“How did this happen… … .”

Evan looked around with a puzzled face.

Obviously, he was in front of the training center where people had gathered.

By the way, the place you are now is your own dorm room.

Apparently he was talking to a girl.

– Do you have very good eyes?

He smiled and said to himself.

– I know how you feel.

– No matter how hard I try or struggle, the gap seems to only widen, and I feel like I see myself getting helpless.

– I know you very well… … .

At the girl’s words, Evan raised his sword.

– You don’t need to be so restrictive.

– My name is Jeffrey.

-I can help you.

After saying those words, suddenly a great light came over him and it is now.

“Jeffrin… … .”

It was a name I had heard somewhere.

“ha… … .”

Evan sighed as he sat down on the bed.

He looked smart.

Rudy was standing proudly with the professors.

While all the students were evacuating, Rudy and the professors faced the enemy proudly.

what you can’t do.

Rudy was doing all of those things proudly.

It may not have been natural to feel helpless.

Rather, he wondered if it was an act of arrogance to think of Rudy Astria as a competitor.

“Did you dream?”

However, it was too vivid to be a dream.

too… … .

then… … Was it real?

“no… … . I… … .”

It was Evan, who proudly occupied the senior position of Riberion.

Wasn’t there a big gap with Rudy Astria in the last test?

still have the upper hand

Evan thought so.

Not yet… … .


Academy Main Building 1st floor, in front of the entrance.


Lee opened his eyes with a puzzled face.

Obviously where he was… … .

Lee looked to the side.


Next to him was Yuni with a puzzled face.

read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲


Yuni tilted her head and looked around her body.

Even though her stomach was clearly pierced, Yuni’s body was still intact.

“U, Yuni?”

“… … Well? sister?”

Yuni stared at her stomach, then raised her head and looked at Li.

“what? Where are you? Did I dream?”

Yuni tilted her head and said.

Yuni, who had just been trembling in fear, was gone, and only her usual Yuni was there.

Yuni narrowed her brows and said.

“Uni, are you okay?”


At Lie’s words, Yuni touched the boat that had been pierced earlier.

“what? Isn’t that a dream?”

When Rie mentioned the ship, it seemed as if the ship had been pierced.

However, the boat was in good shape, so it was just bewildering.

After thinking so deeply, Yuni clapped her hands and said.

“Then, what is this afterlife?”

Having tilted her head like that, Yuni opened her eyes thinly and glared at Rie.

“If this is the afterlife, is your sister dead too?”


At Yuni’s words, Lie put on a bewildered expression on her face.

However, Yuni didn’t care about that and let out a sigh.

“How am I? I told you to run away while throwing yourself! Also, I had a hard time acting weird! really… … .”


“Really from a long time ago! If you see an easy way, go for it! Why do you always go to the thorny road? So this is how it is!”

Yuni said to Lie as if admonishing her.

“thank god.”

Hearing those words, Lie smiled sadly and hugged Yuni in front of her.

Yuni suddenly opened her eyes as Lie hugged her.

“What, what! sister!”

With a surprised face, Yuni floundered in Lie’s arms.

“Just be still.”

Lie hugged Yuni tightly and was immobilized.

After struggling for a while, Yuni smiled at Rie’s words and buried her face in Rie’s chest.

“It feels like I’ve been hugging my sister for a long time… … Because I’m dead, I’m hugged by my sister, so that’s good~.”

Yuni said playfully to Li who was suddenly holding her.

Having said that, Yuni felt something strange.

Rie’s clothes holding her.

It was obviously the school uniform of Riberion Academy.

“… … By the way, when a person dies, do the clothes they were wearing come back to them?”

Something was strange.

Yuni slightly stepped out of Lie’s arms and looked around.

“The place… … Something familiar?”

The appearance of the surroundings was the Riberion Academy no matter who looked at it.


Lee also calmed down to some extent and looked around.

“what? Why am I here!”

“what’s this!!”

Then, a loud noise was heard from all around.

Students looking around in amazement.

They had a similar reaction.

Then a voice rang out in the academy.

[Students, this is Professor Maguire. The situation that the students just saw was a real situation, and we are trying to figure out the situation. After we figure out what happened, we’ll let you know right away. That is all.]

With Professor Maguire’s magic, a sound echoed around him.


Lee frowned and said.

Then I heard footsteps rushing into the main building of the academy.

