114 – Battle of Hattin Forest (6)

When Brigadier General Jaeger’s order to attack was given, officers of the Reich Empire stood in the vanguard and joined the close combat to ensure victory.

The soldiers of the Reich Empire saw that even though they were not being pushed back, they saw noble officers standing at the vanguard.

Unless we were absolutely certain that we could win, I began to think that there was no way the higher-ups would be at the forefront.

The commanders at the forefront began to cheer and chatter at the sight of the enemy being cut down.

“The company commander himself stood at the forefront! “We will win this time too!”

“Long live the Reich Empire! Long live your Majesty the Emperor!! Long live Brigadier General Jaeger!”

“Let’s hold on a little longer and return alive!”

The officers who saw this smiled bitterly because they knew the meaning of Brigadier General Jaeger’s order to send out Pyongon soldiers and launch an all-out offensive.

And what they thought the meaning of the instructions given by the brigadier general was.

‘If we don’t stand a chance of victory here, our army will definitely lose. So, you have to endure and win at all costs.’

However, such feelings should be released after the war is over, when officers gather together or unit members gather for a company dinner.

They know that when the situation is urgent and simple like now and they have to cut down the enemies coming from the front, it is most effective to raise their morale blindly.

“Surely there isn’t a fool in our company who can’t use even half of the numbers of the enemies this company commander has chosen?! “If there is such a lackey, the company commander will not be able to help but be disappointed!”

“Just look at my back and follow me!”

“Soldiers of the great Reich Empire, proud soldiers of Schumacher Company! “I, Ben Schumacher, will be with you!”

In order to raise the morale of the soldiers, although they were somewhat safe because they were wearing plate armor all over their bodies, they swung swords and spears like wild horses in the vanguard.

Seeing that, the soldiers of the Francois Republic were frightened, and began to take a step back, slowly being pushed back.

“Crazy people, crazy bastards. “For a subject that is less than half of our number…”

“f*ck, but why aren’t arrows and magic support suddenly coming?”

“I don’t know, you bastard! And while I’m not worrying about that, I’ll add some spearing!”

Meanwhile, Division Commander Pompadour threw his baton to the ground as he saw that his much larger army was slowly being pushed back, although not unilaterally.

He started to get irritated by swinging the sword that was stuck at his waist instead of his baton.

“f*ck, f*ck! Why aren’t the knights coming? If the knights had done their job properly, the crossbowmen wouldn’t have suffered a crushing blow! There is no way the infantry will be unilaterally pushed back by an enemy force of less than 4,000! “Ahh!”

Hearing those words, other officers of the Francois Republic recalled the proverb from the academy they attended: ‘In war, the army with a irritable commander is the first to lose.’

He placed his hand on his forehead and sighed with his mouth as he thought.

‘f*ck, I feel completely screwed. What should I do?’

At a time when they couldn’t come up with a sharp move no matter how hard they thought, Francois’ knights were being completely fooled by the archers led by Major Anastasia.

The method is to aim at the side of the horse, not the person, from a distance and shoot an arrow to make the horse fall. When the formation is broken due to the knight who fell from the horse and the horse he was riding.

With a ghost-like look, they put down their bows and arrows and approached the knights’ formation, killing them by cutting off the arteries in the horses’ necks with cavalry swords, or slaughtering the knights by striking them on both the horse’s head and the human head with their blades.

As a result, there was no trace of the 700 knights of the Francois Republic who, before the war, had even made a bet to see how many hours they could eliminate one pitiful brigade of the Reich Empire.

“You crazy barbarians, don’t come! Help me! “f*ck you, you bastards!”

“You children are worse than dogs! “Cursed be the filthy heathen horsemen!”

“Hey, you crazy Milton! Stop there! “Don’t run out!”

The archers faithfully performed their role of holding back the knights as much as possible, slowly reducing their numbers one by one.

Major Anastasia, who commanded the archers, shouted as she beheaded an enemy knight with her cavalry sword.

