353 – Date with Louise (1)

After receiving the handover from the former Marshal, the Marquis of Germania, and taking office as Marshal, I realized that the rumor that I had forced a bribe had disappeared.

Until not long ago, whenever I passed by at the Chief of Staff Headquarters, the young people couldn’t bear to say it openly, so they kept whispering nonsense behind my head that I had committed fraud, which gave me a headache.

‘I left everything to Louise, but what kind of plan did they use?’

While I was filled with such curiosity, Louise knocked on the door and quietly entered my study.

“You had a hard time taking over the duties of the Imperial Marshal.”

“Handing over the work wasn’t that difficult. At most, I learned only which departments of the Chief of Staff handle these tasks and the extent of the Marshal’s authority and responsibility.”

Like I said, this is all I learned from the former Marshal of Germania.

The problem is that with the expansion of the imperial army, not to 500,000, but to about 630,000 these days, the workload has increased, and the amount of laws that must be memorized regarding authority and responsibility is no joke.

However, as her husband, he did not want to appear weak to Louise, so he told a lie that was not a lie.

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Louise sat down across from me and smiled mischievously.

I’m sure you want me to ask you how I was able to dispel the rumor that I received a bribe, and to praise me for doing a good job.

A woman who is called the Ice Princess by others because she looks like ice when she handles various tasks or thoroughly blocks political attacks, but to me she looks so charming and cute… It’s really nice to see her.

“I don’t know what plan Louise used, but everywhere I went, including the Chief of Staff, all rumors about the Yeager family’s bribery were completely dispelled. Thanks to this, I no longer have to fight with Count Kreutz, who made political provocations for no reason, as soon as he took office as Marshal. Thank you.”

I wanted to stroke her hair, but I was told not to touch a woman’s hair because it takes a long time to straighten.

I gently caressed his cheek and chin with my hands as if I was petting a cat.

At first, she seemed embarrassed and seemed like she was going to pull away, but soon she seemed to have made up her mind and let her face be touched by my touch. After about a minute, I moved to her place and gave her a small hug. .

Her face must have been flushed with embarrassment, so she pulled away slightly, took out her fan from her waist, touched her face, and said,

“Count Kreutz, my fifth brother has a nasty habit of messing around with his middle leg. Thanks to that, there were a lot of scandals involving women in social circles. “I remember when I was young, there was an incident where I accidentally got a maid pregnant, paid her hush money, and sent her back to my hometown.”

In this world where birth control magic exists, the probability of accidentally becoming pregnant is very low.

Therefore, the number of women that the former 5th Prince touched Louise’s hand in that way when she was young may be 20, 30… Or even more.

“You are a typical bastard prince.”

“Being that kind of person, I thought he wouldn’t have been able to get rid of that habit even after marrying Countess Kreutz. Sure enough, only three weeks after her wedding to the Countess, she had already laid hands on another maid. “As she is that kind of person, I was convinced that she had done something crazy that crossed the ‘line’ when it came to women, so I investigated through the Intelligence Guild.”

“So you found information that could hinder Count Kreutz?”

Louise puffed out her breasts in front of her, grinned, and then said.

“After investigating through the information guild, we found that our bastard prince has been living a free-spirited life, and recently even enjoyed a secret affair with a wife from the Dalton family.”

Because arranged marriages are common in the empire, there is a tacit permission for both men and women to cheat as long as they do not get caught by other families.

If a man takes a concubine or goes out, it is overlooked, and in the case of women, it is also overlooked to some extent. Among the affairs that violate the teachings of the Deus Church, one of the worst cases is to have an affair with a woman from another noble family…

A bloody duel could break out that would involve the entire family, so even if you were a member of the royal family, if you caused this problem, it would be a serious crime that could lead to your death.

So, the story of the former 5th prince’s affair sent shivers down my spine, but Louise instead smiled coldly.

“So, I just leaked a little rumor about that fact. This was inspired by something my driver told me a while back. ‘When you have to bring up a sword and force the opponent into submission, it can be said that it is the best plan to get the desired result just by pulling out the sword and threatening.’ So, in order to make my brother, who became Count Kreutz, submit, I used the best plan.”

