317 – A Day with Anya

After persuading Count Tishino, the schedule went smoothly without any problems.

When they went to the castle where the Duke of Switzerland was staying, they only followed formal events and procedures and did not have any significant meetings, and if the counts they met while passing through other cantons (districts) felt that life was difficult these days, they would go to the empire. He told me to contact him right away.

He did not openly encourage a rebellion like he did with Count Ticino, but if Switzerland kept the line of not attacking neighboring countries, ‘the Reich Empire will also protect Switzerland from external interference for the next five years.’ I gave a hint.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the reason the duke is safe now is because the counts are holding back for fear that foreign powers will intervene if a civil war breaks out.

If Ticino, who was promised to block foreign intervention by me, takes the lead and takes action, it will be very active.

As he thought about the fireworks across the river that would unfold in the future, anticipation rose in his heart.

I successfully accomplished my goal as a missionary, so I was able to visit His Majesty with a light heart. After completing my report in a timely manner, I returned to my long-lost home where my beautiful wife and lovely sons were waiting.

And when I woke up the next day after enjoying a leisurely night’s sleep, the other wives, except Anya, had left the house due to their own schedules.

Louise went to a social gathering she had been scheduled to attend, Laura had to go to work because she was working on a development plan with the officers of the 7th Division to see how far other units could go, and Charlotte had just transferred to the Faroesia Army. It is said that he went to meet his younger brother.

“Captain, there is a cafe with a nice atmosphere that Her Highness Louise introduced. Would you like to go there? “It’s a bit awkward to just stay in the mansion on your days off.”

Laura, Charlotte, and Louise may not know this, but Anya, who lived in the North, does not like cafes.

Perhaps because I am a woman, I like sweet cakes and snacks sold at cafes, but it seemed difficult to get used to this culture of enjoying the bitter taste of coffee.

So, sometimes, when I had a chance to go out alone, I would go to a high-end restaurant attached to an inn or a village festival rather than a cafe.

Today, I decided to go to a cafe with a quiet atmosphere, and it seems like it was because I heard from Louise and Laura that they and I had a cozy date at a cafe together, and I wanted to do the same.

It’s already been a few years since I got married, but seeing her plan and propose a date just the two of us like this makes me feel like she’s still a new bride, so cute.

I want to pretend I don’t know and tease him… But if I tease him here, he might get upset, so I’ll have to hold back.

“Just wait a moment, I’ll change my clothes and come out soon.”

“Okay, what should I do with the carriage?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to walk? “That way we can be alone.”

At those words, Anya lowered her head slightly and her face blushed.

How lovely she was when she was shy.


I was waiting outside the door of the house for a while, and Anya appeared wearing a light dress rather than the military uniform she usually saw.

A skirt made of bright white fabric with lace that slightly covers the knees.

Her white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes matched her so well that she was as beautiful as a painting.

Although several years have passed since I got married, there are times when I still cannot get used to the beauty of my wives, including Laura.

So, while 60-year-old men of the same class as me go around trying to find younger women other than their wives, I’m really glad that I don’t have to do that.

Of course, Captain Patton, whom I meet once a year, says this every time he sees me, which makes me feel bad, but…

‘That age is a good time. Just look at 10 years. When you get home, you’ll just want to sleep quietly in your bedroom. If the butler says, ‘Your wife is washing herself right now,’ you will suddenly remember all the unfinished business and want to go to work overtime right away!’

Damn you, if you get promoted to marshal one day, I will use all my authority to send you to school in Reichburg. We need to give lectures to children, such as ‘Imperial soldiers are incredibly strong,’ from a child’s point of view.

It would be a very strange feeling to give a military-related lecture to young children who may be difficult to control in their old age.

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“Does it look good on you, Captain?”

“Not only are the clothes pretty, but the person wearing them is so beautiful. “The white dress suits you really well.”

“Like what you once said to Laura, you never say things like, ‘No matter what clothes you wear, you’ll look good.'”

…… When I said those words to Laura, it was a time when I was completely in a dark state of love because I had never even held a woman’s hand properly.

So, I heard the advice from my superiors and fellow officers at the time, ‘If you tell a woman she’s pretty, she likes it.’ I took it as is.

As a result, when I was on a date with Laura, I made such an outrageous remark and got scolded for quite a long time.

‘I chose it just for you and came out wearing it beautifully, so please be sure to compliment my clothes.’

