Chapter 71 The Butterfly Effect

“Okay, fine. So what was the question?”

“… … How did Mr. Philly know there was a dark place behind it?”

said Frontier, now half giving up.

The name he originally called ‘Mr. Philly’ was a warning to Philly when he first met her.

At the time, Philly clearly looked at Frontier with ease, so he threatened Frontier with his dagger. It was also a sword, not for killing.

Of course, Frontier had no intention of disobeying the Empress, but he wanted to gain the upper hand at the time.

Philly wanted information about Dragon Heart very much, and Frontier had no intention of giving it out.

But when it comes back like this, Philly will use it to tease Frontier. It is also worth considering that the empress is not overly authoritative.

“… … Are you going to keep calling me that?”

The thing that didn’t fit the most was Aten.

Philly laughed softly.

“Of course, Aten. Who else can call this mother this way?”

I asked Frontier, and Philly answered.

“Oh, right. He noticed that it was a cancerbu.”

Philly smiled awkwardly after saying that.

“Actually, what were you talking about… … .”

Philly scratched her head in embarrassment.

Of course, Frontier couldn’t tell if Philly was really like that, even if he said that.

The iron rule of dealing with Philly, do not believe that the expressions and movements you see in her are the truth. There are probably only a handful of people on this continent who can penetrate the true meaning.

“Dragon Heart, I haven’t written it yet.”

“… … Yes?”

“Mr. Frontier taught me how to use it, right? But since then, I haven’t touched it yet.”

With those words, Frontier recalled the past. Come to think of it, I hadn’t heard of the dragon heart sleeping in the Imperial Palace being used.

Of course, the Dragon Heart itself is a secret of the Imperial Palace, so there is no way to know what happened to the Frontier outside, but if you use something like that, the result should be something.

“It seems almost a year has passed since then, haven’t you written it yet?”

“yes. My aides are making a lot of fuss.”

Philly sighed.

“The way Frontier told me, you have to destroy the Dragon Heart in the end, right? I don’t think that’s acceptable. Then, what do you do if you lose nothing and only your heart? Where did you hear such suspicious information? Ugh, that’s frustrating. If you keep things that you can’t use, it’s just trash rolling around.”

Frontier laughed bitterly at Philly’s lament.

Come to think of it, I didn’t pay much attention to it, but the Dragon Heart is the treasure of the imperial family. Of course, not many people are aware of its existence, but if it disappears, of course, someone will notice. The aide Philly was talking about was probably one of them.

‘… … Presumably, Sir Robert, Philly’s direct knight.’

He is close enough to Philly to know the existence of Dragon Heart, and considering the mimicry that Philly was just talking about, there is a high probability that he will be Robert.

“More than anything else, it’s harder than I thought to put a barrier so that the mana after destroying the Dragon Heart doesn’t leak out.”

Frontier nodded. I already knew about him. In fact, he was guessing that if using Dragon Heart took a long time, it was probably because of that.

Frontier succeeded in absorbing the Dragon Heart into his body while playing the main character, Aster. That’s why he knows how to use the Dragon Heart.

However, as Philly said, it was quite difficult to lock in all the mana of the Dragonheart that had been destroyed once within the barrier.

The barrier must be perfect without even the smallest leaks, and the mana control must be excellent enough to withstand the power of the Dragonheart.

‘It was only possible for Ronia Freecell.’

Lunia Freecell, who is close to the official heroine of the game Etius.

Luni is a character that is close to the opposite of Elodie. If Elodie is clumsy in power control, whereas Elodi produces incredible destructive power with the combination of her immense magical power and divine power, it is unreasonable to use such a large-scale magic, but it is close to perfection in mana manipulation and mana control.

Since Lunia’s delicate manipulation is close to innate talent, it would be possible to create a barrier to imprison the Dragon Heart if you tell him how to do it.

‘The problem is that I don’t have much contact with Lunia right now.’

When playing as Aster, Lunia is the most familiar character in this game, but ironically, she is the most unfamiliar character to Frontier today. Even though we were in the same class in sophomore year, we hardly ever talked.

And even if Lunia offered to help, there was no way Phil and others would approve of bringing her into the Imperial Palace.

“So I often talked to my entourage with Dragon Heart in front of me, and then I discovered it.”


