The weather was clear.

Several people were seen wandering around the estate.

There were a lot of people, so I had a strong feeling of liveliness.

There were both sellers and buyers.

It wasn’t that big of a manor, but there were a lot of people.

It was almost impossible to think that a large number of monsters would attack soon.

“Rudy! Let’s go there!”

Where I am now is the North.

Northern, Lucarion Territory.

Luna and I were able to come to the North through formal procedures.

The lead teacher is Professor Gracie.

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Most of the 3rd graders went to internships, so no one came, and the 1st graders also had no one to follow because they were in the forest school period.

At first, Uni tried to come here, ignoring Forest School.

-uh? Didn’t I go too?

-Why are you going there? you’re going to go to school Still, it’s a graded evaluation.

– Well, you still have the love of the lab! Are you leaving me alone?

So Yuni said in a swarm.

Yuni sincerely wanted to sack the forest school and come here.

– Hey, do you know what kind of picnic we’re going on?

– Well, isn’t it similar?

When I was arguing with Yuni like that.

Rie came to the lab.

– Don’t worry, you don’t go to camp.

-… … Yeah?

Lier said that he had already removed Yuni from the number of people at Forest School.

Instead of giving full marks for grades, he said he would help the student council and take on a management role.

Originally, this was impossible, but I said it was possible because I was going to the North.

The reason why you get extra points in your grades if you go to the North.

That’s because people don’t apply.

It was the same reason why people reassured students that there was no danger when they went to the North.

However, as the student council president said I would go, the academy seemed to have created an environment where I could go as much as possible.

Upon hearing this, Yuni made a bewildered look on her face asking if it was possible without her permission, but Rie shrugged her shoulders and smiled as if to just do it.

By the way, when I said that the road was running wild, it was Yuni who meekly nodded when Li said that.

I was bewildered by the temperature difference, but it seemed to have worked out for the first time.

“Luna, that looks interesting too.”

“Uh, is that so? Let’s go there too!”

So we came to the North.

The students treated me like a distinguished guest and gave me a good dorm, and after that, they left me alone.

In fact, it was Professor Gracie who took care of it, but… … .

As soon as Professor Gracie arrived here, he left the students alone, saying he would take a break.

Of course, it wasn’t absurd.

Professor Gracie, like me and Luna, struggled with work before coming here.

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Most of the work was transferred to another lab, but Professor Gracie still had work to do, so all those tasks were finished.

It was probably because I didn’t sleep properly.

We left Professor Gracie who had collapsed in the dormitory and went out.

There was plenty of food and entertainment outside.

Originally, I was only going to visit the estate, but I couldn’t let this happen.

“Could you give me one of those skewers?”

“yes! thank you!”

Luna paid for a skewer at the store and put it in her mouth.

“Rudy, this is really delicious.”

After saying that, Luna muttered with a skewer in her mouth.

It made me smile automatically.

It seemed that he was being compensated for his exhaustion and not being able to play properly recently.

“But, why are there so many people?”

Luna turned the food in her mouth and looked around.

“Maybe they came because of the demons.”

When I said that, Luna tilted her head.

“Doesn’t everyone look bright for something like that?”

That was correct.

In fact, I remembered the people around me trembling in fear because it was said that a lot of monsters were attacking the castle.

However, for that matter, Young Ji-min was showing a lively appearance.

“Ah, that’s because everyone believed in the Lord.”

Then the owner of the skewer shop in front opened his mouth.

“Until now, no demons have ever entered the castle. Because the lord protects it like an iron barrel.”

“I believe in the Lord… … ?”

That was quite acceptable.

If the demons could not enter the castle, it was only an advantage for ordinary Youngjimin.

It was good commercially as a huge number of people came to the territory every four years, and considering the various by-products that come out of killing monsters, from the perspective of Yeongji-min, it was like a festival.

However… … .

I looked at the front of the manor house.

“The lord, come up with an alternative!!!”

“Youngju who thinks of Youngjimin… … !!!”

In front of him, there were a lot of people complaining about the mansion.

“There is a reason for that… … .”


“It’s a story from winter… … We had some food problems.”

I’ve heard stories

In the barren North, there is always a food problem in winter.

In fact, the biggest problem even with this kind of money was transportation.

When it snows heavily, it is impossible to transport food to the north by wagon.

In particular, the northern part, where it snows more than other regions, was a bigger problem.

However, if you buy food in large quantities in advance, the food will be spoiled, so it was not possible.

Of course, you could use magic to extend the storage period, but then the cost of hiring magic tools or wizards was higher than the cost of food, so the navel was bigger than the stomach.

So the North has always been troubled by the problem of food.

