“Here… … .”

Where Astina brought Rudy.

It was his room.

“Didn’t you tell me to go out to dinner?”

“Yeah, I’m here for dinner.”

Astina and Rudy had a meal plan, and they had two concerns.

One is what to do with Luna and Rie.

I didn’t want to have them both like last time.

Wasn’t it the two of you who were always together when you weren’t there?

Astina also had a desire to monopolize Rudy.

So, I thought of eating in my own room, not in a restaurant or in a place where people can see me.

It was a place that Luna and Li could never notice.

Who would go to dinner on their birthday and think they would eat in a dorm room?

Astina decided on a place like that and started preparing.

The senior’s room in the dormitory is very spacious.

There was no problem even with a large dining table.

Astina ordered the people to bring the table into the room.

The table was brought in and Astina prepared the food.

Astina’s second concern was about this food.

I could have prepared a normal meal, but I didn’t want to.

I wanted to prepare something special to remember.

The problem was that it was not easy to prepare something special with food.

Preparing unusual food could not suit Rudy’s taste, and simply preparing delicious food violated the standard of ‘speciality’.

After much deliberation, Astina came to a conclusion.

How about preparing the food you saw in Rudy’s dream?

Astina had entered Rudy’s dream and went to the wedding.

The buffet at the wedding hall, there were dozens of foods.

Rudy ended the conversation with her uncle, and asked if he could eat a little of the food and then we ate for a while.

I didn’t try all of them, but I tried a few.

Astina made use of that memory and tried to embody the taste and appearance.

This preparation was not easy.

I didn’t know what ingredients were used, and it was hard to find out if the taste was accurate.

That’s when I thought of Robert’s regular house in front of the academy.

It was the house of Cheonggukjang.

The restaurant that Rudy is strangely obsessed with.

It is a food that Astina has never seen in her entire life.

I could guess that it might have something to do with the food of the world I originally lived in.

So Astina asked her grandmother, the owner of the restaurant, for advice.

-Draw, I’ll give you some food. Oh, tell Robert to pay the credit. The cost of child trauma has been greatly pushed back.

With Grandma’s willing acceptance, Astina’s plan went smoothly.

Since I couldn’t fill all the food with Rudy’s world food, it seemed like a plentiful dinner with some of the normally delicious foods, as well as Rudy’s world foods that Astina researched and researched, plus the foods my grandmother made.

“Sit down.”

Astina reached out to the seat in front of her and said to Rudy.

“I prepared food, but I don’t know if it will suit my palate.”

“It doesn’t matter as long as I eat well.”

He said that, but it didn’t seem like the face he was expecting.

“Come in.”

Astina spoke, the dormitory door opened and food came in from outside.

“… … ?”

Rudy looked at the food and rubbed her eyes.

I doubted my own eyes.

It wasn’t just the eyes.

This friendly scent never smelled like me in a place like this.

“Once, I prepared foods that you might like. Is the food over there stir-fried pork? A food called japchae, which you ate a lot at a buffet, and a food called pork ribs over there… … .”

Astina said, recalling the names of the foods she had heard from Rudy and the names of the foods she had heard from her grandmother.

“How did this happen… … .”

Rudy looked at Astina with a very surprised face.

“Didn’t I tell you not to bring the two of us?”

Astina smiled.

The two did not know that Rudy was the possessor, so it became difficult to explain when such strange foods appeared.

It was an event that only Astina could do, and it was the cause that allowed Astina to be alone.

“Come on, let’s eat.”

Rudy looked at Astina with moved eyes.

In fact, Rudy did a lot of research to try making Korean food.

However, it was difficult to find similar materials, and there was not enough information.

No matter how much I knew the taste of those foods, I couldn’t help it because I didn’t know about the ingredients of this world.

I also asked the grandmother at the restaurant… … .

-Choose from the restaurant menu! Ugh, I’m going to make this old man work. Tongue! I’ll do it once Robert pays all the credit! Go to your master and ask him!

Grandmother snorted and refused.

The reason that such a grandmother granted Astina’s request was actually because of Rudy.

– Are you, that Astria trying to give to the little boy?

The diner’s grandmother turned down Rudy’s request, not because of annoyance, but because of her health.

He couldn’t stand for a long time, so he couldn’t do anything other than simple cooking.

However, he showed his skills once on his birthday to repay the little boy who asked him frequently.

“thank you… … I will enjoy this food.”

“Yeah, enjoy it.”

Astina smiled proudly and nodded her head.


that time.

“Uh, no?”

“Where the hell did you go?”

Luna and Lee. The two formed an alliance to find the missing Rudy.

So the two of them looked around the school.

From the student council room to the professor’s lab.

So while I was scouring the lab, I came across one thing.

“Rudy, that guy. Astina took her.”

what Robert said.

Lie and Luna looked at each other with surprised eyes.

“Ah, I thought Astina-senpai was here… … .”

“How did you get it?”

Robert didn’t have an answer for that.