“A sign of intrusion. Me and my entourage always follow a certain routine when going to see Dragon Heart. I can see other traces.”

At those words, Frontier and Aten opened their eyes wide.

“It’s tough to come to see Dragon Heart without my permission, but there aren’t many people who can do that in the first place. A person who can know Dragon Heart’s information, a person who needs it, and a person whose back is cramped enough to have to sneak in. Within the imperial palace, all the circumstances have no choice but to point in one direction.”

“… … Indeed, it is.”

Frontier nodded.

Dragon Heart, a very easy-to-understand purpose.

“Ambu is planning to use the mana of the Dragon Heart to make mana injections.”

“yes. But I still don’t know how to use the Dragon Heart, so I think I just checked the location and went back.”

Frontier knows the power of Dragon Heart better than anyone.

Frontier, who was still young, used that power to cut off one of Renzo’s arms. Even when full of mana, Dragon Heart is occasionally used.

A dragon heart was always needed to do something beyond his mana.

Its power is put into injections and injected into humans. If that’s the purpose of the dark department, if successful, it won’t be at the level of a weapon.

‘A mana injection collides with the mana originally possessed by the infused person, resulting in stronger power. When I was playing as Aster, it would be a completely different concept from how I absorbed Dragon Heart’s mana.’

An explosive force that cannot be compared with that will be created, and the person who is instilled will most likely not be able to control it.

Ambu wants to somehow inject dragon heart injection into humans to create tremendous power, but the overflow of magical power is not a weapon but a disaster.

If there is any use for it, such as dropping the created human in the middle of the monsters beyond the barrier. You might be able to stare at a guinea pig like that.

“I would like to use the Dragon Heart first before the dark part gets it first, but as I said before, it is not an easy matter.”

It was a rare voice for Philly to grunt.

‘… … Shall I make a suggestion?’

Luni’s participation. That’s the only thing that increases the chances of Dragon Heart right now. Under the current circumstances, Philly will do anything to convince her aide.

If consuming Dragon Hearts is something Philly needs to do, it’s a problem for Frontier too.

Philly almost always works for the Empire. If the plan was huge enough to require Dragon Heart, it would be beneficial to Frontier as well.

“… … I will ask.”

Because of this, Frontier cautiously opened his mouth.

“Does Philly need a Dragon Heart?”

Previously, Philly said she would use the Dragon Heart to bring her intelligence to the max.

That’s not a lie. In fact, in the game, Philly uses a dragon heart to raise her foresight.

Read at

Not now, of course, but a long time later. In the game, Philly doesn’t know how to use the Dragon Heart at that time.

There are two things the player has seen so far. Using Dragon Heart, Philly further increases her foreknowledge, or cannot use it until game over.

But players don’t like either case. I don’t like not being able to use Dragon Heart, of course, because it’s a loss, and I don’t like the case of raising my foresight ability.

‘After that, Philly almost became like a machine.’

Today’s Philly possesses humanity, even if it is an unknown person. Even if it is infinitely gray from the player’s point of view, in reality, all people are gray. It cannot always be good or bad.

In that sense, Philly was more familiar to players. In the end, there are a lot of people who prefer the character of Philly because it is to dedicate herself to working for the empire.

However, Philly, who has developed her foresight ability, decides all her thoughts and decisions with her foreknowledge. There were thoughts and decisions of rationality itself, without Philly’s own will, the will of daughters such as Aten or Selah, or even the will of the Empire.

Players want Philly to become a spearhead, not to step out of the role.

‘What about Philly now?’

Frontier is, of course, one of them. I want Philly to become a sailor.

In doing so, he helped Philly, gave her information and, above all, rescued his eldest daughter, Elysia. If you wanted to kill, you could kill as many as you wanted, and it was right to leave no traces, but to prevent Philly from going wrong, she didn’t kill Elysia.

“… … I.”

Philly, who blinked for a moment at Frontier’s question, opened her mouth.

According to the next words, Frontier’s resolve will be renewed.

Should I use Dragon Heart, or is there room for concern? As a Frontier, there’s nothing stopping Philly from developing her foresight.

There is no justification for that, and from the point of view of mankind as a whole, that is an advantage. Because Philly’s decisions are always sensible after gaining complete foresight.

