409 – Siege of Polska (5)

When the order from Senior Commander Dönitz was issued, the soldiers and officers in observation-related positions under the Imperial Army’s engineer units and magicians ran around eagerly. It started.

“If you set the catapult between 30 and 45 degrees, you will be able to turn the inside of Polsky Castle into a sea of fire!”

“For magic, setting it to 35 degrees and pouring down fire is enough!”

“Are you really sure? If the first shot fails, I won’t be able to raise my head to Marshal Peter Jaeger, who is busy over there chopping up all the Warsaw bastards!”

Even though he was in charge of calculation, the Reich Empire did not yet have the concept of calculating the aiming angle of magic or catapults based on mathematical theory.

Although the officers and non-commissioned officers who entered Peter Yeager’s newly organized observation positions are at the level of their training and ability to hit them.

“Have we ever tried this kind of training once or twice? Please trust us!”

“I trained under Marshal Jaeger to the point of vomiting.”

“f*ck, if this doesn’t hit with the first shot, we’ll take off our military uniforms. Just hit it anywhere on that wide castle wall and that’s it.”

Everyone was confident of success with confident voices.

Then, the wizards and the catapult operators all fired magic and stones at the angles instructed by the guys in charge of observation.

“Once you confirm that the first shot hit, load the oil can from then on! “We’re just going to burn down Polsky Castle!”

“You know Marshal Jaeger’s orders, right? “What if I hit a civilian? You don’t have to worry about anything like that, just kill them all!”

“Show clearly the power of the Reich Empire! Launch!”

The tens of thousands of fireballs fired by the wizards drew a red line, and the catapult bullets flew into Polsky Castle, sending up dust.

The Warsaw soldiers on the walls gaped when they saw this.

“f*ck you, you crazy empire bastards. “I think you’re planning to kill all the civilians inside the walls?”

“Was it true that you said you would kill all the civilians if you didn’t surrender? You poisonous bastards! “You devil!”

“…… Oh, no way. Is it true… No matter how much of a war it is, children and women are usually not killed?”

However, from the very beginning when the imperial soldiers surrounded this castle, they had no intention of sparing anyone, civilian or soldier.

Meanwhile, the women, children, and old people under the walls were very frightened when they saw tens of thousands of rocks and fireballs flying in.

“The Empire is trying to kill us! Everyone hide! “Hide!”

“If we hide, those damn non-commissioned officers will kill us! “If you’re just unlucky, you’ll fall!”

“……. f*ck, what on earth is this?!”

Those who were scared and trembling prayed to Deus that they and their families would be safe during this war.

‘Deus, please save me and my family.’

And God answered soon after.

“My arms, my legs. “My arms and legs are pierced, please help me!”

“It’s hot! Save people! Water! “Someone pour some water…”

“Mom, Dad! “Ugh.”

Most of the civilians in Polsky Castle were lucky and survived this first attack.

However, some unlucky ones met death by being stoned or burned by fireballs.

And those who saw their family members being burned, stoned, killed, or injured immediately ran towards them.

“Mom, I’m sick… I’m sick.”

“Our daughter, our daughter…”


When their families came to visit those who were injured, they moaned in pain and repeatedly asked for help, while those who were seriously injured lost consciousness and died.

The survivors cried and wailed as they watched the scene, and the non-commissioned officers and officers who saw this immediately drew their swords.

“If the civilians here start crying and crying, the morale of our troops will drop drastically! “It’s already a tough fight, but we can’t let it go like that!”

An officer scolded a civilian and urged him to quickly return to his post.

“Anyone who wails or cries over the death of their parents or children during the war will be regarded as an enemy!”

Officers and non-commissioned officers encouraged the soldiers and did their best to bring the surviving civilians to their senses.

“Well, did you get to see something good? Shut up and mind your own business! “If you want to save the rest of your family, you have to move your sluggish body quickly!”

It is a heartless thing that a human being cannot do, but we are currently in a war, and if we do not win this war, we will all die anyway.

Therefore, the officers controlling the civilians took the best action they could, but it was difficult to control people who had just lost their parents and children in front of their eyes in this way.

But if the cries of children, women, and the elderly begin to spread from beneath the castle walls…

‘Our soldiers fighting on the castle walls will lose their will to fight, and Peter Yeager will become more rampant.’

“The bastards who are crying and falling asleep right now will be severely executed according to military law!”

“Stop crying right now and go back to your seat and work, kid!”

