It was getting dark as the sun was setting over the mountains.

The students were all walking out of the mountain refreshed looking at the sunset.

Those who came out of the mountain now were not eliminated and remained until the end, so they were all close to victors.

Of course, there were students with low scores, but most of them were satisfied that they did not drop out.

They all smiled and walked out, but only one walked out staggering with an anguished face.

“Ugh… … .”

Lee was in worse condition than before.

“Luna… … where is luna… … .”

Rie staggered and searched for Luna.

To be precise, he was looking for Ena next to him.

However, Luna has already returned to the academy.

There was no way Luna could be near the training site.

“Ugh… … black… … .”

Lie, who had a confident and relaxed attitude every day, caught everyone’s attention when she showed a sad face.

One of the boys approached Li and asked.

“I… … it’s okay?”

“go away… … .”


“Turn it off… … .”

Lee said, looking at the student.

No matter how much Rie’s s*x drive was overflowing right now, it was in a state of being sensible.

However, he was only dealing with a bit sharply what would normally be handled gently.

“eww… … .”

While Rie was staggering along the way, she met the person she should not have met the most.

“Oh, Lee. You survived.”

Rudy greeted Liie as she walked out of the mountain.

“Five… … Do not come!!! Do not come!!! Do not come!!!”

Rie suddenly saw Rudy in front of her and shouted loudly.

“… … uh?”

Rudy looked at Rie with a puzzled face.

While Rudy was doing this, Li’s head began to spin rapidly.

‘Why is he here!’

Unlike the fast-moving head, the state of the body became more strange.

When he made eye contact with Rudy, his body heated up even more, and it was hard to tell what kind of expression he was making.

Rie avoided Rudy’s gaze as much as possible, and then glanced at Rudy.

Then I saw Rudy’s face getting closer.

Rie was greatly surprised and shouted at Rudy.

“Oh, don’t come!!!”

“… … You are here.”

Rudy looked at her strangely and said, and Rie looked at her place.

‘I… … Did you move?’

Lie could see that she was walking forward and approaching Rudy.

Lee’s body was already out of control.

Lee continued to walk forward.


Rie walked right in front of Rudy.

And Lie’s head gave up thinking.

I just left it to my instincts and moved on.

“Hey, hey! What… … what!!”

“… … !”

He hugged Rudy’s body tightly.

Rudy was very confused and stuttered.

However, Lee was already in a broken state.

“… … Ehehe… … .”

Lie smiled foolishly and rubbed her face against Rudy’s body.

“I feel a lot better… … .”

Rie touched Rudy’s body all over the place.

“hey! it’s crazy? it’s you! hey!”

Lie’s hands began to touch Rudy’s back, stomach, and chest.

“Ehehe… … .”

‘Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.’

Lie’s head just repeated Rudy’s name.

Rie patted Rudy’s body and raised her head.

Rudy’s face appeared.

“Ehehe… … Pretty blonde like me… … .”


Lie raised her hand and stroked Rudy’s hair.

Then Rudy’s face appeared.

Rudy’s lips… … .

Lie closed her eyes slightly and tried to lift her claws.

“Until there.”

At that moment, Lee felt someone grabbing the back of her back and pulling her.

“uh? What… … Who, who… … .”

Rie looked at the person holding her in surprise.

“Ash… … Tina… … !!”

Rie struggled while being caught by Astina.

“Rudy!!! Rudy!!! Save me!!!”

Rie struggled and called out Rudy’s name.

“ha… … .”

Astina sighed and looked at Rie.

“How much regret are you trying to get out of your pills… … .”

“Rudy… … ! save me… … !”

Lie groaned like a kitten asking her mother for help.

Rudy didn’t know what to do with Lie’s attitude like that.

Lie asked for help, so I wondered if I should save him, and I wondered if I should save him because Astina was holding on to me.

“Don’t worry about him because he’s taking some weird medicine and can’t get out of his mind.”

“ah… … yes.”

Astina said that, Rudy smiled awkwardly and nodded her head.

However, Rie was just crying with a sad voice.

“Rudy… … !!”

Rie was dragged to Astina with tears in her eyes.

Astina let out a sigh of relief as she dragged Lee like that.

“It must have been a big deal.”


next day.

“eww… … head… … .”

Lee got up from the bed.

taken from

My head was hurting terribly.

“uh… … Did Lee wake up?”

“who… … ?”

When Li looked to the side where the voice was heard, there was a strange person sitting there.


A woman with a relaxed smile.

It was Anna.

“How do you feel?”

Anna asked, handed her a cup of hot tea.

“uh? that… … My head hurts a bit, but I think I’m fine… … .”

Rie received the tea that Ena had given her with a bewildered look on her face.

“I’m sorry yesterday… … . I had never used a reagent properly on a human, so I didn’t expect it to be so bad.”

Ena apologized to Rie.

“No, because of the circumstances… … .”

Lee said waving her hand.

And I was in trouble for a while.

attitude you should take.

I thought about that attitude.

He is the one who dropped Luna.

So it was hard to say that Ena only had good feelings for her.

Also, I talked to Luna a lot, but this was the first time I talked to Ena.

All I had to do was watch him talk to Luna from afar.