But that much Philly will be closer to a machine. Frontier must be prepared to accept it.

“I definitely need a dragon heart.”

“… … okay.”

Is it too?

Frontier made up his mind to be a little complicated.

I had a similar feeling to hearing Philly’s foresight in the past.

Despite Frontier’s efforts, Etius’ tragic future still unfolds as he knew it.

Can’t even in this world stop Philly from becoming a machine?

“I have to save my husband.”

“… … yes?”

Frontier asked. An unexpected sound was heard.

Philly tilted her head as if wondering why she was rather surprised.

“Have you not seen my husband before? I was so weak that I needed to be supported just by taking a few steps. As a wife, Dory, I want to help him. The doctor told me it was due to a chronic lack of mana.”

Frontier blinked blankly at Philly’s explanation.

Dragon Heart to save Bartello? It was something I hadn’t thought of at all.

“Well then, Yeji… … ?”

“–Aha. That surprised me, Frontier.”

Philly raised her voice and smiled as if she had just realized it.

“Ahaha, Frontier. Don’t you remember? I told you.”

Philly raised a finger. He said, pointing to Frontier and Atten alternately.

“When you two are together, you don’t feel ominous.”

“… … !”

At Philly’s words, Frontier’s eyes widened.

It was. Philly felt ominous seeing Aster and Aten together, and cast a suggestive spell on Aten to keep them away from each other.

In the original game, the allusion is eventually released, and Aten joins Aster.

So Philly can’t help but feel that ominous foresight.

“uh? Whoa, what are you talking about?”

Of course, Aten, who did not hear this, was too concerned about Philly’s words.

“The reason I tried to develop my foresight at that time was because the ominous feeling wasn’t over. But now Aten is with you, right? So there is no need to develop intelligence.”


Philly always for her daughters. Because the safety of the empire is the safety of her daughter. It is to work wholeheartedly for the empire.

Originally, Aster and Aten were always one team.

That’s why Philly’s foresight always sets the edge.

So Philly tries to develop her foresight ability.

If you’re a Philly who has a sensuous sense of intelligence, you’ll feel it. What will happen to you after you develop your foresight ability? But even knowing this, Philly tried to use Dragon Heart to increase her intelligence.

But now Philly is not like that. Because I don’t think it’s necessary.

“Right now, my husband’s well-being is more important than Yeji. Because Saleh is still young, and the citizens of the Empire still need Barthello.”

“… … .”

listen to that

Frontier couldn’t figure out what was going on inside her body.


Aten looked at his face and called out worriedly, but Frontier didn’t answer.

‘… … always.’

He didn’t know what expression he was making. What kind of face you stand, even if you are smiling or crying.

‘I wanted to know if what I was doing was right.’

Frontier fell into the world of the game.

A world that he has never cleared and no one has ever cleared.

A world in which all the means were used, but not all of them worked.

Dropped out in this place where only the memories of failure remain, he has been living as a person who is not even the main character.

It was a world where death was determined.

Frontier doesn’t know how Etius’ ending will play out. Because every time he played it was different.

There is only one thing he knows.

It all ended in a tragic death.

So, since he fell into this world, Frontier would also face that death.

In a world where if we don’t do anything like this, in the distant future, all mankind will surely die a tragic death.

‘Because there’s no guarantee that it will work out just because you struggle.’

Even if you succeed in something.

Even if I somehow managed to overcome adversity and hardship.

Maybe it’s a dusty wave that has nothing to do with the tragedy of this world.

Or maybe it’s a ridiculous play played in front of a more tragic tragedy.

“under… … !”

Frontier bowed his head. A deep breath was exhaled.

Philly doesn’t become a machine. Because it doesn’t need foresight.

With Aten by Frontier’s side, her ominous foresight vanished.

A world open to the possibility of Philly approaching a more pioneering role, and aging Bartello gaining strength again.

──The butterfly effect does not always cause typhoons.

‘Haha, damn it, it’s like a mangem… … !’

Frontier spit out swear words to himself, but an unknown smile appeared on his lips.

“thank god… … .”

Convinced that he is still on the right track,

Knowing that his presence is meaningful here.

Frontier silently mumbled something that Atten and Philly still didn’t understand.

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