“f*ck it, this is the last warning! This is an order from His Highness the Archduke! Anyone who neglects loyalty to His Highness the Archduke just because their family is dead will die!”

Then the officers themselves set an example.

From noble mtl dot com

“You traitor!”

I didn’t want to kill a child, so I picked a child who was crying loudly around his mother and kicked him hard to avoid a critical point, sending him flying far away.

Then he struck the crying woman with the sheath of his sword and made her fall down.

“Go back to your seat! Otherwise, we will all die!”

“My child, my husband is dead and all my relatives are dead, so I am the only child left…”

“Do you think that’s important now!”

Then he stabbed the widow, who was resisting by her own arms and legs, with a sword and killed her.

The officer who did this also felt heartbroken, but it was something he had no choice but to do to protect himself and the Grand Duchy.

“Anyone who does not follow military orders will be killed regardless of the reason. There is no time to wail or mourn over the death of a family member. “Everyone go back to your place!”

The civilians who saw the real child’s mother being killed cursed inwardly and went back to their places and started doing their jobs again.

On the other hand, Peter Jaeger continued to kill his enemies and watched them from the castle walls.

‘You crazy bastards, I thought they were so easygoing, but I can’t believe they did such a damn thing.’

While thinking that, he continued to cut down the enemy in front of him.

“One guy, two guys, three guys…”

Every time Jaeger counted the number, the soldiers in front of him died, losing their neck, arms, legs, or waist.

“Long live Marshal Jaeger! f*ck, let’s break through the wall and open the gate today!”

“Create a living hell, a living hell! “Kill all of those heretics!”

“Our priest said it was right to kill those bastards!”

When Peter Yeager heard that story, his head hurt for a moment.

‘He was the military chaplain in Bastion Castle, so of course he would have said that. Since religion is really involved, it is no different from the Crusades.’

“Kill every single one of them! “I’m going down today after killing at least 10,000 people!”

Everyone who followed Peter Yeager up the castle wall shouted hurray at those words.

“Exterminate 10,000 people!”

“20,000 People instead of 10,000! Let’s kill 20,000 people!”

“We have to kill no one left anyway, so let’s run!”

These people, burning with a desire for revenge, rushed in like a swarm of locusts and took the lives of their enemies.

Warsaw soldiers trembled with fear as they heard the sounds of civilians dying coming from below and saw the imperial army going crazy at the carnage coming from ahead.

“How do you beat those bastards? “How do you win?”

“Surely they won’t kill my family down there…?”

“f*ck, please tell me it’s not that. No, will I be able to live before that?”

The clever ones among the soldiers looked at the bottom of the castle wall and muttered to themselves.

“If we’re going to be exterminated anyway, wouldn’t it be better to desert?”

In this situation, the Warsaw officers did their best to turn the situation around by any means possible.

“Move forward! Move forward!”

Still, several brave officers drew their swords and charged directly at Peter Yeager.


However, without exception, such a guy’s head fell from his shoulder due to Jaeger’s swinging sword.

“Weak people talk well, sheesh.”

There were still soldiers and officers who resisted, and they pointed their swords at our troops.

“Move forward! Give your life for His Majesty the Archduke of Warsaw! Long live the Grand Duchy! Long live your Majesty!”

The Reich Imperial Army was pushed back as much as possible, but Peter Jaeger was unperturbed.

Therefore, the imperial army never wavered.

As the battle continued for several hours, the sounds of drums and trumpets were heard from the Reich Imperial Army.

“Retreat! Retreat! “This is an order to come and fight again tomorrow!”

The imperial soldiers grumbled at those words.

“Ha, f*ck. “If you push a little harder, you’ll be able to open the castle door.”

“If you are in a hurry from the first day, you will ejaculate prematurely.”

“Oh, do you ever say that to your new husband?”

An officer answered while standing behind the men having such a conversation.

“For the first day, this is a good job. “All we had to do was climb up to the castle wall and cut down all the enemies.”

Having said that, the commanders of each unit led the soldiers down the castle walls.

Of course, I asked Peter Yeager to come down first, but…

“The commander is always the first to enter the battlefield and the last to retreat. So, I will go down later to prepare for any possible enemy counterattack.”

Meanwhile, the Grand Duke of Warsaw, who was watching this scene, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

“Ugh, that crazy Peter Jaeger! “A lowly bastard from an orphan!”

With these words, it was revealed who achieved a great victory on the first day of battle.

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