368 – Bastion Battle (4)

When Peter Yeager’s order was given, the commanders of each unit pointed to the enemies in front of them.

A large army of 360,000, or close to 400,000 if rounded, was gathered towards the castle, so the enemies were gathered so tightly that no matter where they shot, they would hit just one person.

All the officers and soldiers of the empire felt at a loss due to the reality of having to deal with such a huge number of them that it was dizzying and blinding just to look at them.

“If we don’t protect ourselves here, our family, friends, and hometown behind us will be trampled upon. So don’t hesitate and fight no matter what!”

“Didn’t you hear the 7th Division talking below? “It’s worth doing, so I’m just smiling and taking my time!”

“Do not spare the archers, crossbows, wizards, ballistas, and catapults and blow them all away! “Kill them all!”

The men who lived near Bastion Castle thought about their wives and children who were carrying stones behind them, and the soldiers gritted their teeth and decided to hold on, anticipating the crisis that would come if they were breached, as Peter Jaeger said.

And the women and children waited behind them, loading as many arrows as they had into their crossbows.

“No need to aim! Shoot everything you have! Long live the Reich Reich!”

When the word was given to suppress the enemy with long-distance weapons, the imperial soldiers in the castle began attacking one step ahead of the enemy.

Those who were unlucky enough to be hit by arrows and rocks fell to their deaths with their bodies broken or punctured, or screamed in pain.

“Save me, save me! “I don’t want to die yet…”

“I can’t feel my arms or legs. “No, I don’t want to be left behind like this.”

“Mom, Dad. Sorry.”

Those who made painful noises were usually trampled by our soldiers coming from behind and were definitely killed.

In one way, it was humane in the sense that it reduced the time of suffering, but in another way, it was extremely cruel to simply crush and kill allies without any attempt to save them.

However, those caught up in the madness of the battlefield did not pay much attention to the unlucky deaths of the dying people they had been fighting with.

Instead, the officers held swords or halberds from behind and urged their soldiers even further.

“Anyone who steps back will be summarily executed according to military law! A guy who runs back will surely die, but if he moves forward, he can make a major difference and save his life. “How good!”

“First, we must prepare a means to cross the moat! Throw in the dirt bag! “If you feel like you’re going to die, just fall into the moat and die!”

From noble mtl dot com

“Fill the dry moat with the bodies of your dead comrades! “You can only climb the castle walls by filling the moat!”

The Allied forces led by the Archduke of Warsaw had to move their steps to avoid being stabbed or cut to death by the officers behind them.

Every time we moved forward, the soldiers commanded by Peter Yeager attacked randomly, and the comrades who had been talking and laughing with us until yesterday died.

The feelings of the Allied soldiers looking at this were so bitter that some even felt a sense of self-destruction.

‘I came here because I said I could kill Peter Yeager, but wouldn’t my head be blown off first?’

As morale gradually declined, the Allied forces had already suffered a significant number of casualties.

In the meantime, the Allied soldiers came to the front of the moat that Peter Yeager had done with all his might.

Jager did not fill the moat with water, but he did his best to build a deep moat surrounding the castle by mobilizing refugees and soldiers who had left Bastion Castle before the Allied forces in Warsaw arrived, and his efforts have now brought despair to his enemies. Will be.

However, our soldiers, unaware of this situation, continued to push in from behind, but if they stopped any further due to hesitation due to the moat, they would have been trampled to death.

The unlucky ones standing at the front shouted as they walked into the terrible pit.

“f*ck, stop! “Please stop and fill the damn moat with bags of dirt!”

“Regimental commander, regimental commander, f*ck you! “Please mobilize the wizards and start from this hole!”

“Please stop! “Please stop!”

However, their cries were ignored by the Grand Duke of Warsaw, who tried to fill the moat and climb over the castle walls by piling up the corpses of his allies.

“Their precious sacrifice must not be forgotten! Everyone march forward, march forward! “I will honor the souls of those who died today by beheading that damned Peter Jaeger of the Reich!”

Soldiers who were forced to become sacrifices for the victory of the Allied forces.

Numerous caltrops, stakes, all kinds of traps, and stones thrown by soldiers welcomed those who first entered the moat.

“Die, you dirty Allied bastards!”

“You must be a noble person because your head is broken and you die instantly! “Well, now is a good time to break the pot!”

“Hurry up and meet your deceased parents and be filial to them!”

