Back in the laboratory, Zhang Fan began to study the previous 3D printing technology.

Soon, the system gave the answer

"3D printing technology completion degree 100%"

"You can get 500 points as reward."

Because this is a branch task, the reward is not high.

But Chen Fan doesn't care. He enjoys the joy of successful research.

The widespread application of 3D printing technology will once again bring about social changes.

Speaking of 3D Printing technology first appeared in the mid-1990s. It is actually the latest rapid prototyping device that uses light curing and paper lamination technologies.

It works on the same principle as ordinary printing. The printer is filled with liquid or powder. After the"printing material" is connected to the computer, the"printing material" is stacked layer by layer through computer control, and finally the blueprint on the computer is turned into a physical object.

This printing technology is called 3D printing. The technology is not yet mature, and only small-scale production can be carried out in art and some fields.

There is no way to complete the theoretical assumptions.

However, Chen Fan has now completed this realization.

"Cloud 2, call your daughter"

"The call has been connected."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Keke's holographic image appeared in front of Chen Fan

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Chen Fan smiled slightly and took Chen Keke to his 3D printing device.

"Let me show you something good"

"What's this?"

What appeared in front of Chen Keke was a large black instrument, full of industrial feel.

"This is a 3d printer. I have recently developed it. Just connect it to a computer or holographic device and put in the materials to"

"Of course, modules need to be built before this, otherwise the system will not be able to provide accurate finished products."

"Are all materials available?"Chen Keke asked. His eyes were full of surprise and expectation.

"Yes, I originally wanted to develop a new type of material, but unfortunately, there is no way to achieve it yet."

Chen Fanzheng was talking, and suddenly the holographic image flashed and disappeared suddenly.

What happened?

There was a power outage?

As for the idea that Cloud 2 is broken, there is no such thing. Because as the developer and founder of Cloud 2, there is no Who knows the data and service life of Cloud 2 better?

The button is not responding.

The signal is full

? Chen Fan frowned. At this time, Chen Keke

's holographic image came back.

Somewhat strange,"Dad, what happened just now? Is the internet disconnected?" My signal is pretty good. She also thought about why

Cloud 2 was broken.

Chen Fan said,"It may be that the signal is unstable and the signal is temporarily unevenly distributed." Let's continue."

He said and introduced the 3D printing equipment he developed.

"I'm going to build you a small house. Come and take a look. Chen Fan said, connected the device to the computer, and put the wood on the side into it.

Then, a magical scene happened. Three or four minutes later, a house made of wood came out from one side of the device.

Chen Keke covered her mouth,"This…..This, this is 3D printing technology?"

She has learned about 3D printing technology before and has seen such instruments, but there is no comparison with what her father Chen Fan is making.

First of all, the material is paper.

And all Chen Fan's materials are wood.

The plasticity of paper is different from that of wood. The former does not have high requirements for machines, while the latter has much higher requirements for machines.

Moreover, what is put in is wood, and what comes out is a house that has been assembled..

If this equipment is larger, or can be spliced, the speed of building a house will be greatly improved.

If this equipment does not choose any raw materials, it can be built according to the module. If it ’s printing, wouldn’t it be able to make cars, ships, and rockets much faster?

It’s really scary!

If this 3D printing equipment comes out, Chen Keke has already thought about the crazy market value of Fanke Technology. It has reached an unimaginable level, and is even rising crazily every day.

If you add this…….

Chen Fan smiled and said,"Let me answer what you just said. Yes, this equipment is not picky about materials. As long as the module is built, it can work according to the module's requirements."

He was actually a little pity, because now in the world Some materials cannot achieve the effect he wants.

This kind of material needs to be dense, light in weight, ductile, high in hardness, resistant to cold and heat, and can even automatically adjust the temperature according to the weather.

Think about it, isn’t it incredible?

But he just wanted to do it.

If it doesn’t work once, do it twice; if it doesn’t work twice, do it three times. If three times doesn't work, then three hundred times.

This must be done.

If it cannot be done, then the basic requirements for creating a new city will not be met.

Chen Keke took a breath and his eyes widened. After two or three seconds, he realized what he was doing and gave Chen Fan a thumbs up.

"Dad, you are so awesome!"

Chen Fan smiled and was about to speak. At this moment, the holographic image flashed and disappeared again.

The smile on Chen Fan's face disappeared. The network of Cloud 2 was still online. When he opened the web page, he could not connect at first.

He refreshed it several times, but it had no effect at all.

When he refreshed it for the last time, the screen of Yun 2 suddenly went black.


You are a loser!

This is a hacker intrusion and a virus!

Chen Fan took a deep breath, how dare you, how dare you!

This is definitely not targeting him alone, it is not just his device that is infected with the virus. It's All smart devices in China are infected with the virus!

What is the concept of modern society ?

Mobile phones, computers, including electrical equipment, autonomous driving systems, drones, and self-driving cars! Instruments!

They all require a network!

Wherever Huaxia’s network is, all the smart devices connected to the network will crash!


The power in the laboratory went out, and the backup power supply was quickly activated.

Chen Fan walked out of the laboratory calmly, with a violent storm in his eyes!

Everything was in chaos outside!

"What's going on? Why is the power out?"

"I can’t connect to the Internet on my mobile phone, and I can’t make calls either."

"What's going on? The data I just wrote hasn't been saved yet!"

"What's going on? The traffic isn't working either. I thought the wireless was not good."

"What kind of plane are you doing?"

"Computers and mobile phones are all down!!"


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