Ace Manager of the Green Field

141 New challenges, new libraries

"The whole game is over! Monaco defeated Bordeaux 2:0 in 90 minutes to get all points, which means that Monaco's points reached 81 points and won the Ligue 1 championship one round ahead!

They ended Lyon's 7-year rule of Ligue 1!

Congratulations to Monaco for becoming the Ligue 1 champion!"

When Situ Yunbing walked into the stadium, he was surrounded by players and coaches again, and then threw him into the sky!

In the grandstand, Prince Albert and Debondan were also excited to embrace and celebrate, and then laughed and applauded. Many Monaco fans in the grandstand burst into tears with excitement!

This season is simply fantastic for them!

No one had expectations for Monaco, but Monaco was on the throne of the championship under the nameless Situ Yunbing!

And became the Triple Crown!

The Stuart Yunbing coach swept all the fronts in the first season, enough to be a blockbuster!

Situ Yunbing doesn't want to celebrate too much on the road, at least he should give Bordeaux enough respect.

After a modest celebration, Situ Yunbing went to Blank's office. The two exchanged their experience of leading the team this season. Blank said frankly that he led the team to multi-line combat, especially the trouble of the Champions League front.

This situation was not encountered by Situ Yunbing, but it is conceivable that the players will inevitably see the Champions League game as very important. The head coach cannot rotate. When the league and the Champions League alternate, it is difficult to achieve the same level of the league and the Champions League. Go all out!

This is an important reason why Bordeaux failed to lay the foundation for the league's lead in the first half of the season.

At the same time, it can be seen that Lyon's heritage is still stronger than other teams. It wasn't until the last two key battles of the UEFA Champions League group that Lyon's record fluctuated significantly. It has been difficult to achieve this. Know other leagues Many teams in China have a history of losing the league record due to the Champions League, and Lyon has been here for the past seven years.

Situ Yunbing did not give an interview when he left Bordeaux. He can’t wait to go back to Monaco to see how the game inside his tablet will change.

Whether in the bus or on the plane, the Monaco crowd will be in a state of excitement, singing and dancing.

Situ Yunbing admired their laughter on the side, and did not participate in it. In fact, he now feels heavier about the future.

If the game challenge is over and he becomes a free man, is he going back to the original time and space?Or is he able to freely choose career and life for a long time?

When Monaco landed at Nice Airport at more than two in the morning, a large number of Monaco fans were unexpectedly greeted outside the airport!

"Situ! Situ! Situ!"

When Situ Yunbing appeared, the fans cheered enthusiastically, and when the players came out, the fans also shouted the players' names!

The Monaco fans may be sleepless today. The carnival in the city has begun. Unlike the Champions League and the French Cup, this time the championship will be a city-wide carnival!

Sigrid worked in Milan, but also called Situ Yunbing and congratulated him on winning the championship.

After returning to Monaco, Situ Yunbing separated from the players and coaches.

The security guard of the club was surprised to see Situ Yunbing came to the club at three in the morning. He opened the door of the club and smiled at Situ Yunbing: "Monaco won the championship, you are really amazing!"

Situ Yunbing just smiled and nodded, and did not care about it. In fact, after defeating Lyon in the final stage of the league, everyone's emotions about Monaco's championship have been brewing for a long time, and the current outburst is relatively bland.

Situ Yunbing came to the office, took out the tablet from his bag, and then opened the game interface.

Surprisingly, there was no post-match bonus card extraction interface, and there was a message in the inbox for the first time.

Situ Yunbing opened the inbox, thought this function was a decoration, did not expect the system to send him a message?

After opening the message, I found a line in it,

"Congratulations to the player Situ Yunbing for completing the challenge goal, please accept the reward for the success of the challenge, and a new challenge mission will appear after the interface is closed."

Situ Yunbing exhaled for a long time, it seemed that the play challenge did not end.

He didn't look at the reward card carefully, but turned off the interface. Compared with the reward, he wanted to know what the next goal was.

The new interface pops up. There is no option above, but a notification. After reading the content, Situ Yunbing's face is quite dignified.

"Challenge goal: Lead Monaco to achieve the following goals.

The league defended successfully.

The defending of the French Cup or League Cup was successful.

The UEFA Champions League reached the top 16.

Please select the draw card library for next season after closing the page."

Situ Yunbing feels a bit heavy, this challenge is certainly more difficult than before!

You should know that after the collapse of the Marseille dynasty and the establishment of the Lyon dynasty, there is no team in Ligue 1 that can successfully defend the title. That is to say, if Monaco can defend the league successfully, then Monaco will be the third Ligue 1 in 20 years. Of the teams that have done this, only Marseille and Lyon have won the Ligue 1 for two consecutive years or more in the past 20 years.

It's hard to imagine how difficult it is for the Dark Horse to win the title.

To defend the League Cup and the French Cup, the difficulty is not the challenge of the game, but the team's state and mentality towards the game. Of course, it also requires some luck. Both cups are hotbeds of uproar.

As for the UEFA Champions League entering the top 16, which means qualifying from the group stage, this is bound to be very difficult, because the record of the Ligue 1 team in the UEFA Champions League is terrible, and Lyon, who has carried the big banner in these years, has only occasionally had a chilling order. It's amazing, but it's hard to make a real breakthrough, and it must be considered that Monaco as the new king of the Ligue 1 is the new recruit of the Champions League. The group stage will definitely enter the group of death!

