Ace Hollywood

Chapter 269: fight again

mpaa, the Motion Picture Association of America, can be said to be the ultimate force behind Hollywood.

The presidents and chairman of the seven majors are members of the association. Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein of Miramax, and Robert Shayer of New Line are not qualified to participate in the highest decision-making of mpaa. layer. In addition, the entire association that holds the lifeblood of Hollywood is itself a spokesperson for Hollywood. Whether it is for public relations on Capitol Hill or dividing sites around the world, there are usually some overt or covert communication methods within the association.

Hollywood itself, as an important part of American soft culture, has always held an important position, although its annual output value is nothing in absolute value, it is incomparable to a super giant like Wal-Mart, not to mention the group of Wall Street and black gold businessmen. those vampires. However, Hollywood's influence cannot be measured by output value.

In China, propaganda mouths are usually half a grid higher than other ministries. For the same reason, Hollywood has a similar meaning.

Whether it is President Ronald Reagan, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has just been elected as the governor of California, such entertainment stars who have entered the political world directly, or Sean Penn, George Clooney, and Daniel himself, these are not clear from those in power. Unknown superstar. Especially in democratically elected countries, the people are always blind, and the political inclinations of celebrities, to a certain extent, regardless of whether they are left or right, are at least enough to influence elections in one place. Take Daniel, whose authoritative predictions on anti-war issues have mired in successive coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. It has been mentioned more and more often by major professional media and personalities-as evidence of the Bush administration's insistence, Democratic lawmakers are now chanting anti-war, and it seems that they have eaten up their original votes. Including Senator Hillary, as the ruins of New York State, she also voted in favor of the war vote, and now she has begun to criticize the original decision in her speech - which makes her feel that she is not very reliable, but Anti-war sentiment is growing. If true, as Daniel predicted, the US-Iraq war would last for ten years. Then there will be two presidential elections, and Senator Hillary's interest in the big seat is not special news. Bush will end his first term in November this year. At present, it seems that it is difficult for Kerry and Edwards of the Democratic Party to challenge his position-usually, the re-election of US presidents is very frequent, and the incumbent president who has the initiative must have a huge advantage in the election, so I hope Senator Lee should aim for 2008.

In fact, Daniel also knows very well that Ciri did have a fight in 2008. It is a pity that he was sacked by an African-American young man from Illinois, and he was not even able to pass the primary election in the party. Daniel doesn't think he has the ability to influence the situation. But in general, Ciri, who will be succeeding Secretary of State later, is still very worthwhile for investment. What's more, before he came to the United States, the 60-year-old man was planning to run for election in 2016 again. Across the political arena.

Ciri and others changed their tune, at least considering the voters. That is, the perception of ordinary people, and Daniel is the same, and his influence is also based on the perception of ordinary people. He has never repeated, and has always insisted that the war is wrong, and he will never be grandstanding, which must be able to win a favor.

In addition, Daniel's activities in Africa have also attracted many people's admiration for him, and he certainly did not waste this resource. The presence of the two African ambassadors at the party in Washington fully attests to this. Many African countries have been criticized by Western countries, especially the United States, who believe that they are very bad in the fields of democracy, human rights, etc., which directly leads to the unstable status of the rulers. So having a Hollywood superstar who can project another, more enlightened, more gracious image for them in America is certainly welcome by the authorities.

As for whether the influence of a leader of a small African country is comparable to that of a legendary superstar like Daniel, that is also a matter of what the benevolent sees.

mpaa basically controls the communication channels between Hollywood and the political circles, and it also adds to the authority of this organization.

Since Daniel and Robert Iger played against each other, on the surface, the two sides shook hands and made peace, but Daniel also knew that Robert had begun to do something else. This time, Robert, who paid great attention, put things into the framework of mpaa, although there was no A summit was held solemnly, but within this framework, he had communicated many times, by telephone, or by two or three meetings, with the help of temporary communication at some events, etc. Robert did do a lot of work for this. It's not that Daniel didn't hear a little bit of wind, but these people who can know the details will not reveal their hearts to him, including Stasi Schneider, who seems to be more intimate, who was "threatened" by Daniel, and now I'm afraid I'm afraid It is second only to Robert Iger.

However, when Robert mentioned his plan, others were still stunned by the difference.

Let Daniel be crowned the Emperor Oscar!

"Are you crazy? Robert."

Paramount's Brad Gray, who wasn't very close to Daniel, had a brief exchange at the "Pirates of the Caribbean" premiere. There is absolutely no way to understand this point raised by Robert.

"Aren't you really doing something for him? I heard that Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel has almost been discussed. He will return to film next year, and he has a lot of film appointments. At this time, it is very understandable that you have to please him. But, Robert, Are you taking us all for idiots? How much halo he has on his head now, I can guarantee that if he comes back to New York to run for senator, the former first lady will never sleep or sleep. Now , you want to give him a consecutive actor and make him a real legend in Hollywood from now on, I'm really curious, how much benefit did he give you?"

"Is it true that Daniel joined Miramax?" Fox's McNichol suddenly asked.

These people are the top figures in Hollywood, and there is very little news that can hide them.

It's no secret that Robert invited Daniel to join Miramax. After the Weinstein brothers and Disney became public, the news spread even more recklessly. Here, if there is no Robert fueling the flames. It is also unlikely that he really hoped so, or used this to divide Daniel and Harvey, and let the Weinstein brothers have one less way to hook up, no one knows.

When McNichol asked now, it wasn't necessarily that he really thought so, but it was just a sarcasm for Robert Iger.

When meeting Robert. Jeff Robinoff of Warners tapped the table lightly with his knuckles, frowning.

"What on earth did you think?"

