Chapter 39 Meetings

The capital city of Silester is the most densely populated area on the continent.

Of course, the capital itself is the same, but in a situation where you don’t know when the monsters will push in from the outside, the people’s thoughts were simple.

‘It is safest where the emperor is.’

With this simple flow, and also with a very correct flow, people flocked to the capital.

And the busiest shopping street in the capital.

In the secret basement of a small tavern that seemed to be locked in between the buildings, the promised people gathered.

It was a meeting of the ‘People’s Organization Indus’.

“Why did you call someone in such a crowded place?”

As soon as the Kraken came down to the basement following the manager’s guidance, he complained.

“Are you holding your breath these days? It’s been too much installed lately.”

Said a man with a prosthetic arm on his left arm. The prosthetic arm was almost like a machine, and it moved freely with a clicking sound.

“Thompson, is this out of breath? Are there so many people out there?”

“If you want to hide a tree, you have to hide it in the forest. It’s hard to find people in crowded places.”

“What are you hiding the tree for? By the time I pull them out and take them to the forest, I think they will all be caught.”

Thompson smirked and exhaled. The Kraken doesn’t know too much idioms or proverbs.

Then the girl next to me said: She was a young girl about half the height of an adult man.

“Don’t worry. The meeting place changes every time. I will always prepare the best place for you.”

“Well, I don’t doubt Kian-sama’s abilities.”

The Kraken shrugged. He sat down at the central table. Everyone was already sitting there.

“Then shall we start the meeting?”

It was a man in armor who opened his mouth. Her whole body was fully armed, and neither the face nor the body could be seen inside. The man was displeased, as if his voice sounded like iron.

The Kraken looked around and said.

“uh? leader? Is Skyler hosting today?”

“I went to a meeting. Other than this.”

Thompson replied. The Kraken clasped his hands and put them behind his head.

“‘Zodiac’ is very busy.”

As if he didn’t mind the Kraken’s actions, Skyler continued. With each movement, the armor clashed against each other, making a creaking sound.

“Armel suffered.”

“Byeong-god, you’re here.”

The Kraken replied immediately. Thompson said, supporting his chin with his clenched fist.

“Second that Armel is an asshole, I can’t even do back work anymore. There is no one to erase the memory.”

Qian supplemented those words.

“Cutting the tail has its limits. It’s not all ‘Indus’ work. The criminal self-proclaimed Indus.” This kind of public opinion doesn’t work forever. It was especially dangerous during Serp. If we were to frame Frontier, we wouldn’t have had to do a lot of work.”

Thompson sighed and shook his head.

“You said He’s just crazy about killing nobles. If ruining the image of the nobility doesn’t go your way, you’re the kind of guy who can’t be relieved by seeing him die with his own eyes? I’m not crazy.”

“That’s not what we’re talking about.”

Kian lightly walked on the other side.

Skyler looked at the Kraken.

“Kraken, what happened to that Serp’s business card? Didn’t you say you were going to try various tests?”

“Ah, this one.”

The Kraken took a bundle of papers from his arms and placed them on the table. It was Serp’s business card.

“I can’t use this.”

Thompson tilted his head at the fat Kraken’s expression.

“why? As long as you bring it.”

“It doesn’t go through well. I don’t think being a person with strong mental power is referring to a high level of skill.”

“Didn’t it work for the knights of the Imperial Palace?”

Kraken shook his head.

“The guys Gregory gave me business cards, most of them were apprentice knights, and they were all involved in frivolous crimes. Hell, I’ve got a sore back, so I guess I’m following Gregory’s instructions. Dirty guys.”

“That’s not what we’re talking about either.”

Beside him, Kian walked another pole.

The Kraken continued.

“There are very few people who can resist completely, but I think they can do it if they can do it enough to tie themselves up. The amount of time you can endure that varies from person to person.”

“Yeah, so did we.”

The Kraken brought this business card and tried it on each of the Indus members here.

Thompson was completely amnesiac, the Kraken resisted but was immobile, and Skyla felt a strong restraint but was able to carry on her usual activities. Kian acted as if unaffected at all. In my own words, I said ‘I’m feeling the impact’.

“look. It makes no sense to say that I completely lose my memory, if this is because of my skills, right? I am the strongest here.”

“Isn’t Thompson supposed to be mentally weak? You don’t have much patience.”

“Kill it? Kraken?”


Thompson growled as he looked at the Kraken, and asked as if he had suddenly remembered.

“Then what about the emperor? I’m being manipulated, and there’s no way I can resist as an emperor.”

At those words, the corner of one of Kraken’s eyes wrinkled. It was so absurd that the human form was slightly loosened.

“How can I give the emperor a business card? Wasn’t Thompson poor intellect, not patience?”

“Dude, let’s talk about possibilities. what can’t you do? If you keep talking like that, will you really die once? You said you lost one life?”

Cluckle, Thompson laughed. The Kraken glared at Thompson with a twinkle in his eyes and a clear look.

Skyla, who was watching, shook her head once and said.

“It is unlikely that the business card will work for Bartello Terst, and as soon as it does, he loses consciousness and loses his focus and becomes like a dead person. Who listens to such a man’s orders? It would be nice to realize that it was strange all at once and not be traced back.”