“Hey, those rebels are the problem. Only the good lord suffers.”

Without replying to that, I looked at the people in front of the mansion.

In fact, if it had been an ordinary lord, he would not have left the people doing that in front of the mansion.

Youngju is clearly thinking about food and is offering various alternatives for the residents.

However, ungrateful Youngji residents were protesting against the lord.

If it were any other lord, he would have acted out of embarrassment.

As if the voice of Young Ji-min was also an opinion.

“More than that… … Rebels… … .”

I haven’t heard from Yeniel yet.

One time, curious about the situation, I headed to the principal’s office, but Cromwell was there.

I heard that Principal McDowell is away on a business trip, so it would be difficult to see his face.

“Rudy, what’s wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

“Then shall we go there?”


I smiled softly and followed Luna, then turned my head slightly to look at the mansion of the lord.

“Hmm… … .”


“eww… … I want to rest… … .”

Gracie led the heavy body and headed for the lord’s mansion.

The nobles who came to support from the center, the head of Lucarion, and even himself, the Academy representative, were on their way to dinner.

Gracie didn’t even eat dinner and just wanted to lie down in her room and sleep, but she couldn’t fall asleep at the meeting of the representatives.

Gracie wasn’t such a caseless person.

“Huh… … .”

It was as Gracie sighed and entered the mansion.


Someone has spoken to Gracie.


Gracie turned her head and looked towards the source of the voice.

A woman with red hair.

He was a man with dignity and a dignified appearance.


There weren’t that many people with red hair in the Empire.

It was even more so with her hair so red as blood.

A woman with red hair with such dignity.

“Perhaps… … Persian family… … .”

“Oh, right. It is called Astina Persia.”

Gracie opened her eyes.

“I heard a lot of stories. Professor Gracie, right?”

“Ah yes. fit… … Are you?”

Gracie stuttered.

It was because I didn’t know what to say.

Gracie is a professor.

And Astina is a student.

However, Astina was a student who served as the student body president before taking office.

It was also the first time I saw your face.

Gracie began to turn her head quickly.

Should he treat Astina as if he was a student, or should he be treated as a noble in the center?

Astina is the heir to the Persian Marquis.

The lord of this place, Lucarion, had a higher status than the Marquess.

Of course, he hadn’t officially inherited the family yet, but after hearing rumors, there was a lot of public opinion that it was only a matter of time before he inherited the family.

Then, should he act like he is treating the marquis?

But, but… … .

As Gracie shook her head like that, Astina smiled softly.

“How are you, Professor Cromwell?”

“Hey, Professor Cromwell?”

ah… … .

Gracie finally knew how to deal with it.

It reminded me of who I had heard about Astina from.

It was Cromwell who told Gracie the story of Astina.

What Gracie and Astina have in common.

It was the fact that he was a disciple of Cromwell.

Both are master students who learned the telekinetic magic from Cromwell.

It was a death sentence relationship.

“I’ve heard a lot about you.”

When Astina spoke kindly, Gracie’s heart pounded.

Seniors… … .

what a nice sound

It reminded me of the glory of my past student days, and it felt like the sorrows of being an imperial wizard and a professor were fading away.

How good was it when you were a student?

At that time, when he took the top position and received countless compliments from the professors around him, everyone around him looked up to him.

It was a memory like a jewel.

“okay! Astina, I’ve heard a lot about you too!!”

As Gracie smiled and spoke comfortably, Astina’s expression also improved.

If we continued to be rigid, it would only make each other uncomfortable.

“What are the other students doing now?”

“Oh, I guess I’m just going to play now. Because I said it was good to take a look around.”

“Then did Locke go too?”

“lock? Oh, Locke is probably in the castle?”

At that, Astina nodded her head.

Originally, I thought about asking about Rudy, but suddenly it seemed too polite to ask about Rudy, so I swallowed it.

However, Gracie opened her mouth as if she knew Astina’s heart.

“Rudy and Luna said they were out and about, so I think they would be in the dorm except for Locke and them.”

Gracie’s words were thoughtless.

Astina’s eyes widened at those words.

“Rudy… … is it?”

“Oh, aren’t you Rudy too? Rudy Astria?”

“yes… … of course… … .”

Astina’s face was full of embarrassment.

Gracie saw that and tilted her head.

He was a person with a feeling that his expression wouldn’t change very well.

But, I was so confused, I wondered what was going on.

Gracie looked carefully at Astina.

“Perhaps the two of you have a bad relationship… … .”

“Oh, no. Not at all.”

Astina waved her hand.

and swallowed saliva.

“Can I come with you after the meeting is over?”

“together? Where?”

“This is where students are staying.”

Astina said with joy, embarrassment and anticipation.

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