Jeffrey has always been in the mood for inferiority.

It was because Levian, who was the same imperial wizard, was always by Zephine’s side.

If Jeffrin was a genius born once in 100 years, Levin was a genius of the century who could be born once in a thousand years.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get over Levin.

It was only disgusting when people around him said that he and Levin were on the same line.

Levin and Jeffrin were not at a comparable level.

That’s what Jeffrey knew best.

nevertheless tried

To surpass Levian, to reach his achievements.

A sense of inferiority grew Jaffrin.

I stayed up all night to study, and I made a lot of research results.

Thus, he became a great wizard admired by the wizards of the Empire.

However, I couldn’t stay healthy because I kept staying up all night, changing my body, and researching.

Jeffrin began to suffer from several ailments, and as he grew older, it began to deteriorate in general.

When Jeffrin’s condition was getting weird like that, Levin disappeared.

Neither the Empire nor Zephrin knew why Levin was gone.

When Levin disappeared, Jeffrin took the top position of the Imperial Wizard.

Among the imperial wizards, there was no one who could be compared to Jeffrin.

I was very disappointed when it actually happened.

He continued to work hard to surpass Levian, but in the end, he reached the position of Levian for other reasons, rather than surpassing him with his own skills.

After Levian disappeared, Jeffrey’s condition got worse and worse.

He couldn’t even use magic properly, and it became difficult to even raise his body.

In such a situation, the Empire recommended Zephrin to retire.

In his physical condition, he sent him to the outskirts of the Empire, asking if he could comfortably wait for death as he could not do research or other tasks properly.

In fact, it was close to exile.

Jeffrey couldn’t resist.

There was no one around Jeffrey.

There was not even a single disciple, not even a single family member, who said that any skillful wizard would be.

Jeffrey has always lived for himself, thinking only of his own growth.

So when he was old and ill, he had no one around to talk to him.

Jeffrin said nothing and was driven to the outskirts of the Empire.

By his side, there was only the great fortune he had earned while working as an imperial wizard.

But the money was not put to good use.

Jeffrey, who has always been immersed in research, did not know how to indulge in luxury.

All he had to do was buy a small hut on the outskirts of the empire and find someone to take care of his illness.

Not like the last of the great wizards, Jeffrin died alone on the outskirts of the Empire.

When he was about to come to an end like that, he met Aryandor.

Aryandor was a kid in his late teens when Jeffrin met him.

Such Aryandor saved himself.

He used time magic that he had never seen in his life, and made him regain his youthful body.

However, this did not mean that Jeffrey was completely alive.

Although he had obtained his own body as a child, he was already afflicted with various diseases.

Also, the state of mana did not change.

Although he looked young on the outside, his condition on the inside could not deceive his age.

Jeffrin’s life was extended for a short time, but he could not solve the underlying problem.

It was then that Jeffrin learned the magic of immortality, which Levian and the necromancer had been studying.

When I heard about the magic, many thoughts came to mind.

If I could continue living, wouldn’t it be possible to surpass Levian?

You can reach your lifelong goals.

Jeffrey felt hope.

So Jeffrey joined the rebels.

He helped Aryandor, who saved him, and tried to keep him alive.

However, as time went on, Jeffrin began to give up on his goals.

The magic that made it possible to live forever was actually just an illusion.

The research was not over, and Levian, who was conducting the research, had disappeared, so the flame of hope was gradually extinguished.

So Jeffrin changed his goals.

Let’s do everything for the rebels.

Let’s help Aryandor until we die.

It was Evan who I met while I was making that determination.

Evan’s appearance, which was stained with inferiority and seemed to collapse even if he touched it even a little, was like looking at his own mirror.

Jeffrey felt a sense of identity.

It was Jeffrin, who had eyes similar to Evan’s from a young age.

So I tried to bring Evan to the rebels.

It was just sympathy.

Jeffrin, I thought that if I had known Aryandor a little sooner, I would have been different from what I am now if I had a new goal rather than surpassing Levin.

So, instead of making Evan follow the same path as him, I was thinking of making him have a new goal.

Jeffrin got off his horse and spoke to the assassins next to him.

“It will arrive soon. We are going to meet you in a hut near the forest, so you should hide nearby.”

“All right.”

Jeffrin put on a hoodie and covered his face.

The assassins spread around and disappeared, and Jeffrin slowly walked into the hut ahead.

Inside the hut was Evan.

