Ace Manager of the Green Field

213 It's so cool!

The Monaco fans in the Bernabéu stadium fans stand in the madness, they chanted Suarez's name repeatedly!

"Suarez! Suarez! The Uruguay striker who did not score in the first leg scored twice at the Bernabéu Stadium!

Scored twice!Incredible performance!

Monaco expanded its lead when it was about to reach the end of the first half!

It was the sudden pressure of the overall formation that caused a crush on Real Madrid's midfield to create opportunities to score goals!

Gareth Bale was pinned on the wing, Suarez passed Las Diarra in the middle and then cooperated with Witsel to pass the cut and cleverly scored!

The world is wrong, the world is wrong!

Even if it was Bernabeu, Monaco did not surrender to Real Madrid. On the contrary, Monaco played a shocking game, tightly and orderly defense, patiently waited for the opportunity, planned and organized unity and cooperation suddenly changed the rhythm, they Not only mature, but more like a cunning fox!

The score becomes 0:2, and the total score becomes 2:5!

Real Madrid lags behind in the total score. Not only can they not concede anymore, because once they concede, they can say that they have no chance at all!

On this basis, Real Madrid need to score at least three goals to retain the hope of advancing to the quarterfinals of the Champions League!

If Monaco scores another goal, Real Madrid will need to score 5 to reverse!"

Monaco has tied Real Madrid’s away goals, and the total score is ahead of the goal. Once Monaco scores more goals, then it becomes Monaco’s away goal with an advantage, Real Madrid cannot play in a draw. In the season, they will only be eliminated, so they must lead the total score to advance.

Situ Yunbing is sober. In the UEFA Champions League knockout game, it is necessary to fight for an away goal. Whether it is playing at home or away first, even if you win at home, you must score at home and want to pass the advantage of the first round. opponent?That's really not realistic, because the game time is too long, the football team often breaks out in just a few minutes.

In the box, Monaco President Debondan and Prince Albert and Real Madrid President Florentino watched the battle together.

Before the game, Florentino was still in a relaxed state, and now he has a serious expression of mourning, and Prince Albert and Debondan are very restrained in celebrating Monaco's goal.

To some extent, Monaco really embarrassed Real Madrid!

From the perspective of the transfer market value, the transfer value of Real Madrid only Ronaldo exceeds the total transfer value of all players of the Monaco club!

But now it is Monaco that has the big advantage, not to mention the Bernabeu, not the Louis II stadium.

Ronaldo circled in situ with his hands on his hips, and seemed to be somewhat at a loss for the situation behind the ball.

Pellegrini couldn't wait, and the grim situation forced him to make substitutions without finishing the first half.

In the last round of the league, the great reversal of Van der Vaart came on to replace Granero!

After the kick-off, Real Madrid seemed to repeat the first state after losing the ball.

Guti retreated, the backcourt player assists decreased, strengthened defense.

In the midfield, Kaka, Van der Vaart, Higuain and Ronaldo struggled to find opportunities.

Monaco has returned to the state of strict defense. They previously attacked with a strong goal in order to score. If there is no goal, they will continue to oppress Real Madrid’s midfielder, but since there is a goal, then it is reasonable Some retreat to defend well.

Van der Vaart is indeed more energetic than Granero after playing. Moreover, the former winner of the European Golden Boy Award does have good technology at the foot. Ajax's production is a must-have!

In the 42nd minute of the game, Van der Vaart responded to Higuain's left kick with a left foot rub in the right-hand area of ​​the penalty area. The football crossed an inward arc and flew towards the upper left corner of the Monaco goal!

Seeing that the ball is almost flawless,

"De Gea rejected Van der Vaart's wonderful shot!

This ball van der Vaart played beautifully, De Gea was even better!

Real Madrid want to break the goal of Monaco, I think it is not enough to make a fuss outside the penalty area!"

De Gea performed well in the first half of today's game. In fact, he also performed very well in the first round, but the last minute of the mistake was too serious!

Monaco has slowed the pace of the game as much as possible. Real Madrid, because of the fear of counterattacks by Gareth Bell and Suarez, has not invested much in anti-robbery.

Monaco managed to defend the three-ball lead in the lead at the end of the half.

At the end of the first half of the game, the Bernabeu stadium appeared a weak but enough boos!

This is probably the normal situation of Real Madrid. As long as the team's performance is not as expected, the fans always greet them with a boo!

Back in the locker room, Situ Yunbing did not change his tactics, but cheered for the players. At present, the situation will only be more favorable to Monaco, because the game time will be less and less!

At this time, the mentality of the generals of Monaco has changed a lot. They have been a bit afraid of Real Madrid before the first round, and have now become enjoying enjoying the fight with Real Madrid!

