Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 119

“Uh… So, you want me to share it? Is this the problem?”

Crick frowned and tilted his head.

“How do you memorize this? Oh, that doesn’t make sense!”

“It doesn’t make sense.”


A foal of the royal family rode a horse there.

I know the amount of problems is huge, but they are already lying on the floor like losers.

I sighed and looked at Fabian.

“Hey, the Code. You don’t have to memorize the code and parts.”

“The Code and… I don’t know because I didn’t study at .”

How did those bastards get promoted?

Shit, did you feed any money?

Hagiya Han Shiha was also promoted in freshman year, and there would have been nothing impossible if it was the status of the imperial family.

that’s it though Why is Creek?

“Do you think you get stupid every time I see you?’


That’s right, I wasn’t in my 30’s in the whole school.

Why do you think what you’re doing is more stupid than you were back then?

“I’m not really good at the written test… .”

Crick glanced at me and scratched his head.

“When I was in the first year, I told the kids to clean up. I just memorized it, and you die.”

I had kids who are good at studying, and after pulling out the materials, I dug them for a month.

With that, he barely avoided failing those subjects, and when he entered the second year, he turned to practical subjects.

Did you do well in the practical subjects?

Somehow, what I was doing seemed like a bummer, but I didn’t know it was a real bummer.

Seriously, this.

I grabbed my flabby hair and stared at the vast amount of previous questions that Youn Ha-eul had printed.

As a rough estimate, there are well over a thousand problems.

There is less than a week left until the exam, so even if you divide the number of people, each person has 250 questions.

You have to memorize it to the level that you will get the correct answer in 15 seconds.

To be honest.

one week?

“Not much of a problem.”

“… ?”

“Can’t you memorize even 250 questions per person?”

Time is full and overflowing.

At my words, Crick turned his head in amazement.

“What, what are you talking about? Why are you talking so easily?”

“There’s no way you can’t memorize even 250 questions. for a week. It’s too easy.”

“uh… ?”

“I’m worried that you will memorize 750 questions because you can’t memorize them, guys.”

“no way!”

Somehow, I think that worry will become a reality!

At my cruel words, Fabian slowly began to notice.

“Ah, but we have about a hundred questions per person… Maybe I’ll cry.”

One hundred problems… .

I stopped practicing because I thought I would cry again if I said anything more.

Thinking about what these guys have been talking about for an hour after gathering like this, it’s a problem that I can’t help but be very worried about.

He managed to settle in the Magic Department, and is about to be promoted safely.

I am also receiving great support from my family, and there is still a lot of work left for me to do.

I need to be promoted to samurai first.

If possible, with high grades.

So, like it or not, you should cooperate with these guys.

No, they are the guys who have been promoted safely.

I’m not really sure what I’ve seen before, but I had to believe it first.

Oh, to be honest, I have a few years of tutoring experience… .

“Is it possible?”

It didn’t seem like it would be difficult to make me memorize the moon.

I handed the paper to Youn Ha-eul, whose eyes twinkled.

“Can you do your part well?”

It’s about the theology department, even if I don’t have to say anything, Yun Ha-eul does more than just one serving.

Youn Ha-eul smiled brightly and nodded her head.

“I could do more.”

“You can help with the natural sciences part too.”

“Yes, I will!”

“And this, the rest.”

Crick and Fabian were given only one hundred questions each.

Crick blinked his eyes at the thick-looking wad of paper.

“No, but this is… .”

“Come on, let’s memorize it.”

Crick seemed bewildered at the sudden calming of my voice.


And Fabian, who is watching from the side.

“You too, you bastard of the royal family.”


During my tutoring, I met a variety of students.

Wow… What do you really do with him? Because I’ve met people I want.

Well, I feel confident that I can do it if I do it.

The memory went back to that time.

Conversation with a capitalist smile.

I opened my mouth softly.

“It tells you about the first problem.”

Miracle memorization method, just wait.

* * *

I really don’t understand.


I really don’t understand.

this… .

“Why can’t you do this?”

No, it’s not a matter of application.

You can just memorize what is written!

Miracle memorization and Nabal.

Is it a miracle that they got promoted?

“What are you bastards doing, this?”

I wondered if it was impossible to memorize the moon, so I even explained it.

as calmly as possible.


“It’s a magic circuit problem. Did you hear from Professor Grint in class?”

“Did you sleep?”

“Oh, that’s pretty cool. Is this kid?”

“… You are sleepy.”

“Anyway, didn’t you tell me 10 minutes ago? Come on, let’s see you again. How is the kobold and hellhound magic circuit different? Can you see this around the neck?”


“Here the circuit splits in two.”

“… Why is the circuit split in two?”

“Shake. Because I was born that way!”

The more I explain, the more I can’t seem to control my anger.

“You bastard, why do you have two eyes!”

“like that… Because you were born?”

“Yeah, shit. That’s how you were born! memorize it! Memorize it!”


As soon as I picked up the book, Crick thought he was about to hit me and bowed his head.

Hey, I didn’t mean to hit you.

It is true that I wanted to slap one. I tried to calm my mind.

“Whew… see you again What happens to the kobold magic circuit? The circuit comes out from near the core, and here it splits into three.”

Youn Ha-eul opened her eyes and picked up the book.