When they found out that they were trying to take Rudy first by using magic, they didn’t know what to do with each other.

If it was still a cute love fight among students, it will be a bloody fight from the moment they use magic.

“If you can, just go. I’m going to go to work too.”

Robert waved his hand as if to leave.

“yes… … thank you.”


“Oh right. Luna Railer.”

As the two of them were about to escape, Robert called Luna’s name.

“Help me tomorrow. There is work.”

“tomorrow… … huh?”

Luna tilted her head.

There were no plans for tomorrow.

“Aren’t you going on vacation tomorrow, Professor?”

The reason I was in doubt was that Robert’s name was on the professors’ vacation list.

If you were going on vacation starting tomorrow, there was no reason to come to the academy.

Still, I wondered if there was anything I could do to help tomorrow.

Professor Robert looked at Luna and opened his mouth.

“I am going to the Railer estate tomorrow. You guide me.”

“Is the professor coming to our estate? If you say you’re coming suddenly… … .”

“It’s just a brief hearing, so I don’t need a treat or anything like that. Just guide me.”

“Ha, but… … suddenly… … .”

Luna didn’t know what to do with Professor Robert’s words.

‘then… … Rudy is… … !!’

Luna had a strong desire to protest against Professor Robert.

When he returns to the realm, Lie and Astina will be with Rudy in the academy.

what might happen

As Luna was so hesitant, Professor Robert glanced at Lee.

‘You’d better not talk about Rudy Astria.’

Professor Robert was planning to call Rudy tomorrow and go with Luna.

Rudy didn’t know a bit, but Robert knew he would go if he asked Rudy’s personality to go.

It wasn’t that Professor Robert originally wanted to say something like this.

After the exam was over, I was about to speak, but Astina was in front of me.

If Rudy goes somewhere, Astina will surely follow.

It still was.

If Rudy and Luna were to go together, it was clear that Li would follow.

So I couldn’t say.

“Just do what you are told. I think it’s a reward for telling me about mana stone synthesis.”

“… … all right.”

Luna answered while crying.

You can’t even celebrate your birthday, and even drop out with Rudy.

shoulders drooped.

‘Professor Robert… … Let’s see, really… … .’

Inwardly, I spit out Professor Robert’s cursing.

It was tomorrow that this swear word would turn into an overwhelming thank you note.



Rudy smiled pleasantly and patted her stomach.

It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten so full and so happy.

“Senior, you ate very well. thank you so much.”

“It’s my birthday, so I can prepare something like this.”

Astina said with a smile.

“If you want to eat, just tell me. I know all the recipes, so if I ask the family cook, I can do it any time.”

“Are you the family cook?”

“Is there anyone other than a family member who can make a dish like this? The chef probably wants to stay at the academy forever, so tell me when you want to eat.”

“senior… … !”

Astina went through a lot of trouble while staying in the family.

How can I flirt with Rudy?

Originally, it was said that the best way to seduce a man is by his appearance.

But, that’s the story of an ordinary man.

Rudy Astria was different.

If it had been a normal guy, it must have been that Luna and Lie were nearby.

It was only natural that they were outstanding beauties in the academy.

So what should I do?

The method Astina chose was to grab Rudy’s tongue.

Captivate the other person’s tongue and captivate their hearts.

That was Astina’s operation.

Astina smiled like that and then opened her mouth.

“Besides, tell me some stories about the saint and the future.”


The reason I came to the academy early was because of Rudy’s birthday, but it was also about the future.

What will happen in the future with Saint Haruna.

Astina knew only about these things, so doubts still lingered in her mind.

“All right.”

Rudy nodded and hardened her expression slightly.

“Then, what did Astina-senpai find out about the relationship between saints and dimensions?”


“I am here because of the former Saint Beatrix.”


Astina tilted her head as she went to the story of the former saint.

“Do you know when the ex-Saint Beatrix died?”

“… … Wasn’t it when the saint became a saint now?”

“you’re right. It was about a year before I became possessed.”

About a year before Rudy entered the academy.

Saint Beatrix died mysteriously, and Haruna, the pre-designated successor, ascended to the position of a saint.

At this time, even though the saint died, the denomination did not take any other action.

They only held funerals, and did not investigate the mysterious death.

People questioned this and protested, but the denomination responded by not answering, and as time passed, the case was buried.

“The incident was not buried by the church.”


“The ex-Saint Beatrix, this is the case you buried yourself.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Didn’t you hear that the saint lost her sight this time?”

“You told me.”

“Yes, I lost my sight in exchange for crossing dimensions because I brought my future self into reality.”

“ah… … Then I’ll call you here… … ? Isn’t the time right for that?”

“A year before I became possessed.”

Rudy smiled awkwardly.

“Actually, I found out about this world around that time.”


It was exactly the right time.

The date when Rudy first came into contact with the world through games and the date of Beatrix’s death.

“The price for bringing me here beyond the dimension. The price for telling me about this world beyond the dimension. In return, the former saint died.”

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