
A spirit that frozen a city.

Its power was so great that no one could ignore it.

Priscilla’s abilities are currently unknown.

Always, the contractor couldn’t hold on to Priscilla, so she couldn’t bring out all of Priscilla’s power.

But, I saw that ability.

In the second half of the story, Serina succeeds in handling all of Priscilla’s powers.

Its power was overwhelming.

A scene where thousands of soldiers and dozens of wizards endure alone.

Priscilla’s majesty at that time was beyond imagination.

“So, are you going to sign a contract?”

Priscilla’s voice echoed in her head.

Considering its enormous power, you can think of this as an opportunity.

However, considering the events that occurred because of Priscilla before that incident, this was nothing more than a whisper from the devil.

“Hmm… … Anything to worry about here? Why are you so frustrated?”

would you do it

If I’m wrong, I can blow my mind out of here.

Even if I had saved Astina from Serena’s attack, I could have collapsed and Priscilla could have destroyed the surroundings.

Then, in the aftermath of Priscilla, Astina as well as other people could be seriously injured.

“Tell me to sign a contract. Where else can you get an opportunity like this?”

However, if you do not sign a contract here, you will not even be given a chance to protect Astina.

Astina had to face that attack as it was.

If you get hit by that attack itself, your life wouldn’t be in danger.

However, I’m not in good shape right now, and if Astina gets hit by that attack, I won’t be able to fight anymore.

There was only one option given to me.

‘Can I handle you?’

I posed a question to such Priscilla.

“Can you afford it? Do you have any tolerance? Even if you make a contract, you are the one who uses your power. I’m not.”

‘So, it’s about whether my mind can hold out when I signed a contract.’

Then Priscilla burst into laughter.

“Can you afford it? uh huh… … . You think I’m some kind of bomb? I don’t know where you picked it up, but I’m not that perverted, am I?”

So there were a lot of scenes I knew.

Of course, I didn’t know the details of those scenes.

All I know is that Serena and Serena’s mother couldn’t stand it.

“Did I want to see my contractor die? Am I a good spirit?”

‘I can’t believe it even if a spirit that eats the mind says something like that.’

“Well… … . Eat your mind… … .”

Priscilla listened to me and was in trouble for a moment.

“You obviously need mental power to use me, but you think it’s a lot cheaper than other abilities?”

‘People’s mind can go out, but that’s a cheap price?’

“It takes a lot of time and effort to learn other abilities, but I give them a lot of power at once. Isn’t that an acceptable risk? and… … .”

Priscilla continued speaking in a slightly irritated voice.

“I am just giving you strength. It was the contractors who exerted so much energy that they couldn’t handle it. I’m not the first to reach out to a guy I can’t handle in the first place. Everyone gets drunk on that power and they just destroy themselves.”

Hearing those words, I felt something in my head opened up.

‘Then what if someone who can’t handle you asks you to sign a contract?’

“Are you talking about Serena?”

When I did not respond, Priscilla continued speaking in a voice mixed with regret.

“If that child really wants to take on a challenge, we should give him a chance. But not now.”

Hearing those words, it felt like a hidden story was being revealed.

Serena was obviously forced to sign a contract with Priscilla when she couldn’t handle it.

Serena’s mother also used power she couldn’t handle.

And the emotion I had when I just talked about Serena.

When I felt that feeling, I thought I knew what the situation was right now.

Priscilla doesn’t want Serena to sign a contract with her now.

That’s why he wanted to sign a contract with me.

‘Then you’re saying you can cancel the contract later?’

“If Serena grows to that level, I will cancel it.”

This was rather a boon for me.

“Now, are some misunderstandings about me cleared up? Little?”

I made up my mind.


And I told Priscilla my conclusion.

‘Let’s make a contract.’


Astina raised her arms and tried to minimize the impact of the attack on her.

And I closed both eyes.

He thought that he could not withstand the shock of the attack with only his arms raised.

“eww… … .”


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of him.

It was the sound of something hitting.

Astina opened her eyes and looked straight ahead.

A blue-haired wolf stood in front of Astina.

“What… … .”

Looking towards Rudy, he saw that he was standing up using his sword as a staff.

Serena was greatly surprised to see the wolf standing in front of Astina.

“free… … squill?”

[Long time no see, Serena.]

Priscilla greeted Serena like that.

“how… … .”

[I signed a contract with him.]

Priscilla said, pointing to Rudy, who was barely standing.

“why… … ? Why with that person… … .”

[I signed a contract just because I saw someone I could sign with.]

“me… … I? When I just asked to sign a contract, I didn’t sign the contract… … .”

[Serina, you can’t handle me now.]

Priscilla said firmly.

“under… … But, if I don’t sign, Priscilla… … .”

Serena said in a trembling voice.

