447 – The backs of soldiers from hostile countries are sticky (3)

Sergeant James snorted after hearing the sound of dirt rising.

“What nonsense? “By dirt, do you mean the dirt that the wind blows and blows up?”

“No, it’s different. It’s real. Look over there.”

When I looked at the place William was pointing to, there was a really huge cloud of dust rising up there.

At a glance, it did not look like an animal living in the forest or a strong wind blowing up dust.

And these two thought the same thing even though they hadn’t even kissed each other.

‘Enemy attack!’

James got angry, grabbing William by the collar and shaking him violently.

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“f*ck, who is trying to attack this place?!”

“How do I know that? “I’m sure it’s not Francois.”

“Then are you sure that it is the Reich Empire? According to what the platoon commander said, they are still negotiating peace with Lieutenant General Pete.”

Then William began to look away from his anxious feelings.

“f*ck, think with common sense. “What kind of crazy person would stab us in the back by saying we don’t want to fight so let’s get along now?”

Contrary to his thoughts, however, war is not a place where general ethical concepts apply in the first place.

So in war, the more enemies you kill, the more rewards and honor you get, and even if you rape a woman with the permission of the commander, you are praised for doing a good job.

In fact, it is nonsense to look for common sense in a place where common sense does not apply.

Their escape from reality did not last long.


This is because a trumpet made of a horn sounded loudly, signaling an enemy’s surprise attack, and a drum sounded, signaling a signal to quickly arm yourself and prepare to fight the enemy.

“f*ck you, you bastards who have no mother or father!”

At the same time, the officers who had been drinking and making jokes hurriedly got up and moved quickly to carry out their duties.

“Hurry up and arm yourself! Fully armed and go to the location! “Our 7th Battalion can follow me.”

“f*ck, stop f*cking that whore and come out now. Now is the time!”

“Get your weapons and armor and run with your squad! “I’ll give you 5 minutes to reach the company’s assembly point!”

They move according to their duties, which are ingrained in them like instincts, but in fact, there were not one or two of them who were heavily drunk, regardless of whether they were soldiers or officers.

Therefore, although everyone was moving in a hurry, there were quite a few people who were seen swaying wildly with their bodies.

“As for the location, is the location left or right…? “The sky is spinning.”

Some people vomited while running because they drank too much and ate too much meat.


The Reich Imperial Army had not yet blown the trumpet to begin the surprise attack, but the camp had already become a crucible of confusion.

“f*ck, that’s you, Vicki!”

“Ugh, sorry! “It’s too urgent.”

“I feel like holding a whip, but right now, the situation is the situation! “Move quickly, you bastard!”

Even soldiers and officers who are not drunk get tangled up and confused, just like people who have had a drink.

Even though we have to prepare to defend the position as quickly as even a second…

The more we rushed, the more each side held on to each other’s ankles, leading to a situation where preparations were delayed.

And while the soldiers and officers were moving around randomly, Marshal George was also hastily changing into his armor.

“What the f*ck is going on? Couldn’t you figure out the details? “What was the reconnaissance unit doing and falling asleep?!”

“It is said that the reconnaissance unit was ordered to rest today by the order of Major General Hobbs, so they only did minimal reconnaissance.”

“Holy sh*t! Hobbes What on earth does that guy know how to do right? Even if a person tells him to rest, he must rest while maintaining appropriate boundaries!”

Even though he said that, George couldn’t bring himself to say that Director Hobbes should be punished.

Over the past few weeks, the plain reports sent by Lieutenant General Pitt have continued to show that the Crown Prince is losing weight little by little.

This is because all the generals, including himself, who saw this, decided that the Reich Empire could no longer wage war due to its limited supply capacity and let down its guard.

In addition, his body was red from drinking too much, and there was even a kiss mark on his neck from Emily, his exclusive maid, whom he had sent away with her own energy…

‘Disciplining a subordinate in a situation like this is disqualifying a commander.’

