In the past three years, the Premier League team has basically traversed in the Champions League. Although only one Manchester United Champions League champion was born, but for three consecutive years, the Premier League teams have reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League!

If calculated from 2005, for five consecutive years, the Premier League teams have stood on the finals.

BIG4 took the runner-up again, Liverpool and Manchester United won the championship, also won the runner-up, 2005 Liverpool champion, 2006 Arsenal runner-up, 07 Liverpool runner-up, 08 Chelsea runner-up, 09 Manchester United runner-up.

At this time, the strength of the Premier League seems to the outside world to rely more on two points, fierce confrontation and abundant physical fitness. Based on these two points, when the pace is accelerated to the level of destruction, even some European giants can't stand it. !

Situ Yunbing made some misjudgments. He believes that Monaco had played against Chelsea in the group stage, and he already had a rough feeling about the pace of the Premier League. Although the two confrontations with Chelsea were all in a post-man's wishful thinking, he was still in the end. I hit some expectations in my heart, but I didn't expect Manchester United to raise the rhythm to the point where Monaco is really at a loss!

Because of the rhythm problem, the attack and defense conversion of Monaco has difficulty in running smoothly. If the attack and defense conversion is not done well, there will be no threat of counterattack, and even the counterattack cannot be hit!

Manchester United are repeatedly attacking the goal of Monaco in the rhythm they are good at.

In the 14th minute of the game, Monaco finally hit a decent counterattack, or Moro sent a long pass in the backcourt to find Suarez in the frontcourt. The latter pulled the ball back after retreating and responded to dodge Carrick's fast after the snatch. Moving forward, Vidic planned to intercept head-on during the retreat.

The combination of Ferdinand and Vidic in the Manchester United championship season in 2008 was the gods and became the best central defender combination in Europe.

Faced with such a defender line, even Suarez is a bit tricky in frontal impact, but he still actively seeks cooperation with his teammates.

Gareth Bale quickly cut into the position to try to counter offside. Just before Gareth Bale rushed past Ferdinand, Suarez was also preparing to pass, and Vidic took advantage of this opportunity to grab immediately!

Suarez did not expect that the opponent would change the pace of the retracement and move up to grab. The rhythm of his feet was instinctively. From instinct to spiking, although Dodge evaded Vidic’s snatch, the timing of the pass was gone. Now, Gareth Bell is offside!

Ferdinand followed closely with Vidic to shrink the defensive distance and complete the pinch against Suarez!

Suarez saw that the situation was not good, he turned his heart across, but when the pass was made to the side, he turned the ball forward with his right foot, then made a sudden thrust from the middle of Ferdinand and Vidic, and Gareth Bell was returning. He didn't turn around to answer. In fact, he was the closest to football, but he knew he was offside and it didn't make much sense to chase it. It would be better to see if Suarez could kill a bloody road to create a threat.

As a result, football passed, and Suarez's forward line was blocked by Ferdinand.

The two collided and Suarez sat on the ground and opened his hands to the referee to complain about the opponent's foul, but the referee did not say anything, presumably Suarez had lost control of the ball.

Manchester United managed to contain Monaco's quick counterattack.

After 3 minutes, Manchester United repeatedly impacted on the left. The combination of Evra and Nani although the threat is definitely not as great as the threat that Evra + C Ronaldo can create in the past few years, but Manchester United’s advantage in rhythm impact can also make Nani and Evra formed a suppressing advantage on the left!

Nanineche took a shot, Evra made a cross from the bottom, or led the offensive depth advantage and then entered the penalty area. During this time, Monaco continued to strengthen the defense on the right.

In the 20th minute of the game, Evra responded to Nani's return from the left. This time he did not continue to strike forward, but crossed the side 45 degrees.

Monaco's defense line was just about to lean forward to the Nani side, and as a result, he saw Evra's passing ball hang to the back of the penalty area.

Park Ji-hsing quickly rushed past Virtong Heng and directly kicked the ball when the football fell.

Rooney midfield followed up and grabbed a shot. De Gea abandoned the goal and blocked at close range. Rooney's shot directly hit De Gea's chest and shot behind him.

Manchester United fans in the stands at Old Trafford Stadium were disappointed.

But when Matic wanted to stop the ball in front of the penalty area, he ignored the threat of snatching from behind.

Matic observed Scholes' position, but did not expect Fletcher to rush up from behind. Before he stopped the ball, Fletcher shot from the side and back and took the lead!

Matic was caught by surprise and stretched his legs subconsciously, but it was too late!

Fletcher went straight into the penalty area on this trip, he did not adjust, but quickly got up and pushed!

Benatia also came up with a slower block. It seems that just now Matic could control the ball and the defense could temporarily clear the alarm.