So, what attitude should you take?

Rie always wore a mask.

Of course, it had been a long time since he had thrown off such a mask to Rudy and Locke, and he had opened the door to Luna to some extent.

However, I was in a dilemma of whether I should open the door to Ena or treat her as a business person.

While Rie was thinking like that, Ena carefully opened her mouth.

“that… … Do you remember what happened yesterday?”

“… … yesterday?”

Lee tilted her head.

It happened yesterday… … .

I remember until yesterday when I clearly heard the sound of the joint practice ending.

and… … Perhaps walking out of the mountain where the practice was held, I desperately searched for Ena.

Every time someone approached me, I got annoyed… … .


Then I kept getting annoyed… … .

“ah… … !”

Lee recalled ‘that situation’.

As soon as he saw Rudy, he ran into his arms… … In addition… … .

“ah… … ! Ahh!!! aa!!!!”

Rie grabbed her head and screamed at the sudden situation.

Rie’s face turned red and she didn’t know what to do.

“Me, me, I’m crazy… … !!!”

As Lie started to scream, Ena patted her on the back.

“Nope… … i’m sorry… … . As soon as I heard that, I was so sorry… … .”

Ena held Lie’s hand tightly and continued her conversation.

“There might be other people you like at the academy, but being hugged by someone you don’t really like… … . Really sorry… … .”

At Ena’s words, Rie was perplexed.

“uh… … .”

Even if it wasn’t here, it was a problem, and if it was true, it was a problem.

Rie didn’t want to admit that she liked Rudy, but she was aware of it to some extent.

However, I did not want to reveal this feeling yet.

If Rudy says she likes her, I think I’ll think about it a bit.

But, the first thing he says… … Lee’s pride did not tolerate it.

“Uhhh… … .”

Lee didn’t answer, and he ate Ena’s words.

Not only Rudy but also other people did not want to find out about her feelings.

However… … .


Ena felt strange at Lee’s reaction.

Rather, it was the awkwardness I felt because I didn’t know Rie well.

Rie always showed a natural and dignified attitude in front of others.

However, Ena felt uneasy at Rie’s awkward appearance.

Anna carefully opened her mouth.

“Rie is a princess… … Because there is a wedding or something else… … I don’t really care about things like that.”

“that… … right?”

“Then I’ll tell Rudy. Absolutely Lee!!! never!!! I don’t have that kind of heart, so don’t get me wrong. I tell the other kids not to gossip about it.”

“Ah, ah, no!”

Confused at Ena’s words, she waved her hand.

“yes? what’s the matter?”

Ena looked at Rie with an expression of not knowing anything.

“that… … If I say that, will Rudy panic too? no… … Why is Rudy upset? … no that… … .”

He didn’t want to tell Rudy his feelings, but he did wonder what kind of feelings Rudy might have.

Twenty-two thoughts came up about what it would be like to think about Rudy this time.

But, if you say it too firmly, you can’t give Rudy any room.

Lie’s eyes fluttered in embarrassment as Ena smiled softly and spit out her words.

“then? What is Lee trying to say?”

When Lee heard that, she was happy.

“uh? okay! uh! right! I’ll tell you! I made a mistake and I should apologize! I am not a child!”

He grabbed the question as if he had found a rope to save him.

However, the fishing line was the fishing line that Ena threw… … .

‘It’s a big deal… … .’

Anna stroked her chin.

Rudy has been underrated at the academy ever since.

Everyone turned away from Rudy and despised her.

However, it wasn’t like Luna.

I respected Rudy, respected him, and liked him.

Of course, Anna thought that Luna was the only person like that.

I’ve never seen anyone refute such an evaluation before.

However, looking at the situation now, Luna was not the only one.

The First Princess of the Empire! The first heir of the Empire! That person likes Rudy.

‘Since when… … .’

Ena thought deeply, but couldn’t figure it out.

The academy students and others didn’t know much about the situation at the forest school.

Everyone else thought Astina had saved Rie.

No one thought that Rudy would be in the story.

‘What are you going to do with that face? … .’

Rie’s face, who seemed to rule over everyone, was gone, and only the shy girl’s face was there.

Rather, if Rie tried to use Rudy for politics, there was a chance.

As a result of seeing a guy named Rudy so far, it seemed that he would not be able to resist such a clumsy back work.

However, Rudy wasn’t cold enough to throw away such a shy girl.

‘Luna… … Something big happened… … .’

Ena sighed for a moment while thinking of Luna and changed her expression.

It was the first time I got out of here.

“Then I’ll go for it! Antidote and other medicines, once you’ve taken them, you’ll probably be fine! If anything happens, tell me.”

“eww… … yes! thank you!”

Rie let out a sigh of relief as she looked at the returning Ena.

“He’s a tough kid… … .”

If it had been a proper business story or a political story, I would not have been so embarrassed, but Rudy’s story was mixed and I was so embarrassed.

“Ugh… … .”

And Rie shrugged, stroking her cheek.

“warm… … .”

And I remembered the time when I was in Rudy’s arms again.

“… … Ehehe.”

Rie’s hard expression melted away, and a foolish smile that no one had ever seen rose.

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