“Damn it, tell all troops to get ready for battle right now! You never know when a surprise attack may occur, so everyone gather your weapons and form a defensive line! “There is no time to even wear armor!”

“Yes, I understand!”

After receiving the order, the marshal’s adjutants and staff went around all the units and shouted.

“Prepare for battle! Ready for battle! “A large army of unidentified enemies has appeared!”

“Just pick up your weapons and go to your respective locations! “There is no time to wear armor or anything like that!”

“This is the Marshal’s order! Hurry! “f*ck, I know you vomit when you drink, but even if you vomit, you vomit while running!”

Just like that, the staff stepped forward, and the generals under their command somehow urged the drunken guys who were in no condition to fight.

We were able to prepare the camp for defense faster than expected.

If the generals, including Marshal George, had moved at this speed during training, they would all have been proud, but now that it is a war situation and they have been ambushed…

Instead of being happy, I felt so frustrated that I was on the verge of death.

Marshal George hurriedly ran to the barracks headquarters, grabbed the staff around him and asked:

“Who is the enemy and how big is it?!”

Of course, there was no way the staff would know information that even the scouting team did not know, so they had no choice but to keep their heads down.

In addition, all the soldiers and officers watching this situation realized that we, as a group, had been screwed.

In a losing war, commanders lose their composure, but isn’t their enemy just like that now?

However, even though they thought they were ruined, they ran around dying with a faint hope of surviving somehow.

On the other hand, Peter Yeager laughed and held his stomach as he saw the dust blowing chaotically across the enemy lines from a little distance away.

“As expected, the United Kingdom guys are going crazy because they like it when they pretend to negotiate peace and then stab others in the back! “Those idiots are probably sitting around right now, clashing with their colleagues and making a fuss about having to defend themselves.”

The current state of the Allied camp was exactly as he had predicted.

“So, like this, we can lead the knights and archers to completely destroy the enemy formation, and then add additional infantry to annihilate them.”

At those words, the staff under his command burst into laughter.

“That’s right, if your Excellency grabs the sword and charges in person like this, the eel jelly of the United Kingdom will fall in an instant.”

“Even if His Excellency Generalissimo were to show up, wouldn’t everyone be crying and asking for surrender?”

“If we just give the order to charge like this, we can crush them.”

Peter Yeager agreed with everything they said.

It is a good idea to hold the sword yourself and lead the knights to kill all the soldiers in the enemy camp, or to show up to break their morale.

This was a situation where the Reich Imperial Army could easily win even if they attacked regardless of infantry or cavalry.

However, he thought of a different operation than that one.

‘You should avoid charging as much as possible, at the expense of your allies.’

So, after thinking about it for a while, Peter Yeager gave an order to his staff with a bright smile.

“When plowing a field to plant grain, the seeds must be sown with finely ground soil for the crops to grow well.”

These words were not simply words he had picked up, but lessons he had learned while farming on a small scale to educate his sons.

“Similarly, it is much easier to create a hedgehog with magic and arrows and then destroy it than to attack the evil enemies like this. In addition, the number of people losing their lives for no reason is decreasing.”

Peter Yeager used farming as an analogy, but his inspiration for the operation was the basic tactics of a modern state.

In modern times, infantry is deployed after killing and neutralizing the opponent with cannons and bombings.

In the Reich Empire, they use magic and a rain of arrows to kill as many as one United Kingdom soldier, and deploy cavalry and infantry to fight.

How simple it seems, but it is an operation that can be expected to have more effects than you might imagine.

“Call the wizards and archers! “Tell them to fire a curved arrow (arrow or magic) into the camp and turn the Allied camp into a sea of fire.”

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

Shortly after, the wizards and archers surrounding the Allied camp began to rain down attacks on the enemy.

Although the camp itself was a facility defended by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it did not happen that everything suddenly caught fire and fell.

However, with just one salvo, the enemies fell into great confusion.

Peter Yeager realized this and just gave a small smile.

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