“We do not intend to kill the Emperor. When Barthello dies, the next emperor will rise. We’re trying to get rid of the seats of ‘Emperor’ or ‘Nobility’.”

Cain’s supplementary explanation. Kraken and Thompson exhaled and snorted.

Kraken grabbed the business card and waved it.

“Anyway, I can’t use it like this. In the yard where you don’t know who it will work for or how much it will work for. It seems to work for ordinary people who do not know Aura or Mana at all, so I have no choice but to change my mind to that.”

“Besides, the only command we can use now is ‘Kill Frontier’.”

Serp is dead, and there is only one voice saved as a recording. From Gregory’s point of view, that order would have been enough.

The Kraken sighed.

“Really, I don’t know why Serp didn’t use this while he was still alive. If you can’t attack the top, you can make a few million business cards like this and call people down there.”

“Do you know how long it took him to make one? It took over three days. That’s what it was when I devoted almost everything to it except sleeping time. It was also recently reduced. Originally, it took over a week.”

said Thompson. Heh, Kraken was surprised by that, and checked the number of cards he had.

“… … We have about 300 copies now, so we worked hard.”

“He must have tried to do something when he had enough longevity, but now he has no way of knowing what it is.”

Hmm, all the people sitting at the table turned their eyes to their business cards.

Their thoughts coincided. It was frontier.

He killed Serp, lost one of the Kraken’s life, and captured Armel.

All of the strange events taking place in the Indus recently have been linked to Frontier.

Kraken’s eyes narrowed.

“… … Really, I want to kill you.”


Kian answered immediately.

“Someday it will be. But not now.”

“I know. You mean the sacrifice of the revolution? But is that really possible? It’s definitely getting stronger than I expected.”

“Being strong is not a problem. Obviously he knows something. Without that, it would be impossible to respond like that every time.”

said Thompson. Everyone agreed with what he said.

The Frontier obviously knows a lot more about the Indus than they thought. While they are preparing for the revolution, it seems that Frontier is also preparing for the revolution.

Frontier who knows too much.

Maybe an information leak?

“… … A traitor in the Indus?”

“You know what happens if I betray the Indus?”

“I don’t know. If you want something greater than your life, you can. Where are one or two children who don’t think their lives are worth it? So are we.”

As the others chatted, the Kraken checked his head.

‘… … There was a child of Mangot.’

A woman who used a needle to separate the Kraken’s left hand. She is definitely a woman from Mangot. It is undoubtedly the way it was transferred.

Mango attached to Frontier? Mangot has teamed up with a high-ranking nobleman?

‘No, I can’t.’

They also want something from Frontier. There is no way that Mangot of Fire will help the nobles of the Empire with goodwill.

The Kraken opened his mouth.

“Frondie-sama has a mango.”

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the Kraken.

The Kraken smiled. like a crescent moon. Still, it was a smile that was less than a human being.

“What Mangot wants from Frontier, shouldn’t we also need it?”

* * *

I passed out for nearly half a day and then opened my eyes.

Fortunately, I was able to go to school the next day. Taking a break the day after the incident that Cora caused is too embarrassing. If no one else knows, people who know me may suspect that I am involved in another incident.

That suspicion is also true.

So I was able to somehow avoid Aten’s ignorant and suspicious gaze. Anyway, it must have been Ampere’s young face, not me, that Aten saw, so as long as she was consistent with her ignorance, Aten didn’t ask any more.

A few days later, Cora became the subject of Constell’s management.

Even if it was a subject of management, there was no such difference. It just puts on auxiliary artifacts to control the runaway, and alarm magic so that if it runs through it, it will be sent directly to Constell.

Because Cora doesn’t really get into trouble unless it goes crazy. Magic almost always fails.

‘I asked why Cora wants to be a wizard so much.’

Cora couldn’t remember what happened 13 years ago, but it seemed that her body did. In fact, when he was sane, he was quite reluctant to use his power.

I hate fighting naked, and I want to protect Queenie. The result is magic.

‘If the power of the white tiger is properly opened, magic would be possible.’

Korra isn’t fully grown yet, and she’s half-human. He may really awaken the power of the white tiger, but when that time comes, his worries will diminish. Because a perfect white tiger is never governed by instinct.

… … And another one.

These were further instructions after Korra was taken care of.

“Hello everyone.”

Teacher Jane came in with a very tired face.

Why does Jane’s face look pale every time she sees it? Why do you look at me with resentment every time I enter the classroom?

Could it be that I am involved in Jane’s fatigue?

haha, it can be

“A transfer student came to our class.”

Jane spoke and someone came in.

I knew who it was, but as soon as I saw it, I got tired just like Jane.

“My name is Cora. Although Cora is younger than you, I was admitted to the school due to special circumstances.”

Cora is actually older, though. But why this class? is it me

haha, please

“Well! nice to meet!”

Cora put her hands on her waist and said proudly.

When I think of the trouble that child caused a few days ago, I want to scratch the back of the head right now.

“My name is Cora, who will study with you guys from now on! It will be difficult to keep up with my skills, but please don’t feel inferior… … go… … .”

Cora, who had been talking so arrogantly, looked at me. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened, and his high momentum subsided.

“Well, thank you.”

And Cora bowed her head and bowed politely.

… … hopefully he

‘Are you sticking with me?’

Even if he had no memory, Cora certainly had an excellent body memory.

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