127 – This is a peace negotiation (4)

Aide Henry asked with a puzzled expression after hearing what I said.

“Brigadier General, you are not even a politician of the Francois Republic. “How can we drive out the Jucheon faction (pro-war proponents) for the sake of our Juhwa faction?”

Aide Henry’s face, who was asking me how to drive out the main fighters, was so bright that you wouldn’t think he was a person who had been in a crisis until just before.

They lost the war anyway, and not only the main fighters but also themselves are in a difficult situation, but they seem blinded by the sweet offer from the representative of the victorious country that gives them a justification to purge the opposition and take over power.

It’s not a good idea to bargain with me in the current situation, so you’re probably acting to at least gain my favor and ease the negotiation conditions a little.

“The excommunication of the Republic will be revoked by order of the Holy Father as soon as the peace treaty for this war is concluded.”

With those words, Aide Henry said, shaking my hand even though this was like an official diplomatic meeting.

“Thank you so much.”

“The Holy Father is a person who accepts with the same heart as his father when the government and people of the Republic repent, even though the Republic has broken the teachings and laws of Deus. “It is a measure that should be resolved if appropriate sincerity and repentance are shown in this peace treaty.”

“After being excommunicated as a member of the Juhwa Sect, I was always worried that I would go to hell, but now I feel a little more at ease.”

When you see a politician in the 21st century believing in a religion, not everyone thinks that the politician truly believes in that religion.

On the continent of Europa, a period between the Renaissance and modern times, kings, nobles, and commoners all sincerely believe in God, and even Laura says that one should not have s*x on the Sabbath (Sunday) according to the teachings of the church.

In normal times, unless I am in the middle of a war, I try to say this whenever I have time.

‘There are so many stray cats around, Brigadier General, that I can’t help it. So, you know, right?’

So, that must be Henry’s truth.

Anyway, I spoke with an emphasis on ‘but’ as if I were a storyteller reading a children’s book.

“By the way. “His Majesty the Pope and the Emperor of the Reich Empire believe that among the members of the Republic, the guerrillas despised and hated God, and thus blinded the eyes of the good partisans and the people, causing this terrible situation.”

Henri nodded and said that I would make the main war faction take moral responsibility and purge for all wars.

“Yes, yes, yes. That’s right. We are not guilty of anything. “All of this is the fault of those evil mainstay bastards.”

If the person here was a politician from the Jujeon faction rather than a politician from the Juhwa faction, I would have said this.

‘The reason the Jujeon faction wanted war is because the Juhwa faction deceived you. Therefore, we do not doubt your sincerity.’

In this way, he must have given us the key to rid ourselves of moral responsibility and the shackles of heresy.

“Therefore, the evil politicians of the Christian faction must be judged strictly not only in secular courts but also in church courts (heresy courts presided over by inquisitors). “Very thoroughly and definitively.”

“Yes, Brigadier General.”

“So, after we conclude peace negotiations, we will hold the main faction specifically responsible for starting the war. And the Holy Father will order that heresy be eliminated.”

When I said that, Representative Henri looked at me and asked with an overwhelmed expression, like a boy who has been confessed to by a girl he had a crush on.

“Then what should we do after that?”

“I will be very honest and honest.”

“Yes, good.”

After saying that, I spoke carefully into his ear.

“The Juhwa faction is also responsible anyway, so the current top leadership will either become old people in the back room or retire with disgrace. Then wouldn’t wise, young people like Counselor Henri take over the power of the republic?”

“I see, you seniors will do whatever it takes to save your lives, but you have no choice but to take responsibility and retire.”

“Let’s be honest, Deputy Foreign Minister Henri. How is it? “It is better to start negotiations with this premise.”

At those words, he nodded and held out his right hand to answer, and I held his hand tightly.

Then I unfolded the map, placed it on the desk, and said,

From noble mtl dot com

“How much can you yield?”