[Aren’t all the things you thought about solved now?]

“uh… … ?”

[I no longer need to be in that sword. If that kid allows, I can meet you when I want to meet you.]

“but… … .”

[Serina, now is not the time.]

Priscilla slowly walked over to Serena and placed her right front foot on Serena’s head.

As if stroking her hair, she tapped Serena’s head.

[Come and grow more.]

Priscilla left those words and disappeared like smoke.

Serena bowed her head and sat down.

And Rudy began to stumble and lose focus.


Astina lost her focus and ran to Rudy, who was about to collapse.

And Rudy fell into Astina’s arms as it was.

“eww… … .”

Rudy let out a groan as she lost consciousness.

Bleeding continued from the side of the stomach.

“Lou, Rudy Astria!”

Astina panicked and covered Rudy’s wound with her hand.

I tried to stop the bleeding as much as possible with my hands.

I don’t know what will happen to Rudy if the bleeding continues like this.

Astina was at a loss for words.


He moved mana to use recovery magic.

However, there was no change in Rudy’s wounds.

“Papa, get treatment quickly… … .”

Astina hurriedly tried to pick up Rudy.

As long as it stays like this… … .

Then someone grabbed Astina’s arm.


“Place it on a flat surface.”

Astina turned to the side where the voice was heard, and Professor Cromwell was standing there.

“school… … professor.”

Then professors and security guards appeared around them.

The guards caught Harpel and Eric as they fell, and some professors surrounded Serena who was drawing out the spirits.

“It’s all over now, so don’t worry.”

Professor Cromwell accepted Rudy to Astina and smiled.


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Most of the events in the main building were canceled and chaotic because of the commotion on the side of the Elemental School building.

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Meanwhile, the saint, Haruna, was slowly preparing to return.

There was no one to meet now, and he thought that there was nothing he could do about it because of such a commotion.

Haruna got out of the noisy place and moved to the place where the chariot sent by the denomination was.


Haruna turned her head toward the voice.

There stood the 1st Princess Li.

“Ah, Princess Li. hello.”

Haruna greeted Rie with a smile.

Rie slowly walked towards Haruna.

Haruna asked Rie, who was walking by.

“Things look a little bad right now, can I not visit Princess Li?”

“Well… … I’ll have to go, but I think things are somewhat over. than that… … .”

Lie smiled softly and opened her mouth.

“Why are you covering your eyes?”

Rie said so and watched Haruna’s reaction.

When there was no response from Haruna, she asked the question again.

“You don’t seem to want to hide much, do you?”

Haruna stared at Rie like that.

Rie continued to talk while looking at Haruna in the same way.

“Obviously, the saint walks around with her eyes covered, and there are many other places saying that she is blind. However, when I saw it, it seemed that he was not blind.”

Lie stroked her chin and recites the stories she had heard.

“There was not much information in the church or anywhere else. What you are from and what you usually do.”

“Can you say that you are behind a saint? Don’t you think it’s going to be a good rumor if it becomes known?”

Haruna raised an eyebrow and said to Rie.

“I don’t think any rumors will have much of an impact.”

Rie said so and looked at Haruna sharply.

“What can a saint with just a name who does not attend worship and has no influence on the denomination do to me?”

“You said you didn’t dig up anything, and you know more than you think.”

“After all, he is the heir to this empire.”

Rie spoke with a ferocious attitude, but Haruna opened her mouth while maintaining a calm atmosphere.

“In conclusion, I am neither blind nor a saint. I am just an immature girl who can see the future.”


Rie frowned at Haruna’s sudden and docile attitude.

On the contrary, the more he spoke so bluntly, the more his suspicions grew.

Haruna waved her hand as if it wasn’t a big deal to Rie, who was wary.

“If you had dug up my back to that point anyway, you would have figured it out this far. What can an ordinary person like me do if I lose to the princess?”

Haruna took off the cloth that was covering her eyes and met Rie’s eyes.

“The reason I cover my eyes is because I can see the future.”

“The future?”

“I am going to lose my sight later. I don’t know how to lose… … . Before that, we are going through a pre-adaptation period.”

Haruna said with a playful smile.

“As for the saint… … Where should I start… … .”

Haruna put her chin on her hand and pondered.

Then, as if realizing something, he clapped his hands.

“Well! I’d rather not tell you this.”

“… … yes?”

Rie looked at Haruna with a puzzled face.

“It seems like the best way. It would be better not to know this.”

Haruna said that and walked towards the carriage.

“ah… … no! Is there a lady there?”

“Someday you will find out. You don’t have to worry too much. I can assure you that I see the future. You just need to know that you are not a saint.”

Haruna said as she climbed into the carriage.

“If you learn too much too quickly… you could get hurt.”

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