Chapter 48 Fire Flower (3)

During the fight in the mansion.

Hagly was following Heldre.

“How far do you want to run away?”

Heldre had already left the mansion. Hagley chased him across the trees in the forest.

“Hagli! you guys! Are you still dreaming of revenge?”

Heldre cried out to Hagley as he ran away.

Hagley said.

“Everyone of ‘Mangot’ gathered with the dream of revenge. You would know.”



As Heldre ran, he turned back and kicked a tree.

That alone ripped the tree apart, and large pieces and fragments of the trunk fell upon Hagly.

Hagly pursued Heldre tenaciously, flicking or dodging with his hand.

‘My arms are really broken.’

Hagly looked closely at Heldre. A bandage wrapped around the prominent arms.

“Heldre, what about your arms?”

“No one knows anything like you!”

It seems that Heldre’s hurried run away from Hagly was due to that injury. Haha, if you were fine, you wouldn’t turn your back to Hagly in front of you.

Even if Hargley is a formidable figure, it is unlikely that he will ever see the zodiac ‘Heldre’ run away like that.

‘… … Well, it’s fun.’

Let’s do it this far.

Hagly raised her right hand. It was bent into a unique shape with his hand.

In an instant, a huge curtain opened in front of Heldre. The veil was without a single crack or stain.

“You run away to a place with a lot of shadows like the forest. You’ve lost your judgment, Heldre.”

“… … Do you want someone like you to kill me?”

Heldre stopped running and turned to Hagly. His aura flew over and pushed away the surrounding leaves and dirt.

Seeing that considerable momentum, Hagly frowned.

‘That great auror. I thought the loss of both arms was due to old molars, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.’

So, who in the world did Heldre such a wound?

Hagly swallowed in tension. When he was running away, he looked easy, but Heldre was still Heldre even though he lost both arms.

But, on the other hand, now is a once-in-a-while chance to kill Heldre.

Even if Hagly’s arms were given away like Heldre is now, Heldre would die here.

“The continent will receive karma. You will be the first.”

“Even if there were only a few flaws in the history of the empire, would your mad revenge be justified! You guys are just revenge-crazed madmen!”

Heldre’s call. Hagly smiled and shook his head.

“Now it means nothing.”


“Who is right and who is wrong, and what is just. No one in Mangot thinks of such a thing.”

Saying that, Hagly’s gaze left the cold one and was empty. It contains an emptiness in which even the temperature of ‘cold’ is not felt.

“you’re right. We’re just vengeful killers. We don’t even know what we’ll be like after setting the continent on fire.”

“… … I should have killed them all then.”

“You are right.”

Hagly also raised mana gradually. This time it was both hands. Fingers bent in a bizarre shape. The wrists of both hands crossed over.

The moment when the lives of the two are amplified, and when they try to reveal their weapons towards each other,

“──Hey, inspiration.”



A terrifying pounding sound that cuts through the air horizontally.

When he heard the sound, Heldre looked at his chest.

“… … Cool.”

Blood dripped from his mouth as he coughed.

A huge spear pierced in the chest. It pierced Heldre’s heart and gave off a dazzling light.

The sound of footsteps approaching from afar. Those leisurely steps revealed who it was.

“You dare deceive me?”

Renzo came over, breathing heavily.

Heldre looked at Renzo with bloodshot eyes.

“How, here… … !”

Heldre dies soon. he knew it well That’s why I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Why did Renzo come here? how could you come

“Uh, Ares told me. If you ask me why I’m so fast, well, I’ll just say I’ve been running hard.”

“… … !”

Ares. the name of the soldier.

It’s Renzo’s divine power, but the fact that God intervenes in human affairs so far.

Besides, just the window. Heldre felt no omen and was defenseless. No matter how much he lost his arms, there was extreme mental exhaustion, and even if there was an enemy in front of him. It was absurd not to even notice.

‘Maybe, please… … Hestia!’

Heldre suddenly remembered his god.



Heldre knelt down. The tip of the spear’s hilt touched the ground. blood that doesn’t stop. Heldre felt his life draining away.

“Are you even abandoning me!!!”

His cry, with nowhere to go, echoed in the forest. Can’t you feel that kind of creativity? Hestia covered his eyes and ears. I could only think of it that way.

Behind the empty, empty cry that could never have an answer,

Heldre died like that.

The death of the ‘Zodiac’ was so vain.

‘… … Nope. Not because of God.’

Hagly, watching it, swallowed his saliva.

‘Even I didn’t know. There was no sign of reading.’

Heldre wasn’t the only one who didn’t know that the spear had flew.

Hagly, too, realized that the spear had flew away only after it had been pierced into Heldre’s heart.

That spear, now I feel a tremendous amount of mana. A huge presence weighs down on the forest.

However, it was only after Renzo threw it, no, after being hit by Heldre that he realized his presence.

It wasn’t something that was invisible. It didn’t disappear or appear.

It just hides that mighty aura until it gets hit. The characteristic of flying while ignoring the radar of human mana detection.

‘Renzo, what are you trying to be?’

According to the information Mangot knew, Renzo was not such a person. He’s obviously dangerous and has a strong temper that he doesn’t know where he’s going, but he’s personal to the end.

In addition, he thought that the suddenness of not knowing where it would go would be rather helpful for the fire of Mangot.

however now.

Will Mango be able to control Renzo’s suddenness? It was Hagli who could not give a definite answer.


Then Renzo opened his mouth.

“Where is that guy?”

“That guy?”


