Ace Manager of the Green Field

205 Changes in the situation after adjustment

In the first half, Monaco led Real Madrid by two goals, and Situ Yunbing was too late. The morale of the players was unprecedentedly high, because this half-time game at least proved that the gap between them and Real Madrid is not as big as expected, although the other side also has Chance, but in terms of the quality of the game, Monaco is better!

The two teams play very different ways, so it can be said that they each went their own way, and Monaco is obviously going to be more stable!

Situ Yunbing fell into a long silence in the locker room.

He was thinking about Marcelo's fall to the ground before the end of the first half.

He didn't know if the opponent could stick to it in the second half.

If you can't stick to it, this is definitely good news for Monaco, but if you can still stick to the game, the impact of the injury cannot be eliminated in a short intermission.

Situ Yunbing had intended to stay on the ground during the intermission, allowing the team to continue the first half of the game in the second half.

Now I hope to make a fuss about Marcelo.

Thinking from the tactical level, this is also helpful to contain C Ronaldo.

Situ Yunbing worked hard on the battle plan for the second half of the game.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides and fought again. Situ Yunbing stood on the sidelines without first seeing Marcelo returning to the court, replaced by Argentina's central defender Garrett.

This means Marcelo was replaced. What will Real Madrid do after Garrett comes on?

Is it a change of 3 central defender or Garrett as a full-back?

Pellegrini looked dignified and Real Madrid was hit hard in the first half of the Louis II stadium!

Two goals conceded and Marcelo injured. According to the initial diagnosis of Marcelo by the team doctor, Marcelo may not be able to catch up with the next round!

This will not only affect Real Madrid's Champions League journey, but also a real blow to Real Madrid's death in the league!

The La Liga doubles have been nearly perfect this season, so even the main injuries outside the top stars in the team will have a huge impact.

How to play in the second half?

Pellegrini didn't even know that.

Real Madrid's formation has been somewhat distorted, but he made adjustments at halftime.

This adjustment made Situ Yunbing quite surprised.

After the start of the second half, Real Madrid began to organize the offensive in the midfield. Obviously, Granero gave up the trend of giving up the wing and approaching the midfield actively. At the same time, Kaka's position was slightly withdrawn. This is for greater activity space. In the past, the easier it was to be sieged by the generals of Monaco.

As a result, Real Madrid's midfielder turned into a three-man team in the middle of the offensive, Kaka, Granero, Alonso.

Then Diarra was still in charge of defense. At the same time, when passing the ball, he could see that Aberoia pushed forward and defended. Garrett tightened the inside line to form a three-back.

Real Madrid not only changed the formation to 352, but also changed the style of play.

No longer have illusions about the attack on the right, and at the same time try to improve the effect of the attack on the middle, breaking through the Monaco blockade.

As a result, the game will actually become very stalemate, Real Madrid put all the bets on the midfield, Marcelo on the left has already gone off, Gare is only responsible for defense, and Aberoia on the right is in Gares -Bell and Morrow's eye-catching is at best to complete the response work on the sidelines of the midfield.

The Monaco Tuning midfielder and Real Madrid's midfield team started a fierce confrontation, and the winning party had the right to dominate the game!

In the 51st minute of the game, after a fierce fight in the middle of the midfield, Monaco won, Nkuru intercepted the direct ball from Granero to Higuain, and then spurred a counterattack on the fast break. Asking the team to make more fuss on the right side, in fact, this is no longer necessary, because Marcelo ended.

However, the air traffic on the right is still more obvious than that on the left. It is just as if Monaco's air traffic on the left was bigger than the right in the first half.

It’s just that Real Madrid’s attack on the right is not strong.

This situation often occurs in most of the strong teams, the offense is more focused on the side, like this year's Bayern Munich, the left side of Ribery, the right side Robben's top configuration is almost difficult to appear, and it is for this reason, Bayern As long as these two players play at the same time in Munich, there is absolutely a lower limit for combat effectiveness!

Suarez pulled the ball on the right after a successful pass, Diyala rushed to defend him, and Gareth Bell crossed the front of the penalty area from the left to respond. After Suarez passed the ball, plus Reis Bell was continuously robbed. First, Ramos came from the side, and Gareth Bell was rushed by Albiol just after dodge the ball. He always watched Garrett. Bale could not find a route for Suarez to pass through the ball and was eventually stabbed by Albiol.

Situ Yunbing narrowed his eyes on the sidelines. It was still wise for Real Madrid to play as a three-back defender, so that the guards in the dangerous zone in front of the door could not only reduce the defensive distance, reduce the threat of Monaco's direct plug, but also form an effective cooperation when they are forced , But this is a test of the tacit understanding and coordination efficiency between defenders.