“How about Bhumat Castle? “This is 1.5 Times the area we initially proposed.”

Bhumatra, even if you only get this far, you will have obtained more than twice the amount of land that His Majesty the Emperor requested from Captain Benner and me.

I pushed hard like this, but it would be too wasteful to walk away after receiving only this much.

I decided to give a little help to Aide Henry.

“Ah, Assistant, there is one thing I didn’t tell you.”

“What is that?”

I whispered carefully into the ear of the person who expressed such curiosity.

“If Captain Benner and I make an unsatisfactory offer, we have no choice but to offer the same offer to the main fighters. And the lack of sincerity and apology is very unpleasant right now.”

At those words, Vice Minister Henri opened his eyes wide in shock and fear and responded trembling.

“……There was a lack of sincerity. Okay, then Oschfeld…”

“…… Thank you for your hard work. “I’ll just leave now.”

“Okay! We will hand over all the territory east of Vichy, Chabert, and Strasbourg. Ambassador Pierre, who was in charge of the negotiations, clearly, clearly. “I think you will understand when you hear all these conditions.”

In terms of the territory east of Vichy, Chabert, and Strasbourg, a territory the size of the Grand Duchy of Luxenia next to us was acquired in just one war.

It means that we have occupied a territory that is about three times the target presented by His Majesty the Emperor.

In the meantime, I thought about pushing a little further, but if I did that, the peace treaty could quickly collapse, so I decided to be satisfied with this level.

Instead, if you make threats thoroughly, Aide Henry will want to try harder to persuade you, right?

“Okay, I’ll accept it. “This is a big concession.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“Please don’t forget. Besides negotiating with the main radio waves, we have one more option left. “The war could continue.”

Then I left the room carrying a pile of documents that had already been sorted out.

My steps were so light.


Nancy Castle Drawing Room.

A room equipped with ceramics and silk carpets made in the distant East, portraits that look like photographs, and a sofa and desk that create a grand atmosphere.

Inside this, Congressman Pierre, who was the negotiator of the two countries, and Captain Benner were talking friendly as if they were friends.

“hahahaha, that’s what I said. “She only had one daughter, so her family name was passed on to her nephew.”

“Is that kind of nephew okay? “I also have many daughters, so I think I should pass on the family name to my niece, so it doesn’t sound like someone else’s story.”

“I rose to the rank of major in my late 20s. “It’s not enough.”

“If that’s the case, I don’t think you need to worry about a successor. Envious. “My nephews are all as ignorant as empty boxes…”

I approached Marquis Benner, who was having a conversation, and told him in a whisper that the meeting was over.

He immediately took me to a corner and asked.

“Okay, how much did you make the other party give up? Since you did it, I believe you wouldn’t have done such a foolish thing of not receiving the level of land that His Majesty the Emperor requested.”

Hearing those words, I expressed my true feelings and made a slightly regretful expression.

Marquis Venner, who saw this, showed a sad expression as he thought he would not have hit the jackpot.

“We were not able to take the Sargminne that Marquis Vener initially requested. He was limited to receiving all of the eastern territories based on Vish, Chabert, and Strasbourg.”

The moment the Marquis heard me, he opened his mouth so wide that his jaw almost dropped and then spoke.

“I am always happy to have you as my son-in-law. Just so you know. If I were someone else’s son-in-law, I would have suffered from chronic abdominal pain. “Now, if you and Laura can have a cute grandchild and give me a baby in my arms, I won’t be able to ask for anything more.”

After that, I informed my father-in-law, the Marquis, of the detailed agreement and process.

After hearing all that, the Marquis looked at me with astonishment, as if he was looking at something other than a person.

And of course, the treaty was concluded just as I wanted.

All territory east of the Republic was ceded based on Vichy, Chabert, and Strasbourg.

Pay penance (money for forgiveness of sins) of 200,000 gold to the Pope and 300,000 gold of compensation to the Reich Empire.

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