, if you want to say it, it should be Lingbo Weibu in Jin Yong. Peak of martial arts"

"None of them are right. This is clearly black technology and science!"

"Is it a new product from this conference? Or can all holographic equipment meet such standards! ?"

The Chinese audience is extremely proud, extremely proud.

But those from other countries are so sore that their teeth are about to fall apart. They can't help but think to themselves, why Chen Fan is not from their country.

If he is from their country , Man, that would be great!

Zhang Fan couldn't help but smile when he saw the excited and excited eyes and expressions of the people present.

This is probably why he can endure boring research day after day, year after year.

Because too many people can benefit from his research.

Confucius said that if you are poor, you can benefit yourself, but if you are rich, you can benefit the world.

Sima Qian also said that people are destined to die, and they may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

He took these two sentences as his motto.

Screams, adoration, surprises, and noises all intertwined with applause to form a unique cheer for Zhang Fan.

Then he pressed down.

Although he didn't speak, everyone could understand what he meant.

Chen Keke was a little surprised at her father's control over the entire venue.

She looked at her father on the stage for a moment.

Thousands of emotions flooded her heart, and what others said was true.

She did have a very great and excellent father, so that even an ugly duckling like her could grow into a swan under the protection of her father.

She succeeded, making her father proud of her.

Chen Fan was the focal point of everyone in the venue, and he was obviously not one of them.

There is a certain indescribable temperament in his movements.

This kind of temperament cannot be imitated.

It is formed naturally.

It seems that he has been destined to lead the entire nation, the entire country, and the entire mankind on a new path since his birth.


In the live broadcast room, countless people are expressing their opinions.

"So handsome, so handsome"

"It’s simply amazing!"

"Isn’t that what the knees need? I'm kneeling on the ground and have already called you daddy. What else do you want from me?"

"Wonderful, wonderful! Bravo! If I hadn't known that Chen Fan was a scientist, I would have almost thought I was seeing a god."

"This scene is enough to go down in history, and we will all be witnesses of history"

"Hahaha, I just checked it out on the Internet and they were so angry that they vomited sour water."

"Hehe, is Han Country looking for proof that Chen Fan is from their country?"

"Haha, I’m looking up my ancestral roots and trying to find out, I guess!"

"I finally know why I haven't gotten married until now. It's because I'm waiting for Chen Fan. Waiting for him to become my husband"

"Upstairs, could you please line up?"

Peking University.

The students are also very excited at the moment.

This is their teacher, this is their professor, this is their dean!

Cover your mouth and cry!

So handsome!

In the past, others would envy them for being from Peking University Students.

What they have now is that they are students of Peking University, and a great scientist like Chen Fan is their mentor and dean. They are so envious and jealous!

The students who applied for Peking University are secretly furious, and one is working harder than the other!

Those who are already at Peking University are all clamoring to enter Chen Fan's laboratory, even if I just give them a few words of advice, it will be fine.

"Damn it! So handsome!"

"Awesome, Dean!"

"Woohoo, hug our dean!"

The teacher who is teaching is a little helpless. He should be a little self-aware. Like other teachers, he should stop and read the dean's press conference before teaching.

"Classes are suspended. You study by yourself"

"good! Thank you, teacher."

The students cheered.

The same scene also appeared in different universities.

Chang'an Southwest University, a classroom

"Teleport, definitely teleport!"

"Believe in science! Believe in science!"

"Yes, Chen Fan is a scientist and inventor"

"Don't be too arrogant."

Teacher,"What's the point? Come on and tell me which question you just talked about?"" student,".……."

Chen Fan's press conference was watched by too many people.

Just on a large platform on the Internet, more than 30 million people watched it at the same time.

This does not include live TV broadcasts and live broadcasts in other countries.

In short, the audience was too wide and the influence was too great. The value created by this night cannot be measured in terms of money.

And now, the press conference continues.

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