The bodies of those who died after being hit by arrows and turning into hedgehogs, or being hit by stones and their bodies turned into rags, were steadily piling up in the moat.

Thanks to this, from the perspective of the Allied soldiers, the more our troops died in the moat, the easier it became to gradually cross the moat and approach the castle walls.

The officers drew their swords and gave orders in anticipation that I was not going to die and that the closer I got to the opportunity to cut off Peter Yeager’s head.

“Put down the battering ram, grab the ladder and run! First, make sure to get on the ladder first! The first person to climb the castle walls will receive not only a knighthood but also a huge reward!”

“Charge forward! “It’s time to step over the corpses of our comrades and cut off Peter Yeager’s head!”

“There are 400,000 friendly troops and only 50,000 enemies! Will we still lose in this situation? “Have courage, let’s change our character!”

The soldiers ran forward with their ladders in hand, determined to either die or die, and in the process, many people died.

The ladder held in the hands of those who died in vain was handed over to those who were about to be killed by the next enemy, and a chain of deaths occurred in which they too died mercilessly.

Just as money begets money, a vain death brings more vain deaths.

As the corpses continued to pile up and more people lost their lives, they came closer and closer to the castle.

The generals guarding the walls in all four directions saw this and drew their swords and gave orders.

“A polearm is of little use in a castle! Everyone, attack with short weapons such as maces, hammers, and one-handed swords!”

“If you don’t have enough manpower, don’t be shy and give the cockroaches climbing the ladder a taste of rock!”

“The time has come to show the taste of the empire. Everyone, don’t hesitate!”

The soldiers and women threw stones at the heads of those climbing up the ladder and smashed them, and the stronger knights ended the situation by easily overturning the ladder with their bare hands.

“Come on, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get over the wall that this old man is guarding!”

“Now Major Dan is an old man, what nonsense?”

“Why are you acting like this?”

By lightly flipping the ladder with both hands, several of the soldiers hanging on it broke their backs. The men were making jokes and guarding the castle wall, so they could not climb up the castle wall without permission.

Warsaw soldiers felt a huge barrier when they saw the imperial army defending the castle so well, but no one gave up.

‘If we just get over the wall, we will definitely win. You can definitely win.’

As I kept trying to climb without giving up, I gradually began to see signs of Allied soldiers coming up on the castle wall.

When I thought that the soldiers on the walls to the east, west, south, and north were being pushed back little by little, Major General Anastasia quickly ran towards me.

This was possible because he was temporarily assigned as the deputy division commander of the 7th Division rather than commanding the defense of the four walls, as he was in charge of the special task of commanding the archers.

“Marshal, if we continue like this, the walls will be breached.”

“I know that too. So, along with the 7th Guards Division, I will move and respond. So, please return to your position. “Because we will be leaving soon.”

Anya shook her head at those words.

“Today is the first day of the siege. Therefore, it is most important to give soldiers confidence and assurance that they can stop the enemy even without the 7th Guards Division.”

“That makes sense, but is there a plan?”

“Use the wizards to fill the moat with water. Then wouldn’t the enemy that crossed the moat be separated from the enemy that couldn’t?”

Peter Jaeger and Anastasia Kergit were both very wise people, so no further explanation was needed.

‘As Anya said, when the wizards create water to fill the moat, the outside and inside of the moat are blocked. So, if you have the soldiers on top of the castle walls focus their attacks on the inside of the moat, you will be able to block the enemy without overdoing it.’

Not only that, even though it was only the first day, the fact that they did not give up a single step of the castle wall against an enemy that was more than seven times outnumbered would be a morale booster for the allies.

It was a good proposal with no reason for Jaeger to oppose it.

“Order the wizards to fill the moat with water in the next hour. And instead of the 7th Division, part of the 2nd line reserve unit is mobilized to block the castle wall. “It’s a good strategy, no.”

Anastasia could not hide her bright smile even in the midst of her battle as she was praised by her husband and respected general.

And she herself walked around the castle and gave orders to her soldiers.

“The wizards will fill the moat with water in the next hour, and the second-line reserve unit will come to support you, so in the meantime, hold on at all costs!”

The imperial troops guarding the castle walls somehow withstood the difficult situation for an hour, and when an hour had passed, the wizards chanted magic according to the orders given.

“O powerful water that revives all things and destroys all things! Water!”

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