An unexpected word came out of Renzo’s mouth.

what? Didn’t Heldre have a business? Why does Frontier’s name come out of Renzo’s mouth?

“… … He will be in the mansion. yet.”


Hagly replied frankly. It was too stupid to turn Renzo into an enemy now. Although Frontier’s ability to interpret is important, it’s not as good as Hagley himself. It was like that from Mangot’s point of view.

“great. I’ll kill you this time Frontier.”

Renzo smiles and walks. He didn’t seem interested in Hagley.

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Not wanting to hide his enormous aura, Hagley was rather relieved.

If you openly reveal your presence like that, Jay and Yeolgot will run away on their own.

Although Frontier is a pity, it is unavoidable.

* * *

The humans in the mansion were almost cleaned up.

Of course, it wasn’t as mild as an expression.

Unlike Frontier, Yeolgot had no intention or reason to look after her hands, so most of them were brutally murdered.

“Jay. What do they do?”

One of the hot spots that talked to Selena. The Cape’s personnel besieged the stunned Thompson, Skyler, and Kian. Knowing that they could use portals, I was even more wary.

The reason these three passed out was simple.

‘That woman or a man? It was called Kraken. He attacked his comrade.’

The Kraken used these three as a shield to escape through the chaos. The three were helplessly attacked by an unexpected attack. Probably no one could surpass the Kraken simply in terms of attack speed.

‘Should I say cowardly? Or should I say that I took care of my hands just because I didn’t kill them.’

The Kraken would have been able to kill these three, but it didn’t. It would have been simpler. I can never understand the thoughts of a monster.

Selena said.

“I must kill you. Indus or whatever, we are nothing but fire-”

Selena was about to say that.

He raised his head at the tremendous momentum approaching the mansion.

“… … Renzo!”

Selena exclaimed, and everyone in the Cape looked nervously at the entrance to the mansion.

“Jay. Let’s go back to Mangot first.”

Some of them had a valid opinion. Everyone reacted like it was normal.


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Now here is the frontier.

Selena saw Frontier unwittingly still tied to her chair.

The other person who saw it and guessed what he was thinking opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry about the ancient language, but it’s not enough to risk the lives of both of us and Jay. Above all, risking your life will not save you.”

“… … !”

Selena’s eyes twinkled. Frontier saw it.

Frontier opened his mouth with infinitely cold eyes.

─Should I instruct each of these things?


Frontier was hidden from the nearest Selena. So only her could see the shape of his mouth.

Frontier’s face is still unknown.

However, as much as that content, it deeply penetrated Selena’s heart.

-Turn it off.

If it stays like this, Selena becomes suspicious of Mangot. Selena, of course, knew that.

But what is Frontier thinking? Do you think that you can fight against Renzo without mana, and even with that tied up? Or do you believe that escape is possible?

Otherwise, thinking it’s all over, Selena,

– I said turn it off.

Frontier’s lips moved again.

Selena clenched her teeth inwardly and looked at the personnel of the Cape again.

She said, having barely managed to get a cold expression on her face.

“Go back.”


With Selena’s instructions, she and the Cape disappeared from the mansion.


“Aha, I was here.”

Renzo enters the mansion still exuding that terrifying force.



Renzo reached the frontier’s front with just one leap.

Frontier looked at Renzo, still tied to his chair.

“Hey, Renzo.”

Say it as if you were calling a close friend.

“I’m sorry earlier. A saboteur has arrived.”

Renzo laughed at Frontier’s words.

“He is a hindrance on our side. I apologize. It’s an apology, but I just killed that leader.”

“… … is it.”

Frontier answered calmly. Renzo chuckled.

“Now there will be no disturbance. Let’s do it one more time, Frontier. This time for you,”

“It’s too much, Renzo.”

Frontier interrupted Renzo. he laughed bitterly.

“No more mana.”

“… … What?”

“After coming through the portal, I felt a strange effect on my body. It seems that my mana was taken away.”

“… … Is it Heldre’s work?”


Renzo’s expression darkened. Sheesh, he clicks his tongue and heads out of the mansion with young eyes. His gaze must have been directed at Heldre in the distance, but there was nothing he could do if he breathed life into it. Heldre had already killed him with his hands.

“Kill me, Renzo.”

“… … .”

“The life you have longed for is here. I’m tied to a chair and can’t move. You can dig, cut, chew, chew, and taste as much as you want.”

At Frontier’s words, Renzo clenched his fists and trembled, then turned back and walked.


Boom! Aww! Quajiic!

And he started smashing everything he saw. Expensive works of art, paintings, and even the chandelier on the ceiling were all smashed.

The smashed things were stepped on again until they were very smashed. That wasn’t enough, and after smashing the wall and the floor a few times, Renzo took a deep breath.


“… … ho.”

“I will postpone the match with you until next time. It’s no fun to kill you like this.”

“Have fun.”

“Besides, if you hadn’t been kidnapped by the portal, that would have been a dangerous situation for me.”

Just before Qian kidnapped Frontier, Renzo was clearly destined to be struck by swords flying from all directions. The paralysis did not go away, and there was no countermeasure with a single shield.

“Well, even then, I would have endured it!”

It was Renzo who was babbling without any basis.

“So, let’s say you’re paying off that debt this time. Stay fit until next time we meet. I will kill you with all my might, with all my might.”

After saying that, Renzo walked back to the mansion door.

Frontier looked at the back, which seemed to have become somewhat pale, and said.

“Hey, Renzo.”


“As you go, loosen this up a bit and go.”

“You do that for yourself!”

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