Situ Yunbing encouraged the morale of the generals. Captain Modesto also took the lead to inspire the team again. Now Monaco is highly motivated to enter the Champions League!

In the second half, the two sides changed sides and fought.

Real Madrid chose to replace another man at halftime, Kaka was replaced in the first half of the performance, Pellegrini launched the Real Madrid flag character, Raul!

Real Raúl became a three-forward after Raúl was on the court.

As a result, their midfield is a bit weak.

It's not that Guti, Diarra, and Van der Vaart are weak, but compared to Monaco's strength in defending the midfield, their midfield is obviously lacking in penetration and creativity.

After the start of the second half of the game, the atmosphere of Bernabeu became a bit tragic, many Real Madrid fans are watching in silence, wanting to see if the team can break out a strong fighting force in adversity.

Real Madrid started the game, but the effect was not satisfactory. After playing, Raul tried to create opportunities for Ronaldo and Higuain to form a series of offenses on the front line.

Monaco continued to compress the space for close defense.

In the 49th minute of the game, Raúl received Guti's pass in the middle of the right side of the penalty area. He drew the ball in front of Nkuru and dodged the opponent's forcing. He quickly sent the ball straight into the right side of the penalty area.

Wilton turned around and grabbed the ball before Higuain touched the ball to clear the line.

Two minutes later, Abeloa assisted from the right and received a pass from Van der Vaart on the wing and sent a pass around the defender line. Higuain grabbed the ball and flew the ball.

It seems that Real Madrid's offensive threat is beginning to increase, after all, they have an additional striker, which is also reasonable.

But in the 55th minute of the game, after Situ Yunbing once again directed the team to actively oppress, Monaco began to counter the guest and formed a siege of Real Madrid at the Bernabeu Stadium!

Guti and Diarra can't afford Real Madrid's midfield defense at all!

In the 59th minute of the game, Ramos's header from the ball was originally controlled by Guti, but under the pressure of Perez's pressure, he could not control the ball and dared not knock it back, so only Can header for Diarra, Suarez took the lead to intercept the ball in the halfway success, he knocked the ball back to Matic, the latter sent a diagonal pass, Moro followed to the left and went to the frontcourt, on the side The road sent a 45-degree cross, and when the football hung to the middle of the penalty area, Gareth Bell leaped forward and jumped to the header to be attacked by Casillas to save the danger.

Due to less and less game time, Real Madrid was anxious about the center of the offense, and at the same time faced a crazy anti-robbing harassment in the frontcourt of Monaco, making the attack in the midfield and backcourt also problematic.

In the 6th minute of the game, Abeloa encountered Gares Bell in the backcourt. He passed the ball to Ramos, who sent the ball to the midfield with a long pass. Van der Vaart and Nku Lu's confrontation defeated, Monaco immediately launched a fast break from the midfield!

Nkuru decisively sent a direct pass, looking for Gareth Bell, and hit the counterattack at the door of Real Madrid for the first time.

Gareth Bale pulled the ball across the middle when he retreated and faced Diarra's interception. Gareth Bale knocked the ball to the right of the penalty area and Wittsel stopped the ball before the penalty area to adjust the foot. Long shot!

His long-range quality is not high, that is, the power ball is fast, Casillas rushed out to block the ball, and Albiol then pushed the ball to the periphery.

Diarra hasn't controlled the ball yet, and Matic has been oppressed from behind. Monaco's midfield and frontcourt oppression and anti-robbing has been a bit rampant!

The Real Madrid striker only watched anxiously in the midfield.

When Matic stabbed the ball from Diarra to the left rib of the penalty area, Gareth Bell quickly dashed past Ramos!

The situation came suddenly, and Ramos was caught off guard.

Gareth Bell directly swept the ball across the center of the goal after stopping the ball in front of the baseline.

This is almost to replicate their first goal routine. Albiol and Garrett went to block Suarez, and the two formed a team against him, but Suarez still completed a point-shooting shot in the forward rush. It's just that this pass by Gareth Bale is close to the goalkeeper. Casillas still blocked the ball!

When the Monaco fans were disappointed that Suarez had a close shot and was disbanded by Casillas, the football blocked by Casillas in the penalty area was pushed by Witsel into the bottom right corner of the goal!

Casillas knelt in front of the goal line and looked dull, the mentality of Real Madrid fans in the stands of the Bernabeu Stadium exploded!

The boos are deafening!

After seeing this goal appear, Situ Yunbing rushed towards the corner of the flag to celebrate the goal with the Monaco players!

When Monaco led by a total of three goals, Real Madrid was dead, but it wasn't cool yet!

This goal is the whip corpse of Monaco against Real Madrid, confirming that the other party is dead!

The total score of Monaco leads 6:2, Real Madrid must score 5 goals to reverse!

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