146 – Battle of the Jungfrau Plain (3)

Lindenhof Hill, Count Ticino’s military camp.

Count Ticino, commanding the 9,000-strong Swiss Army, was looking down at his soldiers who were working hard to build a defensive position at the foot of Lindenhof Hill.

His face was brightly flushed, like a boy who was excited after receiving an unexpected confession from his first love.

The biggest reason is that, considering all the circumstances, the imperial army had no choice but to pass by the road near Lindenhof Hill, where the Swiss army had established a thorough defensive posture.

Then, of course, he had no choice but to win as he had almost completed thorough battle preparations and even had a special unit on standby to attack the rear.

And this is because the soldiers were thinking the same thing…

“Mr. Halt, try hammering better there! “One stake driven by an old man can save the life of one of his colleagues.”

“I understand, platoon leader.”

“Damn Empire! After I kill them all, I will sell all that pretty armor to the Peronia City Alliance. Then, when my son gets married, we can buy him a cow or two.”

Although it was hard on my body while working, I imagined the miserable sight of the imperial army dying in the defensive posture they had built.

I was able to withstand the difficult and rough construction of the fort to the point that my body became weak.

“Those who dare to set foot in our Switzerland. Regret it when you die. Damn Jaeger director.”

Count Ticino, who was so confident and determined, was approached by his vassals.

“hahahaha, my heart beats at the thought of showing off our traditional hospitality to guests. “Shouldn’t he have to pass through here for the convenience of maintaining supplies and marching?”

“The opportunity has come to prove that the Swiss mercenaries, especially our infantry, are the strongest. “Among them, my heart beats at the thought of beating down that rumored Jaeger director.”

“This time, they won’t be able to escape our trap.”

The Count patted each of their shoulders and said,

“Yes, it looks like your troops have all prepared for defense. Okay, then let’s start the real strategy meeting. “It would be a good idea to have a drink afterward.”

“Yes, Count. Also, it will take a few more days for them to get here, and isn’t the defense posture almost complete? “Alcohol and meat were provided to the soldiers to boost their morale…”

“You have to do that. “Well, you can do that.”

Ahead of the strategy meeting, they seemed confident of victory and even let their guard down a little, but it was not an entirely unfounded act.

Because the Reich Empire’s fools don’t even know how many troops there are under Count Ticino, and they have already prepared a perfect defensive posture.

While Count Ticino and the rest of the nobles were on their way to a strategy meeting, a messenger came rushing by.

He showed respect to Count Ticino.

When Count Ticino saw this, he thought he had come to report that everything was going well and was looking for money to hand over to the soldier who would deliver the good news according to custom.

“I will report to you. The 7th Division of the Reich Reich Army, led by Major General Peter Jaeger, began its march in a detour without passing the Lindenhof Hill!”

When the count heard that his strategy had completely gone astray, he looked at his messenger with a bewildered expression, and the vassal next to him quickly asked.

“What kind of bullsh*t is that? From what I saw during the last surprise attack, it didn’t look like they had enough food, but they took a detour with no villages to supply food? “Who is the child who got that information?”

The messenger was thinking in his heart, why are you making such a fuss about me, just a messenger?

“This is a fact confirmed by several reconnaissance units. In addition, villagers near Lindenhof Hill also testify that the 7th Division took a detour.”

With those words, the atmosphere that had been so warm just a few seconds ago turned as cold as ice, and the nobles were disappointed that Count Ticino’s prediction was wrong again.

However, if what that messenger said was true, the messenger who delivered this news was not at fault, and he had to go to the Jungfrau Plain where the detour and the road near Lindenhof Hill meet as quickly as possible.

“I understand. “Then you can just go back.”

“Oh, I still have one more matter to report to you.”

“What? “What else is there left to say?!”

The messenger closed his eyes briefly and answered in a cautious voice.