It was Professor Gracie.

“Uh, Professor?”

Professor Gracie turned his head for a moment at Uni’s voice.

“Uh, uh! You are uni! Sorry, I’m in a bit of a hurry right now!”

Uni grabbed Gracie’s back as he was about to run so hastily.

Gracie, whose clothes were still intact, widened her eyes.

“Uh, is it Yuni? I’m busy right now!”

Gracie, whose clothes were caught by Uni, hurriedly said:

It could be said that it was disrespectful to hold the professor’s clothes on his back, but Gracie cried as if he wanted to let him go sooner than he cared about it.

“Uni, I’m really… … .”


Lier pulled such a uni and pulled it away from Professor Gracie.

Yuni, who was caught by Lie by the nape of her neck, tilted her head as she looked at her sister.


“Thank you, Lily! Then I!”

Professor Gracie was about to go, but this time Liega caught Professor Gracie.


Professor Gracie was caught again and looked at Lee with a surprised expression.

“Didn’t I tell you to go?”

Lee said to Professor Gracie with a sly smile.

Still, Gracie was the most docile professor compared to the other professors.

So, I couldn’t just let it go.

I had to know the situation first.

Gracie sighed and spoke quietly.

“Why are you doing this to me… … .”

Lee asked with a smile.

“What happened? Why did we do this?”

Professor Gracie hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth quietly.

“Well, it’s complicated to explain… … .”

Lee tilted her head slightly.

Professor Gracie opened his mouth, saying it doesn’t matter, because it’s something you’ll know anyway.

“Believe it or not, it feels like time has gone back. First of all, I think we will know the exact details only after talking with the professors… … Can you let this go?”

Gracie said to Lie as if to appease a child.

Rie nodded her head as if understanding, and put her clothes on.

“thank you.”

“Yeah, yes! See you later!”

Gracie started running again.


Lie frowned for a moment and let out a sigh.

Come to think of it, this was the situation before going to drink tea with Yuni.

And the students around me… … .

Lee took Yuni’s hand.

“Uni, would you like to follow me for a moment?”


Yuni smiled happily when Li held her hand like that.

So, holding hands, the two arrived at the student council room.

“Rudy, are you there?”

Obviously, the situation where he was going for tea was when Rudy was in the student council.

Rudy stayed with him and went to see the rebel leader.

He thought he might know something.

However, it was a different person in the student council room.

“Well? Who are you?”


A girl in a nun’s suit.


But it was a little strange.

eyes are empty

eyes as if they were empty.

“Oh, are you Lee?”

But, that clever talk.

It was definitely a saint, Haruna.

“What, why are you here?”

Lee opened his eyes wide and said.

Haruna thought a little, then tilted her head and opened her mouth.

“Well… … Is there any reason to be?”

“… … .”

Seeing the saint who said such words without meaning, he sighed.

It was Haruna who only said things like this last time.

So, I thought it would be meaningless to keep talking.

“Wasn’t Rudy here than that?”

“Oh, can I ask you a question first?”

Again, at Haruna’s words, which stopped the pulse, a little cross veins appeared on Rie’s forehead, but she endured it and opened her mouth.

“… … What?”

“Is it possible that time has gone back now?”


Rie’s eyes widened at Haruna’s sudden words.

First of all, I didn’t know Haruna’s intentions.

So I thought it was right to hide it.

“yet… … .”

“yes that’s right.”

When he refused to speak, Yuni took the lead first.

“U, Yuni?”

“What do you do if you hide it? Fighting isn’t important right now, is it? So, where did Rudy-senpai go?”

At that, Haruna smiled.

“If time goes back… … It’s probably somewhere else. Don’t worry, it’s coming soon.”

“… … different place? Did you go to see the professors?”

Lee said, frowned at the meaningless words.

However, Haruna shook her head with a kind smile.

“No, it’s somewhere else.”

Haruna touched Rosario.

“I went to see that the best judgment can lead to the worst.”


“… … ah?”

I opened my eyes.

Clearly a strong light struck me.

With the sound of time back.

Thinking about the word “timeback” roughly, it was like magic to turn back time.

So the professors and my attacks must have been used without avoiding them.

“By the way… … .”

I looked around.

“What are you doing here?”

ruined academy.

The one I saw before receiving my future body… … .

The world in which I have the strongest power.

However, a world where everyone is dead.

The world was before my eyes.

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