142 – Counter to surprise (1)

There is one misconception that people often have about surprise.

I think the best time to secretly attack an enemy is around 1 or 2 in the morning.

According to what I have actually done a few times and what I learned at the academy, conducting a surprise attack during that time is not a very good choice.

It is better than launching a surprise attack during the day when the sun is high in the sky and you can clearly see it.

During times when the moonlight shines softly, both soldiers and officers are on guard, but they are always nervous that the enemy may attack, so there are many cases of unexpected failures.

However, around 4:30 to 6 a.M., When the sun begins to rise and gradually becomes brighter, it is time to wake up and the daylight becomes somewhat brighter, so people let their guard down.

There are many cases where border operations fail.

So instead of taking a nap during the big break, I set my wake-up time back by an hour so that I could move during a time when surprise attacks were easy.

From noble mtl dot com

“Master, master. “It’s time to wake up.”

As soon as I heard Charlotte wake me up, I immediately woke up and got out of bed.

She placed a bucket of water next to me, put the water on a towel, and gently washed her face, arms, legs, and back.

I said, of course, that there was no need to do something like this, but perhaps he intended to repay the favor after saving Charlotte’s family from debtors.

Starting from the day of competition, the tendency to wash my body like this every day before going to bed and in the morning and to stay by my side as much as possible became stronger.

After wiping my body like that, he smiled brightly and said.

“I cleaned everything, master.”

“Thank you.”

And by the time I was fully dressed in armor with her help.

I could hear soldiers muttering in irritated voices outside my barracks.

“Ha, f*ck. “I’m wearing all my armor and marching again today, what a fart!”

“Corporal Max, you crazy bastard. It’s near the division commander’s barracks! Hear everything! f*ck, do you want to be treated like a scoundrel, starting with the division commander? “Don’t you know what kind of person our division commander is?”

“I will correct the situation!”

“You crazy bastard! If you are going to die, you have to die alone. “Why are you even messing with this poor Haengbogwan!”

I’ve heard it all, but honestly, it’s true that even as a division commander, marching in armor is really sh*tty.

Unless they openly protest or refuse orders, you should pretend not to hear them.

Just as I was about to leave the barracks to begin another long march, I heard the sound of the guard’s trumpet.

“It’s a surprise attack from the forest next door!”

“Surprise attack! Surprise attack! Each platoon prepare for a surprise attack! Gather around the platoon leader!”

“If you don’t want to die, hurry up and grab the spear! “You idiot who can’t wear armor, put it on first!”

What I expected was to be attacked while marching.

So, in order to prevent the worst possible situation, I only chose a path where more than 5 people could easily pass no matter how narrow the path was, and a place where more troops could be lined up.

This method may have been chosen instead of the successful operation 200 years ago of raiding during the march.

“This barracks is the safest, so Charlotte, you should hide here. And I will go and command my soldiers right now.”

With that said, I left the barracks to lead an operation to repel Count Ticino’s surprise attack from a slightly different direction than I expected.

Is it because I strictly instructed them to go in full military command when I started marching and threatened my officers that there would definitely be a surprise attack every day?

Usually, when a raid like this occurs, the unit becomes very confused, but the officers, including the platoon commander of our division, did not panic and coped well.

“Platoon assemble! “The Swiss bandits are coming from the right!”

“Don’t just run away, create a defense! “The platoon leader is the standard!”

“The knights will stand at the front with spears, so the first row gets out of the way!”

At this rate, after this raid is over, the division commander gathers the officers together and sighs, without saying that he is disappointed in you officers.

And just in time, Lieutenant Colonel Heinkel, who was on duty today, started running towards me.

“Lieutenant Colonel Heinkel reports! “The size of the enemy force is currently unknown, but the enemy is attacking from the forest to the right of our unit.”

From ancient times to modern times, the best place to hide soldiers is behind a cliff or in a forest, and the Swiss didn’t break that rule this time either…

In addition, it is a bit unfortunate that Heinkel, the duty commander, did not properly check the size of the enemy’s troops as the person in charge of security…

Honestly, in an era like today where there is no radar or communication equipment, it is practically impossible to determine the size of the enemy’s troops in a raid situation.

It can be said that we did our best simply by issuing the correct alert status so that the entire division, which was in a state of panic after being surprised, could respond.

So, I encouraged him by tapping his shoulder, who was almost 15 years older than me.

“Thank you for responding as well as possible. “I must remember your name.”

Actually, I remember the names of all the officers in the division above major level, but when I say I will remember their names, I am just saying that I will give them good performance evaluations.

“Then, you will immediately go to the deputy division commander for operations and give him an order to take command of the rear, and I will now move towards the direction of the surprise attack.”

“I understand, but wouldn’t it be dangerous for the division commander to go directly to a place where fighting is taking place?”

“It is true that it is dangerous, but what can we do? The place I’m in is not the front line, so I can somehow survive even if I’m raided, but the units that deal with the enemy from the front will be in a sh*tty state. Have you forgotten who I am again?”

Heinkel spoke in a voice full of respect.

“Aren’t you Director Khan Slayer Jaeger? “I understand. If you follow my orders, I will immediately bring in the deputy division commander for operations and tell him to take charge of the rear command.”


So, without riding a horse, I ran as fast as I could, wearing armor, to the right front line, which was about a few hundred meters away.

Unlike other units that were able to properly respond to a few surprise alert orders because they were not attacked directly.

The condition of the guys fighting with the Swiss soldiers wasn’t all that bad, but they couldn’t even form a proper formation, so it was like a department store stand where a bargain sale was taking place.

Our 7th Division soldiers were fighting against them in a disorganized state.

In addition, the Swiss bandits are attacking us in a systematic formation even during raids, so we are slowly being pushed back.

“You slaves of the empire, taste the spears of our free Swiss brothers!”

“Go after it, die! You will not even touch our independence and freedom.”

“Go back to the pen called the Empire, you pigs!”

Damn, if I hadn’t told you to wear full military gear and be ready to jump out and fight at any time when marching…

One battalion may have already been annihilated.

But now that I am here, your surprise attack has already failed.

Then I took a breath and shouted in a loud voice.

“Attention! Each infantry unit that is engaged should form its formation as best as possible from now on! While the infantry reorganizes their formation, the knights hold on by defeating them with weapons such as swords, maces, and halberds! Practice!”

According to the order, the surrounding infantry companies and platoons quickly retreated and reorganized their formations.

The knights, whose entire bodies were covered in plate armor, held on by pushing back the Swiss soldiers with the secondary weapons mounted on their waists.

Furthermore, if we don’t hold on now, things will turn out very badly for us.

“Honorable knights of the brave empire! We have to hold on somehow while the infantry reorganizes their formation! Therefore, the division commander will fight with you to turn this situation around. “Do your best to stop it!”

After saying that, I also drew my sword and went between the knights.

Among the Swiss soldiers in front of me, I aimed my knife at the neck of the one who seemed a little taller and stabbed him.

“Damn Swiss bandits! I see that your ancestors couldn’t get over the habit of robbing merchants crossing the mountains, and they still carry out surprise raids here. “When our deceased ancestors see you in heaven, they will applaud you for successfully carrying on the teachings handed down from generation to generation!”

Then, as a division commander, I continued to cut down enemy soldiers one by one and gave the final order.

“Send one infantry battalion this way, and have the crossbowmen shoot arrows abundantly toward the forest!”

When you come in, I will surprise you as you please, but when I leave, I will make you go with one arm.

From noble mtl dot com

Because that is the human nature of Koreans that I have learned while living in Korea.

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