“According to rumors among nearby villagers, Major General Jaeger’s division will run out of food reserves at the end of the detour. He was told that he had no choice but to procure food by plundering villages near the Jungfrau Plain.”

After hearing those words, the nobles sent a look telling the messenger to get out of the way if they did not want to be harassed to death and chased him away.

As soon as the messenger left, he almost scolded Count Ticino.

“What are you going to do, Count?”

“If we continue like this, our Ticino Canton will be in complete ruin.”

“This means that the hometowns of those who went out as mercenaries for our canton and Switzerland will be destroyed!”

As the Count listened to them arguing, he grabbed his hair, which was already becoming slightly thinner, and said,

“f*ck, what method is there now? We must stop construction immediately and go to the Jungfrau Plain! Argh! 피터 예거, 이 제국의 개새끼가!!”


And a week later.

Our 7th Division of the Reich Empire was finally able to arrive at the Jungfrau Plain.

Later, when writing a report on the war situation, there was no significant engagement or looting, so there would only be one line written, saying, “We took a detour and marched along a slightly rough road for a week.”

The difficult journey that the soldiers and I went through during that process is indescribable.

That’s right, on the map it was described as having a rough hill, but the hill was at least 50m high and over 100m high.

Because the slope was steep, situations often occurred where the cart could not be pulled by the power of oxen and horses alone, so even I, the division commander, had to push the cart.

Even on the flat road, there were slight inclines, so I got tired quite quickly.

Of course, this sh*tty experience will become a good memory worth experiencing at least once after victory is achieved.

“Everyone worked hard to get here! The scouts quickly scout around here, and the rest of the soldiers begin setting up military camps. Today, everyone will rest except for the soldiers on guard.”

Everyone cheered at those words, regardless of whether they were soldiers or officers.

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“f*ck it, I can finally get some rest now! “I lived!”

“Karl Platoon! Quickly get a shovel and dig! “If you want to rest, hurry!”

“Damn it. “Now I finally feel like I’ve lived a bit.”

If the enemy hasn’t arrived yet, you can rest and do nothing until tomorrow.

For two hours, I helped build a camp for the exhausted soldiers.

Thanks to this, our 7th Division was able to prepare a place to rest a little faster than setting up a normal campsite.

Of course, in the meantime, it also caught my ear a few times…

‘You crazy guy, the heavenly division commander himself grabbed the shovel. ‘Are you showing your hand because you are in your later years?’

‘Can’t you see that the sergeant and warrant officer, as well as the inspector, are shoveling right now?’

‘Wow, the battalion commander also has blisters on his hands from shoveling, which he has never done before in his life. Let’s finish quickly and rest. ‘I don’t know what will happen if we’re late like this…’

Although threats like this were heard, the soldiers needed at least an hour more rest, so rushing was unavoidable.

And when the soldiers gathered in groups of twos and threes and began to enter their barracks, the scout who had gone out to scout came back out of breath.

“I will report to the division commander. “The Swiss army is currently stationed 3km away from our camp.”

Ah… If this happens, the plan to let the soldiers rest until tomorrow, if not today, will be in vain.

But since the number of Swiss soldiers is smaller than ours, we will be able to fight relatively easily.

However, the messenger’s expression gradually darkened and he spoke in a very serious voice.

“The number of enemy troops is expected to be approximately 9,000. “There are more than us.”

If you look at the numbers alone, it is 8,000 to 9,000, so it is a fight worth fighting, but according to Count Bern, there should be no more than 4,000 soldiers at most to stop us…

Because the total number of soldiers that each canton that sent mercenaries to the two major wars could mobilize at its maximum was approximately 4,000.

Despite this situation, the fact that the number of enemies we are dealing with is close to 10,000 means that there is only one conclusion.

“f*ck, f*ck! Select the soldier who is the best at riding horses in our division right now and send him to where His Majesty the Crown Prince is! No, we must send messengers to all divisions in abundance! Count Bern was a double agent!”

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