123 – Battle of Crecy Plains (8)

“You bastards of the Empire, die here!”

“Long live the great republic! Long live Deus! “Cursed be the Reich Empire that calls us heretics!”

“Major Angers is personally at the forefront and fighting with us! Knights, cheer up! “Do not spare your life!”

Currently, the knights of the Republic failed to achieve much success in the second assault and were outnumbered by the infantry of the Empire, so the situation of the war is becoming more and more favorable to us.

They, who had assault as their central doctrine, were cornered, so from rank-ranking officers who usually do not stand on the front lines to generals with stars, they came forward to encourage them.

The morale of the French Republic army was still maintained quite high, and as a result, a fairly tense battle continued.

“You snail-eating bastards talk so much!”

“Your general is so bad at cutting. “Tell him to go home and see his grandkids!”

“Victory is already ours! “Push forward as a group of three!”

If the battle continues like this, the numerically superior team will have a high probability of winning.

However, if the skirmish continues with the knights, who are elite soldiers armed with steel plate armor and whose morale is sky-high.

Because there may be quite a few casualties among the relatively poorly armed infantry.

We need to come up with a way to lower their morale even just for a moment.

While I was leading and devising a way to reduce the damage to our troops, an officer came up to me and said.

“Brigadier General Jaeger, I can see the flag of General Beigang of the Republic in the direction the 12th Brigade is advancing. What would you like to do? Do you want to break through the center like this?”

In normal times, we might have chased after him with our eyes shining, but now, in order for our unit to achieve greater feats, the best way is to go and cut off the commander’s head in the safest place in the center.

“Ignore the small intestine! Now, we must rush the troops and cut off the head of the Duke of Valois, who is comfortably leading under the protection of the knights of the Republic.”

“Okay! The entire army continues to advance towards the center of the enemy knights! Advance!”

With that said, we continued our course and got closer and closer to the center of the enemy army, and the closer we got to the center, the closer we got.

The armor worn by the knights became more and more luxurious, and their combat abilities began to increase proportionally.

Given the circumstances, the deeper I go, the more likely I am to find the highest ranking soldier among the Republic’s soldiers, just as I expected.

And as if to prove my thoughts, a general with a star was seen in front of our unit, unintentionally, waving his sword and encouraging the knights.

“In just a little while, the infantry will come to support us! So hold on! We must endure with elan and the spirit of the charge! I, Major General Fernando de Montpellier, will fight with you, and even if I die here with you, I will die! So fight as hard as you can!”

Major General Montpellier, who said so, cut down the imperial soldiers with the sword in his hand and raised the morale of the republican army.

“Long live the director! Long live the great warden!”

“The Republic will never be defeated! “We will definitely win!”

“There will be victory for the great republic!”

The knights under Montpellier who were blocking the front of our unit, unlike François’ men around them, were not pushed back by their numerical superiority and were thoroughly protecting their area.

When I saw this, I thought to myself that it was really great.

That’s because, as a general, risking death to protect the commander-in-chief and avoid the worst situation is a courageous act that only a true soldier can do.

However, it is enough to consider the duty of a soldier in war not to massacre civilians or plunder more than necessary.

As a general of the Reich Empire, if you want to save even one more soldier’s life, you must use everything you can.

“Listen, brave soldiers of the Empire! “Major General Montpellier is an excommunicated general of the Republic, and there is only one thing he wants to do, risking his life to win this battle!”

Since he is also a general of a country, the reason he wants to achieve victory by any means possible is for the interests and safety of his country.

“The Francois Republic is a country ruled by excommunicated heretics, so it will not want God’s justice to be realized in this land of Francois! Isn’t that why the noblemen, each as high as a general, are fighting at the front and inciting everyone?”

As a brigadier general of the Reich Empire, I am a person who is confident that if he can win, he will do anything except stupid things like massacre.

So, once in a while, experience the phenomenon where the morale that you managed to raise by your own initiative is shattered by a single instigation carried out under the authority of the excommunist.

And the warden in front of me seemed unable to withstand this incitement and questioned me in a loud voice.

“You idiot, how dare you say such bullsh*t?! “You blindfolded the Holy Father…”

“You’re noisy, you excommunicated heretic. Come on, soldiers of the Reich Empire. The time has come to punish those evil Francois knights who violated God’s will! Knights of the Republic who unwillingly followed the heretics. “Lay down your sword now, surrender, and find the light!”

“Nonsense! You must not listen to that evil bastard! “Hold on until the end!”

The warden seemed to be doing his best to stop my instigation, but the knights were already being pushed back by our numerical superiority.

I am exhausted from a long battle, my physical strength is low, and my mental strength is at an all-time low.

In such a situation, if anyone comes up with a plausible excuse for surrender, of course the morale that was barely raised is bound to plummet.

And just as I expected, the knights lost the desperate momentum they had a while ago.

“The knights of the Reich Empire hit the rear! “Enemy knights are coming from behind!”

As if the heavens were telling me to catch a high person who would be stuck here, that is, the commander-in-chief, I was informed of the joining of friendly knights who could further lower their morale.

You can’t miss this golden opportunity.

“Attention everyone in the 12th Brigade! The battle against the François Republic will come to a complete end here and today! “Everyone charge at once!”

When the Republic Knights were in confusion, I encouraged the soldiers of the brigade to move forward.

Now, I decided that there would be no great danger even if I took the lead, so I drew my sword and went directly to the front and spoke.

“Brave soldiers and officers of the 12th Brigade, I, Peter Jaeger, will stand at the forefront.”

And at the front, they killed the knights one by one, wearing armor with fancy capes and the skills of a commander’s personal guard.

The first one to approach swung his sword so loudly that when his neck was lifted, I stabbed him through the gap under his helmet.

Next, I plunged the dagger into the armpit of the guy who was trying to break my helmet with a mace and pierced his heart.

As we advanced, killing the enemy knights one by one, we soon found the Duke of Valois wearing a helmet with Duke feathers.

From noble mtl dot com

When he saw me, he pulled out his sword and shouted in a loud voice.

“Even if I lose, I will take your head with me! Come on!”

A crazy man addicted to knightly assaults is such a fool that he challenges the commander-in-chief to a duel?

No, in order to turn the tide in the current situation where they are outnumbered, it would be best for the Commander-in-Chief to personally step forward and show the Imperial Army general who put the Republic Army in danger.

So, if I had the talent and ability to do so, it would be better to go one-on-one and achieve an honorable victory, just like I killed Ludvik, and take his life.

In the current situation, it would be a better option to hand over the excommunicated commander-in-chief of the country to the Inquisitor and the Holy Father.

“Soldiers of the 12th Brigade, beat him with a hammer and a mace, knock him out, and capture him alive. “They are trash, the same as excommunicated heretics, not worthy of respect and honor.”

As soon as the order was given, my soldiers rushed forward with a force as if they were on fire.

“If I just kill that bastard, I can save my life!”

“Charge!! Charge!”

“Follow the brigadier general!”

And like them, I moved forward, suppressing the guards around the commander, and before I knew it, the distance between me and the duke had become extremely close.

“Die, you scum worse than the Empire’s dogs!”

“It’s 100 years too early to try to kill me with a knife that wouldn’t even kill a fly.”

I blocked the guy’s sword with my left glove, and hit the guy on the waist with the mace I was wearing on my left waist, making him lose his balance.

He hit the duke hard in the chest with the mace and made him lie on the ground. Instead of pointing the knife at his neck as was customary when capturing a commander alive, he stepped on the bastard’s body hard with his left foot and shouted.

“I, Peter Jaeger, have captured the enemy commander, the Duke of Valois!”

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