That must be the real question for anyone who meets Robert. It is also a question that Robert must have prepared, otherwise he hastily mentioned that he wants to win a consecutive actor for Daniel, and it is impossible to say that everyone will agree. Whether it is Brad or McNichol, their attitudes are not difficult to understand. No matter how you express your position, the ultimate goal is the same as Jeff.


what reason do you have?

How are you going to convince me?

"Jeff, first of all, for the studio, what's the difference between Daniel who has another Oscar winner and Daniel today? Can he be more powerful? Can he be paid 100 million yuan? He can make DD Pictures become the The eighth largest Hollywood studio, the new United Artists?"

Jeff shook his head. He understood what Robert meant. In addition to the ceilings set by the seven major stars, this profession itself also has ceilings. Now Daniel has reached the ceiling. In any case, he couldn't go any further.

As for how to judge that he has reached this peak.

Except for Daniel. Only the ceiling he can reach has a direct feeling.

Jeff glanced at Robert, he didn't like cornering, and now that Robert was making this happen, he had enough stance to be straightforward.

"The sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean", what price did he ask for? 20+20?"

He knew that Daniel had 30% of the investment rights. If it's 20+20 as he guessed, then it's pretty obvious. Daniel will take nearly half of the proceeds in the sequel to "Pirates". In a sequel of 800-1000000000 in the world, he has to take half of it, which can be regarded as the ceiling anyway - Tom Cruise Didn't it just hit the Paramount ceiling? Mission: Impossible has not sold as well as Pirates of the Caribbean.

After a moment of silence, Robert knew that if he didn't give something real today, it would be difficult to impress these colleagues.

Who is dumber than whom? No one is more stupid than anyone!

"...I hope the last two parts of the sequel will be filmed back-to-back with a total budget of 450 million." Robert has always been very decisive, and since he has decided to make it clear, he will no longer shy away from it. "This is also considering the dd film industry. If his cash flow is insufficient, he will give up part of his investment rights. In addition, I also hope to limit his share and give him a relatively high basic salary. Daniel did not agree, and they insisted on shooting separately to ease the financial pressure. The asking price is 30 million for the basic chapter, with a 20% share."

Jeff almost gasped.

Daniel's price is too harsh.

"Unbelievable, how could he possibly ask for this price?"

There is no reason, although Warner and Daniel do not do much, but his New Line Pictures and Daniel are old acquaintances. Jeff is also very concerned about Daniel, knowing that this person is not so ignorant. But since Robert said that Daniel had asked for this price, it was certain.

This made him very confused.

"In the beginning, I mean since the last time we de-escalated, he didn't make such aggressive offers, but with his temporary departure from Hollywood, the attitude that had been vague suddenly became clear, you know, recently he was in Washington, D.C. Flying back and forth with Silicon Valley, and occasionally back in Los Angeles only to meet people from DD Films.”

Daniel's whereabouts could not be concealed from Robert and others, and even a party that Bradley of The Washington Post was able to attend could not be concealed from them.

The party was so high-level and the group was so wealthy, it couldn't help but feel confused and nervous for Robert.

"Don't know what he's up to?"

"I can't touch it. He pays great attention to his whereabouts. It's not easy to know his approximate whereabouts."

The anti-reconnaissance skills of Hollywood stars are accumulated over time, especially a master like Daniel. Since he entered the industry, he has been playing against a large number of paparazzi of different varieties. In terms of confidentiality, it can be said that he has a very deep attainment. Robert is not. It is not easy for him to be able to call up all kinds of information, and it is not easy for him to grasp the general itinerary of Daniel.

Politicians, Silicon Valley, Hollywood — a worrisome combination indeed.

"Okay, then let's talk about it later, Lianzhuang Film Emperor, what exactly did you think about it."

"He's groping for the ceiling, we'll push him again and let him hit it!" Robert's face was cold.

Speaking of which, he doesn't need to spend any more time.

Whether it's Jeff, McNichol, Brad, etc., everyone should understand what he means.

When the moon gains, it loses; when the water is full, it overflows;

Daniel is at his peak now, and if it is impossible to pull him down, then continue to push him and shorten his peak period.

With the current market of Daniel, and the next best actor, anyone can imagine what the result will be, and Tom Hanks can also give an example.

When the oil is cooked over a fire, it is a pile of ashes.

Human beings have the power to create gods, and they also have the instinct to destroy gods.

Daniel is standing too high, which in itself can be an uncomfortable point.

Pushing Daniel into this embarrassing situation makes him a more obedient moneymaker, and while necessary, not so unaffordable.

Originally, with the power of these members of mpaa, if they wanted to contain Daniel, they could use a more brutal method. However, Robert knew at first that it would not work! Why? Daniel's tentacles are already too long, and it's hard to get good results when they meet head-on. Hollywood is not an independent kingdom, and they are not irreplaceable. Even if they are united, as long as one is replaced, the alliance will not be self-defeating.

But if you use the strategy of slaughtering, then there is no problem.

No matter what they were thinking, whether they were good or bad in their hearts, Lianzhuang Actor himself was a Hollywood actor walking up the legendary ladder, and they handed it to Daniel. It was a perfectly legitimate and bright conspiracy.


Robert eventually convinced everyone.

However, Daniel doesn't know actor super popular Sean Penn doesn't know anything either.

But the limelight soon reached Daniel's ears.

The call came from Harvey Weinstein - a bit of a surprise, but that's it - Triver has yet to hear from him.

"There is power in canvassing for you."

Harvey knew that Daniel had no intention of doing this, and he didn't use any connections, so this sign was a bit meaningful.

Looking at the f2f report, putting down the phone, Daniel rubbed the bridge of his nose. (To be continued)

ps: I have no face to face the elders of Jiangdong... Thank you for the Totoro 5888 Award, and everyone's monthly pass

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