Evan was also wearing a hoodie like Jeffrey.

“long time no see. Evan.”

“Long time no see.”

“Were there any problems until we got out?”

“Fortunately, I was able to get out of sight.”

Students were not allowed to leave the academy at night unless there was a family or family matter.

So Jeffrey forged a document and sent it to the academy in advance so that Evan could get out of the night.

Thanks to that, I figured out that Evan could come out easily.

“Then let’s move on now.”

“All right.”

So, when Jeffrin leads Evan out of the cabin.

Evan’s hood was lifted slightly, revealing his eyes.

“… … ?”

straight eyes.

It wasn’t the first time I saw Evan.

It wasn’t a feeling of despair or inferiority, but his eyes were normally straight.

“for a moment.”

Jeffrey reached out to Evan.

“First, I have to make sure you are right. Hand over that hood.”

At Jeffrin’s words, Evan narrowed his brow.

I was skeptical about suddenly saying such a thing.

I turned the hood backwards, wondering if something serious would happen if I took off the hood.

“… … what?”

It was completely different from the Evan I saw last time.

I couldn’t see the eyes filled with anger from the feeling of hopelessness and lack of motivation and inferiority complex.

Rather, it felt ordinary.

‘Did I see it wrong then?’

It couldn’t be.

Even if his physical condition is not normal right now, he doesn’t make that much of a mistake.

So, were the eyes you saw then smoke?

That also didn’t make sense.

The eyes of Evan that I saw at that time were not eyes that could be seen as smoke.

It is a radically different eye that cannot be seen in ordinary people.

Jeffrin asked.

“Who are you?”

“… … What does that mean?”

Evan questioned Jeffrin’s words.

His appearance did not change, and he was the same as he was, but he did not know the intention of saying such a thing.

Jeffrin made a quick decision.

Is there any reason to take Evan who has become normal?

In terms of abilities, Aryandor is a guy that is wary of him, so there is no need to question him.

But, wouldn’t this guy betray the rebels?

Can this guy become one with the rebels?

That was a different matter.

The rebels are a group of broken guys somewhere.

Unlike ordinary people, there were things they didn’t have or lacked.

So you can do anything for that purpose.

Even ordinary people can do things that they could not even imagine without hesitation.

‘It was stupid.’

Just looking at Evan for a moment, I felt a sense of unity and made a stupid decision.

Evan told Aryandor that he would be in great danger.

Then he should have come to kill Evan, not to make Evan his ally.

That was the right decision.

I felt pity for myself, who tried to accept him as a colleague because he felt a sense of unity with what he had seen once.

If you take this guy with you, there’s a high chance you’ll betray him.

An ordinary person could not stand still and watch the rebels’ actions.

Then the rebels will only be in danger.

Still, he had the ability, so I had to kill him here.

There was no reason to leave behind the repercussions of the future.

“Evan, I’m sorry to have called you all this way, but I have to stop here.”

Jeffrey moved his mana.

Evan’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Suck… … !”

Evan quickly drew his sword from his waist.


As soon as Evan pulled out his sword, a huge explosion occurred.

The hut was shattered by Jeffrin’s magic.

“Ugh… … What, all of a sudden… … .”

Evan jumped out of the explosion.

There was nothing that could prove that he had betrayed him.

However, the sudden attack made it impossible to respond quickly.

Still, the sword he was using was broken in the joint evaluation, so he couldn’t use the ability to negate magic, so he got burns on his arm.

“I haven’t fallen yet.”

Jeffrin slowly walked out of the broken hut.

A sad life lingered in his eyes.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“Because it was just useless.”

Evan looked at Jeffrey.

When I saw it in the past, I felt like a child.

I used to be a light beggar, but now it’s completely different.

The face under the hood was that of a girl, but her eyes were empty.

It was like the eyes of a person who had gone through dozens of battlefields.

“ね… … .”

Jeffrin walked over to Evan like he was about to die, and grabbed his heart.

“Again, here it is… … .”

‘It’s a gap… … .’

Evan grabbed the burnt arm and turned around and ran.

“Catch him.”

It was a small voice, but the assassins reacted and moved.

The assassins started chasing after Evan.

Evan used magic while running away from the assassins.

“Natural Healing… … !”

It was fortunate that it was a hut in the woods.

A blue light came out of the trees in the forest and gathered at Evan.

With that light, Evan’s arm began to heal gradually.

“Big… … .”

However, Evan’s internal injuries had not yet been fully healed.