“Wow… I can’t memorize that You just have to do it.”

It looks like he’s been admiring Creek’s stupidity since before.

Youn Ha-eul looked relaxed as if she had already memorized more than half of the parts I was assigned to.

Seeing the little pigs spinning, I think we should leave it to you a little bit more, just like Youn Ha-eul said.

that’s it though

There was someone more serious than Creek here.

There are people out there who say they don’t want to do it and wonder how they have to put such a complicated magic in their head.

Because of the imperial family, I think they are planning to pass this year as well.

i can’t do that

That free rider had to be put down.

Fabian smirked and spat out words.

“a little bit… I’d like to take a break and do it. It’s not memorized.”

An imperial cub in charge of the program and parts.

Where are you going to sneak out?

“You haven’t memorized anything.”

At my words, Fabian became white and waved his hand.

“I memorized it!”

“Come on, I ask. Answer me right.”


“Recite the three forbidden black magic.”

“that… that… Curse… ?”


“… .”

There’s a bastard called the imperial family. You don’t even know the basic laws of the country?

“Is your head a decoration? Isn’t it a bit like a decoration? Are the decorations coming out all the time these days?”

“How can you say such harsh words!”

“You bastards!”

“deep sea!”

“Even birds are smarter than you, you bastards!”

I was trying to explain clearly and calmly.

By the way.


It’s dark outside now!

Was it a person who couldn’t memorize the heat problem properly for 5 hours?

Basil, who was sitting quietly next to him, grunted and took the place of answering.

“Coo… Demon Sohan!”

“Oh, he memorized it too.”

“… .”

Witchcraft, Demon Summoning, Mind Manipulation.

I couldn’t memorize these three basic things, so now the reptile is answering for me!

this… man?


Basil also shook his head as if he felt serious.

“Coo… stone.”

“You are too… I’m not stupid… I’m not a nerd… .”

Fabian wept and threw his face on the desk.

This time it didn’t work.


scratched the back of the head.


this cub

“Cry for what you did well!”

* * *

Han Si-ha’s shout echoed along with the clear hitting sound.

“under… memorize it! Don’t play and memorize!”

“It doesn’t go into my head.”

“Put it in? If you get hit by one, will you be forced to enter?”

“… !”

“Would you like to try it?”


It was a common room used by Ardel’s sophomores, so Solia, Adela, and Lee Han were also sitting in the distance.

“What’s up… how?”

murmur murmur.

Solia was looking back at the group next to her, who was turning into a thin ice sheet with surprised eyes.

The ace group of this united written test for each department.

Originally, they were mixed by department, but because the group formation was random, this group had three people with magic and one with the program.

Solia, Adela, and Lee Han. What a gorgeous lineup of three.

One was in the process of following the three of them with a quiet and quiet personality.

So there was no problem here.

But by the looks of that group, it’s not a complete mess.

Solia quickly scanned Han Si-ha’s Joe.

“Awkward… I will not… .”

Fabian, the royal family, is not doing what he is supposed to do while smirking and looking at Han Si-ha.

“hahaha, I still memorized 30 questions!”

“Idiot, are you proud of that?”


Creek who sits still and swears by saying things that he shouldn’t say for nothing.

Youn Ha-eul is memorizing my part again after looking back at the two of them and kicking his tongue.

Although it was a combination that drew hardships roughly.

“Why are you so angry with Han Si-ha?”

I didn’t expect to be so angry.

Except when I ran to the dining room because I was hungry, and even kept a cold distance from Solia.

Han Si-ha has never been so angry.

Although he was angry at the injustice that was temporary, there was no way to treat his opponent with personal anger.

wasn’t there?

there would be no

Solia rolled her eyes and was convinced.

“How serious is this… ?”

I wondered if Siha Han would raise her fever like that.

In particular, it would be even more inconvenient to have Creek and Fabian in the same group. Even at a glance, that side is a thorny road.

“I wish I had come to my group.”

Solia muttered softly and clicked her tongue.

We promised to do the same. Still couldn’t keep that promise.

At least, he wouldn’t have made Han Si-ha so angry with his sexual desire.

The moment he thought about it like that, Lee Han spoke calmly.

“This time, the grades for the first year are also being promoted. Why are you doing that from time to time?”


At Lee Han’s words, Solia’s eyes widened.

Adela also bowed her head with a serious face.

The two of them have always been in the top ranks regardless of whether they entered their first year grades or not, so they didn’t even read the announcement in detail.

“no wonder… .”

“It’s not worth rushing.”

Anyway, my first year grades are coming in, and I can’t help but worry because I’m creaking while I have to take the major promotion exams.

Lee Han stuck out his tongue and tilted his head.

“I was intermittent a lot… Isn’t that why you’re fired?”

“… !”

Lee Han said it without much thought.

“no it’s not!”

“No way!”

Adela and Solia shouted sharply at the same time.

“uh… uh?”

Lee Han blinked his eyes at the sudden gaze.

Adela frowned and accepted Lee Han’s words.

“I can never do that.”

“Yes, yes.”

Emotional Adela. Even so, I didn’t know Solia was going to scream.

“that… No, I don’t want that. I was worried… Why… Are you so cruel?”

Lee Han made excuses by scratching his head shyly.

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