When I heard those words, I always thought that way, but I decided that from now on, I should be careful not to make Louise look unpleasant, even if others don’t.

Even though there are four women in our family now, Charlotte, Laura, Anya, and Louise, the reason there are no fights is because Louise is good at controlling the atmosphere.

If I offend her, I don’t know what kind of cold treatment I will receive from her four wives.

Louise spoke with a bright smile, as if she knew how I felt.

“Okay then, this concludes the work-related story. The busy Marshal has been on vacation for three months, and her older sisters, Charlotte and Laura, are away for personal reasons, so it’s a perfect opportunity to be alone together. “Shouldn’t we cherish the remaining time we have?”

As I said, I spent some time with those three in Philolence and Veneta City, so it would be right to focus on Louise and spend time together now.

“Then, do you have a place in mind?”

“Yes, I have organized a bunch of places I want to go with my driver when he returns.”

Louise took out her small book and opened it to show me.

Imperial Central Theater, a newly opened cafe, a store selling clothes, etc…

When I go to a clothing store, I can see Louise wearing pretty clothes, so it’s a treat for my eyes and I like it.

But when I go to the theater, there are strange performances, and at the cafe, I only have to eat sweet cakes or something like that, so I don’t like it.

However, I can’t not go if she wants to after being away from me for a long time… It’s a bit difficult.

“I like going to concerts and cafes, but you’re not Marshal Jaeger, right? So, I worked hard to find a place where we could both enjoy it together.”

“Even if the dessert is like that, what about the performance…?”

“His Majesty ordered the imperial troupe to create a performance with the theme of Lichen Hill. Since this battle was commanded by the Marshal himself, wouldn’t it be very interesting to see a play interpreted differently from someone else’s perspective? And for dessert, there is a cafe called ‘Morning Leaf’ next to the theater, and they say they have released a new cake that uses coffee-infused cream to combine sweet and bitter flavors, and it is said to be popular with both men and women.”

The Battle of Lichen Hill can be said to be the fiercest and most impressive battle of my life. Since I heard that it was made into a performance, I, who don’t like plays, definitely want to go see it.

Besides, coffee cream wouldn’t be too sweet, so it would be good enough to eat.

Then Louise goes to choose her dress to wear. Just thinking about it is something I look forward to.

Now that I’m going, I’ll tell you to buy a thinner dress to wear at night…

“Please tell us what you thought about the performance while eating cake. In that performance, I’m sure you, my knight, will only show off your wonderful side. The interpretation may be different from the perspective of the Marshal who actually commanded the war. His Majesty ordered it to be made, so there’s no way it couldn’t be beautified to some extent. “It will probably look a little different from reality.”

Are you going to direct it roughly like this? During the security guard, Randel started crying and said he wanted to go back to his hometown where his fiancé was waiting for him.

If I show up and say something cool, he suddenly changes his attitude 180 degrees and fights to the death at the forefront, leading his fellow soldiers.

His Majesty, who was the crown prince at the time, is crying and saying he can’t leave me behind, but are you trying to create a scene where the actor playing my role forces me to leave, then turns around and suddenly goes to battle?

Just thinking about it makes me laugh because I don’t know how the story will change.

“It would be fun, right? Originally, I thought it would be better for you, the actual protagonist of the play, to go see it. “You will be able to enjoy comparing what the actors are doing with reality.”

“Okay, then let’s go see the play tomorrow morning.”

After saying that, I gently lowered my hand toward Louise’s buttocks as a sign that I wanted to spend the night with her, but she lightly slapped her hand away.

Then he gently pushed my chest with his index finger and said in a playful voice.

“If I fight with my energetic knight from now on, neither of us will be able to get up tomorrow morning. Please love me a lot, not now, but tomorrow. Sleep well, and I love you.”

It felt refreshing that she, who normally always accepted when I sent her autograph, rejected me.

Perhaps it was because of that that I felt a little hotter today.

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