Before the arm was completely healed, Mana refused to move.

Pain as if the intestines were twisted was inflicting on Evan’s body.

However, I couldn’t stop walking.

If you stay still like this, you will just die.

It didn’t go as planned, but getting out of the place was the first thing.

As I was running like that, I couldn’t see the assassin and Jeffrin.

“Did you hide yourself? … .”

Normally, I would try to figure out where the opponent is with the mana of the forest, but I couldn’t do that now.

It was burdensome to use mana unless it was to block the opponent’s attack.


Then a voice was heard.

“… … Rudy Astria!”

A blonde man appeared from afar.

It was Rudy Astria.

Evan saw that and stopped walking.

“It’s a big deal. Rudy Astria. Jeffrey suddenly attacked.”

Evan quickly explained the situation.

But Rudy walked up to him without saying a word.

Evan saw it and felt strange.

“… … Rudy Astria?”

Evan looked at him carefully.

He felt a sense of unease.

Evan quickly raised his sword.

“… … Is it a hallucination?”

The appearance was obviously Rudy Astria, but it did not have the unique feeling that Rudy had.

Obviously, she was wearing gloves on her hands, and even though she was doing what she had seen before, it felt like she wasn’t Rudy Astria.

In particular, the gait of stepping carefully without making a sound seemed to be characteristic of an assassin.

It was a gait that Evan knew well because Yeniel walked that way.

The assassin in the form of Rudy took a dagger from his bosom and threw it at Evan.

Evan struck the dagger with the sword he was holding.

After that, I started running again.

‘Do you see that I can be reassured?’

The applications of hallucinogenic magic are endless.

You could make it look what the magic user wanted, or make it look different depending on the viewer.

You must avoid yourself first.

The strategy Rudy and I had planned was to attack when the guys were safely on their horses.

There’s just been an explosion, so you’ll come this way.

It will take some time for Rudy to come here.

So Evan ran.

I ran and ran to pass the time.

I ran like that for a few minutes.

Something was strange.

I felt like I was wandering around the same place over and over again.

‘This is also hallucinatory magic… … . Did you cast hallucinations throughout the forest?’

As I kept seeing the same place, my sense of direction became vague.

It was hard to know if they were really going around the same place or if they were mistaken as they were leaving.

“Ugh… … .”

You must dispel the hallucination magic.

Evan moved his mana to restore his vague sense of direction.




Before using magic, he saw the appearance of ten Rudy Astria around him.

‘This is also hallucinatory magic… … ? Or do the assassins look different?’

The illusion added to the illusion, making Evan more and more confused.

“Evan… … You must die.”

“Evan, I don’t need you.”

Rudy Astria’s face spit out strange words and walked over to Evan.

“under… … .”

Evan laughed at the sight.

“You are doing something wrong.”

Looking at her face now, the most relieved face is Rudy Astria.

Even so, it didn’t hurt that Evan heard Rudy Astria’s voice like that.

Evan, who realized in the joint evaluation, decided to get away from Rudy Astria.

Evan decides to go his own way.

Even if the real Rudy Astria said something like that, Evan wasn’t even provoked.

It was Evan’s own way to find his own goal without being greatly influenced by Rudy Astria.

‘It’s just dealing.’

Evan looked at the opponent with straight eyes and calmly moved his mana.

Evan grabbed his sword and ran towards the Rudy Astria.

The mana gathered in the forest is wrapped around the sword and swung.

Rudy Astria was cut.


However, unlike before, the person in the form of Rudy Astria was not an assassin.

Even if Evan cut it, it disappeared like smoke, and there was no sense of blow.

But it wasn’t all hallucinations.

A dagger flies between several Rudy Astria.

Reality exists in the hallucinations.

“Ugh… … .”

Evan slashed the dagger as much as possible and slashed Rudy Astria.

However, I couldn’t keep going.



taken from

Mana has inflicted pain on her body.

A phenomenon of refusal to move occurred.

Evan bowed in great pain.

The assassins did not miss the opportunity.

Evan rushed at the same time as he was about to fall.

“ha… … .”

Evan felt a lot of pain and looked up as if he had resigned, seeing him rushing towards him.

When I looked up, someone was falling from the sky.

It had the face of Rudy Astria.

“It’s over… … .”


Rudy Astria, falling from the sky, spit out her name.

“It held up well.”


Rudy Astria, falling from the sky, moved her mana.

“The devil’s finger.”

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