De Gea quickly got up and ran towards the left post of the goal. After two steps, he immediately saved. When he stretched his right arm to the limit, he was still about half a meter away from the football. The football rolled into Monaco Goal!

Fletcher rushed to the side to celebrate after seeing the football rolling into the goal of Monaco. Manchester United teammates also rushed to him, and the atmosphere at Old Trafford exploded!

"The goal has been scored! Fletcher! Surprising goal scorer! Fletcher fired Manchester United's first shot at the quarterfinals of the Champions League for the fourth consecutive year!

This goal was completely a chance for Fletcher to grab it. The Monaco defense had just experienced a wave of danger. After De Gea blocked Rooney's stealing shot, Matic didn't understand the situation behind him, Fletcher grabbed. Cut off the ball ahead of time, push it into the penalty area and throw the ball into the goal!

We can obviously feel that Monaco has reached the point of losing the ball after the opening. They have not kept up with the pace of Manchester United. Manchester United completely ruled the game in the Dream Theater!

The defensive counterattack that Monaco is famous for has not had the desired effect!

Now Monaco needs to adjust their status first, so as not to be affected by losing the ball. According to Manchester United’s posture today, I am afraid that this goal is only to announce that the game has just begun!"

In the cheerful atmosphere of Old Trafford, Situ Yunbing felt cold sweat oozing from his back.

Real Madrid is very strong, there are more stars, but Real Madrid does not have the crazy momentum and momentum of Manchester United, or this is the unique magic of the Red Devils!

This is the most embarrassing 20-minute game played by Monaco this season!

Without Stuart Yunbing's gesture, the captains Modesto and Perez clapped to encourage teammates to cheer up, and everyone reminded each other to stabilize the scene.

After the Red Devils celebration, the game continued, Monaco tried to counterattack, but the offense was very unsatisfactory. From a technical perspective, in the case of rhythm and blood, the time for the player to handle the ball will be less, which is a technical ability for the player. The requirements will be higher!

It happens that Monaco is a bit weak in the midfield technical link. They are more than tough, lack of finesse, have no problem with defense, but have a little offensive offense.

In the fast pace, the pass is more accurate. The slight difference is to give the opponent an opportunity to attack on the spot.

In the 29th minute of the game, Gareth Bale forced a long shot in the left zone in front of the Manchester United penalty area, and Vanderssa easily saved the danger.

Situ Yunbing shook his head slightly on the sidelines. Monaco completely lost his sense of rhythm under the rhythm of Manchester United. Even if there was a chance to fight back, he became irritable. As if football was a time bomb, he wanted to kick the ball away from himself earlier.

Situ Yunbing continuously gestured to the players on the sidelines, indicating that they should remain calm. As long as the offense develops to the opponent's halftime, they still have to improve their efficiency. Don't play too blindly.

Old Trafford's home pressure, the Red Devils drove the game as fast as lightning, as if to make Monaco suffocating!

In the 33rd minute of the game, Gary Neville assisted from the right and pulled the ball back diagonally after holding down Monaco's left defense. Scholes and Carrick skillfully completed the forward pass. After the ball was inserted, the ball was gently divided in front of the penalty area in front of Nkuru. Rooney kicked the ball in the pass when Virtonghen made a defense.

Nkuru's previous grab was too big, Scholes inserted him before turning around and chasing away!

In response to Rooney's cross, Scholes directly kicked in front of the penalty area!

The football is less than 30 cm off the ground, and De Gea hastily fell to the ground and stretched his legs to block the ball!

The football that flew to the left of the penalty area flew to the place where Nani was. Modesto immediately quickly headed out and stretched his leg to clear the ball outside the sideline before the football landed. As a result, the football hit Nani's leg Refraction went behind the sidewalk.

Evra rushed past Witsel's side and took the lead to advance the ball for 5 yards and broke the ball!

The Monaco defensive line has just eased from the last wave of danger, and Manchester United's second attack has once again surged!

Evra's passing ball was in the middle of the penalty area. Benatia moved to the limit in an attempt to header the ball, but the football passed by less than 10 cm above his head!


And a mile away behind him, Rooney rushed forward and rushed to the front to attack the goal!

The football went straight to the top left of the goal midway, De Gea reached out and tried to block, but still unable to return to the sky!

The ball speed is too fast!

Football flew into the goal of Monaco again!

Rooney ran to the sidelines with open arms to celebrate, Old Trafford cheers shaking all directions!

Situ Yunbing frowned, but his eyes were still sharp.

This trend was completely unexpected by him. Monaco is already on the verge of collapse. If no effective adjustment is made at this time, then the Monaco Champions League tour may end at Old Trafford, the Red Devils Dream Theater!

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