“The Brigadier General told me, Anastasia Kergit, that the most important role in this battle is our archers! Let’s repay the brigadier general’s expectations and trust! Let’s complete the mission at any cost! “Honorable cavalrymen of the North, use all your might to grab their ankles and bite them!”

When she heard that command, her horse archers under her responded with cheers and tried harder to keep her enemy knights from coming to their senses.

From noble mtl dot com

Perhaps the struggle was effective, as Brigadier General Montblanc, who commanded the knights of the Francois Republic, lost some of his judgment due to the swirling storm of archers.

If you come to your senses right now, give up intercepting the archers, and join Division Commander Pompadour as quickly as possible.

Although he was defeated by the archers and could have created an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle, he failed to do so and ended up giving an order that went against the situation.

“Archery cavalry! Ignore the archers! Instead, I’m going to kill the damn knights of the Reich Empire! “Those bastards are slaughtering our crossbowmen and wizards now!”

The original order he received from Major General Pompadour was to protect soldiers capable of long-distance attacks from enemy knights.

It is a very important role, but dealing with enemy knights requires a longer horseback movement.

Because of the longer movement range, the chance of being attacked by the Reich Empire’s archer cavalry increases, so it is not the right order for the current knights to carry out.

Although Brigadier General Mont Blanc did not know, the crossbowmen and wizards he was trying to protect had already been nearly annihilated by their natural enemies, the knights.

Major General Pompadour, who had commanded 10,000 troops of the Republic, was now able to operate only about 6,000 infantry soldiers.

Brigadier General Jaeger did not miss this situation and issued the next order for victory.

“Leave only the minimum number of troops to guard me, and the remaining soldiers and officers participate in our army’s offensive! The entire army will not miss this opportunity to annihilate, or even massacre, the enemy! Whether nobles or commoners, if they don’t surrender, kill them all! “There is no mercy from God for the excommunicated soldiers of the Francois Republic!”

After a while, a golden eagle flag was raised at the main camp, symbolizing an all-out attack.

Pyeongon soldiers holding pyeonguns stood at the forefront and harvested the lives of the infantry and officers of the Francois Republic by quickly and cheerfully hitting the earthen pots of the infantry and officers of the Francois Republic, as if harvesting grain.

The spearmen stabbed the Republic soldiers they missed with their spears or pulled out the daggers from their belts, ending the painful life of the unfortunate Francois and his soldiers.

“Head, head, head! “I’ll break your head!”

“Be comfortable in death! No, die and go to hell!”

“Don’t beg for my life! “Just die there!”

As the Francois Republic army was increasingly pushed back, it looked as if the Reich Empire’s unit led by Brigadier General Jaeger was swallowing up the Francois Republic army, which was 2.5 Times more numerous.

In some ways, it looked like a snake swallowing an elephant, but the infantry led by Brigadier General Jaeger was slowly digesting the Republic’s snails.

On the other hand, Pompadour failed to understand that they were already doomed to defeat.

He ordered in a plaintive voice, confident that he would win, as he was still greatly outnumbered.

“f*ck, now that things have come to this, I, the unit under my direct command led by the division commander, will stand at the front! “Raise the division flag, the flag symbolizing the division commander, and the commander’s flag!”

At those words, some of the officers fell into the ecstatic illusion that now that their commander would go to the front in person, the situation of the war would turn around.

The situation of the war was already very unfavorable to the Francois Republic army, and if the leader of a 10,000-strong army was going to step forward and try to turn the situation around, he would have had to have done so at least an hour before to turn the game around.

However, even if Pompadour had to throw away the lives of all his men, he did so in order to protect his family and his neck.

In order to avoid being excommunicated by the Vatican even after winning a victory and becoming a scapegoat to appease the anger of the maddened people and the nobles who lead them.

“Charge forward! “I’m going to slit Brigadier General Jaeger’s head!”

It’s gotten to the point where I’m shaking hands, which I shouldn’t do in this situation.

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