I don’t want to think about it again.

I was about to take a step to change the subject, but Anya wrapped her arms around my right arm.

“Let’s go, Captain.”

“I’m not in military uniform right now, and I’m outside. Can’t you just call me captain? “Everyone around you is looking at you in shock.”

The moment we said no, we looked like we were sorry, and we could hear people around us looking at us and whispering.

“You don’t appear in social circles often, but there are rumors that the couple’s relationship is very good. “We get along so well even during the day…”

“I’ve heard a lot that you’re incredibly young compared to other captains, but I never thought you’d be so handsome.”

“Where on earth are you going today?”

I feel crazy because the attention is pouring on me and Anya, as if I had met an idol on the streets of Korea.

Of course, it was my fault for not taking the carriage and not covering her face to spend intimate time with Anya…

On the continent of Europa, there are no TVs, newspapers or photos, so I came out thinking that there would be many people who don’t know my face near the Faroesia military official residence.

If I got caught like this, I might end up being followed on my date with Anya, so I held Anya’s hand and started walking a little faster with her.

“Do you know the direction of the cafe? Let’s go there first. The place Louise introduced me to has private rooms for nobles…”

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

At this time, I thought about comforting Anya by stroking her head, but I stopped.

Louise said that she was reminded of a woman who said that no matter what her date does, she takes a long time to do her hair, and that she hates it when she strokes it and makes it matted. Am.

Instead, I moved some distance away from the people who were paying a lot of attention to me, then grabbed her shoulder and pulled her towards me.

Although she had seen everything she could and could not see at night, she blushed as if she was still weak to such expressions of affection.


But rather, he just looked at me with a wish that I would do more, and there was no sign of disapproval.

I thought, ‘This is a success!’

As I was walking to the cafe with my arms around my shoulders, I saw children playing on the street.

Perhaps because they are still young, the boys and girls are not separated, but they mix together to play tag, which is very cute.

No, I looked at them with sparkling eyes.

“I didn’t know much about it when I was young, but now children look so cute and pretty. “How are you feeling, Captain?”

Friedrich was born to Laura, and Charles was born to Louise.

My two sons are always cute and adorable.

Whenever I have a moment while working, the faces of my two sons come to mind one after another and I miss them.

But honestly, I don’t know much about other children.

Furthermore, after I returned from Switzerland, I received news that Charlotte was pregnant… And of course the child she would give birth to would be extremely cute and pretty.

I gave birth to two sons, so I hope to have a daughter this time.

Then, are you going to become a father who surpasses my father-in-law?

Even though I was thinking such random thoughts, I spoke in a low voice so as not to break Anya’s sentiment.

“Yeah, it’s cute.”

As soon as Anya heard me, she stroked her lower belly.

Seeing the way the gaze is filled with anticipation, disappointment, and even fear, it seems like this is what they are thinking.

Laura, Louise, and Charlotte have all had children, but it’s a pity that they feel like they’re the only ones delaying it, and they’re afraid that they might never be able to have children.

Of course, my expectations are that I want to raise the child born between me and her the way I want and watch him grow up.

“Actually, today I made a date that no one else had and went out for a date just for you and me. The reason is that I feel bad because I am the only one who does not have a child with you yet. According to the original plan, I was going to go to a cafe, reminisce about old memories, talk, create a natural atmosphere, and then say, ‘I want to have your child.'”

I thought it was a pity that Anya, who always showed a lively and confident appearance both on the battlefield and in daily life, showed such a weak inner side.

At the same time, what should I say?

Just as we feel the desire to protect and cherish weak, small animals or cute things, as a man, I felt like I wanted to grant everything she wanted.

So, I grabbed Anya’s hand and led her quickly, catching a carriage passing by on the street.

The carriages that go around in places like this are cheap carriages of not very good quality, but they are faster than walking, so I was in a hurry and grabbed the carriage first without worrying about other things.

Anyway, the money wasn’t to the point where it would rot, but I had enough money to be okay even if I spent it frantically, so I handed out 3 silver to the coachman and said.

“As quickly as possible to Vermil 2nd.”

“Yes, I understand.”

After arriving in front of the official residence, we entered the bedroom as quickly as possible and made full use of the stamina we had gained from various trainings, making passionate love several times until the sun set and rose again.

Not long after, I heard the good news that Anya was pregnant.

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