Alonso retreated to control the ball. When Suarez ran to fight back, Alonso sent the ball short to Kaka's feet.

When Real Madrid had three midfielders attacking in the middle, Monaco did not dare to push forward too much!

It's not very useful to go up alone. With a small range of pass and cut cooperation, the La Liga team is playing well, how many more people go up?

The space in the midfield and backcourt is also easy to be used by opponents. Players like Kaka can easily be hit behind him by giving him a frontal rush. When defending in the first half, Monaco's pressure on Real Madrid is a certain guarantee. , Now the certainty is greatly reduced, no one knows when Kaka and Granero will advance, and where they will run, not to mention Alonso, even though most of the time Less close to the opponent's goal, but occasionally will also insert the Spanish midfielder commander.

In this way, Monaco simply withdrew the defense line, and then withdrew the key defense to grab the area to its own half, from the center line to the zone between the penalty area.

Real Madrid’s midfield adjustment solves the problem of the organization of the midfield and backcourt, but it also makes difficulties in the breakthrough. Without Marcelo’s side response, Aberoia’s assists are also limited, which means that the venue space cannot be fully utilized, then There are almost only two ways to carry out offensive advancement, one is a precise mid-long pass, and the other is a personal dribbling breakthrough.

It is precisely these two ways that Real Madrid actually has, Alonso and Granero can pass, Kaka can break through, so Monaco is also very cautious in defense.

The Monaco midfielder withdrew and the Real Madrid midfielder pressed forward and the enemy retreated.

When they reached the dangerous edge of the offensive zone, Monaco’s 352 formation formed a dish-shaped encirclement at the midfield line. It seemed that Real Madrid’s midfield advance fell into Monaco’s defensive trap, but this distance was also enough for the Royal The geniuses of Madrid have shown their strengths.

Granero suddenly overpassed the ball and took the ball to the right outside the penalty area.

At this time, the Monaco midfielder looked back and found that Higuain responded. He stopped the ball on the sideline and turned to kill in the penalty area. Moro quickly returned to the penalty area. Virtonghen did not dare to care, because Kaka Also in the forward position, C Ronaldo couldn't see what happened to him, but I believe that he will definitely not hold the left side without cutting inward.

Higuain slammed the ball in front of Virtonghen and then swayed the angle to the bottom. He quickly swept the ball across the front of the goal.

Virtonghen looked back, and the picture that came to his eyes was that C Ronaldo ran to the front of the door and was about to stretch his legs to grab a shot!

De Gea promptly attacked and grabbed the ball from the ground first. Ronaldo ran to his side and was disappointed next second.

Real Madrid seems to have found a way to control the situation and form an effective attack.

Situ Yunbing’s expression became very serious. Real Madrid’s adjustment was still very effective. I dare not find a way to restrain Monaco, but at least it can greatly reduce the risk of a surprise attack on the defense line, because the attack is smoothly advanced to In the half of Monaco, the starting point for Monaco’s first counterattack will only be in the hinterland of his own backcourt.

Once Real Madrid has improved its offensive efficiency, Monaco will have fewer chances to get a counterattack.

Monaco’s positional battle began to frustrate, Real Madrid did not completely give up the side defense, Aberoia could form defensive interference at least on the right, and the tight joint defense of the back line made it difficult for Gareth Bell and Suarez to create Threatened opportunities.

Situ Yunbing was lost in thought.

The adjustment of the midfield is a failure!

He wanted to make an advance, but Real Madrid's adjustment is completely different from his imagination.

It can only be said that Pellegrini is still very patient, otherwise he will not be fancy by Real Madrid.

The opportunity for Monaco is always to rely on counterattacks, and the offensive and defensive conversion speed is played with the opponent's rhythm. If it is not through this way, it may be difficult to create a significant threat to Real Madrid.

While Situ Yunbing was thinking about how to adjust to improve the situation on the ground, Real Madrid played a series of aggressive attacks at the Stadium of Louis II!

Relying on the organization ability of the three midfielders, they will quickly transfer the offense to two sides after halftime, Higuainla goes to the right, c Ronaldo is on the left, there is no forward in the center, but Monaco It is impossible for the central defender to follow the defense and go to the side. In that case, the center is empty, and the opponent inserts nothing to break through, and there is nothing in the cross!

C Ronaldo was able to pose a threat on the left. He tried two in-cut shots and slightly deviated from the goal. Although he did not hit the target, it still made Monaco's people back.

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