Because from the perspective of European points, Monaco will be the fourth team!

Then the first, second, and third gear teams must have the presence of European giants. If you are unlucky, when you encounter the top three teams in the second gear and third gear, the probability of the death group is very high. Big!

The most difficult part of this challenge is that the three goals affect each other and are not independent!

This season, Situ Yunbing has only one goal, and the league will compete for the championship!

But next season he has to take care of multi-line combat, he just feels a headache when he thinks about it!

After Situ Yunbing turned off the interface, a new interface popped up.

"Please select the draw library after the league next season.

The best player in the Ligue 1 season.

The star of Monaco in the past 15 years.

Please select the draw after the UEFA Champions League next season.

The pinnacle star of the Monaco UEFA Champions League.

Lineup of random champion teams in the UEFA Champions League for the past 10 years."

Situ Yunbing looked at this lottery card library's choice and fell into contemplation.

This season, Monaco is fighting on the domestic third line. The scope of the post-match sweepstakes is the best lineup of Ligue 1 last season.

The range of the draw card library is more practical in Ligue 1, but it is a bit weaker than looking at European football, just like Wendell can stand out in Ligue 1, but not in the ranks of European football wingers.

Even so, the Monaco players still benefit from these cards.

But obviously if there are stronger cards, then the impact on players and bonuses will be better.

Situ Yunbing should carefully consider these two options.

He turned on the computer in his office and first searched for the best players in Ligue 1 in the past year.

Ginola, Zidane, Sony Anderson, Marco Simeone, Bernabbia, Gallardo, Carrier, Pauletta, Drogba, Essien, Juninho, Malu Da, Benzema.

This lineup is really a bit strong, but because Ligue 1 is basically a stepping stone for talented players, these players are not the pinnacle of their career when they win the best league, just like Zidane is the best Ligue 1 in 1996. Good, but Zidane’s career trajectory is the older the stronger, the older the demon!

At the same time, this lineup has an obvious drawback, unbalanced!

Midfielders and frontcourt players get together, and players on the back are very scarce.

Situ Yunbing went to check the famous star of Monaco's team history for nearly 15 years.

After the end of the season, the retired veteran goalkeeper Roma is impressive.

As the goalkeeper of the 1998 World Cup in France, Bartez also played for Monaco.

Marco Simone.

Sony Anderson.

Mexican defenders Max, Klinsmann, Sagnol, Rotten, Giuly, Henry, Trezeguet, Djokov, Thuram, Greymand, Evra.

Situ Yunbing carefully analyzed the lineup of these famous stars who have played for Monaco in the past 15 years. The age span is relatively large, but basically there are representative players from each period.

For example, there were a batch of stars 15 years ago: Batz, Thuram, Greymand, Trezeguet, Djokov, Henry.

After 98 years, they were Marcos, Simone, Anderson, and Klinsmann.

Later, around 2004, it was Rotten, Giuly, Evra, Roma.

This lineup is relatively comprehensive.

The goalkeeper has Bartz, Rome.

Defenders include Greymand, Thuram, Marcos, Sagnol, Evra, all of whom are famous. After leaving Monaco, Graymand landed in the Premier League to play for Arsenal, and Thuram went to Serie A to become a generation. Famous player, Marcos later went to Barcelona and is still active in European football. It is needless to say that Sagnol, the strongest left back in French history, Bayern Munich has benefited from his shuttle on the left for a long time. It can be said that the peak of Sagnol can take a side, Evra is the best player of the French left back after Sagnol retired, Manchester United has been extremely sharp on the left side in recent years, and Evra has a solid defense In addition, the strong offensive support ability is indispensable.

This lineup may be weak in the midfield, because basically all offensive players.

Needless to say, Rotten, Giuly, Monaco's Champions League in 2004 was able to thrive all the way. Deschamps relied on two wings to fly, plus a center and a Morantes.

It can be said that at that time, Monaco pushed the style of the classical winger to the peak, and then it was possible to create a crazy game to the finals, but unfortunately encountered Mourinho, who was extremely utilitarian.

Both Anderson and Simone can play midfielders and strikers.

Needless to say, strikers, Henry, Trezeguet, Djokov.

As for how these players form a lineup, or whether the library will have more than 11 players, Situ Yunbing is unknown. The library of the last season was very clear. There are 11 players in each position and different roles. Have.

Considering the balance, Situ Yunbing chose the famous star of Monaco in the past 15 years.

After choosing this, the choice of the library after the Champions League is simple.

Because the Monaco Champions League peak library star and the Monaco famous star lineup must overlap, it is better to try their luck. To see which team he can draw for the Champions League lineup in the past 10 years, I can only pray that I will not reach the 2004 team. Bordeaux, that civilian champion team is good.

After ticking in front of the option, Situ Yunbing pressed the OK key.

The interface pops up again.

"The library has been selected after the league game next season: Monaco's famous star for the past 15 years.

The library has been selected after the Champions League next season: the lineup of random champion teams in the Champions League for the past 10 years.

The library has been randomly selected for players: 1999 Champions League champion Manchester United."

Situ Yunbing was overjoyed. Although this line-up may not have Real Madrid in 2002, Barcelona in 2006, and Milan in 200 years is better, it is definitely at the upper middle level. After all, it has Giggs, Beckham, The stars of Scholes, Keane, Schmeichel, Stam, Elvin, Black Wind and Cole and York!

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